When Wang Minghai came out of the study, he saw the person standing outside the door, who was about to leave after bowing and saluting. Ye Mingyuan called to him: "Shall we have a chat?"

Looking at the people who stopped, Ye Mingyuan said: "I will explain to Brother Yi, why don't you accompany me to the lotus pond?"

Wang Minghai followed Ye Mingyuan, looked at the people in front of him all the time, and told himself in his heart: This is the last time, just be presumptuous once.

Sun Zhanyi stood in front of the study window, looking at the people standing side by side by the lotus pond, took out red wine from the cabinet, and drank it glass by glass.

Ye Mingyuan asked the person behind him to stand by his side, looked at the person who had been silent all this time, and said with a smile: "I call you Ah Hai, okay, do you know why you are asked to stand side by side with me? Love should be equal, no Follow step by step, and you will definitely find someone who will stand by your side."

Wang Minghai smiled and said, "I understand, Young Master Ye, thank you."

Ye Mingyuan went back to the study, walked in front of Sun Zhanyi, took the red wine and glass in his hand, and put them in the wine cabinet. Hearing the voice behind him, his heart trembled.

Sun Zhanyi pressed Ye Mingyuan on the wine cabinet, pulled out the shirt around Ye Mingyuan's waist, caressed his smooth skin restlessly, rubbed his body from time to time, and pressed it to his ear and asked, "Am I Didn't you pamper you too much?"

He suddenly picked up the person on the wine cabinet, pressed him against the wall to face himself, and accidentally touched the switch, and the room was pitch black.

Sun Zhanyi leaned over and kissed the person on the wall, the sucking sound was very clear in the dark night, biting the other person's lips uncontrollably, Ye Mingyuan resisted in pain: "Brother Yi...don't...don't hurt...don't bite..."

Tearing off each other's clothes without listening, biting each other's neck, smelling the familiar milky scent, licking with his tongue again and again, biting the place he licked lightly, Ye Mingyuan said painfully: "...don't do this ...it hurts...it hurts..."

The smell of blood filled Sun Zhanyi's mouth. He grabbed Ye Mingyuan's arms, pulled off his tie, tied his hands hard, pulled his hair uncontrollably, and threw him to the floor.

Sun Zhanyi looked down at the naked people all over his body, and took off all his clothes. Ye Mingyuan begged in a low voice: "Brother Yi, don't do this, don't do this to me."

Hearing the other party's refusal, the drunk man suddenly picked up the belt and beat him, saying, "How dare you refuse me, I asked you to refuse me...I told you to refuse me..."

Ye Mingyuan curled up, lying on the ground, looked at the person on the ground, threw himself on him, pulled his legs apart forcefully, and placed them on his waist: "Reject me, how can you reject me now... ..."

He kept biting his skin, possessing the man curled up on the ground without mercy, and kept repeating in his ear: "You are mine, you are mine..."

Han Feng stood outside the door and listened quietly, when suddenly a hand was placed on him, Han Feng turned his head in panic, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Wang Minghai.

Wang Minghai looked at the door of the study, clenched his fists, and said to Han Feng: "Let's go, it seems that we can't go today.

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