As a technician, Ruan Bai's salary has been improved, at least he got a dry mouthful.

Of course, the leader's daughter didn't just learn to weave straw sandals, she used wool for practice.

The girl who is going to get married is the biggest, and as soon as the leader's daughter yells, the leader's son is busy doing this and that, rummaging through all kinds of boxes and cabinets to find all kinds of tools that his sister wants.

There is a dull color on the scissors.Ruan Bai took over without hesitation, he was very familiar with the smell of blood, and of course he knew exactly where the dried blood on it came from.

Maybe it's his relatives, maybe his neighbors, maybe it's people who have nothing to do with him but have similar experiences.Even he doesn't need to think about these, all he needs to know is that he is a slave and the other is a master, and their positions are opposite; and, they are enemies.

For the sake of my daughter's study and drinking water, today's team did not travel long distances, and stopped by a lake shortly after noon.

The various animals that I saw from a distance all dispersed when they saw the team. After they had done the work of setting up camp, some courageous animals slowly gathered again.A few prairie wolves followed at a distance, and all the slaves showed frightened eyes, and Ruan Bai was no exception.

The leader's son laughed loudly, and "comforted" Ruan Bai with blunt Da Zhou dialect mixed with "foreign language".The general idea is that they have many people, and their people are powerful, and the wolves dare not approach the team.

The leader's daughter mocked Ruan Bai a little more reservedly, and soon remembered the business under the reminder of her mother.

When the dirty wool was taken out in the morning, Ruan Bai said that it could not be processed directly, and tried to explain what was needed, especially water.

The water on the grassland is not as precious as that in the desert, but it is by no means densely covered with river networks like the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River.

The wool is washed repeatedly with old alkali to wash away the grease and dirt on it, and finally it becomes the fluffy and soft white it should be.This step alone took two days, and made all the slaves work together.

The water in the lake is very cold, even at noon it is freezing cold.Ruan Bai already felt that his joints were itching, and his fingers were numb, which was obviously the rhythm of frostbite.But even if it can delay the schedule by a day, it is good.

With such a family, he believes that as long as he is careful, he can deal with it even if he pays some price.But if they were allowed to return to the tribe, or a place like the tribe, and gather with their companions, let alone him alone, even adding some people would not be able to make waves.

He'd have to go back for sure, preferably before it got really cold.Not much time.

Another advantage of living by the lake is that the acquisition of prey is easier.There are always some silly and daring animals who think they are far enough away to drink.Just like the leader's son showed off to Ruan Bai, they are powerful enough.

So, the night before the camp, Ruan Bai got meat, and the other slaves also got a bowl of broth.

Goat milk, minced meat, tea leaves, flour, wine... or something else, Ruan Bai was rewarded with an extra spoonful of their food by the leader's daughter.

Ruan Bai ate it gratefully, not wanting to distinguish the suspicious content, what is the more suspicious taste... the mixture.

In the evening, Ruan Bai was poked on the shoulder by a man who called himself Little Chu, facing the leg of lamb.

Ruan Bai felt as if he had been shot, as if a hole had been opened in his shoulder!

Under the moonlight, Ruan Bai's eyes were slightly red with pain, and his eyes were fierce: What are you doing!

If it didn't hinder the leader and the others from keeping a tight guard on them, he would definitely beat them up directly, even if he knew that this guy's skill was definitely not bad.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for three years, how about Brother Chu?Just wait for him, he will definitely look good to you.

Brother Xiao Chu didn't know that he had offended someone who was very narrow-minded and vengeful, but he just thought it was so much fun to meet such a little brother this time.He never knew that a person who couldn't even speak a word could manage to make such a situation in such a harsh environment.

On the surface, they are still slaves captured by the Huns; but who would believe that slaves can wear solid sandals and even drink broth?I don’t want to talk about straw sandals, but in Dazhou, if it is not a particularly rich place, if you are a simple farmer, you may not be able to get a little bit of oil all year round.

How long has it been?three days.

After the whipping three days ago, the man who claimed to be Ergou seemed to be a different person.It's just that it "seems" or is it "at all" that the person has changed?

Chu Hao didn't dare to think too much, everything that happened right under his nose... Well, it's strange to be speechless.

He asked in a low voice, "Is the milk soup delicious?" The food of the Huns contains many good things, and it smells very sweet.Legend has it that the Huns rely on milk soup to live in the cold northern grasslands, and they are not afraid of the cold winter.He hasn't had a drink yet!

If Ruan Bai knew that something like shoe polish could still be called gourmet food, he would definitely vomit... well, in this situation where he had no choice, even real shoe polish, he had to eat it in order to survive .

Whether it was because of a language barrier or a lack of taste, Ruan Bai refused to answer this question.

Looking at the blue face, Chu Hao smacked his mouth secretly, it didn't look like it tasted good.

Early the next morning, a group of people broke out of camp and continued towards a certain destination.

In order to take care of the speed of the team and take into account the learning progress of the leader's daughter, Ruan Bai was specially allowed to ride a horse.

Seeing that Ruan Bai failed to get on the horse's back after flipping three times, and was bitten by the hair irritably by the horse, all the slave owners burst into laughter, even the leader who had been calm before laughed twice, raised his hand Throwing Ruan Bai onto the horse is like carrying a little chicken.

Ruan Bai lay down on the horse's back in a funny and thrilling manner. The leader's son held the rein, comforted the horse, and scolded Ruan Bai impatiently twice while frowning.If Ruan Bai was not a valuable technician now, he would definitely not be able to escape the whip.

In the end, Ruan Bai was forced to correct his posture by the leader's son, from lying on his stomach to sitting on a horse, and panicked at the slightest jolt.However, after the leader's son raised his whip, he still knew the times. Even though his face was pale, he still took some sun-dried wool and taught the leader's daughter to knit wool.

The wool Ruan Bai kneaded was straight.

The wool yarn that the leader's daughter knits varies from thick to thin, and it will break before it is kneaded for a long time.By the time she was able to knead wool that was about the same length, another two days passed.

Not only did the leader smile more and more on his face, but even guarding the slaves at night seemed more relaxed.

They still maintain the habit of shift vigil, but that vigilance is more for beasts.

Beside the bonfire that lit up at night, Ruan Bai was being warmed up with extra privileges.But as a slave, it is obviously impossible for him to do nothing.

The leader and several other men were discussing something, and the leader's son was also involved.But the leader's wife and leader's daughter can only stare at Ruan Bai.

Ruan Bai twisted the four twisted wool yarns together like a magic trick, and quickly turned into a snow-white and strong wool yarn.

Sweater needles are not difficult to get.Even the leader's daughter can easily cut a few with a dagger, and the burrs are removed and it is very smooth.

Ruan Bai gestured again and got a simple crochet hook.

Then the two Hungarian women watched Master Nguyen Bai give them a half glove as if by magic.He also got a piece of fur from the leader's wife, which was actually a scrap of the skin of a prey hunted by the lake two days ago.He cut the offcuts into thin strips, hemmed the gloves with a crochet hook, and hooked a fluffy flower in the middle.

The leader's daughter likes it very much.

So Ruan Bai had to make another one overnight.

After the meeting, the leader's son came to order Ruan Bai to make another pair, and he wanted to use it to curry favor with his "beloved girl".

Ruan Single Dog Bai silently looked at the blazing bonfire in front of him, and wanted to raise a torch.

Chu Hao huddled beside the sheepfold, turned over and silently looked at the "Er Gou" who was still busy, his eyes sparkling.This guy is drinking milk soup again today.

Ruan Bai, who stayed up all night until dawn, sat crookedly on horseback, and the leader's daughter gave him preferential treatment, allowing him to lie down and sleep on the ox cart.

The ox that pulls the cart is obviously not the old scalper that Ruan Bai is familiar with, nor does it look like a yak.He didn't know if yaks could pull carts, but this kind of huge spin-horn cattle could pull them up on the grassland without roads, and even started to trot. Ruan Bai felt that he was not sitting in a cart, but sitting and jumping. bed.

He decisively found two ropes, tied himself to a bundle of goods, and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Chu Hao, who was walking behind with his head bowed, glanced at it without any trace, and the interest in his eyes became more and more intense.

A slave was noticed with a pair of straw sandals. In just a few days, he not only had enough food and drink, but also rode a horse. Straw rope.

He believed that any of their slaves would have been severely whipped for even the slightest attempt to get near the cargo, let alone touch the rope.

After being hungry for a few days, these people only had the strength to keep up with the speed of travel, and they couldn't use the strength to carry the goods at all.

Ruan Bai slept until noon, when a big river appeared in front of him.

A group of slaves whose hands and feet were paralyzed from hunger were allowed to move freely in a designated area by the river.Many people stick their heads directly into the river to drink water.

Ruan Bai deliberately picked a place upstream, took some water and prepared to scrub it a little bit, his body was itchy to death, and the key point was that he found some traces of small animals' activities.

Then the next moment he was splashed with water, the man who called him Brother Xiao Chu fell into the river like an embroidered pillow, and the splash of water after that seemed like a bomb had been dropped into the river.

Ruan Bai was drenched and covered in water.

Standing up in the river, he found that the water on the beach was only as deep as the bend of his legs, and Xiao Chu was soaked and covered.

Two people, one on the bank of the river and the other in the river, looked at each other without saying a word, only...the two sneezed hard.

The author has something to say: Xiaobai: Brother Xiaochu?

Persimmon: Why is your pronunciation a bit strange?

Xiaobai: This is dialect.

Persimmon: No, dialects are not like that.

Xiaobai: Brother Xiaochu, the dialect at Womeng is Jiangzida~ Persimmon: No, I still find it a bit strange.

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