Passing through the station

Chapter 145 The Evil Man and Evil Dog

The technical emperor knew everything, and in less than three days he united ten masters to make all kinds of oilcloths, ranging from cheap and high-quality ones to luxurious and elegant ones.

Samples of down jackets and oilcloth umbrellas were also released quickly, and the first one was worn by Zhou Xiaorong.

Ruan Ergou was severely beaten up by his good friend Lord Tuji for "not reporting what he knew".

The prince and princess who watched the whole process said——

"Second brother, just run slower and don't climb the tree!"

"My lord, don't take the knife, that Shen."

"Second brother, jump down, I'll follow you."

"My lord, be careful ahead, don't trip over the dog!"

"Fatty Ball, don't meddle in it!"

"Third and fourth, take your son away!"

"Third brother, don't rush!"

This fight started with a one-sided fight, and ended when the third child captured a rabbit prince.

King Yueze is out of grief and indignation!Ruan Ergou is not a thing, not only is he a big bad person, but even the dog he raises is a bully!

After changing his clothes, King Yue Ze went to the study room with a big horse and a gold knife: "You use the fabric so that I can get [-]% of the profit!" Originally, he planned to get [-]% of the dry stock, but now he said that [-]% of the money will be [-]% of the money, and one penny will be lost. No copper plate!

"Okay." Ruan Bai agreed, "But I want to put the production base in Jiangnan, or Lingnan. Our land here is thin, and we don't have enough grain. Jiangnan itself has a well-developed silk reeling industry, and Lingnan..."

Although King Yueze is a serious prince, the things he is not interested in are actually the things he learned a lot when he was a prince, and he returned it to the Taifu before he left the capital. Hearing Ruan Bai mention Lingnan, where is Lingnan? You have to think about it: "What happened to Lingnan?"

"Lingnan was suggested by me." Chu Hao came over with the fat ball in his arms, and stuffed the little fat man on Ruan Bai's body, "Hold on. I don't know if your hands are cold, let Xiao Zhong get you a hand stove."

Ruan Bai's hands were indeed a little cold.The year has passed, the weather is getting warmer, and the earth dragon in the house is not burning in broad daylight.The fat people at home couldn't stay still anymore, they ran outside all day long, and even ran to the racecourse as far as they could, where they had so much fun that Ruan Bai couldn't even find a foot stove.

Chu Hao took a map from the bookshelf and spread it out, pointing his finger: "Lingnan is located in the south of the south of the Yangtze River. The climate is humid, the rain is abundant, there are many mountains and forests, and there are many poisonous substances. The border people are tough. The border troops in Lingnan have always been famous. poor." There was no contempt in his tone.Not long ago, wasn't Shunyang notoriously poor?

"However, Lingnan people are also very hardworking and good at identifying poisons and herbs. The climate is very suitable for planting. Food is harvested three times a year. There are many kinds of herbs, precious plants and various fruits."

King Yueze was taken aback when he heard this: "Then why are you still poor?" You can tell from his own fief that Shunyang is already poor enough, right?Yueze also belongs to Shunyang, but the water and grass are abundant. After a year, he can live a prosperous life just by renting.The food in Yueze is cooked once a year.How come the conditions in Lingnan are so much better than his here, so they are poor?

Ruan Bai glanced at the map and understood: "There is no road, and transportation is inconvenient. Lingnan is surrounded by mountains, and the warm and humid climate is not conducive to food preservation. Even if there are surplus things, it is difficult to transport them. What's more, No business sense."

"That's right." Chu Hao nodded, blushing slightly, "It's not a matter of a day or two to build a road from the mountain. Now, you can find a coastal place in Lingnan, build a pier, and travel between Jiangnan and Jiangnan." , enough to solve most of the problems."

The surplus food and medicinal materials in Lingnan can be shipped out, and various production materials that are lacking in the local area can also be purchased in the fertile land in the south of the Yangtze River.

"It's no secret that the imperial court is short of food. If the food from Lingnan can be shipped out, it will solve the urgent need." Ruan Bai held his chin, "There are too many fruits, you can make candied fruit, and see if there are any suitable ones, which can be used to make wine. Medicinal materials If so, it’s still the medicine farmers going to the mountains to pick it now, right?”

Chu Hao nodded: "That's right. Maybe you can ask Ye Dong to go over and have a look. He is growing the herbs well now. By the way, I plan to let him Ye Dong take the lead in setting up an agronomy station, just like the veterinary station. What do you think?" ?”

"Agronomy station, yes. Going to Lingnan or something depends on Ye Dong's own opinion. In fact, I think that instead of letting Ye Dong go, it's better to find experienced drug farmers and officials in the local area." Hobbies of the Dazhou civil official group It is too extensive, and if it is not used well, it is really a waste.He suddenly looked at Prince Tuji, who was also very wasteful, and asked, "Is Ah Qing interested in setting up a school and bringing a few students?"

King Yueze was listening, but felt that it had nothing to do with him, and he was a little drowsy. When he was asked, his eyes widened immediately: "Me? Take the students?"

"Ah." Ruan Bai also looked at him with wide eyes, with a sincere and innocent expression.

Chu Hao secretly covered his face while watching, and slapped Fat Ball's eyes as well.His second dog is going to deceive people again, so he can't lead the children badly.

King Yueze didn't see the treacherous nature of his friend, so he doubted himself: "Can I do it?"

"Why not? Ah Qing is much better than those officials from the Ministry of Industry!" Ruan Bai praised sincerely.

When King Yue Ze thought of the three Ministry of Industry officials who had worked with him for a few months last year, his confidence immediately rose, but he still doubted: "Master Tang, their level...can represent the Ministry of Industry?"

Of course not.Master Tang and the others were originally just leading a group of science and engineering male liberal arts students, but they were forced to become science and engineering males by Ruan Bai and Yue Zewang here at Shunyang Pass.Oh, they are also promising now. The three of them are capable ministers of the Ministry of Industry, leading a group of craftsmen who will be supervisors, and set up projects one after another. They are very arrogant.

Seeing that he was wavering, Ruan Bai spoke up again: "Ah Qing, you can't always be afraid of wolves and tigers when you do things, you must have confidence in yourself. Whoever can be good at every aspect, Ah Qing, you are better than others in research. Most people are much better!"

King Yue Ze looked at Chu Hao who was sitting next to Ruan Bai, who was very good in every aspect.

Chu Hao didn't understand, so he said, "Huh?"

"Don't look at him, a prodigal man, he can't make money at all." Ruan Bai did not save Chu Hao's face at all, and dismantled the situation cleanly, "Ah Qing is much better at making money than him."

Chu Hao looked at Ruan Bai and narrowed his eyes.

Speaking of this, if you continue to tweak it, you are simply not a man!Even if it's a rabbit, it's still a manly rabbit!

King Yueze slapped the table and stood up: "Okay, I'll try! But you have to talk to your brother Cao to see if you want to let those craftsmen under him come over. I'll make a charter first." Left and right are just low-status craftsmen, and they don't really teach students who want to govern the country. With his level, they will not fail to teach.

Chu Hao picked up Fat Ball and followed King Yue Ze out silently. After a while, he came back empty-handed.

Ruan Baizheng was looking at the map on the chair, and when he saw Chu Hao coming in, he greeted him directly: "Quick, close the door, it's so cold."

Chu Hao not only closed the door, but also unbolted it, put his fingers on his belt and began to undress.

When Ruan Bai heard the voice, he raised his head in surprise: "Huh?!"

"Prodigal man, huh?"

Ruan Bai huddled tightly and stuck it on the back of the chair: "That's not to lie to Ah Qing! Don't come, last night..."

"Didn't you say don't stop last night?" When Chu Hao walked up to Ruan Bai, only a pair of obscene pants were left on his body, and he didn't look cold at all in the study room where the earth dragon was not burned.

"I said no, I told you to stop!" As a master, he always bullied him on the bed, what's the matter?It's unreasonable!Is there still a bit of morality that as a master, you can't bully rookies!

"I stopped!" Chu Hao was very wronged.

Ruan Bai slapped the table: "When you stop, it will be dawn!" Too much!It's not that he won't let him do it, everyone is a man, how can there be any incomprehension in this regard?But do you want to eat a meal like eating a decapitated meal?He has a lot of "wear and tear" there!

"Nonsense! Surely it's still dark. It was still dark when I went out for morning lessons!"

"I can hear the rooster crowing!"

"Didn't you faint in the end? Pretending?" Chu Hao picked up Er Gouzi, took off his pants and put them on the couch.

Fuck!Ruan Bai was lying on the couch in a daze, what did he want to do!How long have they been married? This man has revealed his domineering nature, and life is impossible!No, he has to give Chu Dagou some color and let him know who is the boss of the family!

"Be good, don't move around." His wife was being picked up by him... trying to hide but still ashamed, she was still twisting and turning in front of his eyes, Chu Hao felt his nose itchy, and his voice became hoarse, "I feel like this morning It's a little swollen, I'll give you a massage, don't think about it." The doctor of the palace said that men should pay attention to maintenance, otherwise it may affect their life expectancy.His family's second dog has to grow old with him, how can... Absolutely not!

Ruan Bai's first reaction was: Oh, if it's not a real gun, that's fine.As soon as I pulled my chin over the pillow, I suddenly felt something wrong: "Give me the medicine, why are you taking off your clothes!"

"Isn't this what you said...interest?" Chu Hao stuck Er Gouzi in with his finger and pressed him to be honest. The master who has excellent control over the body is also a master with excellent craftsmanship when using it for massage. The glaring Ruan Ergou was left moaning and chirping in an instant.

"Hmm... there... ah! Lighten up... um~comfortable..."

With a "click", Ruan Bai felt his lower back wet, and touched the blood with his backhand. Turning his head to see, Chu Hao's nose was bleeding profusely: "You can't do that, can you?"

Not to mention before getting married, the two of them have done almost all shameless actions after getting married. Such a small battle of applying medicine can make Master Chu's nose bleed?

Are you on fire?Ruan Bai pulled up his trousers, put on his clothes, and trotted outside refreshedly: "I'm going to cook!" As spring began, people gradually picked fresh wild vegetables to sell in the market, and he went to buy some for Chu Hao is on fire!Young man, don’t worry~ When Chu Hao walked out of the study holding his nose, he heard Obsidian’s neighing and Fat Ball’s immature wailing, saw Xiao Zhong standing at the gate of the yard, and asked, “Where is Second Young Master going?”

Xiao Zhong lowered his head so much that he wished he could bury his head in the ground, pretending not to see the embarrassment of the elder son: "Return to the elder son, the second young master said that he is going to the market to buy some fresh products."

Chu Hao was upset: "Is there something missing at home, and he has to buy it himself?"

Xiao Zhong is not good at talking.Everyone knows that the second young master's main purpose of going out is to take a stroll, and shopping is the second.

Chu Hao thought about Er Gouzi saying that he wanted to cook for him, and he was quite intentional. He didn't want to argue with a servant, so he readjusted his mood and went to deal with official duties. How many times did you run around Guancheng?

After Chu Hao finished warming up, he ran home and got the news: "Second Young Master said he will stay at the market to discuss business, and he won't come back for lunch."

Chu Hao: What about cooking?Cheat!This day can't be passed!

The author has something to say: Elite

Cao Jiajun <(* ̄▽ ̄*)/: Run ten laps around the city every day!

Chu Family Army o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o: Run ten laps around the city every day with full weight!

Cao Jiajun (≧▽≦)/: Practice for an hour every day!

Chu Jiajun (/≧▽≦)/: Practice for an hour each morning and evening!

Cao Jiajun (╯‵口′)╯︵┻━┻: ... Our boss is a general!

Chu Family Army (〃>Dish<): Our boss is the master!


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