Passing through the station

Chapter 69 Predator Tutorial

Mastiffs have almost no natural enemies on the grasslands.

Even the golden eagles of the overlord of the sky would not provoke them under normal circumstances; not only would they risk being killed back, but even if the hunt was successful, the weight of an adult mastiff might not be able to catch them and bring them back to the lair.

And for these top predators, unless it is a special season, the food on the grassland is relatively sufficient.

As a half-sized mastiff, even with lanugo on his body, Big Fatty was not inferior to the third and fourth in terms of size, and he was two circles bigger than his sister Xiaopang.So the third and fourth decided to start teaching their sons real hunter skills instead of just catching a rabbit or something.

Under normal circumstances, they should bring Xiaopang with them, but the two cubs will distract them, especially the two cubs just look at Dapang, who are actually a little behind the age of really learning to hunt.

Thanks to the right investment by the big boss, the cubs of the novice parents have been well taken care of by humans, and after several months of running and training almost rain or shine, Da Pang's physical fitness and endurance are very good.

It's just that the prey in Shunyang Pass are relatively small. Big Fatty has no problem in finding the traces of the prey, but he has a problem in choosing the type of prey.

Fatty set his sights on a tribe of Huns, to be exact, the herds of cattle and sheep in the tribe.

Lamb is delicious!

The molar stick made of beef jerky is delicious!

Big Fatty crawled on the grass, staring at the prey with good eyes, a small puddle of saliva flowed from his slightly opened mouth, and rushed back to let the cook cook it for him!So much delicious, eat every day!

The fourth child slapped the stupid son with his paw.With so many people, just the three of them can't beat them.

After a while, the third child appeared quietly, licked his daughter-in-law, then his son, and turned around, motioning them to follow.

In terms of hunting, the third child is still very reliable.The fourth child and Da Pang closely followed the head of the family, and after nearly two hours of searching, they found the second chef who was cooking mutton.

Chu Hao and the others were very lucky that day. They caught four wild sheep and ate dry food for a few days. There was no trace of the Huns nearby, so they decided to take a good rest and prepare the mutton for the next few days. dry food.

In general marching, although soldiers will carry three to ten days' rations on their backs, but in seasons like summer when food is not easy to preserve, the dry food they bring is far from enough, and in many cases local materials need to be obtained.With the lunch box prepared by Ruan Bai, the conditions this time were already unexpectedly superior.

There has been no major incident in the post station, and the postmen in the post station have been well trained by Ruan Bai.Ruan Bai, the postman, had nothing to do, and Chu Hao didn't quite know what Ruan Bai was doing when he was at home, besides preparing three meals a day.

Ruan Bai prepared a lot of lunch boxes and medical kits this time.There were 11 people in his team including him, and he brought eleven portions. The number of pancakes was not enough, but there were dried vegetables and seasonings in them.I have to say that it is much better than the oilcloth and vinegar cloth.

Chu Hao often lives under Ruan Bai's halo, and the feeling is not very obvious; but his soldiers are different.They didn't dare to express envy, jealousy and hatred to Chu Hao directly, so they could only look at their immediate boss with eyes full of resentment.

Cut, what about Qianhu?Not even a dog slave!

Dogs can't eat too salty things.Chu Hao prepared another sheep for the third child's family. When he had free time, he even brushed the dog's hair and wiped his face. He served him meticulously.

Raising hounds is a reserved item for almost every honorable family, and hunting with hounds is also one of the must-have programs for dandies.Even Chu Hao once raised two fierce big dogs, but it's a pity that no one has a long lifespan.After the big dog died, he never raised it again.

He really likes the third child's family, but the third child likes his second brother even more.There is no way, the biggest person in charge of the family.

Adult mastiffs actually don't have a lot of food, and their main combat power is big fat.

Chu Hao felt that he gave Big Fatty a wrong name: "You are almost as tall as your father, why are you still growing?" He stretched out his hand to pinch Fatty's legs, "Are you fat?"

Big Fatty was used to being harassed by Chu Hao since he was a child. He was pinched by Chu Hao, and he didn't move. He just gnawed on the sheep bone.

The little soldiers trembled when they saw it. If such a big dog bites off in one bite... hiss!

The third child squatted vigilantly, moving his ears submerged in the long fur from time to time.The fourth child lay lazily on the ground, pushing Chu Hao with his big paws, signaling to comb his hair.

"Everyone eat, don't be vigilant." Chu Hao greeted, no kind of vigilance can compare with the third and fourth children.While combing the fourth child, he asked, "Where is Xiaopang? Didn't you come out with you?"

"Ah ~ um." The fourth child yawned.

Unable to communicate, they could only relax and rest for a while under the vigilance of the third child.After resting enough, the fourth child pushed Chu Hao with his paw, and turned his head to signal them to follow.

That is to say, Chu Hao was not pushed so "lightly" because of his steady footing.After getting along for so long, he can still understand some simple body language of the dogs, but now he is on a mission, not hunting with the dogs!

Chu Hao said: "Not now, I will bring you out to play when I have time later."

The fourth child glanced at him with cold eyes, and bared his teeth: "Wow!"

Fatty came over and asked Chu Hao to wipe his mouth, and then bit Chu Hao's heel with his clean mouth.

Chu Hao jumped.This place is not like at home, there is no place to repair shoes.

A soldier suddenly suggested: "My lord, we haven't found any traces of the Huns in the past few days. Why don't you follow the big fat ones to see them? They seem to have found something."

This proposal seems unreliable, but... Anyway, they haven't found anything yet.

So the team got on their horses and followed the third child's family to go deep into the grassland.

In less than half a day, they discovered the situation.Even the blind can see the flock of sheep like clouds in the distance.What is even more obvious is that a team of about a hundred people is rapidly approaching the sheep.

Well equipped and strong horses, this is not a herdsman, but a cavalry.

When the Huns fought, although herdsmen could directly become soldiers, there was still a big gap between ordinary herdsmen and real Hun cavalry.

Fatty was very entangled, and looked back at his parents.They couldn't drive the sheep away with just a few people, but now there are a lot more people...

The third child looked back at Chu Hao and his party, and then at the size of the Huns' cavalry, and felt that the flock was hopeless.

The fourth child rubbed his son's fat body with his paws, as a comfort, and whispered twice.You can find prey again, you don’t have to keep an eye on such a flock of sheep. There are a lot of flocks on the prairie~ Big fat head pushed mom, decided to find another flock, and rushed back to let the cook cook it for it!

"Zhi—" the golden eagle's chirping pierced the sky.

The third child raised his head to look at the sky, and called out softly to his son: "Wow hoo." Come on, dad will take you to hunt birds!

The three dogs disappeared in the grass in an instant, and even Chu Hao couldn't detect their tracks all at once.The current situation does not allow him to run with the dog anymore.It is normal for herdsmen to appear in this place, but the appearance of cavalry of this size can almost confirm their previous speculation.

But now is not the time to scare the snake, their team obviously can't handle so many Hun cavalry.Chu Hao was suddenly distracted and thought, if Ruan Bai was here, would there be a way to kill this group of people?He touched the medicine bag subconsciously.His medicine bag is different from the other one in the team; besides bandages, gold sore medicine and other things, there are a lot of poisons and anesthetics...

"My lord?" The soldier behind him asked when he saw that Chu Hao suddenly stopped moving.

Chu Hao came back to his senses, and made a gesture: "Leave first, find a cover, and monitor the movement of the Hun cavalry. I will go to explore the camp at night."

The Huns have golden eagles, which are quite difficult to touch during the day, but may be easier at night.The purpose of his coming was not to kill the Huns, but to inquire about the movement of the Huns' army.

The third child's family didn't have Chu Hao's patience.Although adult mastiffs are basically not attacked by golden eagles, young mastiffs are on the diet of golden eagles.The third child was attacked by a golden eagle when he was a child, and since then he has been full of hatred for everything that can fly.Its sons and daughters have inherited it well.

Fatty caught a sparrow.

The sparrow was still alive, and was slapped by palm-sized paws, biting it from time to time. Seeing Ruan Bai approaching, he took the sparrow and motioned Ruan Bai to play with him.

Ruan Bai: "..." The third child's family is so simple!He has seen cats catch sparrows, but he has never seen dogs catch birds.What a shame for a winged bird to be caught by such a fat dog!

Seeing that Ruan Bai didn't move, Xiaopang tilted his head: "Hmm~" Don't you want to play?

Ruan Bai: "Go catch a few more and cook them for you tonight." Think of it as eating chicken skeletons.

Xiaopang threw away the half-dead sparrow, and went to the former hunter Zhang Daniu to catch the bird together.In terms of catching sparrows alone, Zhang Daniu's ability is much higher than Xiaopang's.As the number one archer in each archery competition in Yizhong, he came back after catching a bag of sparrows in a short while.

The chubby raised his head high, as if he had caught a sparrow.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so Ruan Bai boiled boiling water to scald his fur to kill the sparrows, the small ones were cleaned by him.It’s not good if it’s not clean, Xiaopang will check on the side, and if there is a stubble, it will bark.

Ruan Bai rolled his eyes: "Why don't you watch them make briquettes?" As a wild mastiff, Xiaopang, you can't be like a pet dog!

It is not difficult to make briquettes. After Ruan Bai taught them for a few days, the auxiliary soldiers have already done a decent job, and the rest of the pre-job training is the safety precautions for digging coal.Most of the Xiyuan side are open-pit coal mines, and mining is not difficult.He can only talk about it on paper here, and the rest will wait for the uniforms and other supplies from Xishan, and then wait for the infrastructure on Xiyuan to be ready.

As for those retired veterans, they will be on duty tomorrow.

The author has something to say: Shepherd Dog Tutorial

Third child: The sheep ran away.

Fatty: Follow the sheep.

Fourth child: drive the sheep back.

Fatty: Guard the sheepfold.

Persimmon (⊙v⊙): What does Nimeng think of as a nest?

Xiaobai (⊙v⊙): What does Ni Meng think of the station?

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