Passing through the station

Chapter 115 Food Conquers the World

Fried food, no matter how much you clamor about the dangers of junk food, high cholesterol, etc., for most people, it is an irresistible temptation.

This year's spring rolls are different from last year's at Shunyangguan. Not only are there more materials, but also more hands.

Shredded pork with chives, shredded pork with cabbage, pickled bamboo shoots...

Tian Kaifu also came. After going out for a while, when he came back, his whole body became dark and thin, and he made trouble on the sidelines. Ruan Bai didn't have the heart to drive him out.

Fang Maomao walked with Tian Kaifu last time, and now he came back together and lost a lot of weight.However, Fang Maomao is more obedient, so he can do whatever he wants, unlike Tian Kaifu, who always has countless combinations of hell dishes.

When Xiao Zhong came in to call for someone, Ruan Bai was warning Tian Kaifu: "If you make trouble, you can eat what you make yourself!"

"Second young master, the cousin girl's family is here, and the elder son asked you to go out." Xiaozhong looked at Tian Kaifu again, "Master Tian also prepares?"

Tian Kaifu was so busy this time that he came back recently. His home is in Xijing, so he must not be able to go back in time. Fortunately, Ruan Bai and the others are in the capital.As Ruan Bai's teacher, he was included in the clean-up when he went to the student's house to celebrate the New Year.Yes, this is his student's home, not his childhood home!

As Chu Hao's accompanying reader, Tian Kaifu is no stranger to the sister of the princess, and she received "care" when she was a child.If Ji Nandie knew that he was there but didn't go out to see her, he was worried that he would be beaten to death.

As for Fang Maomao, it has always been that wherever he eats, others follow him.

Although the New Year was not as usual, Ruan Bai thought that he would have to cook and do other things later, that is, he took off his apron and walked out with the food box by himself.

Tian Kaifu also packed a food box, which was snatched by Fang Maomao and held in his hand: "I carry it myself."

Fang Maomao refused: "Heavy!"

Tian Kaifu continued to stretch out his hand: "It's not heavy."

Fang Maomao naturally put his hand on Tian Kaifu's and held it: "Let's go."

"Oh." Tian Kaifu nodded stupidly, always feeling that something was wrong.

The five senses of martial arts practitioners are sharper than ordinary people.

There are four members of Zuo's family, and even the two children can be regarded as little masters. Even if the food is in the food box, they can smell it early in the morning, and look at the door with a flick of their heads.

It was snowing outside, and Xiao Zhong held an umbrella for Ruan Bai.At this moment, Xiao Zhong just took down the umbrella, casting a slight shadow on the place where Ruan Bai was, but the young man in sky blue clothes was as beautiful as jade, and he insisted on turning this shadow into a foil.

He quickly stepped over the threshold and walked in, with the smell of unblown food on his body, he smiled before saying anything: "Sister and brother-in-law, happy new year. This is Xiaofang Xiaotong, right? Come, come, come here, second uncle. delicious~"

Zuofang and Zuotong are the sons of Zuo Yuanliang and Ji Nandie. Zuofang is ten years old and Zuotong is eight years old.When they heard Ruan Bai's words, they subconsciously showed a smile, and then looked up at their parents.

Zuo Yuanliang rubbed the heads of his two sons with his palm: "Go ask your second uncle for a red envelope!"

The boss's rude appearance made Ji Nandie slap him heavily on the arm, and then gave him a hard look: "There is no such thing as you!"

The two children remained steady, but they still walked to Ruan Bai's side at a brisk pace, saluted Ruan Bai politely, and said auspicious words: "Second uncle, happy new year and all the best."

"Well, so good." Ruan Bai waved to Xiao Zhong, Xiao Zhong knowingly took out two purses embroidered with auspicious patterns, Ruan Bai took them and handed them to the two children.

Xiao Zhong helped to put the dishes in the food box on the table, and after a while, piles of golden fried food filled the table.

Over there, Tian Kaifu and Fang Maomao (?) also met with Ji Nandie and the others. Fang Maomao was a little dazed, and followed Tian Kaifu to call sister and brother-in-law...

Ji Nandie still smiled.

Zuo Yuanliang had a subtle expression.

Chu Hao was already saying hello: "Why are you standing still, eat quickly, it won't taste good if it gets cold."

Except for the two cubs, they are usually familiar with each other.Fang Maomao's mentality is similar to that of Xiaozi's, and he only thinks about food, so he doesn't care about other things when he eats what he has.

But after he sat down, he was very obedient. He waited for Tian Kaifu to give him the cloth, and then he started to eat, and his movements were actually very gentle.

Ruan Bai could not help but glance at Tian Kaifu.She really deserves to be an enlightenment/kindergarten teacher, she is proficient in taking care of children, and the effect is immediate.Apart from Tian Kaifu's inability to cook, and taking the children out for a trip, making both of them look like hungry people, there are no other shortcomings.

Tian Kaifu felt Ruan Bai's gaze, and turned his head in confusion: "?"

Ruan Bai lowered his head to eat spring rolls and fried chicken.

The two boys from the Zuo family and Fang Maomao ate without raising their heads.

Even if Chu Hao and Zuo Yuanliang behaved normally, they were soldiers who had served in the army after all, and they soon let go of their hands and feet.

Tian Kaifu and Ji Nandie were still a little reluctant to let go at the beginning, but if they couldn't let go, they would see that everything was gone!

There were not many things on the table, but before they finished eating, a servant brought up hot egg and milk pudding.The puddings are packed in small glass bottles, and the small spoons placed on the side are exquisite and cute, and then there are small cakes cut into triangles, all kinds of shortbread...

Chu Hao directly brewed a pot of tea, which relieved the boredom and made people eat more.

Except for the deep-fried food at the beginning, the following snacks are quite small. When I eat, I usually lose it after two or three mouthfuls. I don’t feel anything at all. When I stand up after eating, I realize that my stomach is full.

So a group of adults and children continued to sit quietly at the table with their stomachs so full that they couldn't even walk.

Ruan Bai called someone to come up: "Remove these things, go to the study and get my set of checkers."

"Second uncle, what is checkers?" Zuo Tongzhuo sat next to Ruan Bai and asked first.

Zuo Fang is because his younger brother asked, so he doesn't need to ask any more.The others are because they have long been used to it, and Ruan Bai will come up with some new gadgets from time to time.Besides, even if they are curious in their hearts, they still have the patience to wait for such a short time.

A wooden chess box was placed up, and the tea was replaced by the way.

Ruan Bai, as the only one who could stand up, raised his hand to open the chess box, which was full of colorful marbles, which caught the eyes of those who hadn't seen it.

Ji Nandie took one to play with: "Is this made of glass?"

Thanks to her relationship with Ruan Bai, she is no stranger to glass.Ruan Bai thought of her share of any good things, even a warm house was built on the General's Mansion, the place is not big, just to plant flowers and plants for her.In addition, several main rooms have all been replaced with glass windows.

In fact, before Ruan Bai made a big move, he asked Zhou's big cats and important ministers if they would like to place an order as well.But they all said no, because the price is expensive, and they didn't see the effect.As a result, when they see the effect, they have to wait in line to buy it.

The Dazhou glass factory has not yet been completed and put into production, and orders have already accumulated thick.

The Ministry of Industry doesn't specialize in making glass now, but it still gives some face to Ruan Bai and the others. Small pieces like checkers don't even cost half a day for skilled craftsmen.

"En." Ruan Bai set up the chessboard and began to explain the rules to others.The rules of checkers are very simple, even Fang Maomao can understand it very quickly.

So a group of people huddled on the table and started fighting.

After a lot of fighting between dragons and tigers, the two generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty were defeated miserably by women and children.

"Father, get out of the way!"

"Xiaohao, do you dare to jump over and try?"

"Xiaotong, you took an extra step."

"Uncle, did I go wrong?"

Originally scheduled for a half-day visit, the Zuo family stayed until the evening, and finally took away a bunch of food, drink, and entertainment. The two cubs no longer knew their parents, and they threw themselves into Ruan Bai's arms and refused to get on the carriage.

"Second Uncle, shall we sleep together at night?"

"Second uncle, come to our house."

One in each hand, Chu Hao threw the two cubs to his cousin-in-law: "We will come over tomorrow."

Visiting relatives in the New Year, for these married women, might not be an opportunity for their natal families to support them.Ji Nandie is definitely not a soft bun who can be bullied by anyone, but she has to compromise in some places, for example, she has to endure the long separation from her two sons.

This time, since the old man from Zuo's family is also there, maybe he should say a few words?

Watching the Zuo family's carriage disappear at the corner of the street, Ruan Bai took Chu Hao's hand and shook it: "What bad idea are you planning?"

Chu Hao tightened the dog's paw in his hand, patted it lightly with the other hand, and pretended to be vicious to teach: "Why do you say that about your brother? You are thinking of serious business."

The two walked into the house, talking in low voices, making creepy noises from time to time.

Xiao Zhong saw it from a distance, trembled all over, and said to Ah Hou who was beside him: "It's too late today, I see that the second young master has something to do, or you can stay with me tonight and see the second son tomorrow." Master."

Ah Hou nodded, his eyes were slightly red and he said, "Thank you, Brother Xiaozhong, for helping me."

Xiao Zhong sighed, and patted Ah Hou on the shoulder: "Don't worry, your sister is taken care of by Die Lian Hua. Ah Cai's father was originally a doctor, and there are regular medicines in the store. A little skin injury is not a problem."

Ah Hou wanted to say thank you, but thinking of how his sister came to look for him today, his throat choked up.His little sister, when he left home, was only five years old.Now the 15-year-old girl has chilblains all over her hands and feet, and several places are rotten, and her hands are even rough like old women.

Today, his younger sister used such hands to return the money he gave to his father during the Chinese New Year, and returned it to him: "My brother doesn't need to give the family any more money. My younger sister is going to get married soon, and she will enter the landlord's house to enjoy the blessings."

His younger sister walked all the way from home to the capital, and it took a day for a carriage to go back and forth. He didn't know how much his sister had suffered along the way.A girl who had never left home, her shoes were worn out from walking, and she was so hungry that she didn’t know how long she hadn’t eaten. When she came to the capital, a place she was not familiar with, she still had to rely on a little bit of information she heard secretly on weekdays. The specious news came to him, his brother whom he hadn't seen for many years, and told him that she was getting married... How could she marry to enjoy happiness?She was sold by her father!

When he saw his sister look like that, he almost rushed out and killed the whole family!He's given them so much money over the years and that's how they ended up treating his sister!Such a scumbag is not worthy of being their father at all!

Xiaozhong led the way with a lantern in front, and sighed silently when he heard the sound of Ah Hou sniffing slightly behind him.

After a long time, Ah Hou said: "Brother Zhong, I've made it clear. When the time comes, let my sister be sold into the palace and become a poor envoy." Even being a slave is better than being his father's daughter.

The author has something to say: Persimmon ~\(≧▽≦)/~: Odada Kindergarten’s Anniversary Celebration starts now!

Persimmon ~\(≧▽≦)/~: Let Womeng firstly welcome the first batch of students and outstanding graduates of Odada Kindergarten, Ergou!May I ask Ergou, do you have anything to say to your junior?

Ergou (⊙︿⊙): Don’t eat the things made by the director, absolutely not.

Maomao: (⊙ω⊙)

Director · Odada: (〃>pan<)

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