Passing through the station

Chapter 172 Business Operations

It has to be said that the merchants also went ruthless in order to avoid these dignitaries.

The status of merchants is not high in Dazhou, but for their sake, although Ruan Bai's shopkeeper is in charge, few people disrespect them when they go out.

These dignitaries didn't take them too seriously, but... What annoyance!Really annoying!

How did they know how the owner "moved" the mountain?However, none of these dignitaries can offend them.So the businessmen who are pampered and pampered on weekdays are willing to take a burden and hide in the deep mountains.

But not long after they hid in, some people who had good friends with Ruan Bai, such as Hu Shang, Niu Shang and others, rushed over from a long distance and participated in it one after another.Follow Ruan Bai to have meat to eat, so you must follow closely, even if you share some broth to drink, it is better than licking the bottom of the pot outside!

Well, in fact, the businessmen who can support long-distance operations are themselves rich.

A group of merchants with great energy and backed by the mountains, working with all their strength to exert energy, amazed some dignitaries who had not had time to leave.

Others don't talk about it, as a local official, County Magistrate Pan has the most intuitive feeling.

In the past, it was very difficult for ordinary people to find a job in Zhong'an City.After all, Zhong'an is only that big. Although it is a city, there are no decent shops and no big families.

Now as long as you have strength, there is no problem with your character, and you can do everything. Although building bridges, paving roads, building houses, and transporting goods are all physical work, the wages are much higher than before.

Merchants also hired some women directly through the county government to do some work such as sewing, washing and cooking.

If the businessmen themselves find someone to hire women, there must be some bad rumors.It's different if the government comes forward. Why are some poor families unwilling to come out to do things?In particular, work such as mending and washing can actually be done at home, and you only need to go to the government to collect and return the clothes every day.

Along the cement road from Zhong'an to Lingnan, the two towns rose up simultaneously.Even if there are no merchants yet, the existence of a town is obviously helpful for road construction.

For example, the road construction team can sleep directly in a clean and tidy room without sleeping in a tent at night; for example, if someone is bitten by a snake or insect, they can be sent directly to the hospital for treatment...

With a more complete logistical supply, the efficiency of the road construction team has reached a new level.

As for the money, the merchants just keep an account. Anyway, we are all one family, and if we really want to count the money, it is just a matter of going from the left pocket to the right pocket.Moreover, as long as there is this road, won't the money be earned back?

That's right, a concrete road plus the investment of two small towns is just "a little money" for the executives of the Ruan business empire today.

Like Liniang's feeling, it was rare for them to have so many people gathered together, and they all took the time to learn and communicate with each other. Of course there were various competitions in private, but they were all benign.

Ruan Bai, who had already returned to Shunyang at this moment, didn't know that the group of guys under him would eventually come up with a project that shocked him.

Before they left, Shunyang changed again.

The white tooth trees on both sides of the official road are more dense, the market has obviously expanded a circle, and many workers are building houses. Apart from the lack of walls, it has become a town.

The people who came and went wore summer shirts, and the material was no worse than that of some surrounding towns.It's just that there are more farmers in the end, and they all choose fabrics that are wear-resistant and dirt-resistant.

It happened that someone was having a wedding, and two donkey carts were full of things, and the sound of gongs and drums was loud.After Chu Hao saw it, he moved the convoy aside.

The person hosting the wedding was not polite, and walked directly in the middle of the road, and brought over a large plate of snacks.

Ruan Bai lay on the window of the carriage, and took it with a smile: "Congratulations! Which son of Brother Cui is married?" He knew most of the people around him, but he was not very familiar with some young boys and girls.Old Cui has three sons, who were originally tall and short, but they have all grown taller in the past few years, and he is a little unrecognizable.

Old Cui laughed and said: "It's the second child! The boss held a happy event during the Chinese New Year. Your lord is not here, so he didn't let you eat wine." As for this year, seeing Ruan Bai's dusty appearance, he is also embarrassed to invite people to dinner.

Ruan Bai understood.If Old Cui really invited him to a wedding, he would be embarrassed instead.

When the convoy returned to Qianhu Mansion, he ordered the housekeeper to bring some food and wine to Old Cui's house.On the other hand, he quickly washed himself and went to the General's Mansion with Chu Hao.

In the general's mansion, the atmosphere was very dignified.

Not only General Cao and several high-level generals were present, but King Yue Ze, Tian Kaifu and Fang Yu were also present.

Of course, Zhou Tuji and Fang Maomao were completely non-staff personnel, and most of the seriousness on their faces was faked.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief seeing Ruan Bai and Chu Hao.Forgive the courtesy of the two, and greeted General Cao to them: "Come here quickly to discuss, it has been delayed for a long time, and it will not go on."

The two of them were not polite and found a seat to sit down.

Chu Hao asked directly: "What's going on? The letter said that there were two tribes. Which tribe did they belong to? How many people are there? Now is the time when the grasslands are lush and beautiful. Why don't you think about grazing, but instead prepare for domestic animals?" Attached?"


These two tribes have been married all year round, and they were originally the Guxi tribe attached to the eight major tribes of the grassland.However, the exploitation of small tribes by large tribes is serious.This time it was their leader's child who fell ill, and Gu Xi's witch doctor charged a high fee, but the child was not cured and died. "

Fang Maomao interjected, "Witch doctors don't know how to treat children like this. They just collect cattle and sheep." He had seen them a lot.

Tian Kaifu smiled wryly: "That's right. The witch doctor didn't treat the child after taking a lot of property from them. For some reason, the leader found out about this and killed the witch doctor in a rage. , I was also hunted down. Now both tribes are on the list of the Guxi tribe, so I came to Dazhou to seek asylum."

After a pause, he added, "Their situation is very bad. The leader who killed the witch doctor is dead. Many women and children died on the road. Most of them were young and strong. No more."

It was still Chu Hao who spoke: "Where are they now?"

The king of Yueze curled his lips and said, "In Yueze." Even if he had more doubts in Yueze, he couldn't keep filling the Huns with him one after another?Don't look at these Huns in such a mess now, they seem to be very pitiful, it's terrible to get on a horse and pick up a knife to cut people down!He can't sleep well at night, is there anything!

Chu Hao ignored King Yue Ze's grievances, glanced at everyone's faces, and did not ask other people's opinions: "Inside, you must agree."

For such a long time, in fact, the focus of their debate has been whether to agree to the attachment.To put it bluntly, no one wants to take on this responsibility.Now that Chu Hao is finalizing the matter, no matter how careful they are in their hearts, the sky is falling and there are tall people on top... Moreover, Chu Hao is obviously the youngest one except Ruan Bai, but when he speaks, he has a heavy aura If there is substance, the huge pressure makes the routine rebuttal unable to utter a single word.

"Whether they are forced to be helpless or ambitious, it is finally a beginning. As for the Huns... haven't the officials from the Jingcheng faction come yet?" When such a thing happened, no matter what kind of plan they adopted, two people were involved. foreign diplomacy.Because the discussion field brought huge benefits to both parties last year, the relationship between the two countries is still in the honeymoon period for the time being.Chu Hao was sure that even if the Huns were unhappy in their hearts, they would never turn their faces at this time because of the two small tribes and the Great Zhou.

Tian Kaifu shook his head: "It should be here soon, right?" His tone was a little uncertain. After this incident, he didn't know what the capital was thinking, and there was almost no reaction, but he didn't really care, " This matter is not important. The important thing is to make a decision as soon as possible. If no one from the capital comes to the grassland, then Fang Yu and I will go together."

After getting along for such a long time, Tian Kaifu is enough to understand Fang Maomao's force value.His own skills... shouldn't be too bad.If it was just him and Fang Yu without any encumbrances, he would be confident enough to escape unscathed.

Chu Hao nodded: "Okay, then we won't wait for the response from the capital." He knew the people in the court very well.When there is nothing to do, do everything in the world and have to make something; when there is something to do, everyone is as quiet as a chicken; , I'm afraid it's still arguing.

General Cao and the others blushed a little, looked at the two young men with one glance at each other, and finally finalized the matter that they had discussed for so long and could not make a decision.

Chu Hao didn't look at them again, but turned his head to look at Ruan Bai: "Then the remaining question is, how do these two tribes have internal attachments?"

Ruan Bai was still sorting out information about the capital in his head.This time, the information was lagging behind and not detailed enough, allowing him to see a lot of areas for improvement.However, the cultivation of talents does not happen overnight.Most of the couriers in the postal system are just couriers, and only a very small number of them can collect, capture, extract and deliver useful information.

Chu Hao asked a question out of the blue, Ruan Bai looked a bit like a primary school student who was caught by the teacher for deserting in class: "Huh? Break up and arrange far away? What else can I do?"

Tian Kaifu can be regarded as a good official in terms of internal affairs, but he was still troubled for a long time because of the internal affairs. Hearing what Ruan Bai said, he asked with bright eyes: "Where are the arrangements? How to arrange them?"

"Isn't there a shortage of people in a lot of places in our Great Zhou? The Huns are attached to it, so it is definitely not appropriate to let them stay at the border. Our place has had an enmity with the Huns for generations. Like Lingnan, it is very good. There are few people, and it is The focus of the development of the imperial court is that food is cooked three times a year, all kinds of delicacies, fruits and vegetables are available, there is no winter, and people are not afraid of freezing to death..."

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