Passing through the station

Chapter 79 See Through

Visibility during the day is clear.Holding the binoculars given by Ruan Bai, Chu Hao seemed to own his own horse for the first time when he was a child. He climbed up the tall tower of Shunyang Pass almost in a joyous manner, and then coughed lightly. After attracting General Cao’s attention, he Take out the binoculars... The posture is comparable to that of a show-off party who bought a famous watch and rolled up his sleeves and put it on his forehead to see the time.

Um?what is this?

General Cao became curious all of a sudden: "Brother Ruan made it?" As a righteous brother, he likes to tinker with novelty gadgets, which are usually very useful.So, this mallet-like thing must not be used to beat people, right?Huh?In front of the eyes?

"For viewing?"

Chu Hao replied lazily: "Yeah." His second brother said that he can only achieve this level now, and he can't do it for a while if he can see can be seen so far and clearly!The plants and trees in the distance are almost as if they are in front of you.

"What can you see?"

Chu Hao turned his angle of view, scanned the soldiers standing guard on the tower, and finally stopped in front of General Cao: "I ate shortbread." There was a little puff pastry on the lapel Did not shoot clean.

General Cao blushed, and reached out to snatch the telescope from Chu Hao's hand.

Chu Hao flashed past lightly, under the lazily raised eyelids, it was full of disbelief: The old guy wants to grab something from my hand?

General Cao blushed even more, this time with anger.Although his background is not as noble as Chu Hao's, he has also practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he has climbed to his current position by virtue of his solid military achievements.Even if he is a few years older than Chu Hao in terms of age, he may not be as strong in physical strength, but in terms of experience, Chu Hao can't compare to him!

Seeing General Cao's three-pointed move, Chu Hao couldn't help but lift up his spirits a little.Apart from family heirlooms, half of his martial arts comes from his master who became a general, and some recent Ruan Bai's martial arts theories taught him.It's just that apart from the half-truth and half-fake tempering in the school field last time, he still lacks enough pressure to make his martial arts mastery.

The two quickly went through a few moves, and General Cao quickly understood Chu Hao's intentions.Whether it's because of Chu Hao's status or because Chu Hao is now a fierce general under him, he doesn't mind giving him some pointers... Well, by the way, give him some lessons.He didn't say a word, it didn't mean he didn't know, this guy usually deducted half of the things his foster brother asked Chu Hao to give him, he was extremely stingy!

The soldiers on guard tried their best not to squint their eyes, ignoring that the two bosses at Shunyang Pass were fighting each other, ignoring the shadows of fists and palms sweeping past their ears, ignoring that the spears and swords in their hands were being snatched away, ignoring the bang bang bang bang bang bang, Ignore clang clang clang clang...

The faces of the soldiers who had been blown stiff by the wind above the city tower did not move a single hair, as they calmly calculated how long they had left to serve.

And the two people seem to be unaware of the psychological activities of the soldiers, from three points of real and seven points of false fighting to three points of false and seven points of true.In the end, the sun was still in the sky, and after the temperature heated up, the two stopped their hands.

Chu Hao also handed the telescope in his hand to General Cao: "This is the telescope that my second brother just made yesterday. This is not for you, but I just lent it to you."

Tch, rare!General Cao gave him a squinting glance, but he took the binoculars carefully in his hand, without Chu Hao's special guidance on how to use it, he fumbled for it by himself, huh!He looked left and right, then paced left and right...

Chu Hao snatched the telescope back with his hands, trying to hide it secretly, but there is no way!

General Cao glared: Reverse? !

"This is mine. The second brother and the others will make another one specially for the adults today." Does it matter if it is on purpose?Anyway, the first one must belong to him, and the extra ones will be distributed to others.

General Cao didn't understand this kind of words like coaxing children, and he had no other choice except to mutter a few times that his foster brother was too biased.He also knew that, compared to him, Ruan Bai and Chu Hao were truly friends who share weal and woe.only……

Seeing General Cao's slightly weird eyes, Chu Hao asked, "What's wrong?"

General Cao shook his head: "It's nothing. I heard that King Pingxi intends to come to the border to sit in town?"

King Pingxi was also a titan back then.Don't look at the age difference between King Pingxi and General Cao; but when King Pingxi was galloping on the battlefield, General Cao was still a small general.When General Cao finally managed to get a little better, King Pingxi had already gone home to play.

Chu Hao grinned like a toothache, and said in a muffled voice, "I don't know." Why did you come to the border?It was because he couldn't wait any longer, so he let out a little air in the letter.Originally, he planned to take his time and send all the good things that Ruan Bai got out to his parents to let them know that he had found a good daughter-in-law for them.Then when there is no fighting in winter, he will take Ruan Bai back.

If it goes well at that time, then they will be able to settle their names, and then stay in Xijing to develop in a logical manner.If it doesn't go well, it's a big deal that he will take Ruan Bai back to Shunyang Pass.The life at the border is a little bit bitter, but it can always get better as time goes by.

Unexpectedly, with just a little word of mouth, his parents could come directly, and they even issued an official document, saying that they were going to oversee the army.Superintendent, is there a superintendent who brought his wife with him?

The battle was imminent, and Chu Hao suddenly felt a sense of anxiety between internal and external attacks.

General Cao glanced at him, and he seemed to know it, and it seemed that most of the reasons were private matters.Then he won't get involved.Or the telescope is important...

Fuck!Are you stealing money?

At noon, General Cao consciously went to the post station to eat and talk business.Ruan Bai had expected that there would be everything from pre-dinner tea to after-dinner snacks, and after a quick quotation, he was not surprised to see General Cao's expression of meeting a robber with the common people.

"Brother, if I say that I won't make any money at this price, I must be lying to you." Ruan Bai put on a professional and deceitful expression, and said honestly, "But the telescope... well, why don't I take you to the workshop?" change."

He is here to discuss business, not to be cheated!After getting along for a while, although General Cao is satisfied with his righteous brother everywhere, but he knows a little bit about Ruan Bai's nature, the boy is slick like a little fox at a certain time, such as this time!

While telling himself from the bottom of his heart that he must not follow Ruan Bai's rhythm, he couldn't restrain his curiosity. He really wanted to know how the telescope was made. What's difficult, I'm talented and intelligent, and I can think about it at a glance.

The so-called workshop is located in the former barren post and today's market.There is an official road separated from the post station.

Today is not the day to go to the market. There are only one or two teams of merchants staying in the market, and there are a few small stalls.Under the scorching sun at noon, everyone was drowsy.

Seeing Ruan Bai leading General Cao and Chu Hao pass by, the merchants cheered up and saluted one by one.

After asking a few simple questions, General Cao followed Ruan Bai to the workshop.Two personal guards under Chu Hao's men were guarding the door, and there were also two slightly unfamiliar guards.There was a moment of doubt in his heart, and then Ruan Bai invited him in.

Almost as soon as the door was pushed open, a wave of heat hit the face.Sweat dripped from the forehead of the unprepared General Cao.Then……

"Minister Cao Xu pays homage to the lord, the lord is a thousand years old." Why is this King Yueze, who has more than failed to succeed, is here? !The Huns are coming soon, why don't you run away? !

King Yue Ze calmed down a little now: "General Cao, please come and sit down." He was quickly assembling a telescope in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that Tang Yan, several highly valued officials in the Ministry of Industry, were turning into craftsmen at this moment, sweating like rain with shirtless arms in front of the stove.

Ruan Bai closed the door, and said with a serious face: "As the elder brother saw, the telescope is of great importance. Under the leadership of the prince, we did it by ourselves and worked day and night to make it..." Material costs are not counted, do you dare to pay less for labor costs? ?

General Cao's heart was like a group of fat dogs running wildly, his whole body was not well.The hot sweat on the forehead gradually turned into cold sweat, and the words that spit out were fluttering: "Just do as you said." Large-scale deployment, don't even think about it.What he can fight for now is to take advantage of the convenience of the location and prioritize the allocation.

There was no silver in the army, so he went to ask the Huns for it!Every year, like wild dogs who have fun, they come to Dazhou to run around, and when they are done, they urinate and pollute the environment.Do you really think he is made of mud? !

General Cao pushed open the door and walked out, already full of evil spirits, he said imposingly: "Go, call someone for a meeting! Kill those bastards!" Why did he wait for the Huns to come over?He wants to take the initiative to fight out, and before the Huns are assembled, he will get a vote first, at least to get back the money for the medical kit and the telescope!No, get a little more.His foster brother can fix so many things, everything is so expensive, big brother can't live without money...

Ruan Ergou followed behind, looking innocently at Chu Dagou: You son of a bitch, aren't you talking about me?

Chu Dagou patted the dog's head, but smiled and said nothing.

Ruan Ergou lowered his head and thought about raising the price of armament supplies.

General Cao enthusiastically greeted Shang Chuhao to leave.

Ruan Bai was fine in the afternoon, and made a bucket of iced sweet soup as usual, and carried it to condolences to his good friends and good apprentices. When he was strolling through the market, he suddenly stopped and asked in front of a newly opened stall. : "How do you sell the eggs?"

The stall owner opened his mouth honestly, and finally poked the woman sitting next to him.

The woman was carrying a cage of chickens, when she saw Ruan Bai smiled and said: "Two Wen for one, if your lord buys a lot, it will be three Wen for you."

"Okay, I want all of these. You count the money, I'll ask someone to carry it." Ruan Bai put the bucket of sweet soup on the booth, took out two bowls from above, filled two Put a spoon on the bowl, and hand it to the stall owner and his wife, "Drink a bowl of iced mung bean and lily soup. The sun is shining at noon. It's better for the prince and princess to go back to the post house and settle down first."

Stall owner couple: ...

The author has something to say: two generations of idols

Persimmon (⊙ω⊙): Wo is the idol of the middle and middle-aged teenagers of Da Zhou's generation, I love it so much, I still don't come to worship Wo!

Xiaobai (⊙_⊙): You are not handsome.

Persimmon (⊙ω⊙): Wo Yunwen Yunwu, so handsome!

Xiaobai (⊙_⊙): You are not as handsome as your father.

Persimmon (⊙ω⊙): Wo daddy is old, but Wo is still young and beautiful!

Xiaobai (⊙_⊙): Your father is more handsome than you when he gets old.

Persimmon/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~: Just say something nice to coax the nest.

Xiaobai (⊙v⊙): Well, you are the most handsome persimmon I have ever seen.

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