[HP] This deer is not a deer
Chapter 52 chapter 52
What do they mean?
"Stop writing, please!" shrieked Professor Flitwick, "and you too, Stebbins! Please stay in your seat while I put away the parchments! Here come the test papers!"
More than 100 rolls of parchment flew into the air and flew into Professor Flitwick's outstretched arms, knocking him to the ground.Some people laughed.Several students sitting at the front table got up and took Professor Flitwick's arms and helped him up.
"Thank you, thank you," Professor Flitwick said breathlessly, "Very well, everyone, you can go!"
Harry looked down at his father, who hastily scratched out the two letters "L.E." he had been embellishing just now, jumped up and stuffed the quill and the test paper into his schoolbag, threw the schoolbag over his shoulder, and stood up. Wait there for Sirius to come and join him.
Harry looked around and caught a glimpse of Snape not far away, walking between two rows of desks towards the door to the foyer, still engrossed in his examination paper.His back was arched, his movements stiff, his gait reminiscent of a spider, and his greasy hair danced around his face.
A group of chattering girls separated Snape from James, Sirius and Lupin, and Harry inserted himself between them, trying to keep Snape out of his sight, while listening to James Conversations with his friends.
"Do you like question ten, Moonface?" Sirius asked as they entered the hall.
"I like it so much," said Lupine briskly. "Take five signs of a werewolf. What a good question."
"Do you think you can name all the symptoms?" James said in a tone of mock concern.
"I think so," said Lupine solemnly, as the crowd at the front door, anxious to get out onto the sunlit grounds, joined the crowd, "First: he sat in my Seat. Second: He's wearing my clothes. Third: His name is Remus Lupine."
Only Wormtail didn't laugh.
"I wrote the shape of the muzzle, the pupils of the eyes, and the hairy tail," he said anxiously, "but I can't think of anything else—"
"Why are you so stupid, Wormtail?" said James impatiently. "You run around with a werewolf once a month—"
"Keep your voice down," begged Lupine.
Harry looked back, and Snape was still not far away, still buried in his exam questions - when James and his three friends strode across the grass and downhill towards the lake. At that time, Snape, who was still studying the test paper, followed, obviously not sure where he was going.
"Hmph, I think those test questions are a piece of cake," he heard Sirius say. "I can at least get an 'Outstanding' on the test, or I'd be surprised."
"Me too," James said.He reached into his pocket with a hand and pulled out a struggling Snitch.
"Where did you get it?"
"Stolen," James said casually.He started juggling the Snitch, sending it flying about a foot away, and then catching him; his reflexes were brilliant.Wormtail looked at him in awe.
They stopped in the shadow of the beech tree by the lake.
Under the same tree, Harry, Ron and Hermione once spent a Sunday doing their homework and then lying on the grass and chatting.
Harry looked back again, and Snape was already sitting on the grass under the thick shadow of the bushes.
Just like before, he is still concentrating on studying 0. w. Ls exam papers, so Harry was free to sit on the grass between the beech trees and the bushes and look at the four people under the trees.The dazzling sunlight shone on the calm lake, and on the shore, there sat a group of girls who had just come out of the auditorium. They laughed, took off their shoes and socks, and dipped their feet in the lake to cool off.
Lupine pulled out a book and began to read.Sirius stared at the students milling about on the grass around him, looking haughty and bored, but also very handsome this way.James was still playing with the Snitch, and he let it fly further and further away, almost escaping, but he always caught it at the last moment.Wormtail looked at him, mouth shut.
Wormtail would clap and applaud every time James made an extremely difficult move to catch the Snitch.Five minutes passed like this, and Harry didn't understand why James didn't let Wormtail catch the Snitch himself, but James seemed to enjoy the attention.He didn't seem to want to keep his hair too neat, and he was always looking at the girls by the water.
"Put that thing away, will you?" Sirius finally said after James made a nice catch and Wormtail let out an applause, "or Wormtail's going to pee his pants. Wormtail blushed slightly, but James grinned.
"Excuse me." He said and stuffed the snitch back into his pocket.It was obvious to Harry that James would stop showing off only in front of Sirius.
"I'm bored," said Sirius. "I wish it were a full moon today."
"You can," said Lupine darkly from the back of the book. "We've got Transfiguration, and if you're bored, you can try me. Here you are." He handed him his book.
But Sirius snorted, "I don't need to see this rubbish, I know it all."
"This will cheer you up, Padfoot," James whispered. "Look who's that?"
Sirius turned his head.He suddenly became motionless, like a dog smelling a rabbit.
"Great," he said softly, "Snotty."
Harry turned to see what Sirius was looking at.Snape walked on, taking O. w. The test papers for the LS exam were stuffed into the schoolbag.Sirius and James stood up as he moved out of the shadow of the bushes to cross the grass.
Lupine and Wormtail sat without moving, and Lupine was still staring down at his book, but his eyes did not move, and his brow was slightly frowned; Wormtail looked at Sirius and James, then at Sirius Nepe, with an expression on his face eager to see the expected happen soon.
"All right, Snotluck?" James called out.
Snape reacted so quickly, as if he had expected an attack: he threw off his schoolbag, thrust a hand into his robes, but he was only halfway up his wand when James bellowed: "Disarm you!"
Snape's wand flew twelve feet into the air and landed with a soft plop in the grass behind him.
Sirius gave a short, crisp laugh. "There are many obstacles!" he said, aiming his wand at Snape, who was running towards his lost wand, but was knocked down halfway.
The students all around turned to look at them.Some people stood up and slowly approached.Some looked suspicious, others thought it was amused.
Snape lay panting on the ground.James and Sirius approached him step by step, wands raised, and James glanced back at the girls by the water as he walked.Wormtail was on his feet now, watching with interest, and moved aside, away from Lupine, to get a better look.
"How's it going, Snotling?" James asked.
"I'm staring at him, and his nose is touching the parchment," said Sirius meanly. "There must be big grease spots all over the parchment. They can't even try to read a word."
A few onlookers laughed loudly; Snape was obviously not very popular.Wormtail chuckled sharply.Snape wanted to stand up, but the spell was still working on him; he struggled as if bound by invisible ropes.
"You—wait," he gasped, looking up at James with a look of utter disgust on his face, "you—wait!"
"What are you waiting for?" Sirius said coldly. "What do you want, Snotling, rub your nose on us?"
A string of foul words and curses came out of Snape's mouth, but his wand was ten feet away, so nothing happened.
"Clean your mouth," said James dryly. "Clean it up!"
Instantly pink soap bubbles came out of Snape's mouth; his lips were covered with froth, making him want to gag, choking him—
"Let him go!" James and Sirius looked over their shoulders.Immediately, James' free hand ran quickly to his hair.It was a girl walking from the lake.She had long, thick, dark red hair that fell to her shoulders, and strangely green almond eyes—Harry's eyes.
Harry's mother.
"How are you, Evans?" James said, his tone suddenly friendly, deeper and more mature.
"Let him go," Lily repeated.She looked at James with an expression of extreme disgust everywhere. "What did he do to you?"
"Well," said James, looking as if he were pondering the point, "it's mostly because of him, if you know what I mean?"
Many onlookers laughed loudly, Sirius and Wormtail laughed too, but Lu Hu, who seemed to be still concentrating on studying, didn't laugh, neither did Lily.
"You think you're funny," she said dryly, "but you're just an arrogant, bullying scumbag, Potter. Let him go."
"If you hang out with me, I'll let him go, Evans," James said quickly, "Go on, hang out with me, and I'll never wand a hair on old Snotlover again. .” Behind him, the effectiveness of the Obstacle Curse was gradually weakening.Snape began to move slowly towards his lost wand, vomiting bubbly suds as he crawled.
"Even if I had to choose between you and the giant squid, I wouldn't go out with you," Lily said.
"Go back to your words, Prongs," said Sirius cheerfully, turning to Snape. "Ouch!"
But it was too late; Snape had pointed his wand straight at James, and there was a flash, and a deep gash appeared on one side of James' cheek, and blood spattered his robes.James turned sharply: after the second flash, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes hanging over his head, revealing skinny, pale legs and one that was turning black panties.
There was much cheering in the small crowd around; Sirius, James, and Wormtail laughed heartily.
For a split second, Lily's angry expression rose and fell, as if she was about to smile too.
But she said, "Put him down!"
"Of course," said James, and he jerked his wand up; Snape fell to the ground, curled up in a ball.He pulled back his robes, stood up instantly, and raised his wand, but Sirius said, "Petrification!" and Snape fell on his back again, stiff as a plank.
"Let him go!" Lily yelled.Now she drew her own wand.James and Sirius stared at it carefully.
"Hey, Evans, don't make me put a curse on you," James said seriously.
"Then break the spell for him!"
James sighed deeply, then turned to face Snape, and whispered a cracking spell.
"You go," he said as Snape struggled to his feet, "fortunately, Evans is here, Snotl-"
"I don't need help from a stinky little mudblood like her!"
Lily blinked.
"Fine," she said coldly, "I won't bother with that anymore. And, if I were you, I'd wash my panties, snot."
"Apologize to Evans!" James yelled at Snape, his wand pointed threateningly at Snape.
"I don't need you to force him to apologize." Lily turned to James and shouted, "You're as annoying as he is."
"What?" cried James. "I never said you were—you know what!"
"You think it's cool to look like you just got off your broomstick, so you mess up your hair, show off with that silly snitch, and cast spells on anyone you meet in the hallway that annoys you , just because you can—I wonder how you can get off the ground with that big head on your broomstick. You make me sick."
She turned around abruptly and ran away quickly.
"Evans!" James called after her. "Hey, Evans!"
But she didn't look back.
"What happened to her?" James asked.He tried to casually address the question as if it didn't matter to him, but he failed.
"From the undertones of what she said, all I can say is she thinks you're a bit arrogant, buddy," said Sirius.
"Yeah," said James, looking genuinely annoyed now, "yes—"
There was another flash, and Snape was hung upside down in the air again.
"Who wants to see me take off Snotling's panties?"
But Harry would never know if James actually took off Snape's underpants.A hand gripped his upper arm as tightly as a pincer.Harry recoiled, turning his head to see who had caught him, and he shivered when he saw it.
A grown-up Snape stood next to him, pale with rage.
"Did you have fun?"
The author has something to say:
This is the first
"Stop writing, please!" shrieked Professor Flitwick, "and you too, Stebbins! Please stay in your seat while I put away the parchments! Here come the test papers!"
More than 100 rolls of parchment flew into the air and flew into Professor Flitwick's outstretched arms, knocking him to the ground.Some people laughed.Several students sitting at the front table got up and took Professor Flitwick's arms and helped him up.
"Thank you, thank you," Professor Flitwick said breathlessly, "Very well, everyone, you can go!"
Harry looked down at his father, who hastily scratched out the two letters "L.E." he had been embellishing just now, jumped up and stuffed the quill and the test paper into his schoolbag, threw the schoolbag over his shoulder, and stood up. Wait there for Sirius to come and join him.
Harry looked around and caught a glimpse of Snape not far away, walking between two rows of desks towards the door to the foyer, still engrossed in his examination paper.His back was arched, his movements stiff, his gait reminiscent of a spider, and his greasy hair danced around his face.
A group of chattering girls separated Snape from James, Sirius and Lupin, and Harry inserted himself between them, trying to keep Snape out of his sight, while listening to James Conversations with his friends.
"Do you like question ten, Moonface?" Sirius asked as they entered the hall.
"I like it so much," said Lupine briskly. "Take five signs of a werewolf. What a good question."
"Do you think you can name all the symptoms?" James said in a tone of mock concern.
"I think so," said Lupine solemnly, as the crowd at the front door, anxious to get out onto the sunlit grounds, joined the crowd, "First: he sat in my Seat. Second: He's wearing my clothes. Third: His name is Remus Lupine."
Only Wormtail didn't laugh.
"I wrote the shape of the muzzle, the pupils of the eyes, and the hairy tail," he said anxiously, "but I can't think of anything else—"
"Why are you so stupid, Wormtail?" said James impatiently. "You run around with a werewolf once a month—"
"Keep your voice down," begged Lupine.
Harry looked back, and Snape was still not far away, still buried in his exam questions - when James and his three friends strode across the grass and downhill towards the lake. At that time, Snape, who was still studying the test paper, followed, obviously not sure where he was going.
"Hmph, I think those test questions are a piece of cake," he heard Sirius say. "I can at least get an 'Outstanding' on the test, or I'd be surprised."
"Me too," James said.He reached into his pocket with a hand and pulled out a struggling Snitch.
"Where did you get it?"
"Stolen," James said casually.He started juggling the Snitch, sending it flying about a foot away, and then catching him; his reflexes were brilliant.Wormtail looked at him in awe.
They stopped in the shadow of the beech tree by the lake.
Under the same tree, Harry, Ron and Hermione once spent a Sunday doing their homework and then lying on the grass and chatting.
Harry looked back again, and Snape was already sitting on the grass under the thick shadow of the bushes.
Just like before, he is still concentrating on studying 0. w. Ls exam papers, so Harry was free to sit on the grass between the beech trees and the bushes and look at the four people under the trees.The dazzling sunlight shone on the calm lake, and on the shore, there sat a group of girls who had just come out of the auditorium. They laughed, took off their shoes and socks, and dipped their feet in the lake to cool off.
Lupine pulled out a book and began to read.Sirius stared at the students milling about on the grass around him, looking haughty and bored, but also very handsome this way.James was still playing with the Snitch, and he let it fly further and further away, almost escaping, but he always caught it at the last moment.Wormtail looked at him, mouth shut.
Wormtail would clap and applaud every time James made an extremely difficult move to catch the Snitch.Five minutes passed like this, and Harry didn't understand why James didn't let Wormtail catch the Snitch himself, but James seemed to enjoy the attention.He didn't seem to want to keep his hair too neat, and he was always looking at the girls by the water.
"Put that thing away, will you?" Sirius finally said after James made a nice catch and Wormtail let out an applause, "or Wormtail's going to pee his pants. Wormtail blushed slightly, but James grinned.
"Excuse me." He said and stuffed the snitch back into his pocket.It was obvious to Harry that James would stop showing off only in front of Sirius.
"I'm bored," said Sirius. "I wish it were a full moon today."
"You can," said Lupine darkly from the back of the book. "We've got Transfiguration, and if you're bored, you can try me. Here you are." He handed him his book.
But Sirius snorted, "I don't need to see this rubbish, I know it all."
"This will cheer you up, Padfoot," James whispered. "Look who's that?"
Sirius turned his head.He suddenly became motionless, like a dog smelling a rabbit.
"Great," he said softly, "Snotty."
Harry turned to see what Sirius was looking at.Snape walked on, taking O. w. The test papers for the LS exam were stuffed into the schoolbag.Sirius and James stood up as he moved out of the shadow of the bushes to cross the grass.
Lupine and Wormtail sat without moving, and Lupine was still staring down at his book, but his eyes did not move, and his brow was slightly frowned; Wormtail looked at Sirius and James, then at Sirius Nepe, with an expression on his face eager to see the expected happen soon.
"All right, Snotluck?" James called out.
Snape reacted so quickly, as if he had expected an attack: he threw off his schoolbag, thrust a hand into his robes, but he was only halfway up his wand when James bellowed: "Disarm you!"
Snape's wand flew twelve feet into the air and landed with a soft plop in the grass behind him.
Sirius gave a short, crisp laugh. "There are many obstacles!" he said, aiming his wand at Snape, who was running towards his lost wand, but was knocked down halfway.
The students all around turned to look at them.Some people stood up and slowly approached.Some looked suspicious, others thought it was amused.
Snape lay panting on the ground.James and Sirius approached him step by step, wands raised, and James glanced back at the girls by the water as he walked.Wormtail was on his feet now, watching with interest, and moved aside, away from Lupine, to get a better look.
"How's it going, Snotling?" James asked.
"I'm staring at him, and his nose is touching the parchment," said Sirius meanly. "There must be big grease spots all over the parchment. They can't even try to read a word."
A few onlookers laughed loudly; Snape was obviously not very popular.Wormtail chuckled sharply.Snape wanted to stand up, but the spell was still working on him; he struggled as if bound by invisible ropes.
"You—wait," he gasped, looking up at James with a look of utter disgust on his face, "you—wait!"
"What are you waiting for?" Sirius said coldly. "What do you want, Snotling, rub your nose on us?"
A string of foul words and curses came out of Snape's mouth, but his wand was ten feet away, so nothing happened.
"Clean your mouth," said James dryly. "Clean it up!"
Instantly pink soap bubbles came out of Snape's mouth; his lips were covered with froth, making him want to gag, choking him—
"Let him go!" James and Sirius looked over their shoulders.Immediately, James' free hand ran quickly to his hair.It was a girl walking from the lake.She had long, thick, dark red hair that fell to her shoulders, and strangely green almond eyes—Harry's eyes.
Harry's mother.
"How are you, Evans?" James said, his tone suddenly friendly, deeper and more mature.
"Let him go," Lily repeated.She looked at James with an expression of extreme disgust everywhere. "What did he do to you?"
"Well," said James, looking as if he were pondering the point, "it's mostly because of him, if you know what I mean?"
Many onlookers laughed loudly, Sirius and Wormtail laughed too, but Lu Hu, who seemed to be still concentrating on studying, didn't laugh, neither did Lily.
"You think you're funny," she said dryly, "but you're just an arrogant, bullying scumbag, Potter. Let him go."
"If you hang out with me, I'll let him go, Evans," James said quickly, "Go on, hang out with me, and I'll never wand a hair on old Snotlover again. .” Behind him, the effectiveness of the Obstacle Curse was gradually weakening.Snape began to move slowly towards his lost wand, vomiting bubbly suds as he crawled.
"Even if I had to choose between you and the giant squid, I wouldn't go out with you," Lily said.
"Go back to your words, Prongs," said Sirius cheerfully, turning to Snape. "Ouch!"
But it was too late; Snape had pointed his wand straight at James, and there was a flash, and a deep gash appeared on one side of James' cheek, and blood spattered his robes.James turned sharply: after the second flash, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes hanging over his head, revealing skinny, pale legs and one that was turning black panties.
There was much cheering in the small crowd around; Sirius, James, and Wormtail laughed heartily.
For a split second, Lily's angry expression rose and fell, as if she was about to smile too.
But she said, "Put him down!"
"Of course," said James, and he jerked his wand up; Snape fell to the ground, curled up in a ball.He pulled back his robes, stood up instantly, and raised his wand, but Sirius said, "Petrification!" and Snape fell on his back again, stiff as a plank.
"Let him go!" Lily yelled.Now she drew her own wand.James and Sirius stared at it carefully.
"Hey, Evans, don't make me put a curse on you," James said seriously.
"Then break the spell for him!"
James sighed deeply, then turned to face Snape, and whispered a cracking spell.
"You go," he said as Snape struggled to his feet, "fortunately, Evans is here, Snotl-"
"I don't need help from a stinky little mudblood like her!"
Lily blinked.
"Fine," she said coldly, "I won't bother with that anymore. And, if I were you, I'd wash my panties, snot."
"Apologize to Evans!" James yelled at Snape, his wand pointed threateningly at Snape.
"I don't need you to force him to apologize." Lily turned to James and shouted, "You're as annoying as he is."
"What?" cried James. "I never said you were—you know what!"
"You think it's cool to look like you just got off your broomstick, so you mess up your hair, show off with that silly snitch, and cast spells on anyone you meet in the hallway that annoys you , just because you can—I wonder how you can get off the ground with that big head on your broomstick. You make me sick."
She turned around abruptly and ran away quickly.
"Evans!" James called after her. "Hey, Evans!"
But she didn't look back.
"What happened to her?" James asked.He tried to casually address the question as if it didn't matter to him, but he failed.
"From the undertones of what she said, all I can say is she thinks you're a bit arrogant, buddy," said Sirius.
"Yeah," said James, looking genuinely annoyed now, "yes—"
There was another flash, and Snape was hung upside down in the air again.
"Who wants to see me take off Snotling's panties?"
But Harry would never know if James actually took off Snape's underpants.A hand gripped his upper arm as tightly as a pincer.Harry recoiled, turning his head to see who had caught him, and he shivered when he saw it.
A grown-up Snape stood next to him, pale with rage.
"Did you have fun?"
The author has something to say:
This is the first
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