Sapphire quietly looked at the person opposite, and said softly: "We haven't seen each other for five years, don't you want to see me?"

The person on the opposite side was silent all the time, Lan Yu chuckled softly: "But I really want to see you, you can look up at me, okay?"

Ye Mingyuan put down his cup and looked up at Sapphire's eyes. The misty eyes smashed the disguise of the mandatory belt, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Sapphire smiled and said with tears: "I am really happy to see you again. The stone that was pressing on my heart finally fell to the ground. Seeing you crying in despair in the hospital five years ago, my heart was like a knife. Leaving you at your most difficult moment makes me feel so guilty that I...I miss you."

Lan Yu got up, walked to Ye Mingyuan, hugged the weeping man, leaned his head against her neck, and rested her head on his head.

Caressing his back, he continued: "When I first arrived abroad, I really didn't get used to it. I missed you every day, worried that your life was not good, and worried that Ling Hanyi would trouble you. I was in constant panic every day. Later I learned that you had left the school and lost the news, so I desperately called Aunt Shen and asked her to find your whereabouts."

He hugged the person who stopped crying in his arms to his lap, kissed his lips and said, "Go abroad with me, we can register for marriage and be together forever, okay?"

Sun Zhanyi opened the door and walked in, looked at the intimate people, and said with a smile: "Young Master Lan is so elegant, marriage is such a big matter, don't you need to discuss it with your mother?"

Ye Mingyuan stood up in a hurry, Lan Yu watched quietly, took his trembling fingers, got up and stood beside him, looked at Sun Zhanyi coldly and said with a smile: "Thank you for taking care of A Yuan these few years, As for marriage, no one has the right to interfere."

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