About 100 years ago, I encountered a similar war.

The two sides have fighting power and numbers that cannot be matched at all.The number of people with high combat power is small, while the number of people with small combat power is large, and they are equally crazy.Faith is a terrible thing that can make human beings give up their lives happily.

Fortunately, I don't have any beliefs.

The result of the first day was stalemate.

No one can give anyone a fatal blow.

The blood of the dead soon had a rotten smell, like rotten fruit.

The paladins did not dare to come and carry their corpses, for fear of being attacked by the blood clan.And the guys who are thirsty for energy because of the energy consumed in the battle are absorbing what they need on the spot.

This was the first time that the blood race met the Holy See on a real battlefield.Because most of the previous wars were the attack and defense of the blood castle by the Holy See.

The blood clan lost more than two hundred, and the corpses of the paladins were scattered all over the canyon.

Seeing the vampires who turned into dust suddenly felt a kind of displeasure.It is from blood.The ancient Alhambra proverb says that you cannot violate your blood.The blood tells you that this is the death of one's own kind.make you mourn.

But when I pass by the corpses and dust all over the place, I just want to laugh.

In fact, I laughed out loud.

William went to contact me with a wizard he knew well, and Zola stayed in Alhambra Castle to prepare some detailed things, and told me clearly that she hated the war and did not want to come, so standing behind me was Hans.

I suddenly felt his eyes behind me, and then turned around.

He tilted his head, "Master, do you have any orders?" He was also smiling.

The thing worth celebrating is that out of the 100 people I sent, only four disappeared.

Bewitching is not just bewitching, it looks like it is also a kind of protection.Maliciousness and goodwill are stalemate in war, which is really fun.

It was night, in a blood clan's castle near the battlefield.

"Let's just give up. This is only the first battle, and we have suffered such a big loss." An elder of the Zhuofan clan helped his forehead.

"Why did you give up?" Mirage laughed, and the other Lu Sen tribe also laughed.

"Do you really want to use the last generation?" I said soy sauce beside me, with a sense of weakness that didn't suit me in my tone.

Mirage sensitively noticed that I was speaking something that didn't suit my style, and a sharp and terrifying gaze swept over me.

This guy is really old monster level.

"The Holy See is just using their numbers!" A small man with a sharp voice stood up, "If we have a group of last generations..." His ending sound softened, as if he was dreaming.

"I think there should be another battle." Elder Y of the Zhuofan tribe who presided over the attack said. Many years ago, Elder Y was a subordinate of a very famous emperor. His muscles were complex and his people were simple, but that was many, many years ago.

"Are we going to lose our precious blood brother again?" An elder of a small clan said angrily.Most of the blood clan he brought lost in this battle.In fact, I can only say that he and his people are a bit disabled. They were encouraged by the Lusen people to rush to the front.

Mirage was very strange and did not speak again.

The meeting was still arguing, but everyone was wondering what the blood king was doing.

In a general blood clan meeting, a group of guys argue endlessly, and then he comes out to make the final decision.Of course, it is said that the meeting of the blood clan has not been held a few times at all, and most of them are discussed appropriately when the Holy See arrives.

The institutional system of the blood clan is not perfect, and the military system is unimaginably low.If I become the king of the blood clan, the first thing I will do is to improve the military system.The meeting decides everything and maybe better ideas can be discussed, but in the military, there must be one person who is fully in charge and decides.The biggest effect of this kind of discussion without clear responsibilities is to reduce efficiency.

After arguing all night waiting for Naize's arrival, Naize still hasn't come.

When we all wanted to send people to the Blood City to convey the news, what we were waiting for was the legendary Great Elder of the Blood Clan Conference.That is, the guy who presided over the ceremony that confirmed me as a blood race.

"[There are changes in the Holy See, you can rest.] These are Naize's original words, and now I will take charge of everything." The arrival of the black-haired and red-eyed elder caused timid whispers.

Inside the Holy See, something seems to have changed.And Naize got the news from his channel, shaking us all.And what the hell is that bastard Naizawa doing?You won't really go on your honeymoon with Ann.

Fortunately, it is said that this great elder, since Naize became the king, has spent his old age without worrying about the world. Zola assured me that if the Senate of the Blood Race can only find one person who treats all races fairly, it will be that he is over the age of He is fifteen hundred years old.Because he does not belong to any clan, and no clan has the ability to curry favor with him.

I don't know if the changes within the Holy See are related to the Sansu archbishop, ha ha.

Thinking about it later, my bad premonition has always been so accurate.

A short break.

As long as there is blood, the recovery ability of blood race is amazing.

I proposed a night attack to Elder Y, and Y shook his head and smiled.Mirage reminded me that the Holy See's defensive magic is not bad.Night Raid, that's a good idea, it's a pity we've done it too many times.The paladins of the Holy See are now putting on armor on the JJ even at night.

I asked if they put a steel plug on the chrysanthemum, Elder Y was depressed.Mirage's face was calm and calm, saying that he was just making a metaphor.

Three days later, the Holy See Army finished its rest and marched towards the castle where we were.

Fight again.

Before the war, neither Mirage nor I raised any new opinions.

I knew he was waiting for a fiasco, and I was waiting for his fiasco.

So, the fiasco came as expected.

The last time the Vatican army was the Brotherhood of Suffering, a group of malnourished guys who couldn't get enough to eat were released to test the waters, but this time, it was the elite raised by the Vatican's rich money.

The Holy See only dispatched 1 people this time.

In this battle, the Blood Race retreated in a row, losing nearly 300 people, and finally gave up the castle we used for the meeting and its subordinate city.

In the ensuing meeting, most of the guys from the Zhuo Fan clan shrank.

Mirage successfully passed his resolution, and with the permission of the Great Elder, created the entire western part of the entrusted province as the last generation.About 3 people will become the living dead.

I object, I suggest, first create about 1 last generations, and see if it will really obey the master's orders.Also, dead paladins should not be wasted, it is better to use the dead than to kill the residents alive.

The Great Elder said that what I said made sense.

I thought I'd feel something else, like how poor these guys are dying for nothing, but I didn't.I'm constantly thinking about the rigor of my plan.It doesn't look like such a rigorous plan, but I believe it.

William came back from the Gray Wizard and told me everything was ready.

In one night, the three cities in Tuoyuta Province and the affiliated villages became dead cities.The viscount in charge of the local area died mysteriously.

On the second night, a traveler witnessed a densely packed creature crawling towards the east, but he couldn't see what it was in the night.And whichever city they walked through, that city was empty.

When they climbed to the camp of the Holy See, I was on a hill not far away, and William stood behind me with his head bowed.

"Are you trying to condemn me, William?" I asked him over my shoulder, and he did look grave, as if it wasn't him who wanted revenge, but me.

"Look William, Dad is going to drag that guy, from that position, for you." I wanted to pat his head, but he avoided it.

The author has something to say: Kidneys don't die so easily! ! !

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