
Chapter 59

Mu You spent several days at the audition venue watching Hu Hu's interview, but when it came time for his audition, he felt like he wanted to do something big.

Apart from him, there were four other people who came to audition for the leading role, all of whom were relatively well-known actors or actors who had debuted for a long time but were not very popular. To his surprise, there was one of them that he knew, Ji Yuan.

No wonder when he asked Yu Ting if he would come to his audition, Yu Ting replied, "You won't want me to come then."

I do know him quite well.Mu You thought to himself, when Yu Ting and Ji Yuan meet, they will definitely have to chat for a while no matter what, and he will inevitably think too much.

"Have you returned to China?" Ji Yuan saw Mu You at a glance, and asked as he walked over without pretending not to know him.

"Well, just got back."

"He won the audition for you?" This sentence was asked in a low voice in his ear.

"..." Mu You turned his head in embarrassment to distance himself from Ji Yuan, but he knew that Ji Yuan didn't want anyone who cared to hear him go through the back door, so he nodded with a smile.

"Are you nervous about me as your competitor, or as his ex-boyfriend?" Ji Yuan took a step back, his voice was still low, but the people around him already knew it by saying hello He went out of his ear and waited.

It's just that the sound of their discussion still reached the ears of the two intermittently.

"That man is quite young, but he still looks familiar."

"A few years ago, I played supporting roles in several TV series..."

"It seems that she debuted at the same time as Mu Xiao..."

"You haven't answered my question yet." Ji Yuan stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him.

"What about you?" Mu You kicked the ball back.

"If you are regarded as a competitor, you don't have the ability to make me nervous. If you are regarded as his current boyfriend, let alone whether we will break up in the future, it is impossible for me and him anyway."

"Then why did you come to see me?"

"Let's chat, otherwise it would be boring to wait." Ji Yuan still smiled gently, "Aren't you considering begging me to let you give up this role?"

"What do you want?" Mu You knew how much he had. Although many directors and co-actors had said that he was talented, Jiang Ran also said that he would get the best actor sooner or later if he continued in this state, but at least Now compared to Ji Yuan who has a few movie king trophies in hand, his acting skills are really nothing to watch.

"I want you to be nice to him," Ji Yuan smiled, "That guy doesn't seem to care much about relationships, but secretly he arranges everything for you. And he's very lucky, just me and him In the years we were together, an average of five or six little guys wanted to climb on his bed every year, and a few of them climbed halfway and I grabbed them off."

"..." Mu You was silent for a while, he really couldn't imagine how Ji Yuan, who was at least smiling kindly in front of anyone, would grab someone.

"Where are you going? What I said about arresting people is temporarily interrupting their plans and not catching rape in bed." Ji Yuan smiled, "And he is a workaholic, he doesn't want lovers when he has a job, and he loves to be jealous. How can an actor not make emotional scenes, and then feel jealous every day. The sex is not gentle..."

"Ji Yuan," Mu You interrupted him, "The Yu Ting you mentioned is not my Yu Ting."

"The only thing my Yu Ting agrees with what you said is that he doesn't seem to care but he does a lot. He will avoid the so-called love luck, he will still miss me when he is working, and he is very gentle in sex. " Mu You blushed slightly, then paused again, "As for being jealous, if I can get this movie, I won't enter the film and television circle after it's filmed."

"..." Ji Yuan opened his eyes slightly, "Kid, are you serious?"

"Don't you just want me to treat him seriously?" Mu You curled his lips, "You still can't forget him after breaking up with him for so many years, why?"

"Then there's no reason, first love..." Ji Yuan was stunned, and the smile on the corner of his lips stagnated, "No one will treat me so aimlessly except for love."

"Have you talked enough?" Just as Mu You didn't know how to answer the conversation, Hu Hu's voice cut in, "I've only seen actors who came to audition waiting for the director, but I haven't seen the director waiting for the actor."

"Director Hu," Mu You hurriedly looked in Hu Hu's direction, "I'm sorry."

"The two of you chatted so happily, so let's start with one and finish with the other. Mu You, you can start first, right here." Hu Hu said as he sat on the chair slowly.

"..." Mu You's heart tightened, thinking that watching Hu Hu's audition a few days ago gave these people a buffer time to chat about the contents of the book, and now he started directly?However, he didn't have time to see the ridicule or cover-up expressions of the other three, put away the emotion of chatting with Ji Yuan, and asked, "Which scene is it?"

"The part about teaching the parrot to talk."

"Okay." Mu You nodded, ready to enter the role.

The part about teaching the parrot to speak is actually quite embarrassing when it is used as an audition. One embarrassment is that there is no physical performance, and the other is that there is only one line in the whole process, which is to teach this parrot to please women. "Beauty."

As for the difficulty, there is no easy one in the whole movie, because the wayward screenwriter didn't write many detailed descriptions at all.Basically, it is left to the actors to play freely.

When Mu You was on the set, he was wearing a windbreaker. At this time, he took off the windbreaker, leaving a white shirt inside.

Standing against the light, Mu You first slowly rolled up his sleeves, carefully rolled up the sleeves of both hands to the same height, then fumbled in his trouser pockets, and then skipped the steps of the cigarette case and took out a cigarette empty-handedly. Don't order it, just hold it in your mouth, and slowly bite it.

After a while, he squatted down, facing the front that was close to the ground.


Waited, and then narrowed his eyes slightly,





He called four or five times in a row, and the more he called, the faster he called. It didn't seem like he was teaching the parrot, but it seemed like he was playing at his own leisure.

Tired of crying, he bit the cigarette again, stretched his head forward, picked it up again, retracted it and continued to bite by himself.





Mu You was not in a hurry, he just yelled sentence by sentence, biting a cigarette when he was tired, standing up and stretching twice when his legs were numb.

At the end of the phrase "beautiful", before the son's voice came out, he raised his head and squinted his eyes like a high place, which obviously meant that the parrot had flown.

Mu You pouted, turned around and searched for a while, then found a lighter, and finally lit the cigarette that had been dangling for a long time, then took a deep breath, called again "beauty." He took two steps in the direction he was looking at, squinting his eyes as if to make sure the parrot was still there, then his face became a little sullen, and there was a little more charm that did not belong to men, and he opened his mouth, but he said "Northern" Shanghai dialect with an accent.

"Nong is stupid."

Mu You turned around and bowed to Hu Hu.The show is over.

Except for Hu Hu, almost everyone broke away from the performance because of Mu You's non-standard Shanghai dialect of "Nong Ze Du Du", but Hu Hu and Ji Yuan did not, because they quickly found a logical relationship.

The protagonist grew up in an alley in Beijing, and there was a woman in the alley who wore a cheongsam with high slits and spoke soft Shanghainese. The protagonist’s sexual enlightenment and desire to write poetry all came from this woman at first.

It's just that there are too few descriptions of this woman in the book, and most of the short pages appear in the protagonist's erotic dreams, so no one has too much analysis of this woman who only knows that she was born in the south.But Mu You pointed her out with a sentence in Shanghai dialect, which really matched all the trivial details.As for the northern accent, it is more natural. You can’t expect a man who has only been exposed to Shanghai dialect when he was a child but spent most of his life abroad and in the north to be able to speak sharp Shanghai dialect. It’s impossible.

But Hu Hu just raised his eyebrows and motioned for the second person to start.

"Same segment?" the man asked.

"It's okay to continue his acting." Hu Hu was noncommittal.

But that person finally chose the same segment as Mu You, because Mu You acted differently from him, and it would be strange if he continued to act in Mu You's tone.

Several people took turns to finish the performance, and arrived at Ji Yuan.

"You, a film king, also come to my low-budget movie to join in the fun, just find a part to act in." Hu Hu waved his hand.

Ji Yuan smiled and acted.

"Mediocre." Ji Yuan was the only one who commented on Hu Hu right after the performance.

Although it is not a high evaluation, the four people including Mu You are still a little disheartened.

"You still haven't got it..." Mu You felt a little bit bitter, as expected, there was a gap between the actor's mediocre performance.

"Who do you think is better?" Hu Hu then asked Ji Yuan.

"Director Hu just ruled me out? I even submitted a character analysis." Ji Yuan blinked and smiled.

"You are ashamed to hand in the four hundred words." Hu Hu rolled his eyes, worried that he was in front of a movie king who was much bigger than himself, so he didn't use the taunting skill anymore, just said, "I'm asking you seriously."

"Mu You," Ji Yuan looked around the four of them, and finally pointed at Mu You, "If the acting skills are similar, I'll choose the one with the bright spots."

"Then Muyou," Hu Hu nodded, looking at Muyou, "We will report on the set in ten days."

"..." Mu You was dumbfounded.

The others were also dumbfounded.

There were those who wanted to refute, but looking at Ji Yuan's smiling face, they were eager to try it, but they didn't.

"Thank you..." Finally Mu You thanked Ji Yuan.

"I asked you something," Ji Yuan smiled, "as your thank you."

"..." Mu You nodded, this guy really didn't want to owe him favors, so he simply did it.

"Does he still smoke?" Ji Yuan paused, "The mint flavor."

"..." Mu You thought about it for a while, "I used to smoke, but very rarely, and I don't know if it's mint flavored. I haven't seen him smoking now, so he should have quit."


Mu You wanted to ask what's wrong, but felt that something was wrong, so he stopped talking.

"It should be like this." Ji Yuan still smiled gently, "Congratulations."


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