Because of the improvement of Hang’s condition, the Zhang family’s family was happy. In the twelfth lunar month of the 32nd year of Zhaoping, Zhang Qian’s generous servants gave three times the monthly money. Time to take Zhang Suxin out to play.

On the contrary, Zhang Lun and Zhang Luo, the two boys who had just begun to be enlightened, were too young to go out and cry with tears in their eyes.

Zhang Lun joins in wherever there is excitement, but Zhang Luo, even if he is used to snoozing, he is very itchy after hearing too much about the excitement of the Lantern Festival.

I can only hate my strict father, my cruel brother and my heartless sister, none of them think about them.

The two boys were sad, and they nestled in Aunt Yu's arms for comfort, which made Zhang Qian's face covered with black lines, but Hang almost burst out of laughter.

In the past two years, due to Hang's illness, he was unable to take care of the housework and the children. The two children were almost raised by his aunt. This kind of relationship is not ordinary. It is almost the same as twins of ordinary people. Zhang Lun knew that he was not Aunt Yu. Born, but he is more affectionate to his aunt than to the Hang family.

Fortunately, Aunt Yu is also from a scholarly family, and her younger uncle and elder brother are struggling, one has been transferred to be an official, and the other has become a walk in front of the imperial court (that is, the emperor's secretary, who follows closely, although the grade is not good, it can be said that Jane is in the emperor's heart. , with a bright future), he is also a bit talented, although he is a concubine, the two children he taught did not have the timidity and pettiness of ordinary families. Even Zhang Suxin, although she was only seven years old, began to learn how to manage the house from Aunt Yu.

Zhang Suxin is now taught by Zhang Xiu to be lively and active, and her body is much better than when she was a child. She used to go to the doctor to take medicine every three days, but now she doesn't see a doctor once in a year or so. Hang is also very relieved to see it.

Seeing her two younger brothers acting like a baby, Zhang Suxin burst out laughing, and then quickly closed her mouth again. The little girl started to change her teeth. She just lost two front teeth. Now that the front teeth have all grown together, he forgot that he refused to speak when he just got his teeth replaced, and he relied on notes to speak. Fortunately, he even bought charcoal sticks for this purpose.

Aunt Yu patted the heads of the two little guys: "Okay, good boy, brother and sister will bring you lanterns when they come back, cute rabbit lanterns, I bought them specially for you, if you don't buy them, you won't let them in."

Zhang Suxin stomped her feet: "Aunt~"

Zhang Xiu shook his head: "The heavens are not fair. It's strange that people say that mothers always forget the older ones when they have younger ones. That's true, sister, let's live together in the future."

Zhang Suxin pretended to cry: "Father, don't you feel sorry for your daughter anymore?"

Zhang Qian coughed lightly and said, "Oh, I'm going to the Yamen tomorrow, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." After saying that, he shook his hands and left, but in fact, he had an appointment with his colleagues to drink.

Zhang Suxin's teeth itched with anger.

Zhang Lun and Zhang Luo were still young, and couldn't tell what was a joke. They really thought that their brothers and sisters didn't want them anymore. The two children immediately burst into tears, and each held Zhang Xiu and Zhang Suxin and refused to let them go.

Hang couldn't straighten her back with a smile: "Oh, my son, I'm so happy."

Aunt Yu patted her on the back in fear: "Sister, slow down."

Zhang Xiu almost laughed out loud, can this laugh also change the speed?

Not caring about provoking the two little guys again, Zhang Xiu pulled Zhang Suxin and ran outside.

When they arrived in the yard, the two brothers and sisters laughed at each other. Licorice was still holding Zhang Suxin's cloak in her hands, and her nose was sweating from running: "Girl, girl, wait, put on the cloak first, it's cold outside."

Ming Yan is silly, he has already put Zhang Xiu on the cloak and put on the hat with his hands and feet.

Years ago, there was a heavy snowfall, almost knee-high. Today, the snow on the street has been cleaned up. There is a long line of ice lanterns on the street. This is still a new thing in the northwest, and many people have been waiting to see it for a long time. Rare.

This ice lantern was specially made by Prince Jing's son, and it was set up in a row on the lively Qian Street, which is two miles long from the street to the end of the street. Wang's [-]th birthday was a special trip to bring old King Jing back.

Zhang Xiu didn't know until he saw an old man with a white beard and hair, ruddy complexion, white hair and childlike face with a loud voice when he went to the Prince Jing's mansion to pay New Year's greetings. Nima, it turned out that the old Prince Jing who was wholeheartedly against his father was still alive, and he was the one who cheated his father I have been studying in Prince Jing's mansion for more than four years and almost five years, but this is the first time I heard that the old King Jing is still alive, but I have never heard a word that the old King Jing is still alive. I don't know if it is because the secret work is too good or what drop.

Zhang Xiulian brought a dozen or so people along with his guards, but Zhang Quan and Gao Jin came back on purpose.

Zhang Xiu has done a one-shot sale of Liangpi, plus freshly squeezed juice, colored Liangpi, etc., because it is a new thing, and there will be a variety of different materials such as red beans, mung beans, highland barley noodles, etc., plus Zhang Xiutie Opened ten small shops in a single breath, ten small shops in one summer, with a net profit of more than 100 taels, plus the money saved by Zhang Xiu and Jiang Minghao, and sold some things that he didn't need and couldn't give away The money obtained, as well as the money Zhang Quangaojin had saved over the years, finally got enough 5000 taels, and Zhang Quangaojin went to the village to buy animal skins and bones in person, as well as the bulk of leather goods in the military camp, 5000 taels. A total of two silver coins were used for the leather of three large carriages.

According to what Zhang Xiu said, the two were divided into grades according to the types of good and bad. They took the leather of the three major carriages back to the capital and contacted two little uncles. The first-class good leather was quickly divided up by some family members. The clean ones and those with poor family backgrounds were also accepted, and the worst ones were sold directly on the counter.

With a group of sons and daughters escorting them, the business went so smoothly that it was unimaginable. In the end, 3000 yuan was changed to 180 yuan. One of the well-preserved white tiger skins alone was credited with [-] taels, and it was only [-] taels when I bought it.

According to what Zhang Xiu said before, Zhang Quan directly gave Zhang Xiu's two younger uncles 1000 taels of silver each.I bought a shop in the capital again, and continued to do fur business.

Zhang Quan knows how to do things, Gao Jin knows how to behave, and with the brand name of Uncle Anning, the business is not bad.

Although the market was later hit by too many fur goods, the total profit in two or three years has exceeded [-].

With money in hand, he doesn't panic, which is why Zhang Xiu can sit on the Diaoyutai in the face of possible drastic changes in his family. Even Jiang Minghao has a few confidantes under him because of his money. It became more and more useful in front of Prince Jing.

The Lantern Festival is already lively, and with the ice lanterns coming out, the streets are even more crowded with people. Fortunately, they agreed on the meeting point before, and fortunately there were servants who opened the way, otherwise people would flow all the way. It's not easy.

Yuebin Building occupies the most central position on Qianjie Street, with four floors in total, all above the second floor are private seats, and a group of rich and powerful children directly occupy the third, fourth and second floors, but it has made other people who also want to occupy the upper floors feel aggrieved for a long time. I can't carry my legs.

When Zhang Xiu took Zhang Suxin to the Yuebin Building, other people had already arrived. Zhang Xiu was already ten years old, so she sent Zhang Suxin to the stairs on the fourth floor and went down. Those who are not married bring their sisters to occupy the three or four floors tightly.

The participants were basically those who survived the grassland battle, and a few newcomers joined later, basically replacing those who died before, and there were also relatives who were related to each other, and there were also some additions, subtractions, and additions. 30 people, plus a group of female relatives upstairs, 40 people are indispensable, and there are servants who serve each other, no wonder they will occupy the two floors of Yuebin Building.

As soon as Zhang Xiu returned to the third floor, Jiang Minghao brought Jiang Mingbo to look for him immediately. Because Jiang Mingbo's mind was slow, King Jing and Princess Wang were worried that they were usually detained at home. This is the first time they came out, so they were so excited. , saw Zhang Xiu and pulled his sleeve: "Brother Xiu, you are here."

Zhang Xiu rubbed his head: "Bobo has an order, how dare you refuse?"

Jiang Mingbo smiled comfortably for a while before clapping his hand unhappily: "I've grown up, don't touch my head."

Zhang Xiu laughed out loud, and the lines on Jiang Minghao's face softened a bit.

The 13-year-old boy's body has just begun to grow. His facial features are profound, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his figure is very similar to that of King Jing. Zhang Xiu reckons that this guy is at least 1.6 meters five now. If you are too anxious, you may be able to break through the two-meter mark and become the first giant in the history of the Dasheng Dynasty.

He himself has too many disadvantages. He is ten years old now, and his height is estimated to be 1.2 meters five. He remembers that Jiang Minghao was almost 1.3 meters faster than 1.4 meters when he was ten years old. Are genes really so important?But Zhang Qian is not short either.

These thoughts just flashed in his mind, Jiang Minghuai and Zheng Huai'en came to greet him, then Du Rulan, Zeng Yuelin, Jiang Mingze and so on.

Zhao Jinming didn't participate, and he fisted Zhang Xiu from afar. Ever since his brother Zhao Yuming passed away that time, he has fallen into self-loathing, and he can't deal with his parents, especially his mother Washing his face with tears, and reminding him of his sins every day, his whole person became much gloomy.

Others such as Wang Jin, Li Qingyun, Bai Shaochuan, Fatty Zhao Hanzhi, etc., all came to say hello when they saw Zhang Xiu.

A group of them have experienced young people who lived and died together, and their relationship has always been better than others. Even Zhao Hanzhi, who is as timid as a little fat man, was recognized by them as one of them, and made great contributions (contributed firecrackers) Zhang Xiu, who drove back the wolves), is very attractive because he is young and good-looking and can talk.

Even the awkward Jiang Minghuai never targeted Jiang Minghao again, which made Zhang Xiu heave a sigh of relief.

Zhang Xiu was afraid that the bad relationship between their brothers would leave some psychological shadow on Jiang Minghao, and it would be bad if they grew crooked in the future.

As the night darkened and the lights came on, all kinds of lanterns were lit up. Under the light of the candles, the colors were so beautiful that they attracted a large number of men, women, old and young.

Opposite the ice lanterns are all kinds of small vendors, selling food and playing things, all kinds of toy lanterns with masks and faces, and as the lanterns are lit, the number of people on the street also increases. Crowds of people.

Zhang Xiu and Jiang Minghao's chubby Zhao Hanzhi lay on the window and looked down, Zhang Xiu suddenly burst out laughing.

Zhao Hanzhi quickly looked at himself, and when he found that there was no problem, he asked, "What are you laughing at? I thought I was wearing the wrong clothes."

Zhang Xiu didn't say a word, just enjoying herself.

He suddenly remembered those women in the brothel on TV, who seemed to be like them leaning on the building to sell their laughter. Zhang Xiu's scene was changed, and he was stunned immediately.

Zhao Hanzhi pouted, two or three years have passed, the child seems to have not grown much in IQ except for being a little thinner, suddenly seeing people rushing in one direction, he immediately yelled: "Zhang Xiu, it's a lantern riddle, how about guessing the lantern riddle?" , let's also go and see, what's the point of just being in this Yuebin building."

Zhang Xiu thought for a while: "Okay, I'll call my sister."

Jiang Minghao nodded: "I'll go find Mingbo."

The news of taking to the streets quickly spread, and finally the big guys went out in several waves, and they were basically good friends, such as Zhang Xiu, Jiang Minghao, Jiang Mingbo, Zhao Hanzhi, Zhao Hanzhi was alone, and another Zhang Suxin and the five of them walked downstairs, when they reached the stairs, Jiang Minghao bumped into Zhao Jinming, who was staggering from drinking too much.

Zhao Jinming looked at Jiang Minghao drunkenly for a while, then suddenly grinned and patted him on the shoulder vigorously: "Oh, it's you, hey, have you seen my brother? This kid is just naughty, hey."

Jiang Minghao stretched out his hand to support him: "You drank too much."

Zhao Jinming beat Jiang Minghao vigorously and walked downstairs staggeringly: " just drank too much, Yuming, stop playing, let's go home, go home."

Zhang Xiu saw that Zhao Jinming was unsteady and rolled down when he was about to reach the first floor, and he was pushed away when he went to help him, so he put himself in his shoes and thought, if something happened to his two boys, maybe he was even crazier than Zhao Jinming Two years ago, Zhao Jinming was only 17 years old, and now he is only 20 years old. He just lost his crown, and his own brother died in front of him. Not everyone can bear it. Zhang Xiu only hopes that this person can stand up.

Jiang Minghao gave him a hand: "What are you in a daze for? Let's go."

Zhang Suxin followed Zhang Xiu and asked curiously: "Brother, who is he? This man is really interesting."

Zhang Xiu replied: "A brother."

Seeing her brother perfunctorily pouted her dissatisfaction, Zhang Suxin pouted.

Zhang Xiu doesn't know if this is the case in other prefectures or counties. Anyway, he has been in the Northwest for five years now. Every time the Lantern Festival comes, the officials and gentlemen will invite King Jing or the magistrate Zhang Qian to host the lantern festival. Prince Jing is not used to it. Participated, but the officials still invite Prince Jing once as usual, and then confirm that the prefect will preside over it.

The customs here in Anding Prefecture are different from those in other places. On the second day of the Lantern Festival, that is, on the [-]th day, there will be a horse race, regardless of gender, age or age. Even women can participate. There used to be a race The champion of the Jockey Club was a beautiful woman in her [-]s and [-]s. At that time, the whole Anding Mansion was a sensation.

Of course, literati games like the Lantern Festival belonged to the magistrate, and the horse racing event, which made people's adrenal glands excited, naturally belonged to Prince Jing.

A group of five people slowly moved with the flow of people, sometimes Zhang Suxin would scream happily, Zhang Xiu is rich now, and she is very generous, Zhang Suxin will buy whatever she likes, anyway, these small things on the street are expensive. For less than a few dollars, Zhang Suxin held two masks in her left hand, her and her brother's, and five masks in her right hand, all kinds of mountain spirits and ghosts, and a lotus lantern in her hand. Zhang Xiu also had two masks in her hand. A face, two younger brothers.

There is no way, the little girl is determined not to let the servants take these things, saying that she will share them with her younger brother when she goes back, and only the older brothers and sisters will be sincere when they hold them. Zhang Xiu smiled wryly and agreed, and Jiang Mingbo scratched her nose teasingly. Ignoring him, Jiang Mingbo continued to work hard, but unfortunately he was stupid and couldn't say anything nice to coax the little girl, so he could only keep buying things for her.

Suddenly the flow of people surged, Zhang Xiu and the others followed, but they saw exclamations one after another, finally squeezed to the front, only to see a fire dragon in the distance approaching in a blink of an eye, and then went away quickly.

A large row of ice lanterns of various colors lit up immediately, and I don't know what the masters did. These ice lanterns turned out to be red, red, or green, and under the refraction of the ice cubes, they emitted colorful lights.

While everyone was exclaiming, there was a loud noise. Everyone raised their heads, and the fireworks bloomed in the air. A golden dragon flicked past, as if it was a dragon entering the sea. It disappeared in the blink of an eye. After the dragon disappeared, other fireworks of various colors Competing in the air, you fight for each other and never give in.

Such a spectacle, even Zhang Xiu, who has seen it more than once, still thinks it is a miracle in the world.

Not to mention Zhang Suxin, who was on the street for the first time, the little girl opened her mouth wide in surprise and forgot to close it. It was Jiang Mingbo who threw a piece of candied fruit into her mouth that suddenly regained consciousness, and then glared angrily.

Fire trees and silver flowers are never in the night, such a beautiful scenery, only these words can be considered to complement each other.

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