give me some blood

Chapter 2 Dark Golden 3 Years Old

Thirteen is said to be a bad number, the number of Judas the Betrayer.But Judas seems to be just a person who has been slandered for thousands of years by envy.No one knows who lied, like my 13-year-old.

I was 13 years old that year.

Rumors of a war between the south and the north intensified this year, and almost everyone was sure that the emperor would unite with the Alhambra family and a series of princes in the north to attack Dawkins and Dawkins' younger brothers in the south.Because the south has been developing too fast recently under the leadership of my mother, the wealth is incomparable, and I hope to reject the king's idea of ​​a piece of the pie.

That may be true, and there is no wind without waves. My evidence is that my mother has not been to Alhambra Fort for a year.

In June, the arrival of the king was like melting the ice and snow on the Alhambra Mountain for thousands of years.

As if the world was jubilant that day, I looked out from the tower, and the aunt who sells apples showed two two-thirds of her breasts. God bless her, she didn't strangle herself with her corset before she let go.Everyone seems to be laughing, but they don't know why.I hate this feeling.Everyone seems to be happy, and I can't get that happiness, like it proves me wrong.

The king's name is Edward, just like Charles and Elizabeth, it is the name of the king at first glance.

When His Majesty arrived, I was in the woods behind the castle, and my father and his wife and my brothers were all going to meet the people they were supposed to meet. I should go too, but I didn't want to go and I was sick, Because I suggested that someone loosened the soles of Gee's boots, and the soles of his shoes would be left bloody in front of the King after he saluted the King, and I don't think Gee was well-mannered enough not to throw a fit on the spot.

I am in the most peaceful corner of this castle that has never been silent, in the pauper's clothes that are reserved for wandering outside the castle.

I am an illegitimate child, there is no future there, and there is no need to curry favor with the king, so it is very easy, just like I don't have to grab a table of dishes that I don't want to eat.

The wind brushed my face slightly, and the circular light spots in the shade of the trees flickered.

I could see a civet cat about to catch a sparrow, ready to go. The sparrow felt the danger, but didn't know where the danger came from.

The sparrow flew away first, and then the civet cat disappeared.

I helplessly teased the earthworms.

"What are you doing here?" It was an annoying voice, not the shrill Alhambra accent of Ji and Sang, but a very gentle and steady voice, so annoying .

I pointed to my throat, then shook my hand.Looking up, against the shadow of the morning light, it was a teenager who was closer to an adult than a child, about seventeen or eighteen years old, or a little younger.Blonde hair and pure sky blue eyes make people feel sparkling, and every gesture has the elegance of I am a nobleman and I am not an ordinary person.It should be the child of a nobleman who accompanied the king, maybe a prince.

I know that in this situation, playing dumb is the best choice, because the other party will soon get tired of the unresponsive questions and answers, then give up and leave, and my world will be quiet again.

"It's a pity, such a beautiful girl, God doesn't allow me to hear your voice." He said in a tactful tone, um, yes, but... I'm not a woman, am I?Even if I wear the clothes of a lowly civilian child who can't tell the difference between male and female, I don't look like a woman.

I had the urge to pull up my trousers to show him, but I resisted it, and when he got tired of it and walked away, we would never cross each other again, and I would live my leisure life.The king is like this, so is he, even my mother is like this, everyone else is just a passer-by in my life, what I want is to live a better life, not to be bullied or bullied by others, an acre There are two cows on the ground, the wives and children are hot on the kang, if the wife is in trouble, don't want to live a wife's life.

I smiled miserably, then smiled brightly, and nodded to him.I'm probably most proud of pretending.

"My name is Jay, can you tell me your name?" He sat next to me.

I bit the bullet and smiled helplessly at him. I knew I was pretending to be deaf while pretending to be dumb, but he pulled out a branch from behind.

"Write it down, your name, I want to know."

I wrote it down, two simple letters.

"Mo, a name with a deep meaning." He smiled at me, "The original meaning of this word is dusk."

"I like it here, it feels very peaceful here, do you like it too?"

"You look like one of my childhood playmates, you know? But later, she went far away."

Mother, I may have encountered a chatterbox.

"It is said that the sky in Alhambra is very blue, what do you think?"

"Yeah, you probably haven't been anywhere else."

This guy doesn't want to make a long story, by the way, the above words are all said by that guy alone.Keep looking into my eyes, keep talking.

"People are often in this woods, so they probably want to escape. Do you think so too?"

"Are you interested in accompanying me to another place to look at the sky? Although I can't hear your voice, I feel that your eyes seem to be pouring out something." I was talking impatiently, no matter how beautiful your eyes are It won't happen, you old man, please leave quickly, thank you.

I'm here to seriously suggest that you pay attention to gender when picking up girls.

He kept talking in my ear, I just felt more and more sleepy, and then fell asleep.

"Lan, where are you going tonight?" My voice said.

"Uncle Jock said he would take me to see the vampires in the abandoned church at night." The tall, slender, pale boy turned his head, with a palm-sized wooden cross hanging around his neck, his silver-white eyes faintly crimson under the moonlight.

"What are vampires?"

The boy didn't answer, just smiled and walked towards the tall white church in the distance, which was his home.

When I woke up, it was just a dream.In the dream was my childhood playmate, Lan. He had already left me for the capital Hanma. It seemed that he was in some seminary or something, while I was thousands of miles away in Alhambra.

The chatter just now is gone.With his gorgeous coat on, he really treats me like a little girl.However, the plot of being put on a coat by others, which I have only seen in books, actually happened to me today. I feel a little strange, a little overwhelmed, and a little warm.How much is this coat worth? Go out of the castle tomorrow to see if it can be sold.

Suddenly, I felt a bit regretful that I forgot to ask his name, but if you miss it, just miss it, so what if you don’t miss it.

I should have pretended to be a deaf-mute, no, I should have pretended to be a lunatic, and immediately turned around and ran away.When he left me covered in injuries for the last time, I thought so.But, eight lifetimes earlier is too late.

Almost everyone went to the lobby of the turret, so I spent the afternoon quietly in my room before being notified that there was a dinner party tonight.

The dinner is a must, because if I don't go, I will become a person who is not loyal to the king, and I may become a meaningless political victim without any reason. I just want to live my own life, but the premise of everything is that I am alive .

I was in my dressing room trying to change, only to find my closet was empty.

"Dear child, you didn't go to meet the king?" My doubts were shattered by an extremely boring voice from the door.

The person pushed open the door, and I could see her powder falling off her face one by one with the rhythm of her walking, bright pink clothes and bright pink eyeshadow, plus a handful of bright pink eyeshadows. Small fan, big bracket skirt twists and turns.This kind of dress is not my father's wife, who else is it.

"Hi Ma'am." I bowed my head slightly to her, showing that I wanted to respect her a little bit.

"Xiao Mo, I asked a famous designer in the capital to make a new set of clothes for you. You can wear it to the banquet later. You can see if it fits you well." The woman asked the manservant to bring out a set of clothes for formal occasions. .

I immediately felt calculated.

Did she put poison on the clothes, or did she design something to make me look ugly? This was my first reaction.

"Thank you." I pretended to be very happy, thinking about throwing away the clothes after she left.

She smiled at me too, and told the footman to go away, leaving us alone in the room.

"Madam, you must believe that you are neither old nor ugly. Although if you don't believe it, no one will believe it, but I really can't bring out your beauty whether I go or not." Every time I recall this incomparable I really want to hit the wall with the dick dialogue, but who hasn't been dick when he was 13 years old, right?

"Boy, I know what you are thinking. I advise you to put on this dress. There is neither sex nor anything on it to make you look ugly. I don't bother to do it." The basic self-restraint, even if.

It wasn't out of desperation that I changed into this suit.

Unexpectedly, this is a very common outfit, without any obvious thing that can be called calculation.Navy blue silk fabric, exquisite overcut.If anything, it was better than all my Alhambra tailors in Tubulaji, and it suited me wonderfully, if anything.

I don't know what Madam's intentions are, but whatever his intentions are, I have no particular desire to avoid them.Experiencing a conspiracy is actually very interesting.

The author has something to say: perverted fool...

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