Speaking of which, Princess Min has also reached the age of hating marriage.Regarding her marriage, there were more twists and turns than twists and turns.

It is said that the emperor's daughter has no worries about marrying, but in fact, not everyone welcomes the princess as a daughter-in-law.

For example, Ji Nandie, she is just a princess, and her status as a princess is a little crooked, after all, she is not the daughter of the serious Pingxi Palace, but the actual adopted daughter.The status of the Zuo family she married is not low, but her parents-in-law should be more careful with her on weekdays.Moreover, the "establishment of rules" that can make a mother-in-law stand out is completely unworkable for a person of Ji Nandie's background.

Who dares to talk to a princess about the rules?To say that the princess has no rules means that the palace has no rules, and he directly slaps the palace in the face, and even directly slaps the Ji family's daughter Princess Pingxi in the face who teaches people the rules. How dare you?

Ji Nandie's appearance was deceptive enough, and apart from his family, almost no one knew the true face of the Fairy Dragon.What about Princess Min?Who doesn't know that Princess Min has a "bad reputation"?

"Speaking of which, Princess Min's reputation is due to you." With the improvement of the postal system, Ruan Bai's position as the head of the post office has also become more and more stable.Even if he sits in Shunyang Pass, he can basically know a thing or two about what happened in the whole country.

"It's her father's fault." Chu Hao saw him lying on the carpet surrounded by four dogs, Xuexue, Big Fatty, Little Fatty, and Fatty Ball.But he still has to be busy with piles of official duties from morning till night.

The four fat men were holding a molar stick and were gnawing on it. Their postures and movements were the same. When they heard the two talking, they just turned their ears.

Ruan Bai heard that Chu Hao didn't mention his mother's role in this matter, hummed twice, and continued to look at the gossip in his hands: "It's really not easy for the princess to find a suitable husband." Generally speaking Next, the daughters are all high-married.Considering Princess Min's status, even if she wants to marry Chu Hao, in name, it is a marriage.

This time the emperor found Princess Min's son-in-law, but he was from a poor family.It is said that it is a poor family, but it is only relative to the gentry.His family is very wealthy, and he can be regarded as a wealthy gentry. He is secretly rich and rivals the country.

When people have money, they have to think of ways to improve their quality.This family's approach is no different from others, that is, to let future generations go to school and become officials.But all along, this family has produced a seventh-rank at the highest.This time it's different, as the future son-in-law, he was the second in the list, and now he is an editor in the Imperial Academy with qualifications.

"Editor Lin is a smart guy." Ruan Bai didn't mind Chu Hao's reluctance, "Nobody in the court is helping me, so I just keep a low profile. After finishing second in high school, in the past two years, I haven't had any limelight at all. Now Chaozhong began to pay attention to economic development, and he jumped out immediately, with a lot of information in hand... Tsk tsk tsk, when it comes to business, there are few grown-ups like Chaozhong who are the opponents of this editor Lin. He was not immediately entrusted with important tasks, but was immediately assigned to Princess Shang."

Chu Hao couldn't hear his second dog praising others, neither male nor female, so he sneered: "Smart. If Editor Lin is really smart, how could he be frightened by Princess Min's tough rumors? Rumor has it that he intends to divorce?"

"Huh?" Ruan Bai raised half of his body in surprise, and looked up at him, "Didn't you never read the news, how did you know so clearly?"

Chu Hao buried his head in his pen and wrote quickly, with a very disdainful tone: "These are leftovers from my play."

"Who dares to spread rumors about the royal family like that?" Son of Heaven, when Chu Hao did these things, he was very careful.But in the end, everyone who should know knows that the rumor should have been spread by someone sent by Chu Hao, even if there is no actual evidence to prove it.Very often, when a high-ranking person deals with some dark matters, a suspicion is enough, and no evidence is needed.In the end, Chu Hao was safe and sound, not because of his flawless work, but because his identity was destined not to be dealt with secretly.

Now that another person has started doing this, Ruan Bai has little expectations for that person's fate.

"King Xun." Chu Hao gave Ruan Bai the answer directly, "King Xun's fief is close to the old lair of the Lin family. Moreover, King Xun is restless, and it's not a big secret to develop power secretly, but he doesn't have that much ability To feed so many soldiers. Therefore, King Xun is short of money, but the Lin family has money. If King Xun can marry his daughter into the Lin family, especially the future patriarch of the Lin family, then the entire Lin family will almost belong to King Xun.

But the Lin family is not vegetarian either.It's because Lin Linxiu's marriage was delayed for so long, and he didn't say goodbye.Now that editor Lin is in favor of the princess, King Xun will be caught blind.His life has been getting worse and worse recently. "

Whether it is the royal family or the imperial court, they have always kept a close eye on the movements of the feudal princes.Recently, King Xun has made more and more small moves, which made them decide to beat and beat.Of course, Wang Xun's thin arms couldn't twist his big thick legs, and he was really hurt by the beating. Seeing that the fat of the Lin family was about to be snatched away by others, even if it was an ironclad matter, he decided to add a little bit of trouble.

Thus, rumors spread that the Lin family planned to divorce Princess Min.Of course, anyone with a brain knows that as a princess, only the princess withdraws from other people's marriages, and there is never a reason for her to be withdrawn.This kind of news, which seems to be fabricated at first glance, can spread like a raging fire in the capital in a short period of time, and it can be seen at a glance that someone is instigating it behind the scenes.

According to the news in Ruan Bai's hands, it was the city guards who finally arrested a group of people to settle the matter.The wedding date of Princess Min and Editor Lin was also revealed.

Ruan Bai wanted to say something, but saw Fat Ball get up with a grunt, and jumped out directly on his stomach.Not to mention, it still hurts to be stepped on.The little fat man is getting more and more important.

Big Fatty and Little Fatty also changed from lying prone to squatting, and their eyes were staring at the door with piercing eyes.Soon, they couldn't sit still anymore, and ran out at a trot.Only Xuexue raised her head, and continued to serve Ruan Bai as a pillow in an orderly manner.

On the contrary, Ruan Bai couldn't sit still anymore. When he saw Chu Hao's hand, he immediately shook it. He pulled him into his arms and hugged him: "The third and fourth are back."

As soon as Chu Hao took a long leg, he walked outside: "Well, go and have a look." The two dogs walked away for several days, and they seemed lost when they went out.

Big Fatty and Little Fatty were very excited, running around the room like two golden streamers.

The fat ball was rubbing and jumping around the old fourth's feet, but it had short legs, so it couldn't hug the big thick legs.The fourth child took a step forward, and it almost had to roll and crawl to chase after several steps.

The third child probably couldn't see it, so he lowered his head and opened his mouth to grab the fat ball.Fat Ball instantly settled down.

"The third child, the fourth child!" Ruan Bai jumped off Chu Hao's embrace with a smile, rushed to the two big dogs, and was about to hug them intimately, but was picked up by Chu Hao.

"I don't care how dirty they are. I'll give them a bath, and you will cook for them."

Keyword one: take a shower!

Keyword [-]: cooking!

The third child and the fourth child looked at each other, feeling a little tangled in their hearts.

Chu Hao knew what they were thinking without knowing dog language, and patted the two dogs' heads: "Let's go, eat after taking a bath, and have no food if you don't take a bath."

The third and the fourth: the big dog is too bad, what does bathing have to do with eating?

However, after so many days in the grassland, the third and fourth children were all tired, so it was rare for them to take a peaceful bath.

After eating a sumptuous meal, the fourth child pushed the third child.The third child ran to grab a piece of rag and handed it to Ruan Bai.

Ruan Bai took a closer look, only to realize: "Isn't this the backpack I gave Big Fatty Little Fatty?"

The backpack was severely worn out, and even if it wasn't worn out, it wouldn't be usable given his now fat and chubby body.As soon as he got it in his hand, he realized something was wrong. There was something heavy inside: "For me?"

The third child pushed Ruan Bai on the forehead, and called out in a deep voice, "Wow."

Ruan Bai was suddenly very moved, and hugged the third child whose hair was still a little steamy: "Third child~" He even knew to bring him a gift, even if it was a stone, he was very moved.

The third child shook his head, tilted his head and licked Ruan Bai.

Chu Hao looked interesting, and reached for the backpack: "Show me, what did the third child bring back?"

The third child put his paws on Chu Hao's hand, not letting him touch it; then he bowed his head to Ruan Bai, indicating that it was for Ruan Bai.

Chu Hao was injured instantly!He has no less affection for fat people than Ruan Bai, why do all fat people like Ruan Bai more?Just because Ruan Bai cooks better?

Well, well, his wife's cooking is better than his cooking.His wife is even more delicious than those delicious ones~ Ruan Bai felt that a hairy hand on his back began to feel restless, trembling, and squinting over: "What are you doing?" That's right. Bar?This situation can be estrous?Livestock!

Chu Hao wrapped his arms around Ruan Bai's waist, pressed it tightly, and didn't speak, just smiled lightly against his neck, his breath tickled Ruan Bai's neck, and a numbness crawled down his back , the whole person is soft.


Chu Hao lowered his head and sucked on Ruan Bai's neck, and let out a "chirp"; then, the third child who was ignored gave him a headbutt.

"Wang!" The third child put his paws on the backpack and pushed towards Ruan Bai.

Ruan Bai's outstretched hand trembled a little.Chu Hao's influence on him completely exceeded his expectations.At that time, almost as long as Chu Hao thought about it, he almost had no room to resist, and he couldn't even think of resisting.Grandmaster, it's terrible!

Chu Hao's eyes curled up with a smile.He likes Ruan Bai like this very much, he likes to see his influence on Ruan Bai, especially the way Ruan Bai focuses on him alone.

Ruan Bai took out a pink... rock from his backpack?crystal?He shook the backpack, and some pink fine powder fell out of it.He suddenly thought of a possibility, and his eyes widened.

The author has something to say: The Ever-changing Pretty Woman

The girls are like this in front of their father and brother↓

Girl ヽ(??▽?)ノ: Dad/Brother~, I like that piece of red coral jewelry, why don’t I buy it for him~ Dad/Brother (??????)? ? : Buy buy buy!

This is what girls look like in front of their sweetheart/husband ↓

Girl: (*/ω╲*)

Favorite person/husband: (☆▽☆)

Girls are like this in front of the enemy↓

Girl ( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮( ̄▽ ̄///): Kill it!

Enemy: _(:зゝ∠)_

↑ Make up for yesterday's small theater

food chain relationship


↓ (feeding) ↓ (feeding) ↓ (feeding)

Big Dog, Persimmon Fatty, etc.

Ergou·Xiaobai (ノへ ̄,): Persimmons are the most difficult to feed, the recipe is too picky, and I even bring persimmons with me.

Big Dog · Persimmon (╯‵口′)╯︵┻━┻: Why is the level of the nest and other people on the same line!

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