The mourning and joy echoed for seven days. Mingshu wore mourning clothes and was introduced to adults he had never met from time to time.The mourning clothes didn't fit well, they wore like an oversized sack, and the wind, blowing in, could knock him staggering if he was distracted.

Not everyone is wearing mourning clothes. In fact, there are only a few people wearing mourning clothes. The others are all wearing black suits or skirts, solemn and dignified.

Mingshu knows who the other people in mourning are—they are all his brothers and sisters in name. To the deceased old man, they are the grandchildren of relatives, and it is their responsibility to wear mourning for the old man.

But Mingshu scoffed at this responsibility.

He has already reached a sensible age, how much he longed for family affection when he was a child, and how much he rejects family affection now.Grandparents took care of him anyway, what did the elders of the Wen family do?

They are not loving elders, but he wants to act as a filial grandson here.

The trip agreed with my brother fell through, and the knife given to my brother disappeared.He suppressed the fire in his heart, endured day by day, finally held back, and did not explode at the funeral.

Because he knew that would be wrong and unseemly.His elder brother taught him a lot of truths. Back then, he always resisted when he was wronged because of his mother's words "boys can't cry". His elder brother said that he can cry, he can cry if he listens to his elder brother.

My brother said that holding back is not brave, and crying is not coquettish.It is more important for boys to have responsibility and responsibility.

The word "responsibility" is engraved in his heart. Even if he has no feelings for the deceased old man, he is unwilling to play a filial grandson in the funeral, but he understands that he needs to fulfill such a responsibility.

When her father was buried, Wen Yue was both sad and exhausted. She slept from morning to night, and when she woke up, she saw Ming Shu sitting upright on a chair beside her, looking at her expressionlessly, and felt a burst of panic.

That was her child, this was her natal family, and she shouldn't have panicked.

"You..." She sat up, tried not to look embarrassed, and said politely, "What can I do for you?"

Mingshu remembered that when Wen Yue came to his grandfather's house when he was a child, he was so happy that he couldn't sleep. He wanted his mother to hug and kiss him, but even if his mother hugged her, the hug was very reluctant.

Now, he could no longer equate the word "mother" with the woman in front of him.

When they took him away from his brother's house, she slapped him so hard that his head hit the window glass. He couldn't remember whether it hurt or not, but he clearly remembered that there was a buzzing sound deep in his brain at that time. Ming.

Like a swarm of disgusting flies.

"Did you pack my suitcase?" Mingshu asked.

He felt that he managed his emotions very well, he didn't show a hideous expression, and his tone was considered calm.He didn't make a big funeral because of the missing knife, it was because of the responsibility his brother taught him.

Now that the funeral was over, he had to get the knife back.

But in Wen Yue's eyes, his calmness and alienation are hateful questioning.

How can a child talk to an adult like that?

Wen Yue got angry in her heart, stood up and said, "I don't have time to take care of your luggage."

Mingshu raised his head and looked at Wen Yue.He once longed for her and was afraid of her, but now these two emotions are gone, he just wants to get back the knife he gave to his brother.

"I put a knife in the box." He raised his hands and made a gesture. "It's a craft dagger. I plan to give it to my brother. The box is gone, so I can't find it."

Wen Yue frowned, feeling that this calmly speaking child was not her child at all.

Mingshu was not like this when he was a child. His eyes were big and bright. When he looked at people, he always seemed to have light shining in them. He smiled clearly. When he timidly stretched out his little hand to call his mother, he felt like he wanted to get close but dared not rely on him. The grievance of being too close.

She knew that Mingshu was trying to curry favor with her, but how dare she let Mingshu get close to her?

Her marriage with Ming Haofeng was a deal. She could have had another life, but it was ruined by this marriage.For a while, she didn't even dare to look at Mingshu, his existence reminded her all the time - how much you lost for this marriage.

She was almost bewildered.

But now, looking at such a cold and unfamiliar child, she actually began to miss the child who carefully curry favor with her.

She didn't want to admit that she was a little afraid of Mingshu now.

Because she was afraid, she couldn't pretend to be angry and arrogant, and her voice was high-pitched, "Don't ask me for a knife, Minghao...your father has already thrown it away."

She remembered the knife. Mingshu's luggage was stopped when passing through the security check. The security inspector said that the knife could not be brought up. Ming Haofeng looked at it and threw it away.

In their eyes, that knife is not something worth saving.

Mingshu's face finally changed, "Throw it?"

Wen Yue finished explaining: "It's your fault, who told you to put a knife in the suitcase, such a dangerous tool cannot be boarded on the plane at all!"

Mingshu clenched his fist, losing the dagger was a big deal for him, but Wen Yue's reaction actually diluted his anger.

Because he thought Wen Yue was a little ridiculous.

Even he knows that when encountering a problem, find out your own problems first, and don't blame others as soon as you come, doesn't Wen Yue know?

He stared at Wen Yue, and Wen Yue also looked at him.But the staring didn't last long, Wen Yue quickly covered her eyes with her hands, "I'm tired, don't bother me with such things."

"That's a gift from me to my brother." Mingshu said, "I'm not here to bother you, I just want to get it back."

"I can't find it! Throw it away! It's already thrown away! Don't you understand? It was thrown away by Ming Haofeng!" Wen Yue screamed suddenly, and hurriedly took out a card from the bedside table and threw it at Ming Shu's feet, " Go buy it yourself, you can buy anything! Don't bother me!"

Mingshu didn't pick it up.

He felt that Wen Yue should really pay for his knife, 329 yuan, not even a fraction of it.

But he didn't want to bend down to pick up the card.

"Get out!" Wen Yue pointed at the door, her arms trembling, "Get out!"

Mingshu stood there, motionless, "Give me back my knife."

Wen Yue was completely irritated, and shouted: "Don't you know how to buy it yourself? What kind of incredible knife is that, you have to ask me for it?"

"Because you came looking for me suddenly, I lost my knife. If I don't want it from you, who should I ask for it?" Mingshu stepped forward, his sneakers stepped on a corner of the card, "I don't want other knives, I just want that one."

Wen Yue looked at the approaching boy and felt a splitting headache.She felt that she shouldn't have given birth to Mingshu at all. This monster—yes, in her eyes, her child was a monster—had come to collect debts from her.

Unable to restrain herself, she raised her hand again and slapped Mingshu mercilessly.

But this time it was different from the car, Mingshu tilted his head, not only was not hit, but also grabbed her wrist.

She pulled back hard, but she didn't break free with the first blow.Although she still broke free later, it was only a child in the fifth grade, and she almost failed to break free from Mingshu's hand!

This made her panic even more, and she cried out.

A kind of pleasure of revenge rose in Mingshu's heart, and he continued: "I lost my knife, return it to me."

One sound at a time, like a mantra.

Wen Yue smashed the vase on the ground, and the movement attracted many people, all of whom were members of the Wen family. Ming Haofeng didn't live here—although he and Wen Yue played a harmonious couple at the funeral, these days he has been Lived in the hotel, did not share the same bed with Wen Yue.

The people who rushed in separated Ming Shu and Wen Yue, Wen Yue was still screaming, but Ming Shu didn't say a word.

He heard them ask Wen Yue if he forgot to take his medicine, and what happened just now, they were very caring, as if he had bullied his mother.

He didn't want to stay here for a minute, he didn't need the knife, so he had to go home quickly.

Go back to my brother's house.

Even if his brother and sister Jinlan were not there, he wanted to go back.Xiao Jincheng must be being forced to do homework. Brother Ting was watching from the sidelines, but the paper was blank, and then they fought because of the homework...

Ming Haofeng still came to Wen's house, it was Wen Yue who called.

"You shouldn't talk to your mother like that. She's not in good health." Ming Haofeng stood in front of Mingshu. He was too tall, tall and strong. Mingshu looked up at him and said, "Where's the knife?"

Ming Haofeng frowned.

When Mingshu didn't remember anything, he put Mingshu in his father's house. Ming's family had strict education, and he took it for granted that his father would teach him to be an obedient and reasonable boy.

But Mingshu asked him directly, where is the knife?

The child's face is still childish, but the eyes are really like a knife.

Who raised Mingshu to be like this?I don't know etiquette, arrogant, lawless!

Certainly not the old man.

He already knew about Mingshu's frequent visits to Xiao's house next door.Just don't care.Both the Xiao family and the Ming family are decent families, and he and Xiao Lanyue have known each other for many years.He didn't expect that the consequence of letting Mingshu go to Xiao's house would be to challenge him with hostility.

The adult man's aura is suppressed, no matter how straight Mingshu's waist is, he still can't help feeling guilty.He took a step back, looking wary, "I want to go home, when will you take me home?"

Ming Haofeng stepped forward, "Who taught you to talk to elders with this attitude?"

Since New Year's Eve, the seaside has never been cloudy, and the sun is shining every day, making people feel warm.This year, all four members of Xiao Yu'an's family came, and originally planned to stay until the tenth day of the new year before going back, but the more Xiao Yu'an thought about Mingshu's state when he was taken away, the more worried he became.

Grandpa is old and not in good health, and he can spend less time with the old man. It is rare for him to come back during the Spring Festival, so he shouldn't leave so soon.

But Mingshu's side, he really couldn't let go.

"I'm also worried about my little one." In the evening, when the siblings were walking on the beach, Xiao Jinlan said, "Why don't you go back first? I'll accompany grandpa."

Xiao Yu'an turned around, and it was obvious at a glance that Xiao Jinlan knew what he was thinking and said so on purpose.

"Oh, don't look at me like that." Xiao Jinlan covered her face with a smile, "I wonder if your sister can't stand handsome guys?"

He chuckled.

Xiao Jinlan patted him on the shoulder, "I have a long winter vacation, so I go back to face the three of you, plus a little one, why not spend more time with grandpa."

Xiao Yuan nodded, "I'll think about it again."

Xiao Jinlan smiled, "What else are you thinking about, you are my elder brother."

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