Passing through the station

Chapter 149 Learning


His Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked at Chu Hao, but he was rarely angry.In fact, both his father and the Taifu have talked to him about this issue.However, he is busy with affairs on weekdays, not only with heavy schoolwork, but also to review memorials with the emperor Laozi, to train soldiers, to take care of the children when he goes home, and occasionally to be busy with sacks...cough!

But before today, the prince didn't feel that he really knew nothing about people's livelihood.He can consult the records of various departments of the imperial court at any time; he can also recite the main income, expenditure and other data of various places in the past few years.

However, all of this was not as shocking as seeing it with my own eyes today.He never knew what a half-sized chicken meant to an ordinary person.He even thought that if it wasn't for the danger of the disease, he should bring his son over to have a look.But don't worry, when you arrive in Shunyang, you will have plenty of opportunities to walk around.

"It's rare for you to say something human to me." It's impossible for the prince to be grateful to his deadly enemy.

Could it be that he didn't speak human words before, but just talked about dogs?Chu Hao didn't expect the crown prince, who could run a horse with his head open, to be grateful, so he replied calmly: "Your highness can be considered as your highness for a few days, sir. heart."

"When will you..." The prince's rebuttal came to an end.Isn't that what happened when his father asked him to go to Pingxi Wangfu to sit on a small bench when they were in the capital?

The four students—he, Tian Kaifu, Chu Hao, and Ruan Bai; they actually took turns as teachers, but he was the least.

Seeing that the prince was choking, Chu Hao gritted his teeth inwardly.

When the two returned to Shunyang Pass with their own soldiers, it was already dark.The white fang trees on both sides shook their thick branches and leaves, and were rattled by the wind. Coupled with the biting cold wind, there was a chilling atmosphere.

Chu Hao and the frontier soldiers are used to it.On the contrary, both the crown prince and his soldiers could not help becoming vigilant.This is normal and reasonable, and Chu Hao did not reassure them, after all, no one can guarantee that nothing will happen.Besides, even if he told them that it was safe here, they might not feel relieved.

Although the prince's personal guards can be called elite soldiers and strong generals, after all, they have not experienced as many battles as the frontier army, and the enemies they faced were not as brutal as the Huns, and their conditions were infinitely better than the frontier army.The intuition to face danger acquired by countless human lives is not something that can be possessed in a short period of time, let alone an experience that can be taught.

Chu Hao and his party did not leave the station until the prince had made all the arrangements.Early the next morning, he brought Ruan Bai over.

Of course, this is a passing scene.Ruan Bai did not come alone.When the prince arrives, all the generals and officials of Shunyang Pass must come to pick him up.

At this time, the prince also set up the guard of honor, and entered the Guancheng majestically surrounded by officials and soldiers, and performed various necessary ceremonies, which was equivalent to opening the school principal's speech.

The lengthy ceremony is not suitable for children and the newly born princess. The two just showed their faces a little, but they were quickly taken away by Ruan Bai quietly.But the two of them can leave, but those wives and sons with ugly faces cannot.Even if Ruan Bai could care about so many people, he wouldn't really ask for trouble to invite so many ancestors home.

Everyone saw the departure of the princess, mother and son.But dare someone jump out at this time and say that he is leaving too?nobody.

Zhou Miaomiao was still a little cautious when she came to the Qianhu Mansion, but she couldn't walk when she saw the fat ball.He is familiar with Xuexue, and he is not unfamiliar with it. Besides, he can't hold Xuexue.

"Xuexue, go away."

The big white dog enthusiastically licked the little friend, washed his hands with saliva, and washed his face.

Zhou Miaomiao pushed again, and the whole body fell directly into the thick snow and snow.

Fat Ball looked amusing, so he also rushed over.

The princess made a wrong eye, and then saw her son playing with two dogs. She was a little surprised: "The puppy and Xuexue are of the same breed?" She had never seen anything like Xuexue in the whole capital. My husband was also worried about how to find a partner for Xuexue.

"Yes, the fur color is different, and there are four big ones. The little highness should be hungry now, and the officials have prepared some food." Ruan Bai didn't dare to let the child and the puppy play together, and pulled the child Get up, Fat Ball automatically follows at his feet.

Zhou Miaomiao, whose hair and clothes were messed up by the fuss, tried to put on a serious look, and glanced at Fat Ball from time to time.

The Crown Princess pursed her lips and smiled: "Your Highness, just call him Miao Miao. This child is just like his father, he likes these cats and dogs."

When Chu Hao came back with the prince, his daughter-in-law had already eaten and drank enough, and they smiled and talked to each other about Sister Songsong and Brother Abai.

Zhou Miaomiao also hugged Fat Ball, pillowed on Xuexue, and blushed as she slept beside her.

The two hungry men who had been blowing the cold wind for a long time at the top of the city suddenly felt...

"There are cold meals and cold dishes in the small kitchen." Without raising his head, Ruan Bai continued to bring out a small bottle and introduced it to the princess, "These formulas are all consulted by famous doctors, and you need to pay attention to all aspects of breastfeeding, but the maintenance must not be neglected. I know that Sister Songsong has an imperial doctor watching over every aspect, so I can rest assured, but Shunyang is drier than Beijing..."

The prince squinted at Chu Hao: Look at your daughter-in-law, how do you discipline her?

Chu Hao remained silent.What happened to the cold rice and cold dishes?It is said that it is a small kitchen, that is, Ruan Bai made it himself.And can his wife really let him eat cold food and cold dishes?

Seeing that Chu Hao was unmoved, the prince couldn't help feeling bored, and opened his mouth to his wife: "Songsong..."

"Go." The crown princess looked at the crown prince, "Keep your voice down, don't disturb Miao Miao, go eat quickly."

In the small kitchen, four dishes and one soup are all hot.

The prince Da Ma Jindao sat down on the next table, waiting for Chu Hao to serve him bowls and chopsticks like a servant.

Chu Hao still had this kind of tolerance, and sat down to eat normally.

But the prince couldn't hold back first: "Aren't you angry if you are asked to do these things?"

Chu Hao was still inexplicable for a moment: "What is it? Why are you so angry?" Seeing the prince gesturing back and forth, he suddenly realized, "Even if you are not the prince, you are still a guest. You can't be allowed to do these things, right?"

"Where's the servant?" Since he entered the courtyard, he didn't seem to see a single servant.

"My second brother and I don't like to have outsiders. If we can do this thing by ourselves, we can do it ourselves." Chu Hao didn't think it was a problem at all.

They also have five and a half large dogs in their yard.Don't look at the fat people who are used to acting like a baby in front of them, but they are actually fierce.Not to mention that Xuexue has developed a habit of lying at the gate of the yard when she has nothing to do, with a pair of piercing eyes, staring at people coming in and out without saying a word.Generally, when servants come in to clean the door, they will be seen with weak legs.

Seeing that the prince still wanted to say something, Chu Hao hurriedly said, "Eat first, I have something to tell you after dinner."

The lunch produced by Ruan Bai did not disappoint the prince's expectations, it was not very delicate, but it was a big piece of meat, cooked enough, and it was a pleasure to eat.

After they had dinner for a while, several other officials also arrived. They all came to learn advanced experience, and they couldn't just do nothing.The wives and children can go back to rest, but even if they have eaten the northwest wind all morning, they must cheer up.

In the big study room, a group of people sat in a row around a map, watching Chu Hao point his finger: "Lingnan..."

At first, when the adults heard the beginning, they all showed a lack of interest in their eyes, but as the topic gradually deepened, everyone became excited.

A few days later, he and Ruan Bai's plan for Lingnan has almost completed the part on paper.Among the officials on this trip, one happened to have a wife who was born in Lingnan, and he himself had lived in Lingnan.

At this moment, I didn't care too much, and I directly asked someone to invite the life wife over.The prince was in front, and the wife was also fighting hard. Not only did she give a thorough explanation of the products and features of Lingnan, but she also talked about the intricate distribution of forces in the area.

In the farmland next to the market, Ye Dong was very annoyed: "I said you don't go to set up a stall, why do you keep following me?"

Pan Jun looked at Ye Dong with a smile: "Everything is sold out."

He thought Ye Dong was a young man from some family when he saw Ye Dong's clothes and mannerisms, but he didn't expect that Ye Dong was just the steward under that Master Ruan.He knew that Mr. Ruan was young, but he didn't expect it to be that young.It was just a casual conversation that day, and there was no chance to meet again after that. In addition, he still wanted to go around, so he didn't think he would show his identity so soon and come to visit.

He thought of his purpose in coming to Shunyang.Well, let Ruan Bai follow him to Zhong'an, of course there is little hope.But Ye Dong in front of him is also a treasure, seeing how well-organized the medicine field he is, he also speaks clearly to the farmers who come to ask for advice.If you can take Ye Dong away...

Ye Dong felt a chill, and almost pulled out a medicinal herb as a weed by mistake, and couldn't help being furious: "You're sold out, won't you go buy some local products?" He simply stopped tending the medicinal field and stood up He rolled up his sleeves and argued with Pan Jun, "How did you say you became a businessman?"

"This is indeed the first time I am a businessman."

"Don't you understand what other people do? It's much cheaper to buy suet, sweaters, medicinal materials, furs, large animals, fruit wine, etc. in Shunyang than elsewhere. You spend the money you earn in Shunyang , just buy some, go back and sell them, and you can make a lot of money by keeping them..."

Pan Jun smiled and listened to Ye Dong's business experience, not to mention, there was something to be said.Like buying sheep oil back, changing it to a nicer box and repacking it before selling it...

Ye Dong himself would occasionally set up a stall.In addition, he originally lived in the bazaar, and now he lives not far from the bazaar, and he is a celebrity under Ruan Bai's subordinates, and several business leaders will invite him to dinner to brag about it, He has been under the influence of hearing and seeing a lot, and he said that his business experience is really one set.

However, what Ye Dong ran into was a fake businessman, and even though his mouth was dry, he never left. He even asked him: "Seeing that you are so familiar with business, why don't we do business together?"

partnership?Ye Dong's eyes brightened: "Tell me what you have in Zhongan first?"

The author has something to say: Miao Miao (? *? ω?)? : Zou Kai, Wo doesn't like you anymore!

Xuexue (* ̄ω ̄): Let’s play!

Miao Miao (* ̄ω ̄): Fat Ball, come here.

Fat Ball ( ̄~ ̄): Zou Kai, I like Ergou!

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