Passing through the station

Chapter 108 God of Wealth Dog

Die Lianhua's opening, under the insistence of boss Ruan, opened as scheduled.

It did not exceed the expectations of the second boss, Ji Nandie, and went crazy as soon as the sale was made.

On the day of the opening, in order to sell the face of Ji Nandie, the princess and wife of the general, many noble ladies from the capital came to the store to buy in person.

It has long been no secret to these well-informed people that Dielianhua and Bailifang are behind the same boss.It is not a secret that the products of Bailifang are very easy to use.

In autumn, the air starts to dry out.For many rough guys, there is no problem.But for these sophisticated ladies, a season's change is enough to change their lives.

Rouge gouache is the top priority.

On weekdays, they basically don't come to buy in person.Most of them notify the store directly, and let the store take the goods and deliver them directly to the door.For the smaller ones, a maid was sent to buy them.

Da Zhou's ethos is not as rigid as Ruan Bai thought, but it's not open either.Most of the people who shop in the street are men.The women are at least a little bit older, or it can be clearly seen from the clothes that they are ordinary people with low status.

Although today's noble ladies don't pay attention to leaving the door and not going out, it is very rare to be able to get this kind of opportunity to go out for shopping.

Unlike Bailifang, which only has a small courtyard, Dielianhua is as large as five Bailifang. It not only has a lounge, but also an exhibition hall. There is also a small piece of Pinghuai Lake surrounded by a few lotuses floating in the back. leaf.

The shopping guides are all young and beautiful girls, and Ji Nandie bought them directly from Ren Yazi.The background of the Zuo family is not as deep as that of the Chu family, and the family does not have many children.She is a married girl, and it is not easy to use people from the Chu family.What's more, the husband and wife lived alone in the capital, and were not with the big family... She also didn't want to be surrounded by so-and-so's eyeliner.

She has been training these girls for several years.Anyway, they have a small family and don't need too many people to serve them, so it's just right to put them in the store now.

In fact, for men, the various goods in Bailifang are detailed enough.Of course, this is something they haven't seen women.There are several kinds of skin care products for different skin types.Coupled with all kinds of makeup, the faces of shopping guide girls are the best display platform.

Before coming here, Shuyuan who thought about buying a few sets simply and rudely, their eyes became brighter and brighter.When they learned that they were only allowed to buy a total of [-] sets of products every day, if they hadn't been well-educated enough, they probably wouldn't be able to hold back the smiles on their faces, so they rolled up their sleeves and started grabbing.

The real day is making money.Demand exceeds supply every day.

Ruan Bai laughed so hard these days that he couldn't see his teeth, and he had the urge to enclose land in the capital.However, he recently cleaned up the accounts of the Pingxi Palace in the capital, and found that as the son-in-law of the Chu family, it is okay to buy a few shops. If he buys land or something, it may touch some people's nerves, so he can only let go quit.

Under the guidance of Ji Nandie, Ruan Bai handled the seasonal changes in Pingxi Palace.Afterwards, almost the entire palace was refurbished.

Everything from the curtains and curtains to the tableware and tableware must be replaced.Spices will be replaced, and house appliances will be given a complete overhaul.Then the seasonal clothes of the whole house will also be distributed.

Of course, Ruan Bai was just talking about it, and the specific things would naturally be done by the people below.Even if there are some problems with usage habits, he needs to retrain and get used to the people below, but the quality of the people in the Wangfu is much higher than that in Shunyang Pass, and they are all easy to understand.

There is another very important matter, the autumn harvest.

In Shunyangguan, the autumn harvest has long been over.The capital has just finished.These days, every day, you can see the grain transportation teams of various companies, transporting large carts of rice and grain into those deep houses.

Even some ordinary people's homes, they will take advantage of the time when the new food is on the market, and hoard as much food as possible.

Storing food, in fact, this is a manifestation of insecurity.Even though the capital looks prosperous and affluent, in fact, there is a sense of instability from the princes and nobles to the common people.

Ruan Bai sat at the general's desk, drinking tea and thinking.The general called him several times but didn't hear him.

The general couldn't bear it any longer, and patted him with strength: "What are you thinking?" The brat has found a backer, isn't it because of his wife?He was really "battled" by him!

Ruan Bai yawned and asked lazily, "Have you finished reading?"

The general was so angry that he snorted angrily and said, "Well, I've finished reading it."

"How is it?" The share in the general's hand is a charity plan that he spent several days working out. It looks perfect, but in fact it is all kinds of fake.

The general is not an idiot, of course he also saw this: "The plan is very good. It's just unrealistic." He also lamented a little.This plan, if in the first few years of His Majesty's ascension to the throne, the country is prosperous and the people are strong, he believes that it is feasible to make some deletions and modifications that are more realistic through the efforts of all parties.

But today's Great Zhou is no longer the original Great Zhou.Not to mention doing charity, the court is so poor that it is about to beg for food.He didn't believe that Ruan Bai couldn't even see this: "What the hell is your plan?"

Ruan Bai chuckled: "Guess?"

grass!The general wants to slap him!It's a pity that he is not his apprentice, but his brother-in-law.

Ruan Bai looked at the general's blood pressure rising with disgust, and stood up from the stool: "Anyway, you can help me submit the paperwork." He will go to the household department tomorrow, so this can be regarded as his internship report.

After arriving at the household department the next day, Ruan Bai walked like a fish in water.After all, unlike the "reckless" people in the military department, these guys in the household department know how to behave one by one.Moreover, these guys are all eye-catching, very realistic.

Die Lianhua's behind-the-scenes boss is the guy in front of him.Less than a month after the store was opened, they already had someone capable of calculating the tax behind their backs, and the figures they got made these officials and gentlemen almost worship Ruan Bai as the God of Wealth.

Ruan Bai also had a headache from these guys.From the perspective of a future man like him, of course he can make money doing anything in Dazhou.But for these people who pay attention to the rules of their ancestors, even if they want to open up, they don't know where to go.

So much is necessary for the country's annual expenditure.War, you can not give money, right?You have to pay for the construction of water conservancy, right?All these kinds of expenses, as long as the country is taken as the unit, the amount is extremely huge.

And every year, the tax revenue collected by the state seems to be huge, but in fact, it barely even reaches three-quarters of the actual expenditure.There is such a big hole left, and it has to be filled by the royal family and the old books of the past.But Lao Ben is almost finished these two years, and the Ministry of Finance is really anxious as if he is about to drown, and the appearance of Ruan Bai made them see a life-saving straw.

Ruan Bai sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose: "Leaving aside the aspect of increasing income, there are also many things that are not in place in terms of reducing expenditure."

Tian Kaifu went to Earthquake to provide disaster relief, but now that Ruan Bai is here, he directly occupies the magpie's nest.In the small office, he and Li Shangshu were the only ones left, not considered outsiders, and he didn't need to hide everything.

Li Shangshu tortured Ruan Bai for so many days, and finally waited for him to spit out some work, so he couldn't help but sit upright, even put down his hand touching his beard: "I hope you can enlighten me."

"I don't dare to teach you." Ruan Bai frowned, organized his words, and said, "On the surface, the continuous natural disasters in Da Zhou these years have caused a vicious circle-disasters, property losses, and personnel reduction. , property reduction, tax reduction, court subsidies..."

Li Shangshu nodded: "That's right."

"However, there are more man-made disasters behind this, and man-made disasters can be mitigated and avoided." Seeing Li Shangshu puzzled, Ruan Bai simply opened up and said, "Like the flood in the southern region the year before last, what caused it in the end? What about the massive population reduction? It’s because of the plague. In the end, the scope of the plague... It’s been two years now, and such a large area hasn’t recovered yet.”

"The plague, can it be avoided?" Li Shangshu was already shocked in his heart at the moment, and it was because of his efforts to cultivate Qi for many years that he couldn't see how excited he was now.

Ruan Bai frowned slightly, sighed and said, "I'll sort out something and show it to you tomorrow?"

"Okay, okay." Li Shangshu agreed, but he didn't want to get up while sitting, wishing he could just stare at Ruan Bai's writing.It wasn't until Ruan Bai stared at him for a long time that he turned and left in embarrassment.

Disease prevention and control, and post-disaster reconstruction are both huge and systematic projects, and it is impossible for Ruan Bai to get them done with a stroke of a pen.This is completely unrealistic.He can only build a frame.Even so, he didn't sleep all night.

Early the next morning, when Li Shangshu came, Ruan Bai was still writing.When he saw people coming, he didn't say hello, and handed over something in his hand first: "You can try pushing this in the capital."

This is a draft on personal hygiene habits and city appearance construction.It is said to be a draft, but in fact it has been implemented in Shunyang Pass for a long time, and the plan has been perfected.Of course, implementing it in the capital and implementing it in Shunyang Pass are completely different concepts.

After all, Shunyang Pass is a military-managed city. Although there are many people, as long as Cao Xu nods, it will be fine.

If the capital wants to be so reckless, it is completely unfeasible.However, this has nothing to do with Ruan Bai, he just needs to make a plan.If you can't even handle this matter, are these adults in the court really the generation of vegetarians?I'm afraid they themselves will be the first to be dissatisfied.

Li Shangshu handed the notebook to the imperial study that day, but Ruan Bai didn't expect that he could have something to do with it.With two dark circles under her eyes, she followed Xiao Xizi to the imperial study.

As soon as he stepped in, Ruan Bai felt an indescribable feeling, and followed his intuition to see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Even if the prince is sitting, he can still see that this man is tall and tall, sitting in this imperial study, like a cat with its sharp claws closed, ready to show its fangs and claws at any time, with a barbaric aura.

Tsk, not pleasing to the eye!

The author has something to say: Ergou·Xiaobai (ノ`Д)ノ: Woah!heads-up!

Kitten Prince (ノ`Д)ノ: Meow!Let's fight!

Ergou·Xiaobai (╰_╯)#: Come down if you have the guts!

Kitten·Prince (╰_╯)#: Come up if you have the guts!


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