The Hong Kong black I drew is coming to you!

Chapter 69 Day 69 of time travel

And Kusuo Saiki, who was sitting in a secluded ramen restaurant, raised his head as if aware of it.

The defense mechanism he had put on someone was triggered.

It seems that the other side is going very smoothly.

Thinking of this, Saiki lowered his head and took a mouthful of ramen.

Hasunuma, on the other hand, recalled what Saiki Kusuo once told him about Dazai Osamu and another him in another world.

That's a very short story.

Osamu Dazai of the parallel world accidentally got a book when he was young, and thus opened the way to peek into the parallel world.

And in this book, he learned that he will have a close friend named Oda Saku, and at the same time, he also learned that a boss named Akizuki Rennuma will destroy countless parallel worlds in the future world.

At first, Osamu Dazai, who has become the leader of Hong Kong gangsters, didn't care about this person named Akizuki Hasunuma.

What does the destruction of the world have to do with him?Is it possible to let him save the world?

He's just a nobody trying to create a world where Odasaku lives.

But when he found out that this Qiuyue Rennuma actually chose to kill himself in the parallel world, he became interested in this ruthless person.

In his world, Akizuki Rennuma also exists, and the other party is just an ordinary high school student.

After observing for a long time, Osamu Dazai has not been able to find any signs of becoming a vicious person from this person, but the other party discovered his perverted Stoka behavior first.

"Who gave you the courage to follow me?" Hasunuma looked at Osamu Dazai coldly, "Do you want to die?"

He looked as if he wanted to kick Dazai Osamu directly into the trash cans on both sides of the dark alley, but he stopped this dangerous thought after seeing the bandages on Dazai Osamu.

He sighed, and then said helplessly: "Forget it, you'd better go, you don't look like a long-lived person, so you should seize the opportunity and cherish the present moment."

Osamu Dazai's iris eyes widened slightly.

Hasunuma said these words very sincerely, even though the meaning expressed could set an ordinary person on fire on the spot.

However, Osamu Dazai is not an ordinary person, and Hasunuma's series of reactions can only be described as funny in his eyes.

Akizuki Hasunuma's personality in the parallel world is almost the same. How did such a person become the boss of the future world?With his soft heart?

Before Osamu Dazai could get to know the Oda Saku who became close friends with himself in the parallel world, he became friends with Akizuki Hasunuma by accident.

This is a friendship that began with "peeping".

Hasunuma didn't express much about Osamu Dazai's frequent appearance by his side. However, as time went by, the two gradually became different friends.

——Because Hasunuma seems to know nothing about Dazai Osamu, but Dazai Osamu knows everything about him like the back of his hand.

The two actually became friends under this unequal relationship.

Osamu Dazai never revealed his identity, nor did he talk about the major events that happened in Hasunuma in another world.Hasunuma seemed indifferent to this, but it gave Osamu Dazai a wonderful feeling that he knew everything by heart.

Gradually, Osamu Dazai discovered that Hasunuma just had a shrewd appearance, but was actually naturally terrifying.

"...Alian, tell me, if someone with your personality wanted to become a world-class boss, what would he go through?" Osamu Dazai couldn't help asking.

Hasunuma showed an indescribable expression, as if asking him why he would ask such an unimaginable question.

Due to his serious personality, Hasunuma still said after thinking for a while: "If I will become a boss of this level, I must have suffered a lot." After thinking about it, he nodded to confirm his words, " Because, I neither have that kind of proud scheming, nor am I a person who pursues strategy, if I want to become that kind of person, I guess the whole growth path will be full of suffering."

Dazai Osamu was slightly taken aback, he did not expect Hasunuma's answer to be like this. it all, suffering?

So, what has Akizuki Hasunuma experienced along the way to become a boss?

Once again secretly observing Odasaku but was discovered by Hasunuma, the blue-haired boy just told him coldly: "If you don't want to maintain this kind of cowardly persona for the rest of your life, then take your courage and make something. Something like that."

Osamu Dazai puffed his face and blew the bangs on his forehead, "Sorry, I will be a coward for the rest of my life!"

What responded to him was the movement of Hasunuma silently sitting beside him.

"Then don't regret it." In the end, Hasunuma said this.

Osamu Dazai turned his head to look at this somewhat different person with some doubts, and then he heard Hasunuma whispering a story about Noriake Kakyoin.

It was a man who followed a friend on a 56-day trip to Egypt.

In the end, he didn't come back.

He once said goodbye to Hasunuma on the eve of departure, but Hasunuma, who was full of reluctance and foreboding, did not follow his heart and stop him.

Hasunuma chose the idea of ​​fulfilling Dianming, even though Dianming was also full of anxiety at that time.

According to Noriaki, Hasunuma concealed the plan for him. However, when Hasunuma saw Noriaki again, he only saw him sleeping.

"Since then, I have vowed to be a man of courage—always have the courage to follow my heart."

That is the story of Hasunuma, an incomplete and full of regrets.

Although he was full of reluctance, he still chose a gentle approach.Since then, he has become the current Qiuyue Liannuma - as long as it is something he believes in, he can fuck it if he says it :)

"Are you... until now, still thinking about that matter?" Osamu Dazai asked softly.

Hasunuma was silent for a long time, "It's always there."

I would think, what if he stopped Brother Dianming?What if he catches up with Brother Dianming?Why let Brother Dianming be such a gentle and good person?Why be a hypocrite?Why never listen to your inner voice?

Why did Brother Dianming come to say goodbye to him?Do you want him to say something?And him?Did you really say the answer that made Brother Dianming happy?

"Actually, I—" Maybe it was because the atmosphere was so good, Osamu Dazai had the idea of ​​wanting to adapt to the atmosphere for the first time, maybe he should also tell his own story.

Who knows, just after he said a few words, he was interrupted by Hasunuma in disgust, "It's ok, needless to say, I'm not very interested in this kind of link that I will tell after you finish telling the tragic story."

Dazai Osamu: "..."

In this way, Osamu Dazai has never had the opportunity to tell his inner journey.

But it cannot be denied that at this moment, the two of them are like small animals licking each other's wounds, carefully showing the wounds under their respective hairs.

"...Why, life always consists of so much despair?" Dazai Osamu murmured.

"Life will always have flaws, and we live hard to fill these gaps."

So, are you also the one who comes to fill in my incompleteness?

On that day, Osamu Dazai felt that the existence of Hasunuma had become his new bond.

However, even Osamu Dazai never possessed the ability to predict the future.

One day, Akizuki Rennuma disappeared.

All evidence points to him being hit by a mysterious purple cannon barrel before disappearing, and he hasn't been seen since.

As smart as Osamu Dazai, it took him almost no time to understand the cause and effect of the matter.

His friend Hasunuma is being targeted by the future villain Akizuki Hasunuma.Because Akizuki Hasunuma ten years ago did not have the confidence to defeat Hasunuma, he hit him with a ten-year bazooka and forced him to be teleported to ten years later, the future boss Akizuki Hasunuma.

What happened next is self-evident.

Hasunuma failed to return from that dark and bloody future.Only time is irreversible.Hasunuma completely disappeared from this world.

Life is so short, and this short life is filled with countless despairs.

For Dazai, life is just a journey that makes him constantly give up important things.

His important friend just disappeared forever.

In this absurd world, Osamu Dazai chose to implant the emotions that Akizuki Renuma stole from Hasunuma in another world into the body of the culprit.

Before the world froze, Osamu Dazai smiled at Akizuki Rennuma.

Just live with two completely different emotions.

Don't you want another Hasunuma to be your scapegoat?When you deal with the people around him, do it with his emotions.

If you want to revive Noriaki Kakyoin, you have to attack other important people.

The smiling Osamu Dazai fell into silence along with the world.

He was too tired, and despair overwhelmed him again like a tide.

The person who could give him a brief moment of relaxation has disappeared from the world.As for the other person, he still hasn't been able to muster up the courage to make him stronger like an ordinary stranger.

What he insisted on fell apart in an instant.

Just let him breathe a little easier, go to that world of eternal darkness, and seal up his thoughts and feelings together.

At the end, Akizuki Hasunuma took Dazai Osamu's book away, and cut a small part out of it and put it on Hasunuma's desk.

Without Akizuki Renuma's knowledge, Osamu Dazai quietly stored a wisp of his consciousness in the divided notebook.

Hasunuma sighed softly, it seems that Osamu Dazai from another world and him from another world are very good friends.

If he wanted to regain his feelings, he could only defeat Qiuyue Liannuma, and then restore the other silent parallel worlds.

"So, I just need to kill him?" Hasunuma asked seriously.

Saiki Kusuo looked at him speechlessly.

Heck, is this the guy whose emotional system has been completely deprived?

No matter how heinous he is, that person is also Qiuyue Liannuma in the parallel world. Is there really nothing wrong with calling himself so calm? !


Hasunuma nodded clearly, and he knew how the boss could be so easy to fight.

If it was really just killing the other party, Qi Mu-jun would have made a move long ago.

Hearing Hasunuma's heartbeat, Qi Mu secretly nodded in his heart.

This is indeed the case.

Suddenly, Hasunuma suddenly thought of a very important question.

"Sai Mu-kun, if the other world falls into silence, that means you in the other world...?" Was also defeated by Akizuki Rennuma!

Qi Mu looked at him expressionlessly.

How can it be!

After all, among so many parallel worlds, only this world has the superpower Saiki Kusuo exists.

After hearing Saiki's answer, Hasunuma's expression became complicated, " why is there a me in every parallel world! Dazai-kun and Chuya-kun don't seem to exist in every parallel world, right? "For example, in his world, there is no trace of these two people!

Qi Mu nodded heavily, so this is one of the reasons why Qiuyue Rennuma picked him up to devour him crazily—there were too many.

So he roughly described for Liannuma the horror of Qiuyue Liannuma.

"Until his wish is fulfilled, he cannot be killed."

The stand-in ability evolved by Akizuki Renuma endowed him with a new characteristic—a ray of life.

As long as the obsession remains in his heart, he can lick his wounds in any dangerous situation and finally recover.

Although this description is very abstract, Hasunuma still accurately grasped the key points in Saiki Kusuo's words, and then he asked in shock: "What kind of cockroach physique is this?!"

Wouldn't it be too bossy to draw this setting intact into the comics?Isn't this the legendary cockroach that never dies!

Qi Mu: "...???" Is the point really this? Hey!

If this problem is not resolved, the manga can wait until Santuchuan is serialized.

Hasunuma tried to calm down his mood, and then hesitantly asked: "Then why didn't I?"

Qi Mu gave him a blank look, of course because he didn't have the qualifications, nor did he have the heart to destroy the world.

"So, is this the reason why Qi Mu-kun never did anything to me?" Hasunuma said thoughtfully.

Anyway, no matter how you fight, you won't be able to kill him. After the fight, it may make Qiuyue Rennuma stronger. The most effective way is to stand still.

Could it be that he really had to wait for Qiuyue Liannuma to revive brother Dianming before he could be killed?

etc!This is completely meaningless! The bosses have all succeeded, and these brave men have no meaning of existence at all.

After thinking for a while, Hasunuma asked cautiously: "But, can't Mr. Saiki hear the sound of his heart? Maybe we can find other ways to eliminate his obsession?"

Qi Mu shook his head.As early as Akizuki Hasunuma knew of his existence, she was the first to find a prop that could block his mind-reading ability.

And the reason why he found Hasunuma is because he is currently the most likely person to solve Qiuyue Hasunuma's obsession.

... This turned out to be the accurate result of his classmate's fortune-telling.

"So I have to come up with a way to let him lead a peaceful dog?!" Hasunuma was shocked.

What the hell is this epic purgatory dungeon!

After calming down all afternoon, Hasunuma took out his magic notebook again.

After seeing his actions, Saiki observed Hasunuma calmly.

"Sai Mu-kun, in the next decisive battle, I might never return, right?" Hasunuma said.

Qi Mu raised his eyebrows, he felt that his identity as a superpower had been challenged.But indeed, from the current point of view, Hasunuma looks dead in the eyes of fortune tellers.

"Since this is the case, can I still meet my friends from other worlds? It can be regarded as saying goodbye to them." Lianuma said calmly, he opened his notebook, "I have already sent him a letter from Ah Zheng. The letter, counting the time, he may receive it soon. I also said goodbye to Mr. Luhan. If this is the case, only Chuya-kun and the others will be left."

Saiki was not surprised by Hasunuma's plan, he nodded calmly.

"But, how should I get there?" Hasunuma was a little confused.

Saiki's eyes moved to Hasunuma's notebook, the meaning was very obvious.

"This notebook seems to have a strong personal consciousness." Hasunuma looked at the notebook in his hand with a big head, "I always feel that the smiling face he writes every time is mocking me."

Qi Mu's expression became subtle again.

No, it's just that that guy is very dissatisfied with the fact that you and Zhong Yuanzhong became friends first, and even have the possibility of further development, that's all, like a demon family.

"Write it again." In the end, Saiki said to Hasunuma.

Hearing this, Hasunuma picked up a pen and carefully wrote a line in his notebook.

Hope to go back to the world where Chuya-kun and the others are.

After finishing writing, Hasunuma was about to go to sleep, waiting for his own time travel. Unexpectedly, the next second after he wrote, his eyes went dark. When he could see the surrounding scenes clearly, he was surprised to find that Oneself was standing in Yokohama Port.

The most amazing thing is that this time, he didn't possess anyone, but stood at the port of night as a lonely soul.

He looked back at the towering Hong Kong and Hei Building, and after thinking about it for a while, he decided to look for Zhong Ye.

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