Passing through the station

Chapter 163 Just get the money ready

Except for Fat Ball, the other fat guys all knew King Pingxi.Although everyone is not that familiar, it does not prevent them from attacking King Pingxi.

The fat ball was very uncomfortable being held by the neck, and he twisted his buttocks: "Woo~"

Chu Hao stepped forward in two steps, caught the fat ball in his hand, and slapped his butt twice: "I told you to run around!"

Ruan Bai gathered a few fat people to his side, and apologized to the frightened pedestrians one by one, and then, surrounded by the fat people, he walked to the father and son: "Why did Dad go out alone?"

Even in Xijing, in his impression, the father-in-law was always accompanied by one or two errands when he went out.As for safety, it is estimated that Da Zhou can threaten this person, and he has not yet been born... No matter how sharp his family's litter of fat people is, if they face the Tyrannosaurus rex, they will only have the consequence of being instantly killed.

King Pingxi beckoned his two sons to enter the house in a secretive way, and walked all the way to Chu Hao and Ruan Bai's yard before he breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't mention it, I was kicked out by your mother."

"Ah?" Not to mention that Ruan Bai was stunned, even Chu Hao raised his eyebrows.

The fat people seemed to find that something was wrong, and with an unprecedented discipline, they sat down in a row next to each other.Fortunately, the house in the Wang's Mansion is big. Instead of their Qianhu Mansion in Shunyang, a small side hall may not be able to accommodate so many fat a horse...

The corners of Ruan Bai's eyes twitched: "Obsidian, why did you come in? Get out!"

Obsidian took two steps back, his hind legs were stuck on the threshold and he couldn't get out, and he bared his teeth at Ruan Bai with his neck stuck.

Ruan Bai only needs one trick to deal with it: "Don't go out again, no eggs, no fried beans!"

Obsidian's neck stiffened for a moment, then he took a deep breath at Ruan Bai, turned around and ran away.

When Ruan Bai turned his head, he saw that his father-in-law was putting the teacup heavily on the table with full of acting skills, and sighed exaggeratedly, as if he was drinking strong wine.God knows it was just a cup of ordinary tea.

King Pingxi raised his head: "You all know Xiaowei Wei, right?"

Chu Hao nodded: "What's wrong with Colonel Wei?" Captain Wei's branch is considered to be the direct descendant of Prince Pingxi's mansion.The position of captain basically belongs to the similar inheritance of the Wei family.Chu Hao was trained in the Chu family army when he was a child, and was also instructed and cared for by Captain Wei.

As for Ruan Bai, when he was learning about the power of the Chu family, he scanned the name of the Wei family.He hesitated for a moment, and then nodded: "The one serving as Colonel Wei is Wei Dalang, right?"

The Wei family started with the Chu family, and they reached their current position step by step by relying on their military exploits. It is not impossible to compete at the top, but with the background and ability of the Wei family, they are still a little behind.They also know each other, and they have been keeping themselves safe as the captain and the fierce generals of the Chu family.

However, the Wei family has been passed down for several generations, but the family style has always been chaotic.The Wei Dalang mentioned by Ruan Bai is the eldest son of the Wei family.His biological mother can be regarded as a fighting concubine among the concubines, she was a follower from a maidservant, and won the fight against the regular wife from a good family, causing the regular wife to die of depression, and was almost rescued.

The news about this family is a well-known joke among the rich and powerful in Xijing.

"That's right." King Pingxi also had a headache when he mentioned this old subordinate, "Old Wei also married Dalang a scholarly wife to his family in order to change his family tradition. But Wei Dalang is also a fool, even worse than his father. ..."

With the appearance of the Wei family, as long as the members of the same class are not confused, they will never marry their daughter into that pit of fire.Wei Dalang's ability to marry a wife from a scholarly family, in the eyes of outsiders, is definitely a high profile.If Mr. Huang's old man hadn't passed away early, and Captain Wei had shown kindness to Mr. Huang, this marriage would never have been settled.

After Wei Dalang married his wife, he really kept his own law and order, and the things in the inner house were much less.However, no one thought that all of this was just pretending.Not long ago, after Wei Dalang inherited the position of captain, he immediately reverted to his old ways. In less than three months, he brought in seven concubines, from merchant girls to maidservants, and even flower houses.

Wei Huangshi couldn't see it, so he went to persuade him a few words, but he didn't say that he would not let him take a concubine. In the end, he was beaten by Wei Dalang, which was quite serious, and he almost left.

"In theory, this is someone else's housework. Wei Dalang is confused, so he just uses other things to beat and beat. It's good for your mother, you just took Wei Huang's home, what is this?" What makes me feel sad is, "I just made my position clear, and I didn't say that I would send Wei Huang back to Wei's family. I just let Wei Huang live in the hospital temporarily. Why did I push him into the fire pit? Let me get out of the house!" His wife really said the word get out to him, it hurts so much!

Just as she was talking, Princess Pingxi walked in slowly: "Didn't I tell you to get out, why did you come back?"

King Pingxi showed his old face, and smiled: "I'm getting lost again!"

Ruan Bai wanted to cover his face.Sure enough, the Tyrannosaurus rex skin will be thicker?

Chu Hao pulled Ruan Bai to salute Princess Pingxi: "I didn't go to my mother's house, but it's our fault that the tired mother came here."

Princess Pingxi waved her hand: "It's all a family, why are you talking about this?" She sat down in the seat farthest from King Pingxi, and waved to the fat people, "Fatty and fat, old three old Four, Xuexue, hey! Whose handsome boy is this, come here and give mother a hug~”

Fat Ball ran over erratically, put his front paws on Princess Pingxi's leg, and wagged his tail so that his whole buttocks were twisting accordingly.

King Pingxi silently watched his wife playing with his son.

Chu Hao whispered: "The seniority is messed up."

Ruan Bai introduced from the side: "Mother, this is Fat Ball, the cub of the third and fourth child."

Chu Hao silently watched his wife play with the dog.

King Pingxi's grievance conference was temporarily suspended because of the arrival of Princess Pingxi.It was Princess Pingxi who started the conversation again and asked, "Erlang, what would you do?"

"Ah? Let's make peace." Ruan Bai almost didn't even think about it, "Is this kind of man still kept for the Chinese New Year?"

Chu Hao was not very surprised, but King Pingxi's face was about to crack: "Xiaoer, please make peace and not leave."

"But Mrs. Huang is like this. If the elders of the Wei family are helpful, mother will not take Mrs. Huang home. When Mrs. Huang returns, I am afraid that she will 'die of illness' within a few days. Do you want to watch people go?" Die?" Ruan Bai frowned, genuinely puzzled, "Besides, isn't the Huang family from a scholarly family, he should also be able to read and write, and it's not easy to find a job to support himself? Why do you want to follow that kind of rubbish? "

What Ruan Bai said was so natural that no one spoke for a while.After a while, Princess Pingxi hesitated and said, "Is it easy for Mrs. Huang to support herself?"

Seeing Princess Pingxi's appearance, Ruan Bai realized belatedly that this is the Great Zhou Dynasty, and even though the folk customs were more open than the ancient times he knew, it is not easy for a woman to get along after she gets married. Things that dare to be imagined, let alone a divorced woman living alone.However, if you say it yourself, you have to circle it even on your knees!

Ruan Bai twitched his lips and asked, "Ms. Huang was beaten up like this, who is at fault?"

Chu Hao lowered his head and took a sip of tea, watching his wife start to fool people again.

"Of course it is Wei Dalang." Of course there is no doubt about this.

"Since Huang is the injured party, does he have the right to ask the wrong party to compensate?"

"That makes sense."

"With Huang's appearance, it is determined that he can no longer live in the Wei family, right?"


"Then reconcile. After the reconciliation is over, it doesn't matter if you set up a separate household for the Huang family, or move the household registration back to your mother's family. The original dowry must be taken away together, and Wei Dalang has to pay for medical expenses, mental damage expenses, and alimony... ..."

Ruan Bai beckoned, Chu Hao knowingly went to find the abacus and handed it over.While explaining the meaning of various expenses, he calculated the numbers on the abacus, added them up, and handed the result to the parents: "So, Wei Dalang has to compensate the Huang family for a total of 650 taels of silver. With this money , the Huang family can buy one or two Zhuangzi shops, and they can live on rent collection alone."

Princess Pingxi nodded: "That's true." She thought for a while and suddenly cheered up, "I've been worrying about Huang's future for the past two days, but Erlang is smart enough to solve the problem as soon as he comes. Mother, go now Discuss with the Huang family. My lord, what are you still doing here? Da Lang Erlang has been busy all the way back, let them wash up quickly. You go to inform the Wei family and let them tighten their skins for the next two days. It is best to prepare money , don't make any more fools!"

The fat guys looked at the weather vane and followed Princess Pingxi.

King Pingxi wiped his face and sighed: "How can I take care of other people's housework?"

"Father, you can't think like this." Ruan Huyou pushed the pastry plate towards the father-in-law, "Could it be that men are ordinary people of Dazhou, but women are not ordinary people of Dazhou?"

"The people in Dazhou never discriminated between men, women, and children." King Pingxi waved his hand and pushed the plate back, "Eat, dad is not hungry."

"Then the Huang family is also a member of the Great Zhou, right?" Ruan Bai moved the stool in front of King Pingxi, "You don't know who the Wei family's nest is, and it's purely innocent to have a girl like the Huang family in it." It’s a waste of talents. Besides, isn’t our Dazhou always short of people? Not only Huang, dad, look at these women in the back house, there are only a few of them who are as busy as mother, and most of them are idle all day long. Fight, how about finding something for them to do?"

This is the first time that Ruan Bai has directly pointed out the issue of women's employment, and the arrow points directly at the aristocratic class.In the past, what he was struggling with was either commoner women doing some handicraft work together;

King Pingxi pinched a pinch of teeth and asked, "Do you think Princess Min's female army is good? You want the girls to go to war?"

The author has something to say: Fat Ball ╰(*°▽°*)╯: From now on, you will be a nest brother!

Ergou·Xiaobai (﹃﹣)~→: Who said that?

Fat Ball ╰(*°▽°*)╯: What my mother said~

Ergou·Xiaobai-_-|||: Your mother is the fourth child!

Fat Ball ╰(*°▽°*)╯: Mommy can have it~

Ergou·Xiaobai (﹃﹃)~→: Oh, but your brother is my nephew, you want to be my brother, do you want your brother to be your nephew too?

Bad tempered big fat (._°☆╲(-–): Want to rebel?

Fat Ball: /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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