Passing through the station

Chapter 73 Going out is like throwing away

The Huns will soon come to attack Da Zhou... Ruan Bai lay down on the bed, thinking more and more wrong.

"Why are you hiding it?" Ruan Bai didn't quite understand.

He really didn't understand that in his previous life, even if he knew that the world was not so peaceful, he had participated in every little thing, but he was only the one who carried out the task, and he didn't know why he carried out such a task.Many times, even if he has doubts, he dare not ask.

It's different now, he has an elder brother who is both a teacher and a friend, what a waste if he doesn't make good use of it.

Chu Hao didn't even think about it: "Don't hide it, it's easy to make the people panic. We're not sure when the Huns will come, and we don't know exactly which places they will attack. If such news spreads, the people don't want to farm, and I'm afraid it will be another Fleeing from a famine...even if the local area does not suffer from military disasters, I am afraid that it will be the same as suffering from disasters, at least this year's harvest will definitely be gone."

Ruan Bai frowned slightly: "But if you hide it, the common people will not be able to prepare. When the Huns come, the common people will not be prepared..." Could it be that they are waiting to be slaughtered?

What do people need to do to prepare?Chu Hao instinctively wanted to ask back, but the words turned a corner: "What can ordinary people do to prepare?"

In his education, the duty of soldiers is to protect the common people; the common people only need to pay taxes and serve corvee.He really wanted to answer Ruan Bai like this just now, but found that in his actual experience, the soldiers did not do this well.They let the common people face the Huns' butcher knife, defenseless...

It's a shame!

Ruan Bai felt the tightness of Chu Hao's arms around his waist, and couldn't help but move: "There are many things that can be prepared. Even if you can't say it clearly, it's okay to ask people to do some basic protection?" Just like modern Basically, every home is equipped with anti-theft windows and anti-theft doors.

Chu Hao quickly relaxed his arms, and raised his hand in the dark to touch Ruan Bai's fleshy waist, but there were still ribs on the top, and...well, the feeling was getting better and better.

The lighting in the current house is already poor, and it is almost impossible to see at night.Ruan Bai couldn't see Chu Hao's expression, but he clearly knew that this person had lost his mind, and he was the only one who waited foolishly for Chu Hao to answer him: "Hello!"

Chu Hao rolled over and held him down, began to take off his clothes, and muttered to himself in confusion: "It's so strange, I'm obviously tired these days, why do I feel refreshed when I'm by your side?"

Soul light!He wasn't tired at all these days, no, he was a little tired from washing the quilt yesterday.

So, when Ruan Bai waited for the so-called answer, it was already the next morning.

After returning from morning exercise in the morning, Chu Hao stood by the well and took a shower with cold water, and asked Ruan Bai, "The common people can't even afford to repair their houses, so what can they do to defend against the Huns?"

Well, no matter at what time, heartbeat is zero cost, but action requires a lot of cost.

no matter where...

"Without money, it is impossible to move an inch."

Ruan Bai found the abacus, and absently pawed it for a long time. The chubby chubby, who was squatting so irritated at home, took one bite away and chewed it until it was smashed, and the abacus beads rolled all over the floor.The fat dogs found a new toy, and they ran around the room kicking and chewing on the poor abacus.

"Prodigal son!" Ruan Bai cursed, walked out of the room, and whistled.

Obsidian trotted over, Ruan Bai turned over, and Obsidian waited for Ruan Bai to sit still, and rushed out like a joy.

Obsidian's acceleration is very obvious, and Ruan Bai can clearly feel that his mount has changed from a small electric donkey to a motorcycle, and he feels a little bit of the thrill of racing.

Obsidian only ran on the official road for a short while, then turned to the large farmland behind the market, quickly passed the flock of sheep grazing by the fourth child, waded across the small river, and rushed all the way to the north.

Ruan Bai had never been to this area, but he saw that Obsidian was very familiar with running, so he didn't bother to care about it.The old horse knows the way and is not afraid.

After Ruan Bai found that Obsidian had slowed down and circled several times, he patted the horse's head: "Lost?"

Obsidian snorted and gnawed two leaves as if nothing had happened.

"Stop pretending, I've seen through you!" Ruan Bai simply jumped off his horse.He was too relieved about Obsidian, and he was a little restless in his heart, so he didn't remember the way very much. It might take some time to find it now.

Obsidian stopped pretending, and licked off the leaves of the tree, almost hitting Ruan Bai, rubbing his big head on Ruan Bai's face guiltily.It is hungry, and the leaves are not tasty at all.

Ruan Bai rolled his eyes.In this world, he has to find food for the kidnappers for a meat ticket.

I don't know how far Obsidian has traveled. This place is obviously very different from the vicinity of Shunyang. I always feel that even the leaves of the trees are greener.At a glance, the terrain is gentle, with some messy bushes and colorful flowers blooming.He could only take out the folding machete he carried with him, and besides cutting a path, he also hit a pheasant.

Keep the chicken for yourself, and the eggs for Ma Son.

I didn't expect to go out for a walk and lose myself. There was almost nothing around Ruan Bai, and the chicken was barely cooked and barely edible.After a few months of good life, Ruan Bai couldn't eat anymore.

Obsidian seemed to know that he had made a mistake, and kept silent like a son of a dog, trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

Chu Hao, who returned to the inn for lunch at noon, lingered in the inn and asked, "Where is my second brother?"

After his life settled down, Ruan Bai's life was very regular. If he didn't come back in time at noon, he would make an appointment in advance. He had never encountered such a situation.

The others didn't think anything was wrong: "My lord is out for a walk."

"When did you go out?"

"It's not long since I had breakfast." Although the adults in their family are majestic, they are only young boys in terms of age. It's normal to go out to play occasionally and forget when to go home for dinner.

It's been almost two hours.

Chu Hao couldn't eat, finished the meal, went back to the hut, and stopped.When he came back just now, he just took a look and yelled, and found that Ruan Bai was not there, so he didn't go in.After all, there were three big fat dogs lined up at the door, and it would take some effort to cross them.

But now the fat dogs went to the cooler outside, revealing a man with his face on the ground and his ankle on one side.The man was dressed in post house clothes, with dog footprints all over his back.

Chu Hao didn't even need to turn the person over to recognize that it was the "good performance".I don't know who buried the nail in the station. Ruan Bai originally wanted to keep it for fun, but now that it's like this, it's obviously impossible to play.

As for Ruan Bai's "disappearance" being related to this man, Chu Hao would never have such a thought.His second brother is so shrewd, how could he be plotted against by the little bug who has been eyeing him for a long time?

"Perhaps, I really forgot the time?" Chu Hao muttered to himself, while tying him up and handing him over to Tang Xinhou, "Take care of him."

Tang Xinhou obviously knew this posthouse.But he was just surprised for a moment, and then quickly separated the barn with a fence, and called the fourth brother to come over and watch, and a simple prison cell that looked like a shape was completed.

Chu Hao nodded, and asked Ruan Bai's whereabouts again. After getting the same answer as before, he frowned slightly. Feeling relieved, he rushed to Guancheng.Now that all parties are preparing for the battle, he was able to take the time to go home at noon, which was already the result of General Cao turning a blind eye, and he couldn't stop going in the afternoon like before.

In the end, what was waiting for Chu Hao at night was still cold pot and cold stove.

What you eat for lunch is tasteless, but if you continue to eat dinner with everyone in the post station, it is called tasteless.Er Gou, his exclusive snack, was not around, so he couldn't eat at all.

Xu Liu comforted: "Master Chu, don't worry. Shen Shi didn't see you coming back, so the third child took Big Fatty Little Pang and Daniel together to find him." The third child went out, one for two!

In terms of hunting, the third child is indeed very reliable.Ruan Bai also often played hide-and-seek with fat and fat.Not to mention other people, the two fat guys have experience finding Ruan Bai.

The former Orion Daniel Tongzi, the real main search and rescue personnel, was reduced to a little transparent in front of the fat dog.

In the afternoon, a team was sent out, but the yellow crane never returned.

Chu Hao couldn't sleep well, so he forced himself to close his eyes for two hours, woke up in the middle of the night, asked the postmen on guard, and found that Ruan Bai and the others hadn't come back yet.

Tang Xinhou didn't have time to persuade him, so he saw Chu Hao pull a horse out and jumped up: "I'll look for it."

Chu Hao could be considered as a scout.He knew very well that night was not a good time to find someone, and many traces would be ignored.But it's really impossible for him to just sit at home and wait for the news.What made him even more depressed was that in this situation, he couldn't even sit and wait at home. At most, he could only find dawn, and he had to go to the military camp to deal with a lot of things tomorrow.

Obsidian's speed is very fast, and Chu Hao still understands Obsidian's personality.The newly grown horses are lively and active, to put it bluntly, they are a bit crazy, and they can usually play crazy with the two fat guys.This means that when Obsidian runs, it will definitely cause a lot of movement, and it will not deliberately avoid some obstacles that can be crushed... Farmland will still be avoided, and Ruan Bai will be beaten by stepping on farmland.

He already knew the direction Obsidian ran away from other people's mouths. Chu Hao tracked it all the way, not only the traces of Obsidian, but also the marks left by Daniel along the road, which saved a lot of trouble.

In anxiety, he didn't know how long he had been searching, and his heart became more and more irritable: "Where did you go?" He suddenly heard a voice, "Who?!"

"Chu Qianhu?"

The author has something to say: walk carefully

Nail No. [-]: wait for the opportunity.

Nail No. [-]: Patiently wait for the opportunity, patiently mix with dogs.

Nail No. [-]: There is no one in the room, wait for the right time!

Nail No. [-] [enters the room] [steps on the beads] [lands on the face]: Forbearance!keep silent!

The third child, big fat, little fat (?⊙ω⊙)? :blanket!flutter!Wang!Feel good!

Nail No. [-]: (ノへ ̄,)

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