Passing through the station

Chapter 188 The Finale

King Pingxi lived in Shunyang until autumn, and the Chu family army stayed in Shunyang until the end of summer in the third year.During the period, the crown prince also brought the personal guards over, making a lot of merit.

The chaos in the grassland was finally settled, and the territory of the Huns shrank three hundred miles to the west.

The western front of the Great Zhou was advancing all the way, and Wuli Shenshan became a new frontier.

The massive exploitation of rose salt has made the newly built Wuli city extremely rich.Under the team led by Ye Dong, the large pastures have been transformed into excellent pastures year by year.

In the end, the third prince of the former Huns who won the sweat position was so envious that his eyes were red; but when he came back, he didn't even think about it.

The Huns were not good at forging weapons, nor were they good at mining and smelting.To put it bluntly, the reason why the Huns have been able to run rampant for so many years is the strong mobility brought by good horses.But now Zhou people's war horses are not weak, and Zhou people's weapons are getting sharper every year.They could only try their best to open up relationships and buy some weapons eliminated by the Zhou people. Although they still couldn't fight the Zhou people, they were still able to beat the tribes and countries further west.

Only then did the Huns find the right direction, and fought all the way there, comforting themselves that the Zhou people and them were all descended from the same ancestor, and we are all Uli people!But those in the west are not a family, and they will be beaten if they are beaten.They then traded the looted things with Zhou people in exchange for money, food and weapons.

It's just that those people in the west are too poor.

"Poor, really poor!" Ruan Bai lay on the side of the boat, and after seeing the West in this era, he was no longer so excited.

Chu Hao wrapped his arms around his waist, frowned, and was very worried that the two dogs would be carried into the sea like this: "What do you think you want to come out for? These places are poor and full of diseases." Between the Huns and the Shan tribe Similar, in his eyes, is already backward enough; but compared to where he is now, it is basically two concepts.

Especially when I'm used to living in the clean and tidy Shunyang City, compared to the dirty western towns, it feels really bad.

Ruan Bai wrinkled his face: "Let's find more crops and cash crops, and the land and population are not too small. This time the preparations are not sufficient." Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, rubber trees, etc., why are they so hard to find?

Chu Hao can understand the needs of crops and commercial crops very well.Over the years, the weather in Dazhou has not been smooth. Every year, there is either a flood here or a drought there. However, with the improvement of the overall national strength, the ability to resist disasters has become much stronger.Food production is also increasing year by year.

After two imperial examinations, those officials who were not enterprising were gradually replaced by new blood, and local officials paid more attention to practical work.Although there are still some outdated customs and poor and backward places, on the whole, it is much richer than it was ten years ago.

"You can't control the people and land now, why do you need population and land? Don't tell me, you want to occupy these poor places!" Da Zhou's territory has expanded a lot, and they will have nothing to expand Let people take care of it!

Ruan Bai rolled his eyes and snorted, "Being poor now doesn't mean that you will be poor in the future. Besides, you don't necessarily have to rely on war and power to rule a place." The process of occupying the grassland is not peaceful; but it is definitely not so bloody. .

A large number of Huns were attached and moved into Dazhou.The next generation of Huns will be born in the land of the Great Zhou, learn the language of the Great Zhou, communicate with the people of the Great Zhou, and even marry and have children... Culture seems invisible, but it is actually a very strong existence. After a few generations, These Huns will be Zhouhua.

Chu Hao felt that his second dog was dreaming, so he simply supported him by the shoulders and walked towards the cabin: "Don't keep blowing the sea breeze outside, you'll get sunburned."

"Hey! You still despise me for being dark?" Obviously this square-faced Tibetan fox is much darker than him, and he is even tanned into a black fox!

The cabin is not big, and the double bed is enough for two people to lie flat.As soon as Chu Hao put Ruan Bai on the bed, he stretched out his hand to peel off the thin clothes on his body, pointed to a black and white dividing line on his arm and said, "I don't despise you for being dark, but I despise you for being unevenly dark!" I found sunscreen from the bedside table again, and rubbed it on the thin-skinned Ergouzi again.

"You're enough! Find a place tomorrow, where you can get naked and dry!" These days, it's not easy to find a deserted beach?

As soon as Chu Hao heard it, he immediately went to the sea chart, pointed to a place and said, "Ah Hou said there is a nice beach here."

The Zheng family's fleet is still running along the coast, but after several years of development, the Chu family's fleet has traveled almost half of the world, and found countless rich but uninhabited places.Due to the problem of manpower, they can only choose some places with the highest cost performance to build docks and migrate population.

After that, the two of them spent a period of shameless days on that nice beach.Ruan Bai's plan to dominate the world has also been written.

Chu Hao looked at the plan, and his heart turned cold: "Wuli God Religion? Doctrine?" His family's second dog was really full of bad taste.The world is so big, it's not enough for Er Gouzi to toss about.

"Ah." Ruan Bai nodded, sitting on a reef by the sea, plucking Chu Hao's leg hair with his toes, "The people of the world are living in dire straits, and God Wu Li sent blessings to the congregation to help the world. Wu Li The people of Lijiao don’t ask for anything in return, they persuade people to do good things, expel ignorance, build schools and hospitals... Let Lao Tian improve it when he goes back. He is in charge of Wuli City now, to see if he can turn Wuli City into a holy city or something "The power of faith is infinite~ "Hiss..." Chu Hao was suddenly torn off two leg hairs, shivering in pain, stretched out his hand to wrap the rebellious Er Gouzi with his legs and others into his arms Li: "Don't make trouble! Lao Tian probably won't do it. When the new emperor ascends the throne next year, Lao Tian will probably be the Secretary of the Household Department. The successor is either Yu Xiuyuan or Pan Jun. Which do you think is suitable?"

"Huh? Is he sure he will abdicate next year?" Ruan Bai asked casually, "He has been calling for several years. Didn't the prince not agree?"

Chu Hao curled his lips: "Now that the world is at peace, and there are no foreign enemies to deal with, what excuse does the prince have to run away?" The little old man of the emperor also said harshly, if the prince does not obediently succeed to the throne, he will pass the throne to ten or so people year old grandson.

"Oh! But I don't want to play with the little old man of the emperor. He said that he will go sailing after he abdicates!" Now sailing is still dangerous. If you go out, you will definitely not have anything to do with playing characters, "Why don't we go home and take care of the child? Let parents take him to play."

Chu Hao hugged Ruan Bai and jumped onto the beach: "Okay, it's time for parents to rest. It's not good to let parents take care of younger brothers and sisters, so let's take over."

Living by the sea without people is very pleasant.The two of them went back after they had completely tanned their skin.

Along the way, he collected some animals and plants that were not available in Dazhou, but Ruan Bai didn't dare to take them back directly. Instead, he docked the boat on a big island and gave them to the people on the island to cultivate them.

The big island named Xiansu Island by King Pingxi is two islands of mother and child.When the tide is low, a section of beach is exposed between the two islands, and you can walk back and forth directly.The size of the island is not small, the land is fertile, and there are many natural resources. It only takes less than two days to sail to the South China Sea. It is a retirement resort designated by King Pingxi.

With the development of the coastline in Dazhou, the existence of the South China Sea is no longer a secret.On the surface, it seems that this is an independent kingdom mostly composed of the Shan people, but in fact, who doesn't know that this is the site of the Pingxi Palace?

A well-planned shipping terminal with superior conditions, large ships several stories high, convenient land transportation, and various advanced things that have never been seen in Dazhou—the Shan people who have just learned to read for two years, can rely on Get it out on your own?Who believes it?

However, the Pingxi Palace recognized the South China Sea Kingdom.The old Zhou family didn't say anything, instead they sent envoys to establish diplomatic relations with the South China Sea country.

It's not that there are radicals who want to bring down the South China Sea country—doesn't your old Chu family deny that the South China Sea country is your back garden?That line, how can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch?One word, hit!

The results of it?Lingnan Port was almost flattened.The navy in the South China Sea went all the way to the south of the Yangtze River, and the Zhengzhou navy was almost beaten into a water ghost.Therefore, the hawks who advocate fighting, only belatedly recalled how the official road in Lingnan was opened in the first place.

That is the power that can blow up mountains, their flesh and blood...or they are what they say.

No way, no matter where you go, the truth is that the big fist has the final say.

The important ministers jumping up and down were silent, and the remaining diplomatic relations that should be established still had to be established, and the trade that should be exchanged still had to be established.As for the mess that needs to be cleaned up, it can only knock down teeth and swallow blood!

It is true that Dazhou has steel knives, but they have artillery in the South China Sea!

As the face of Heaven | Chaoshang Kingdom, he was slapped.The ministers had to slap their palms and talk about the cooperation and exchanges between the two countries with the female president of the South China Sea.

Sure enough, they are barbarians, and the boss of a country is actually a girl!

This girl is said to have a big Zhou name, Liu Liniang.

When they are idiots or fools!What a big Zhou name, Liu Liniang is originally from a big Zhou, okay?Besides, girl, it's fine if you are the boss in your own territory, but why do you work so hard to date our girls from Dazhou?Want to poach the princess of our Great Zhou to become a general in the South China Sea?Want girls who graduated from a girls' school to become officials in the South China Sea?

Damn, can't we be a general or a high official in our Great Zhou? !

Wait, it seems that the women of their Great Zhou really cannot be generals or high officials.

Alas!How could this kind of thing happen in the enlightened Dazhou!What even a small barbarian country can do, there is no reason why they can't do it!

Chu Hao and Ruan Bai finished their voyage and returned to the Great Zhou in the year when the Crown Prince ascended the throne. Under the pressure of the ministers, the first Great Court Meeting passed the decree allowing women to participate in scientific examinations and be recommended.

Women are treated the same as men when they serve as officials. In special cases, they are given special care, such as maternity leave and so on.

Ji Nandie became the first female general in the history of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and left a great reputation in the history books.

The author has something to say: —End of text—

Princess (⊙ω⊙): Brother, are you enlightened?

Kitten Emperor (⊙▽⊙): Huh?What awareness?

Princess (⊙ω⊙): I want to rebel!I want to be emperor!

Kitten Emperor o((⊙﹏⊙)) o.: Hey!Why didn't you say it earlier!You go to be the emperor, I want to be a general!

Princess (⊙?⊙): There is no battle to fight.

Kitten Emperor (⊙ω⊙): Who said that?I want to go to sea to fight Chu Dagou!

Princess (⊙x⊙;): Forget it, then you should be the emperor, you won’t hurt your self-esteem too much...

The Kitten Emperor: (〃>Dish<)

Happy Children's Day MUA~~

end la la la

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