After all, the concubine is no match for the concubine. The three sons of the Zhang family just got together to have a good time together. The two children have not yet been named, and they will only be given their names when they are one year old and sent back to the clan.

When Zhang Xiu returned to Prince Jing's mansion, it was obviously too good, his usual smiling face was tense, and he was almost as good as Jiang Minghao.

Jiang Minghao didn't know what happened to Zhang Xiu, but only vaguely knew that it was probably related to family affairs. Everyone in Zhang's family knew about it, and Zhang Xiu didn't seem to care too much about it. Why?

But he is not a person who asks the bottom line, Zhang Xiu is not willing to talk, so he will not ask.

What bothered Zhang Xiu was not the birth of his younger brother, but Zhang Qian's change of attitude.

The change in Zhang Qian's attitude is too obvious. Before the first full moon, the eldest brother sometimes gave him some advice patiently. He cared less and less.

Almost every time Zhang Xiu goes back, Zhang Qian simply checks his studies. He used to have current situation analysis, but now he just throws the mansion newspaper to him. Every time Zhang Xiu wants to tell him his views or thoughts When he asked what, Zhang Qian had already got up to see his elder brother.

In stark contrast to this is the second brother, Zhang Qian went to see the eldest brother ten times, but he might not be able to visit the second brother three times.

Zhang Xiu felt a little chilled.

Is the concubine really so clear?

If you really value your concubine so much, why did you marry Aunt Yu in the first place and why did you let him be born?

Zhang Xiu’s previous memories are only the clips of his father taking him to play, riding him on a horse and coaxing him to eat, and the long-term orphan life after that has unrestrainedly beautified the previous memories.

When Chu Chu crossed over, he knew that there was a cheap father. Zhang Xiu was on guard, but he still had empathy and admiration in his heart. Besides, in Xiao Zhang Xiu's memory, Zhang Qian was very fond of this concubine's son. It can be said to be caring. Although it is not as close as a mother, the relationship between father and son is also deep.

Influenced by the good impression of his father in the double memory, coupled with Zhang Qian's undisguised care, Zhang Xiu quickly recognized this father. The father's dependence is also more obvious.

Even though he was already a 30-year-old man in his heart, and even though this father was only five or six years older than him, his desire for fatherly love made him ignore this.

Until the birth of the eldest brother, reality poured cold water on him severely, from head to toe, his heart felt cold.

Thinking about how King Jing treated his heirs and concubines, it was the first time that Zhang Xiu felt the harshness and cruelty of ethics in ancient society.

Strictly speaking, Zhang Qian did not give up on Zhang Xiu, he would still teach what should be taught, but as a parent official, most of his time and energy were devoted to business affairs, and the rest had to be socialized with his family.

But Zhang Xiu used to be the only son of the Zhang family, the only root seedling. Zhang Qian naturally paid different attention to him. A large part of his energy was spent on cultivating the next generation. Besides, he and the Hang family were originally young couples with a good relationship, and it was only natural that they valued the children born of the Hang family.

But Zhang Xiu used to enjoy Zhang Qian's attention almost exclusively, but now Zhang Qian's attention is mostly divided by his younger brother, so he naturally feels that he is no longer taken seriously.

Zhang Xiu didn't know what Zhang Qian was thinking, but felt that some old sayings were true, looking at the moon in the water and looking at the flowers across the bank, it really is the distance that creates beauty.So I unconsciously distanced myself from Zhang Qian and gave more free time to my second brother, that is, to visit Xiao Suxin from time to time.

Since having a big brother, even little Suxin has not been valued as much as before. Some time ago, the little girl was even caught with a cold. If Zhang Xiu couldn't sleep to see her sister that day, the little girl might have passed the fever. So I held back my anger, not caring about being said to be too long-handed to meddle in the affairs of my sister-in-law's room, so I lost my temper, and served Xiao Suxin's one nanny (hired later) two maidservants and four second-class maids. The servant girl and a few rough men made all the maids and mother-in-law violent again, regardless of relatives, and each of them was punished with [-] boards and fined for two months. This is the first time that Zhang Xiu has exercised his rights as a feudal ruling class. , but without the slightest excitement, the depression in my heart not only did not disappear but increased.

However, the little jealousy in Zhang Xiu's heart is not easy to tell others. In fact, no one said that Qian Zhuan is a son of a son, and he naturally does not understand the mood and difficulties of a son of a son. Without a clear understanding, it is naturally difficult to understand Zhang Xiu's little extravagance, so he can only be bored.

But if he is bored, it depends on whether some people want him to be bored.

Seeing that he wasn't in a good mood after a few days, Jiang Minghao thought for a while and said, "Don't you want to ride a horse? I'll teach you."

Zhang Xiu's eyes widened: "But I'm not as tall as a horse's legs."

Jiang Minghao twitched the corners of his mouth: "I started learning to ride a horse when I was six years old, and I am not as tall as a horse's legs. You are already taller than me then."

Zhang Xiu has been coveting horse riding for a long time, and when he heard this, he was eager to try: "Really? Then let's go quickly."

Jiang Minghao was pulled forward by him: "Well, go pick a horse first, a batch of new horses have just entered the mansion, you go pick a docile filly."

Zhang Xiu pouted: "I want sweat and blood BMW."

Jiang Minghao tilted him: "I want it too."

Zhang Xiu: "..."

In fact, most children start learning to ride a horse when they are six years old, but Zhang Xiu doesn’t know what’s going on. Almost no growth every year.

Learning to ride a horse depends not only on age, but also on the body. Zhang Xiu had to push back the time to learn horse riding and archery, but the horse squats well, and the bottom plate is extremely solid.Zhang Xiu doesn't understand the Taoism here, so he can do whatever he says.

However, in the second half of the year, I started to twitch violently, often accompanied by joint pain. This is a sign that the rapid growth and nutritional supplements cannot keep up. Fortunately, there is no shortage of food at home.

When he was seven years old, he was already about the same size as others when he was eight years old. It was because he grew up too fast that the round and puffy man had grown into a thin man with apricot eyes, willow-leaf eyebrows, pointed chin, cherry mouth, red lips and white teeth. The teenager can get a glimpse of his grown-up demeanor, because of this appearance problem, Zhang Xiu has often had fights with the annoying Jiang Mingze over the past year.

Jiang Mingbo got excited when he heard about riding a horse: "Wo (I) also want to..."

The little guy has just turned five years old, and although he still doesn't speak clearly, he has also come to study. It's just that he doesn't like to study, and he memorizes every book upside down, and he doesn't understand the explanation at all. With so many people to accompany the guy, he is much happier than before.

Qian Zhuan patted him on the head: "Come on, you're not as tall as a horse's leg." After speaking, he laughed loudly, causing the little guy to hug his head and glare at him.

Seeing him like that, Qian Zhuan put on a frightened look on purpose, folded his arms around his chest and said, "Oh my, my son, don't stare at me, I'm so scared."

Jiang Mingbo was furious, but he couldn't talk to him, so he was so angry that he couldn't stop saying "you you".

It was his companion, Yu Wenhao, Qian Zhuan's uncle's cousin who was only seven years old, who bravely stepped forward and pulled Jiang Mingbo behind him and kicked Qian Zhuan: "Asshole, he will bully children."

Angrily, Qian Zhuan yelled, bastard, whose family are you with, but Yu Wenhao didn't dump him.

Zhang Xiu watched it with joy.

The second son turned 15 last year and stopped studying with them. Jiang Mingbo came after they left, and by the way, Qian Zhuan's cousin was accompanying him.

Zhang Xiu didn't quite understand what Prince Jing meant by doing this, he always felt a little messed up, but the others could see clearly that Prince Jing wanted to flatter Jiang Minghao.

Jiang Minghao's performance in the past two years is obvious to all. Not only the Four Books and Five Classics taught by Mr. Zhong, but also the martial arts and strategy of riding and archery are also excellent. It can even be said that among the six sons of King Jing who have grown up, apart from the eldest son, Jiang Minghao Minghao is the best.

And his excellence has obviously caught the eyes of King Jing, otherwise King Jing would not have specially invited Yu Wenhao to accompany Jiang Mingbo.

Jiang Mingbo's brain is extremely slow and he can't speak clearly. This is known by everyone in the whole family. It is secretly rumored that the seventh son is a fool. Hao is smart and smart, even though he is a bastard, he is more favored than his frail elder brother who was born in the first place. If these two can get together, isn't Jiang Minghao's future to be seen?

When Jiang Mingbo saw Yu Wenhao standing on his side, his courage suddenly became stronger. He had a bad mouth, but his hands and feet were very smart. He jumped up and kicked Qian Zhuan's calf, and Qian Zhuan hurriedly fled pretending .

A few people walked and made trouble all the way, and naturally some people would not like it.

In the past two years, Jiang Minghuan and Jiang Mingze have been completely tied together. Even Jiang Mingze's accompanist, Zeng Yuelin, didn't meddle in Jiang Mingze's personal affairs much before, but now he hangs out with them pretty well.

Jiang Mingze has also grown up in the past two years. Ever since Concubine Li was imprisoned and has not been released, Jiang Mingze went from anger at the beginning to blank silence later, and he is no longer the arrogant and domineering person he used to be. However, he treats Jiang Minghao and Zhang Xiu The hate is the same as always, um, and now there is a little annoying Jiang Mingbo added.

What makes him feel even more uncomfortable is that Jiang Minghao was obviously inferior to him in everything before, but now he is better than him in everything, and his father's eyes are more and more lingering on him, even praise is better than him. There were a lot more before, but he never had many compliments.

So seeing them form a group to go to the martial arts arena, although I couldn't understand it and wanted to sneer as usual, but thinking about the lesson of Prince Jing a few days ago, I just snorted coldly.

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