Passing through the station

Chapter 39 Trial move

Seeing Ruan Bai come out, Chu Hao frowned and wanted to ask, but saw Ruan Bai beckoning to him: "I'll talk about it later."

Chu Hao nodded, slipped the thinly dressed person into the room, washed up with the others, and then a group of people walked out of the room trembling and sullenly, and out of the courtyard gate.

There is a wilderness around, and the unobstructed north wind is blowing, it is really...

"Jingjing is so bright that my heart is cold, hiss..."

Ruan Bai muttered softly, resisting the urge to shiver, but fortunately, he did a simple warm-up in the yard just now, and with yesterday's last place, a few people felt okay today.

The situation today is somewhat polarized.Those who performed well yesterday are still the same, but yesterday some were not up to the mark, so that the second-class people caught up, and the rest were not as good as yesterday.

Once people who don't run go for a long-distance run, their legs will inevitably be sore and weak the next day. Even if they massage each other to relax as Ruan Bai said, it won't have much effect. It's just that they walk a few laps at a brisk pace, and they are still exhausted. Almost fell to the ground.

After running the circle, the fourth child who was dispatched by the whole family today followed in, and the third child led the big fat and the fat ones to run wildly outside, with their tongues on their chins.

The fourth child shook his hair, apparently in a good mood, and squatted beside Ruan Bai, watching them punch.In addition to reviewing yesterday's five movements today, I also learned five new movements.Then Chu Hao joined the coaching team and demonstrated women's self-defense with Ruan Bai.

Ruan Bai gestured to Chu Hao with a hook, and Chu Hao stepped forward and hugged Ruan Bai from behind: "If you are hugged by bad guys from behind, don't panic at this time, lift your feet and step on the bad guys' feet..."

The girls all felt very novel.The first move taught by Ruan Bai is very basic. It uses small and delicate skills, and it doesn't require much effort or difficulty to learn.

The girls watch the men jumping up and down.

The men's faces were flushed, and they didn't mind practicing with the girls.But if they really dared to hug the girl from behind as Ruan Bai demonstrated, they would definitely not be able to see the sun tomorrow, maybe even the moon tonight.

Not much work to do in winter.Although the barren post is big, they have a lot of people, and the utensils and tools used are all new, not to mention repairing at all. Now the work at hand is for the new post to be built next year. There are standard specifications. I can only work slowly and meticulously, and the time is not rushed.There is not even a single brick in the station today.

As a result, the men began to take the initiative to spend an hour practicing martial arts every morning and evening, and many people came to Tang Xinhou for advice.Although everyone is now a reserve postman, everyone knows that Tang Xinhou is basically the same. Who gave him such a skill?

Of course, when the post station is completed, it is definitely impossible for others to be their postmen to raise sheep, cattle, donkeys and horses for them.They have to learn sooner or later, and they should learn quickly during the winter break, otherwise they will have to farm and raise chickens after the spring starts and the land thaws, so they must not be free now.

Their enthusiasm for studying here was high, and Chu Hao did not relax while pulling Ruan Bai.

Every morning is an unshakable cultural class, and Chu Hao has to go back to the military camp after the winter solstice holiday.But every afternoon is nothing serious, Chu Hao is still a thousand households now, even if he needs to work in the afternoon, Xu Wu and others can inform him, anyway, Huangyi is not far from Shunyang Pass.The war had just ended, and apart from regular inspections, there was no special matter that Chu Hao had to come forward.

Ruan Bai felt that his tuition was for nothing.What about archery lessons?Well, Chu Hao taught him archery, and even made him two leather finger rings to wear in turn.But at the same time, he had to teach Chu Hao how to do Tai Chi.

He has indeed practiced Tai Chi for a while, but Tai Chi is just a talk about martial arts that are easy to learn and difficult to master. In fact, it is difficult to learn, and there are many schools. Although he learned it for a while, it is better than ostentation. , but it can never be forced to the point where it can be taught to others.What made him feel the worst was that Tian Kaifu was also learning from the sidelines, but Big Fatty raised his paw slowly, put it down and slowly raised it, and still tilted his head thinking hard, what is he doing? !

Big Fatty slowly raised his hind legs, urinated against the wall, and then ran away.

Ruan Bai: "..."

Chu Hao stuffed the arrow into his hand: "Don't be distracted."

Ruan Bai opened his bow and shot an arrow, and the arrow hit the bull's-eye.At first he just didn't have the strength to master it, but in fact he can still do it.Five postmen, including Tang Xinhou, were also practicing archery.Zhang Daniu, who was born as an Orion, still has some foundations. Not to mention that his arrows never fail, he can also avoid missing the target.But in the end, Ye Luzi was born, and he hasn't studied it systematically. It seems that he is worse than Ruan Bai at present.

Zhang Daniu felt a little annoyed in his heart, and some showed on his face.

Ruan Bai comforted: "Don't compare me, when I was killing people, you didn't know where I was."

kill? !Zhang Daniu was terrified, and asked someone to explain science after dinner.Then the people in Huangyi described to him how brave their master was when he faced the Huns on the grassland, how he swiped a human head and a horse's leg.

In fact, what Ruan Bai said was not the same thing at all.In terms of real age, he is a few years older than Zhang Daniu. He is the kind of agent who has been trained since childhood. He was really young when he participated in the first murder.That time could be considered a coincidence and being forced to be helpless, and after the end, I did a long time of psychological counseling...

Although he can't be said to be killing people like hemp now, he doesn't have any psychological burden on killing a few people who are on the opposite side.

In terms of experience in killing enemies, there is no comparison between his kind of hunter who has targeted people since his training, and Zhang Daniu, a hunter who has targeted wild beasts.

Chu Hao is still studying the big watermelon, no, it's Tai Chi.

Ruan Bai began to believe that Chu Hao was really a genius.Just relying on his few foolish words, Chu Hao was able to beat Tian Kaifu to the ground in just half a month with the Taijiquan he had found out.

Tian Kaifu got up from the ground, and patted the dust as if nothing had happened: "I was never an opponent of Master Chu."

When he was just a companion, he was still unconvinced for a while; it was similar to the feeling that this kid was two years younger than himself, because he had a good background.He is respectful on the surface, but he is still a little proud in his heart.Back then, he was a leader no matter in the private school or in the school, and there were few children older than him who could surpass him in civil and martial arts.

Therefore, he was naturally selected as Chu Hao's accompanying reader; therefore, he was naturally beaten by Chu Hao in all aspects, so he did not have any self-confidence.

Now it's just being beaten down again, what's so strange?It would be a ghost if he could beat Chu Hao to the ground.But this time he felt very strange.

"It's hard to beat, every time I'm attacked to the point where I have to save it, or my strength is exhausted. It seems that I fell down just now."

Chu Hao nodded, he also found it strange that he had never used so much effort once before, and muttered: "Using strength to fight, so that's the way it is." However, Tian Kaifu couldn't do much for him. As a result, he reported to Ruan Bai, "I'm going to the military camp, and I won't be back for dinner, so don't leave me a meal."

Chu Hao rode a horse and quickly arrived at the barracks. He immediately summoned his men and went to the school grounds.

After all, he is just a newly promoted Qianhu, and it is impossible to have full soldiers under him. Apart from his original subordinates, there are now two or three hundred more people, most of whom are transferred from the auxiliary army.

It's not long now, and the difference between the soldiers and the former auxiliary army is still very huge. It can be seen from the speed of assembly, and the formation is even more obvious at a glance.This is because he used Ruan Bai's method to make it a little more tidy.

It wasn't a day to have sex, Chu Hao's actions quickly attracted the attention of the entire Shunyang Pass.His original personal force value attracted people's attention. When he was still an ordinary "hunter", as long as he went to the school field, many people would flock to him.Now, not only has he been promoted to Qianhu, but he also has a master-student relationship with the general. It is not just some soldiers and low-level generals who pay attention to him.

Mr. Cao, the top leader of Shunyang Pass, also appeared in the school grounds immediately after receiving the news.The entire Shunyang Pass was under his nose, and he arrived earlier than the other thousands of households.

As soon as Mr. Cao appeared, there were still some voices who were chattering and booing, and suddenly disappeared.

Before the competition started, Chu Hao stepped forward to salute Mr. Cao, but Mr. Cao stopped him with a smile: "Chu Hao doesn't need to be too polite, Mr. Cao is just a spectator today."

Chu Hao could only cup his fists at Master Cao, and said, "Thank you, Master Cao." To become a border guard, the opponent is still as cruel as the Huns. Master Cao may not be strong enough to compete with Chu Hao in terms of personal force. In battle formation confrontation, he is definitely better than himself, and experience alone can crush him to death.

Chu Hao knew his strengths and weaknesses.Don't look at him being promoted from an ordinary soldier to a thousand household in just one year.But his combat exploits have nothing to do with his ability to command combat.He was still a novice in the field of war.

Of course, fundamentally, he is much, much higher than others.

In less than a year, the hundreds of soldiers under him had already trained a variety of combined attack formations. Two or three people were already proficient, five people could basically master it, and the better ones were able to cooperate with ten people. .

Although the individual combat power of the soldiers is not enough to praise, once the scale is formed, it is definitely not something that ordinary masters can resist.Even at Chu Hao's level, he had to be careful when facing the combined attack of ten people he had trained.If it weren't for the fact that they were not yet proficient and hadn't experienced the baptism of war, Chu Hao wouldn't dare to use a newly discovered kung fu to deal with a ten-man battle formation.

In the army, two-and-three attack is the most common and main training program.

For five people attacking together, only Master Cao's personal guards can train in Shunyang Pass.It's not that the other thousands of households don't want to practice, but they are powerless.It is easy to train two-two cooperation, but it will take several times more time to cooperate between teams. As for changing from two-two cooperation to three-three cooperation, generals who have not accumulated many years cannot do this smoothly at all. a little.

Chu Hao stood in the middle of the school field empty-handed, and the two rushed up first, but Chu Hao... fell to the ground by himself after turning sideways.The two got up from the ground, touched the back of their heads, and looked puzzled.

The same goes for groups of three.

When the five people came up, the eyes of thousands of households obviously widened, and they thought to themselves: Did this Chu Hao practice the five-person combined attack?

Someone smacked his mouth and shook his head: "Five people, it's impossible?"

Instead, Mu Feiwen said: "Originally Master Chu had no more than a hundred people. If you really want to choose five to practice, it is not impossible." The so-called battle formation, the smaller the scale, the easier it is to practice, but the small scale is placed on a large battlefield. not so useful.It can only be said that it is for fun, for fun.

The others nodded as they thought about it.In terms of seniority, all the hundreds of households in Shunyangguang have much more seniority than Chu Hao.Of course, no one is like Chu Hao. When he was in a hundred households, he immediately recruited full staff, and he could account for it if he had 80 to [-] people under his command.Practicing five-person combined attack or something, when he gets to Qianhu's position, he will know how unrealistic it is.

Before they finished thinking, the five people on the school field attacked Chu Hao as if they were one person.The brave aura exuding from his body is enough to make the eyes of these veterans onlookers shine.

Master Cao nodded: "Not bad!"

The others could only nod along, and of course they really felt that the performance of these five people was remarkable.

It was also the first time that Chu Hao opened his posture, instead of holding one hand behind his back like facing two or three people, and his face also showed a three-pointed cautiousness.Of course, he knows how much the soldiers he has trained are heavy, and he has high requirements during training.

Five people are a whole, attack one, the other four must either rescue or attack.Chu Hao now insists on using his new martial arts, which is naturally a bit unfamiliar and awkward compared to the usual methods.The two sides come and go, entangled enough for a cup of tea time.

On the battlefield, if you have been stalemate with the enemy for such a long time, if there is no one to rescue you, you can basically declare that you will be a hero again after 18 years.But now it's a school competition, Chu Hao is using them to sharpen his new martial arts, so why aren't they using Chu Hao to sharpen their battle formation?

Of course, under normal circumstances, people practice five-on-five and five-on-ten. Few people can do one-on-five, and the side that can still hit one has the upper hand.Even though the scene looked evenly matched, Chu Hao's moves were very strange and seemed to consume very little physical strength. On the other hand, looking at the side of five people, one could already see the unevenness of physical strength.The one with poor physical strength was already flushed and began to pant heavily.

Mr. Cao waved to the relatives around him, and whispered something in his ear.

Follow the lead and leave quickly.

The others didn't know what order Mr. Cao gave, they looked at the smiling face and secretly cursed the old fox.

Not long after the personal escort left, the five of them were also let go by Chu Hao.He didn't intend to expose the joint attack of ten people, and directly ordered: "Take the stick."

Holding sticks, the two rushed forward without giving Chu Hao a chance to rest.

As the soldiers brought out by Chu Hao, they usually practice like this, but others are not used to it, so they started some discussions.

Fighting weapons with bare hands is of course much more dangerous than fighting with bare hands.However, the combination of two and three did not last long under Chu Hao's hands. On the contrary, it was because of Chu Hao's smooth handling of moves that he was beaten to the ground in almost two or three rounds.

When five people came up with sticks, Chu Hao raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Master Cao.For a year, he said that he was working under Mr. Cao, but in fact the two sides had no chance of contact.No matter what he knew about Mr. Cao personally, or his personal soldiers, Chu Hao didn't know the details.

Now the five members of Cao's army came directly, which made Chu Hao a little surprised.Of course, it was just surprise, far from the point where it could arouse other emotions in him.

Master Cao also appreciated it slightly, and said slightly, "If Master Chu doesn't mind, let the old man's subordinates learn Master Chu's martial arts."

"Don't dare." Chu Hao cupped his hands, "Thank you, Master Cao, for your guidance."

Opportunities to fight against unfamiliar elite soldiers are rare. Of course, he would not think that it was Mr. Cao who disliked him and wanted to take the opportunity to teach him a lesson.

He was also very polite to the five Cao family soldiers, with a serious expression: "Please advise."

The five Cao's troops were not like those soldiers under Chu Hao, who came up to fight without saying a word.They cupped their fists and saluted: "Lord Chu, be careful."

Just five words, showing their strong self-confidence.Following Mr. Cao, in Shunyang Pass, fighting against the Huns all the year round, each of them came out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood, and they are true masters of all battles.The strength of Chu Hao's martial arts is known to everyone in Shunyang Pass, and no one has even been able to understand it to the end; one-on-one or even two-on-one, they have self-knowledge and are not Chu Hao's opponents; but the three of them have confidence, To be able to defeat Chu Hao; now, there are five of them!

The moment the five of them raised their sticks, a fierce and fierce aura emerged.This was a completely different momentum from the five under Chu Hao's subordinates just now. Even if they were only using sticks at this time, they still seemed to be holding spears.The onlookers naturally stopped talking, and the entire school ground was silent.

Only a few generals asked after a short silence, "Mr. Cao is indeed brave!"

"That's right, even with Master Chu's martial arts this time, it's inevitable..."

"Personal bravery, what's the use on the battlefield? It's just a child's play, I don't know the heights of the sky!"

It was Mu Feiwen who said this, even if he said it to the hearts of several other generals, no one would agree with him.Not to mention that Chu Hao has a master who is a general, even in terms of personal bravery, he is not useless on the battlefield.Not to mention, the few of them present here are much more skillful than the soldiers.Personal bravery can allow them to survive on the battlefield to the maximum extent, and then kill the enemy.

The other generals looked at each other silently, and shook their heads secretly at Mu Feiwen. They really didn't know what medicine Mu Feiwen had taken wrongly, so they had to stand against Chu Hao, even turning a blind eye to such a hard backer.What's more, Chu Hao's background is just a general?To be able to worship the general as his teacher, Chu Hao's background is also debatable.Even if you don't look at the backstage, just because Chu Hao was promoted to a thousand households, his military exploits are solid, not as good as that nephew of the Mu family who only knows how to show off.

Now Chu Hao is not as young as the weak crown, but Mu Feiwen is approaching sixty years old. Although the two belong to a thousand households, but after Mu Feiwen retires, can the Mu family maintain its current glory?Not to mention that this is still based on the premise that Chu Hao has not been promoted to rank.

Now Chu Hao doesn't have the same knowledge as Mu Feiwen, and I'm afraid he won't take Mu's family seriously in the future, but he can't stop people from looking for death, and someone with a wink will take action on his behalf.

The author has something to say: the compulsion of a martial arts master

Chu · Master · Persimmon ╭(╯^╰)╮: I can defeat Ni Meng without moving one leg!

Chu · Master · Persimmon ╭(╯^╰)╮: Draw a circle, and if you can’t get out of the nest, you can defeat Ni Meng!

Chu · Master · Persimmon ╭ (╯^╰) ╮: I can defeat Ni Meng with my bare hands!

Xiaobai: (#﹣)~→

Xiaobai (* ̄3 ̄)╭: Brother Hao, Kang Muang, Brother Hao, what's the matter~Chu·Transformation·Big Dog [Running]: Wang!

Today is a little bit more than yesterday (⊙v⊙)

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