Passing through the station

Chapter 36 Winter Leisure

Ruan Bai's room division plan was not fully implemented. Before midnight that day, Big Fatty and Little Fatty were robbed of human-shaped hot water bottles. Until the next morning, they were still angrily chasing the robbers and biting their heels.

The robber picked up the two lawless fat men and looked at his leaky heels: "I will bite next time, believe it or not, I will directly get a piece of iron on the heel of the shoes?"

The fat people don't care, they will jump onto the kang when the altitude rises.

The puppy grows like the wind blows, and now someone's calf is already high, and he struggled suddenly, but Chu Hao didn't dare to use all his strength, and if he couldn't catch it, he jumped on Ruan Bai's stomach.

Ruan Bai was woken up by the blow, clutching his stomach and curling up into a ball.This alarm clock is too harsh.

Big Fatty Little Fatty didn't think it was wrong at all, and rushed over to wash Ruan Bai's face.

Ruan Bai could only touch the fat man to comfort him, and asked, "Why are you here?" Wasn't it the room allocation?It's warm with fat people here, it's not cold at all, it's the same as sleeping with Chu Hao.

Seeing that the person was still awake, Chu Hao tucked the corner of the quilt: "I brought you here yesterday, don't you remember?"

"Huh?" When did it happen?He looked up and looked around, and found that he had indeed changed places.He couldn't help sighing, he wasn't wary of this person at all.Before his brain realized how special this person was, his body had already sent the signal to surrender.

Chu Hao has to practice and do morning classes every morning. He wakes up very early, and when he comes back from practice, he can hug Ruan Bai and sleep in his cage.But today is obviously not enough.

Ruan Bai pushed away the quilt and got up, quickly put on his clothes, finished washing in the blink of an eye, and was about to run outside, but was grabbed by Chu Hao.

"It's so cold outside, you don't even wear a coat, how can you go out and look for death?" Now there are kangs in the room, and even the outside without a kang is not very cold.But the outside of the house is different.

Ruan Bai thought so too.I don’t know how many degrees below zero the weather is now. It is not an exaggeration to say that dripping water turns into ice. I went back and put on the sweater I just finished punching yesterday.

Really pure wool, so warm to wear!

Chu Hao held him tightly and stretched out his hand to peel off the sweater: "This is what you were making a few days ago?" A lot of wool was brought back from the grassland, and it was consumed a lot when dealing with wolves, but the stock was obviously still there. There are many.He knew that Ruan Bai and the girls had been tossing about these things. They were gloves or something, and most of them seemed to be fancy but not useful.

"What are you doing? I'm going out for a run." Ruan Bai hurriedly stopped him.Isn't it just a sweater, what are you wondering about?He also knits woolen trousers when he finds time.

Chu Hao thought about it, and felt that he would have a chance to undress others in the future, so he didn't hesitate at the moment, and pulled Ruan Bai out together: "Let's run together. Why did you think of running?"

"Take exercise." The body is the capital of revolution.If he hadn't been weak before, he would have started exercising long ago.The same is true for the people in the barren post now, he will find out first today, if there is no problem, everyone will have to exercise tomorrow.The same is true for the five reserve postmen, but those five people are not in good health now, let's take a look first.

Chu Hao nodded, watching Ruan Bai move around for a while, then opened the door and rushed outside.

Ruan Bai shrank his neck and let out a hot breath.After running in place twice, he started running around the barren post.It's still daylight now, and people are getting up one after another.

Yun Gu, who was in charge of cooking, saw the two of them going out, and asked, "Master, Master Chu, why are you going out so early?"

Ruan Bai answered loudly: "Run!"

Yun Gu didn't understand, thinking about all the inscrutable things of her master, she definitely couldn't figure it out, so she didn't get entangled.

Chu Hao noticed that Ruan Bai's breathing was a little messy at the beginning, but it soon became stable, and even the speed remained relatively stable.

Ruan Bai estimated his physical strength, and when he ran to his whole body and sweated a little, he went back to the yard and asked, "Teach me how to box." Can ancient martial arts really be as awesome as those in martial arts novels?

Chu Hao stared: "Is this the attitude of asking for help?"

Ruan Bai didn't even think about it: "Brother Hao." There is a tuition fee, he knows it.

The corner of Chu Hao's mouth twitched: "Come on, stand up a little bit, step forward first, put your fists at your waist..."

Ruan Bai was sweating all over, but the conditions were limited, he could only take a bath.If only he knew how to make the boiler, he's got coal anyway...

Chu Hao squeezed his arms and legs for him: "Are you sore?" Er Gou is worthy of being his second brother, and his understanding and so on must not be compared with ordinary people.In just a little time in the morning, he taught a set of boxing.

"Not sour." The whole body was active, and Ruan Bai felt refreshed all over. He spread his hands and feet like a master and let Chu maidservant serve him.He has the basics himself, and what Chu Hao teaches is not too complicated, and it is not difficult to learn.

Pressing and pressing, Ruan Bai felt relieved, and Chu Hao began to sweat on his forehead.He obviously held people in his arms before, but after realizing his own thoughts, he suddenly felt a little impatient.But thinking of a bunch of things at home, he still endured it.He was sincere to his second brother, and when he thought of Tian Kaifu's word child molestation, he still felt a tingle in his heart.That's right, he couldn't let his second brother bear that kind of reputation for no reason.

After breakfast, because of Ruan Bai's rules, everyone had to rest for a while before starting work, all in the kitchen.

Ruan Bai announced: "Everyone will follow me out to run laps tomorrow morning."

There is usually only one voice in Huangyi, and that is Ruan Bai.Master Ergou spoke, and everyone else followed suit, although none of them understood the use of running around.

Early the next morning, it took a lot of time to assemble.No one dawdled, but fought in a mess, and the obsessive-compulsive disorder looked particularly bad.

Therefore, Ruan OCD Bai spent a little time sorting out the "military appearance", and taught the queue counting and so on.

After all, he had also been in the army. He was so neat and professional that even Chu Hao took a second look, not to mention Tian Kaifu, who originally just wanted to join in the fun.

If Tian Kaifu was jealous of Ruan Bai before, the more time passed, the more he felt that it would be a pity if Ruan Bai really followed Chu Hao.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the way.As soon as Ruan Bai got started, he knew that this was a way to train soldiers, and it had nothing to do with Chu Hao.His family is close to the Chu family, and it's not like no one in the family is in the Chu family's personal military camp. He doesn't say that he knows the Chu family's military training ability, but he still has a little bit of bottom in his heart.

How old is Ruan Bai?In a few years or more, what kind of evildoer will he grow into?Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.Alas, if these two people are really brothers, then the Chu family has added such a person, and if they say something outrageous, they probably don't have to be wary of the petty tricks of the person above.

A group of people run in circles.Ruan Bai took the lead in shouting slogans, asking the followers to adjust their breathing, and constantly emphasizing the running skills.But breathing is such a thing, the more you care about it, the more messy it will be, and it won't take long for some people to die, with messy breathing, messy footsteps, and the whole person falls to the bottom of the wall in a mess.

Ruan Bai looked at it: "Don't stop, if you can't run, get up and follow!"

The first lap, everyone keeps up;

In the second circle, the team stretches from dough to noodles;

On the third lap, the team began to turn into a few lumps;

On the fourth lap, the gnocchi had been completely pulled apart.

The youngest who likes to join in the fun, a dog takes the lead; Ruan Bai, Chu Hao, and Tian Kaifu maintain the second echelon; followed closely by A Qiang, A Hai, Liniang and Aunt Ma; they were recruited by Tian Kaifu Zhou Dahu and Zhang Daniu followed closely behind; the others behind were a little embarrassed.

At this time, the feeling came out, and his face was already flushed.Those who can't run out feel like they are already rolling and crawling.

Ruan Bai saw that it was almost the same, and immediately called the team back to the yard.

"Those who still have strength, come and box with me. Others go into the house to put on clothes and keep warm." No matter what, he didn't want anyone to get sick.

What Ruan Bai taught was not the one that Chu Hao taught him yesterday, but the military boxing that he was most familiar with.On the first day he taught five breakdown moves.Chu Hao knew it at a glance, Tian Kaifu hit it twice, the rest of Zhou Dahu and Zhang Daniu were almost the same, Liniang and Ma Da Niang were a little slower, but not much slower.

Ruan Bai looked at it, recalled women's fighting and women's self-defense, and said, "Don't worry about these, I will sort them out today and teach some suitable for women to learn."

No one who has experienced military disasters thinks there is anything wrong with girls learning these things.Learning more will always give you more security.This time they were able to come back from the grassland. It was the lucky star Gao Zhao who met Ruan Bai and Chu Hao and rescued them.They are coming back, but what about not coming back?They can't count on others to save them every time.

Liniang said generously, "Thank you, Master."

Aunt Ma faltered: "Thanks...thank you, master." Her face, which was originally slightly red from the exercise, instantly flushed her ears and neck.

Ruan Bai scratched his head, completely not understanding why there was such a thing as blushing.Although he knew that in an age like Da Zhou's, the relationship between men and women would be stricter, but after passing through him, he didn't have any special experience.Even in the current barren post, it's just like a dormitory.

In particular, even though he was wearing a teenage shell, his actual age was enough for them to be called an uncle. Looking at these people was like looking at his classmates... Well, except for Chu Hao, who was obviously growing up in a hurry.

Chu Hao watched from the side, his eyes became hot, he stretched out his hand to grab Ruan Bai and walked into the house.He wants to strengthen the education of his family's second dog, the focus is on whether men and women can kiss each other!

Ruan Bai went back to the room to change clothes, stretched out his hand and took off the pullover, and the clothes inside were stretched up, revealing a large white waistline.

Chu Hao's fingers were slightly itchy, and he didn't dare to reach out to touch it directly. He only dared to straighten his clothes for him and "by the way" wiped some oil.Well, it's so slippery.

Ruan Bai rolled his eyes, pretending to be ignorant of Chu Hao's tricks.In fact, they are both men, and besides, they are in love with each other, and he doesn't really mind if they lose their integrity once in a while.

Chu Hao had already forgotten what to say to Ruan Bai, and followed Ruan Bai staggeringly, his virtue was as good as that of big fat and little fat!

Tian Kaifu covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly!

At this time, Liniang, who was still in charge of housekeeping in the dormitory, grabbed Aunt Ma and asked, "Are you interested in the master?"

Madam Ma blushed immediately, and hesitated: "I..."

The author has something to say: Persimmon's troubles

Persimmon: The dog at home is too attractive.

Odada: Isn't that great?

Persimmon: No, then I don’t feel at ease walking the dog.

Otada: Huh?

Persimmon: Every time there will be strangers beckoning to feed them.

Odada: Ah...

Persimmon: Gouzi still doesn't recognize his birth!

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