Passing through the station

Chapter 177 Plan ahead

Snowstorms are terrible.

In fact, the capital city, including the Gyeonggi area, is much better than other places.After all, the capital is rich and prosperous, and even if the common people suffer from serious disasters, everything will be quickly arranged and dealt with right under the eyes of the emperor and officials.After all, the capital has no shortage of manpower and material resources.

But even so, there is still a tense atmosphere in the capital.Some officials in power and related officials were so busy that they didn't go home for several days.What they have to be responsible for is not just a capital city, nor Gyeonggi, but the entire Great Zhou!

What was affected was the entire northern line of Dazhou. Some places were similar to Shunyang Pass, and they were basically closed in winter, and the external traffic was completely paralyzed.The capital is not considered to be too far north of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it already looks like this. If the disaster area does not take some measures, how many people will be left in the Northland when spring begins?

The snowstorm has made rescue very difficult, and in more places it is impossible to rescue at all.

While the imperial court was in a state of desperation, the Tyrannosaurus rex family still leisurely vacationed in the south, sitting in the warm sun room, eating delicacies from mountains and seas, and drinking fruit wine made from spring water by merchants.

King Pingxi watched Ruan Bai filter the wine through a sieve.The color of the wine is slightly green, with a sweet aroma, more like fruit juice.

"Speaking of which, making fruit wine is also Xiaoer's old job. Most of the managers under you have their own skills."

As for fruit, if it is common, it is definitely not; but if it is rare, it is definitely not more expensive than food.After all, it doesn't matter whether you eat fruit or not, but it's okay for people not to eat food.

In the past, the imperial court restricted the amount of wine brewed because most of the wine was brewed with grain, which was very expensive.People can't get enough to eat, and it would be a disaster if they brewed wine without restriction.

Fruit wine doesn't matter.In the past in Shunyang area, Nguyen Bai used wild fruits to make wine, and now it has become a local specialty.In Lingnan, there are countless kinds of fruits.Some fruits don't taste very good when eaten, but after being brewed into wine, they taste very good.

"In Erlang's eyes, there is nothing that can't be changed into money." Princess Pingxi couldn't drink alcohol yet, she made tea with dried fruits of various colors, and used a set of glass tea sets, which were not exquisite enough, but they looked colorful and pretty.

Ruan Bai handed the filtered wine to King Pingxi: "If we hadn't been prepared, I'm afraid we'd have to start from scratch once the snowstorm broke out."

Abandoning the entire eastern market was not without loss for him.Of course, what he gave up were those on the bright line, and some of the original partners were handed over to the partners; the charitable affairs did not stop, he did not deal with those people in the court, and the common people who gave him money did not. hatred.Those under the dark line had a short schedule, and not many were able to get on the track, and most of them were serving him, the intelligence leader, and they didn't pay special attention to how much money they could make.

The port investment here is a lot of money.Just looking at how many aristocratic families invested in building a port in Lingnan, you know that it will cost a lot.Of course, the benefits are definitely not small.Even if you don't talk about the future maritime trade, the annual products in the south are a large amount of income, and the cost can be recovered in a few years.

Fortunately, the market in the west is stable, and the development of the west has been much faster than that in the east in recent years. Coupled with the abundance of various mineral resources, the income is quite good.Ruan Bai can still afford the cost of building the port, so he won't be stretched.

Hearing Ruan Bai mentioned preparations, Pingxi Wang and his wife breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Seeing Chu Hao approaching, they hurriedly asked, "How are you doing now?"

Chu Hao was not in a hurry to sit down. He turned to look at the two cubs first, and saw that they were sleeping on Xuexue's belly, drooling all over the floor. He wiped them gently with the small towel prepared next to him, and then said: " The damage is not big. Most of the houses were crushed and there are places to go. Up to now, there are only a few frostbitten people, and no one has died due to the snowstorm."

"If the house collapses, it will collapse, as long as people are okay. There are few people in the west of us, but we can't afford to die." In the family, Ruan Bai valued the population the most.A lot of what he does is to ensure the safety and quality of the population.

"Yeah." Chu Hao also agreed, "Most of the houses that collapsed were adobe houses, which were in disrepair for a long time. Even without this snow disaster, maybe there was a heavy rain or something, and they would have collapsed. When the spring of this year begins, we will Build more concrete houses to live securely."

Ruan Bai calculated the remaining money and income: "Okay, remind me when the time comes." He didn't have much money on hand, and he had to spend even more, but whoever heard of a country is a builder of?In the early years, there were many construction developers who were empty-handed, and it would be no problem for him to learn properly.

"Father, medical stations and veterinary stations will also be popularized in the coming year." Chu Hao turned his attention to his father, "This snow disaster, several medical stations performed well. There are sufficient preparations for frostbite medicine and other medicines. Evacuation facilities will be improved next year." If we expand the scale a bit, we can only make do with it this year. After all, there are few places suitable for growing grain in the west, but we can raise some livestock. The veterinary station is essential."

Ruan Bai can make money, but also spend money.Medical stations, veterinary stations, especially refuge facilities, one is a considerable investment.His requirement is that every village should have one, and that there should be enough food, drinking water, and other necessary living materials stored in it, and that it should be inspected regularly; Booklets on how to escape from various disasters were ordered to be preached by the government.These two items are directly linked to political achievements, and there is no sympathy at all.

For this, King Pingxi owed Ruan Bai a lot of money.Now it's worth it.

If money is gone, you can make it again, and if you don’t have people, you’re lost—this is Ruan Bai’s philosophy all along, and now Pingxi Wang’s family is also deeply influenced by him.

After such a snowstorm, in the eyes of ordinary people, the government in the west is no longer simply "the one who collects taxes", but gradually has the approval of parents and officials.

In recent years, the common people are not blind and have seen everything done by local officials.Even if you don't see officials, the improvement in your own quality of life is real.

In this snowstorm, in addition to the government's adequate preparations to respond in a timely manner, there is another group of people who are active, and that is the merchant group.

The status of merchants in Da Zhou has always been low.No matter how much money they earn, there are strict restrictions on what they can wear and eat.If a businessman is bullied and wants to file a lawsuit, he will be stripped of his skin by the government before he can get justice.

However, since Hu Shang had done business with Ruan Bai for a few years, he found that he was respected by people when he walked out, and even some local officials were polite to him.It's not because of his rising status in the background, but because of what he has done so that the local people can benefit from it.

After learning that the common people had made longevity tablets for him, he suddenly felt a little guilty.

That's right, what he did was to make many ordinary people live a better life than before, but he also made money!He hired common people to do things, paid them wages, and gave them some New Year's gifts, what a matter of course.

That's right, he arranged for a doctor to check the employees' health every year, and also helped some employees with practical difficulties; but isn't this to make them work harder?

Besides, he learned all these arrangements from Ruan Bai.Mr. Ruan has done more, and even taught Chinese characters to run a school!

This time the snowstorm had little effect on him in Xijing.But some of his sources are miserable.

He was worried, so he called several businessmen who were doing business with Ruan Bai, made a total calculation, and made a decision on the spot to follow the government to rescue the disaster!

In terms of numbers, they are definitely not as many as the government can mobilize, but in terms of money, food, medicinal materials, clothing, etc., they will never be short.

"You don't need too good things for disaster relief. The merchants under your hand have cleared some unsellable stocks." Chu Hao told Ruan Baiyi what he learned, "Thanks to them, the snow disaster has survived." It took a long time, and the materials they had prepared were not enough. They also rescued the people from the government a few times on the road, but now they are acting together with the people from the government.”

The merchants had sledges and were not much hindered in moving over the snow.It is not difficult for the government to get a few sleigh carts, but the difficulty is that they have no dogs to pull the carts.

Not just any dog ​​can do a sled dog.They have to be strong and durable, but not too heavy...

Chu Hao cast a disgusted look at Fatty who came over, dragged him up, hugged him and weighed him: "Fatty can't pull the cart, or else he'll be stuck in the snow before he pulls it."

"Aooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!No matter how Leng Buding was picked up by Chu Hao, it was startled and howled dryly.

Fatty screamed a few times and found nothing wrong, so he simply put his front paws on Chu Hao's shoulders, stuck out his tongue and licked Chu Hao a few times.

Chu Hao was so licked by it that his head was watering, and he was extremely disgusted. He wanted to let go of Fatty, but Fatty didn't do it, he had to monkey on him.

Ruan Bai smiled straight at the sight: "It's rare for a fat man to act like a baby." The fat people in the family, the third and fourth are the best, and they can do anything.Xiaopang is good at grazing, Xuexue is proficient in all-terrain combat, Fat Ball... Fat Ball is proficient in acting like a baby...

Fatty is quite like a father, but he always looks like "I don't care about you", or "mortal with fishy lips".

Pingxi Wang and his wife also laughed: "They are so old, it's time to marry a wife."

"Wang Woo!"

"Okay, let auntie and the others bring you a beautiful daughter-in-law back on the grassland!" Chu Hao was talking nonsense about stepping on the snow and sinking.He was originally the overlord of the grassland, and hunting in the snow was simply instinctive, so pulling a cart was nothing!

"Wang Woo!"

Ruan Bai and Chu Hao were sitting next to each other, but Fatty changed his posture and lay directly on their laps...they couldn't lie down!

The big fat man stood on all fours, with his belly sticking to the knees of the two of them, feeling uncomfortable, he flicked his tail and ran away to see the little cub, he lowered his head and sniffed, he was fatter than his younger brother...

The author has something to say: Xuexue (⊙v⊙): The nest is not suitable for pulling a cart, really!

Xuexue (⊙v⊙): Look!As soon as the nest stands in the snow, Nimeng can't see the nest, and there is nowhere to put the rope!

Xuexue (ノへ ̄,): Well, the nest is actually a jungle dog, not a prairie dog.

Xuexue (〃>pan<): How can Ni Meng not listen!Wo La is so thin, Ni Meng is embarrassed to let Wo pull the car?Go find Fat Ball!

Fat Ball: (⊙ω⊙)?

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