
Chapter 4

Can't believe they are twins.

Although Jiang Ming was much more cheerful than when he was a child, he was still not good enough to joke around with others, but his deskmate on the left and the classmates behind him were bickering with each other every day, and he couldn't think it was normal.

The class bell rang, and Jiang Ming didn't want to continue arguing with Yang Yuqian, so he stopped talking.

But Yang Yuqian was a little indebted, kicking Jiang Ming under the table during class.

Jiang Ming felt a raging fire burst out of his body, and wiped the dust off his trousers with a displeased face. When the teacher turned to write on the blackboard, he kicked back hard.

With a little effort, Yang Yuqian almost fell off the bench.

"Day!" Yang Yuqian grabbed onto Jiangming's arm and dug his long nails into his skin, getting harder and harder.

Jiang Ming frowned tightly, the pain was tolerable, but the anger was unbearable!

Jiang Ming grabbed the opponent's fingers back and pinched him fiercely.

If you pinch harder, I will be harder than you.

So the two of them twisted their hands together for a class.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and as soon as the teacher walked out of the classroom, both of them jumped up instantly as if there were landmines under their feet, and then fought violently.

This commotion knocked down the front and back desks, and the contents of the desks were scattered all over the floor.

The desks in their school were connected by two people, so the things of four people were mixed together, and the desks and stools were tilted to and fro, making a mess in an instant.

The two of you punched and kicked each other, and rolled to the ground after hitting each other.

Yang and Mo tried to persuade the fight from the very beginning, but not only was it useless, they were also accidentally injured by a few punches.

A girl whispered, "Hurry up and call the teacher."

Yang Yumo just ran out of the classroom and brought the teacher in after a while.

In the office, Jiang Ming, Yang and Qian stood side by side in front of the head teacher to listen to the training.

The head teacher is a male teacher, surnamed Li.

"Ms. Li, can I change my seat?" Jiang Ming asked.

Teacher Li pondered for a while, and said softly to Jiang Ming: "Jiang Ming, the teacher knows you have a good temper, so it must be because Yang Yuqian always provokes you that you fight, right?"

Jiang Ming pursed his lips and nodded.

Yang Yuqian: "Cut!"

"Shut up!" Teacher Li said to Yang Yuqian, and then looked at Jiang Ming tenderly, "You also know how skinny Yang Yuqian is, the children in our class are not as good-tempered as you, and they are all afraid of him, you He is the bravest kid in our class, so you should take care of him more and let him do what you can, okay?"

"..." Jiang Ming hesitated for a while before nodding hesitantly.

Teacher Li smiled and patted Jiangming on the shoulder in relief, telling him to go back to the classroom first, leaving Yang and Qian to do ideological education alone.

When school was over, Yang Yumo dragged his elder brother Yang Yuqian over, "Jiangming, we treat you to a magician today."

"It's you, not us." Yang Yuqian corrected.

Jiang Ming and Yang Yumo ignored him, and went to the canteen in front of the school together.

"Yang Yuqian, tell me why Teacher Li didn't put you and Yang Yumo together. Isn't that what everyone's happy?" "Everyone's happy" is a word that Ming just saw in the book today, and he used it skillfully .

"You are stupid," Yang Yumo said while paying, "If we sit together, we don't need to learn, and we must quarrel every day."

Jiang Ming opened a pack of magicians. The card inside was Luffy's. He had drawn it before, and he wanted to throw this small card into the trash can.

"Hey no! I want it!" Yang Yuqian said anxiously.

Jiang Ming glanced at him and shook the card in his hand, "Then you promise me that if you don't mess with me for a week, I will send you off."

"Okay!" Yang Yuqian said and was about to grab it.

"Wait," Jiang Ming avoided him, "I'll give it after a week."

Yang Yuqian clicked his tongue, "Then I won't do it, maybe I will get it next time I buy it."

"Then if you ask me to make spicy strips, I'll give it to you." Jiang Ming suddenly lowered the conditions.

"Okay!" Yang Yuqian simply went to buy spicy strips.

Jiang Ming shouted behind him: "I want beef with a big knife."

Yang Yumo rubbed his chin, "Jiangming, you are really smart."

Jiang Ming poured a sip of the magician into his mouth, chewed and said, "Your brother is so stupid, I have never seen anyone more stupid than him."

"Yeah, I haven't seen it either," Yang Yumo nodded in agreement, "Why don't I, who never swears, call him an idiot every day."

At their age, even if they don't know what those swear words mean, they can still swear vigorously.No matter what it means, it’s cool to say it. People in the senior grades say it, and the children follow suit. It seems that if you know these words, you are better than others.

But they still know what it means to be stupid, so they just scold a person for their poor brains, and Fu Qiu often calls him stupid.

Yang Yuqian bought a package of big-knife beef and came back, watching Jiang Ming not move.

Jiang Ming said, "Give it all to Yang and Mo."

"Oh, you're not childish." Yang and Mo took the card and the spicy strips, and then handed them to them respectively.

They all walked home by themselves, but Jiang Ming and the two of them took different paths, and after waving goodbye, they walked in the opposite direction.


On the way home, a small park was built, which is not called a park, but a few forest trails, a rockery, and a small fish pond.

The surface of the rockery is full of pits and pits, the angle is inclined inward, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, a circle is built under the shadow of the slope of the rockery, and a hole about one meter is dug down, which is a fish pond, the size of which is two square meters at the top of the sky. .

There are not many aquatic plants at the bottom of the water, and brightly colored goldfish and dark mud can be clearly seen.

Every time Jiang Ming passed by here, he would squat by the side of this small fish pond and look at it for a while, dialing the water with his hands, but today he stood by and watched, especially wanting to catch a fish.

With this thought, Jiang Ming took a small step forward without hesitation, stepped on the edge of the fish pond, and supported the rockery opposite with his left hand.

The fish pond is very narrow, less than one meter wide. When he leaned on the rockery and stretched his right hand into the water, he still felt that there was plenty of room.

A few days after the goldfish came in, they were still very clever. There was only one pure golden fish among a bunch of colorful fish, which was very eye-catching.

Jiang Ming stared at this distinctive fish, chasing after the wind for a while, and finally grabbed the tip of its tail. It kept thumping and splashing.

Jiang Ming suddenly became excited, and his other hand wanted to come up to help.

As soon as the hand supporting the rockery was withdrawn, his center of gravity was unstable, and his body tipped like a fish pond without any suspense.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly pushed his hands back, and in a hurry, he only reached a lower place, and when his hands slipped, he fell down irretrievably...

Since Fu Qiu lived in this house, he has built an enchantment around it. He didn't go out very much before, but since Jiang Ming went to school, he basically went out every day.

He still remembered that he was found by someone on the first day he went out. Although he didn't encounter much trouble later, he knew that he had been exposed and he had to be on guard at all times.

But today the situation is a bit troublesome.

He looked at the snake demon who had practiced for at least a thousand years, and felt a little guilty.

In this situation, we can only take the best policy.

The two sides hid their bodies so that no one could see them, and they both looked at each other quietly, and neither of them made a move first.

"The youngest son of the fox demon king," the snake demon said slowly, "Fuqiu?"

"Exactly." Fu Qiu concentrated on it carefully, not daring to relax at all.

"Don't be nervous, I have no grievances or enmities with you, it's just that your father treated me coldly before I became a spirit. Remember me, I just want to chat with him, catch up on the old days, can you show me the way?"

Fu Qiu complained fiercely in his heart about the half-ancient and half-modern language of the other party, "It's inconvenient to lead the way, but it's fine to lead the way."

"This..." The snake demon seemed to be thinking, and then suddenly moved forward, "I'm afraid you can't help it!"

"Damn!" Fu Qiu turned back quickly, this is really a fucking fight if there is a disagreement.

When the other party waved his hand, the fallen leaves suddenly rose up, gathered together in an instant, and stabbed towards Fu Qiu.

Fu Qiu stretched out the four tails, and then brought them from all directions to the front. The tips of the four tails were twisted up, and a red fireball was exuded from the top, and it also gathered enough strength to shoot towards the leaves.

The two energies collided, flying sand and rocks in an instant, and the wind was like a thorn.

Fu Qiu wanted to run away quickly, but the other party knew his intentions and quickly attacked him.

Fu Qiu frowned tightly, fighting hard!

Jiang Ming struggled to get up from the fish pond and climbed onto the shore.

After a while of slowing down my beating heart, I picked up the schoolbag that was put aside and went back to the road.

His face was covered with water, Jiang Ming raised his hand to touch it, and when he put it down, he saw the bright red on his palm.

He was startled, and stared at the palm for a while before remembering to touch where it was hurt.

But he didn't know where the wound was after touching it for a while, because his whole face was wet, and he didn't feel any pain.

Continuing to walk on the way home, on the way, I slowly felt liquid dripping from a certain part of the head, sliding over the corners of the eyes and cheeks, flowing down from the chin into the collar, and some dripped down and rubbed against the clothes and fell to the ground.

Jiang Ming panicked, ran all the way home, and opened the door with the key hanging around his neck.

"Fu Qiu!" Jiang Ming shouted, but the TV in the living room was turned off, as if no one was at home.

Jiang Ming felt a little dizzy and his limbs were a little weak. He reluctantly walked into the living room. When he passed the sofa, he saw a person lying behind him.

The man's hair was snow-white without a trace of variegation, his face was so pale that it almost merged with the color of his hair, his body was so thin that the bones could be seen through the clothes, sharp teeth on both sides could be vaguely seen between the tightly clenched lips, and There are sharp nails on fingers that are set aside limp...

It's Fuqiu!

Jiang Ming hadn't had time to think about Fu Qiu's originally black and smooth hair.

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