give me some blood

Chapter 29 The Pope and His Kingdom

John Angrus.

In the culture that gave birth to me, if I wanted to obliterate history, I would turn it into a legend.In some cultures, however, some people want to obliterate the legend and turn it into history.Sometimes it's fun to think about it.

So when I finally lost interest in real exploration, I would pass by those who were arguing about it, and I would look at them with envious eyes, purely envious of that naive persistence.

Alright, I'm done with my emotions, and I'll continue to record the events I learned from the mind of the wretched man Lancelot Lemievin.

Lan thought for a while, and there were only a handful of people who could enter this garden, except for the servants.

If ever seeing Mo would get rowdy, it would be one.

Looking at the guy in men's casual clothes with resentful eyes lying on the carpet in the living room, Lan felt that his facial contours had become stiff unconsciously.

"My lord Pope, the weather is so clear today, you are here for an outing, you are not welcome." Standing in front of this guy who fell on the carpet, Lan suppressed his urge to kick him.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." His mouth was gagged, his body was trapped firmly, and the guy lying on the blanket had short brown curly hair, blue eyes, and a high nose bridge, but his expression and physical condition made him look funny .

Kick that guy, turn him over, and look at the binding situation behind him. From the upper body to the legs, he tied a living person into a worm with a rope in two steps. It seems that Mo's binding skills are quite good.

Lan smiled and glanced at Mo with an inexplicable meaning. Mo was squatting in front of this worm and observed carefully. Feeling Lan's eyes, he gave him a bright smile.

Lan felt that he saw something evil in Mo's eyes, and immediately told himself, it was an illusion, it was an illusion.

The worms on the ground obviously don't care whether the two perverts have a hobby of bundling games, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." and began to chatter again whether these two perverts have the hobby of binding games or not.

Lan's index finger made a small circle, and the rope untied.

Lan looked at Mo's face again. Why is Mo acting a little disappointed now? Illusion, illusion, this must be an illusion.

Feeling that the rope was loosened, the little guy jumped up and pulled out the silk from his mouth, "Lan, what are you doing!" The voice was low, but with a perceptible sharpness that violated harmony.


Don't be confused, the first reaction after being confused is to use your own hand to press the man's chest straight.

Well, soft.Mo said to himself in his heart.

Ah, soft?

The pope's chest is so soft?Is it so soft?Is it so soft?

Mo covered his chest with his left hand again, touched Lan's with his right hand, and then nodded in confirmation, "Sure enough."

The other two people present just watched Mo make a series of movements.

The Pope was very calm about his chest being attacked, "Don't touch it, I'm a woman." His tone was calm and indifferent, and the sharpness in his voice disappeared completely, replaced by a neutral beauty.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it just now, just now, I'm really sorry." Mo's education of respecting women has obviously gone beyond the scope of memory and rooted in character.

"What are you here for?" Lan asked.

"Is he that person?" asked the pope.

"Yes, isn't it pretty?" Lan pulled Mo to the front of the two.

"It looks average, making it hard to tell whether it's a man or a woman, but it looks very smart." Mo looked at the face of the person in front of him and said first, apparently not knowing who was who.

"No," the woman shook her head, "very beautiful, and unusual." She looked down and said.Obviously, low self-esteem.

At this moment, Mo discovered that she was not actually young. She was in her thirties, and aging had crept into this woman's posture and face.

Sit down and have tea served by a servant.

"Mo, this is John, our great Pope, as you can see, female. This is Mo, I think, you already know who he is." Lan introduced, and then said to the female pope, "I believe you Didn't come here to play weird games with him."

"You have been away for a week. Let me check the situation and see if the body needs to be collected." The female pope said.

Mo felt that there was a kind of masculinity in her gestures.

"It's an honor." Lan lowered her head, "Shall I kneel down and kiss the back of your hand?"

"No... there's no need." The female pope blushed and stopped talking. Don't seriously doubt how she sat down as the pope.

"'I just want to save the world's suffering with my wisdom higher than that of men' you once said to me at the stake, if I remember correctly," Lan's voice was full of confusion, "I just hope you Keep your word. If nothing else..."

"I regret it," she said, looking directly at Mo.

Mo didn't understand what this had to do with him, "Should I avoid it?" Mo stood up.

"No, no need." Lan grabbed Mo's hand who stood up, and pulled it into his arms.

"Fuck me, Lan, you're perverted." Mo struggled.

"That's it, just don't move, we are talking about important things." Lan tied his arms around Mo, who was not as strong as him.Don't think it's nothing, so he didn't make any more money.

"Which area are you referring to? I thought you were voluntarily dedicating yourself to God, and I was just helping you." Lan turned to ask the female pope.

"Please, forgive me." The pope knelt on one knee in front of the archbishop holding a man in his arms, an absurd scene.

"What aspect are you referring to?"

"I don't want to dedicate myself to God anymore, I don't want to at all anymore." The woman's face showed determination and determination, "I just want to give myself to you. You gave me everything, not Jehovah."

"You already belong to the Lord." Lan shook her head.

"I've made myself..." the woman bit her lower lip and said in a stubborn and resolute voice, trembling as if the word itself was too much for her to bear, "unclean."

Lan raised her eyebrows lightly, "You let me down so much."

"I just want to have the right to be loved by you like all living beings." There was determination in the female pope's words.

"So, are you here to admit that you conspired with the President of the Privy Council to kill me?" Lan asked with a smile.

"Yes." The pope's voice weakened, like a girl's.

Mo didn't understand at all, and decided not to listen. It didn't have much to do with him, and he felt that he didn't have to worry about it.He doesn't want to understand other complicated things that have nothing to do with him.

"Okay, okay, John? Andrew, then tell me, what do you want to do, to satisfy your base desire? The kind of a woman for a man?" Lan laughed, the disgusting sentence still came through in his voice Looking holy, "Or, the kind of a woman to... an organ?"

"Aren't you despicable, you cough..." The pope suddenly started to cough violently, wanted to speak, but couldn't speak anymore, her heart-piercing cough, like a drowning fish.

Mo felt that she was going to say something important about herself, because the gesture in the next sentence of her sentence was obviously directed at herself, but she also intuitively knew that as long as Lan was around, she would not be able to say anything.Besides, he didn't want to ask.

"You are too strict with the congregation, His Excellency." With a slight movement of Lan's fingers, a servant had already arrived in the hall.

The pope's cough gradually weakened but did not stop. She threw out a letter, turned her head, gave Mo an incomprehensible look, and then left obediently.

"Did she say anything when she first came here?" Lan asked.

"She talked a lot, but I thought it was noisy, so I didn't listen to it." Mo said, "Ah, yes, she asked me if I was a devil, and I replied that I was not. He insisted on saying yes, and I fought him when I got angry. Get up, tie her up, don't know she's a woman. How could I be a devil." Statement, with a bit of showing off.

"Yeah, how could you be a devil, how about we go to Benedict today? Maybe you can think of something."

"Okay, but, what is this?" Mo picked up the letter on the ground, which had the Pope's wax seal on it.

"Never mind." Lan shrugged.

"Looks like an invitation letter? Benedictine Theater?"

Lan felt that there was nothing wrong with Mo wanting to have a look, wanting to go.

The general content of the invitation letter is that the students of Benedictine Seminary have newly rehearsed the Passion of Christ, and the Pope called people from political and religious circles to watch it.As for why the Pope personally sent it, Lan thought she was just looking for an excuse.The serious female pope, even if it was an excuse, continued to do it seriously.

She was rescued by Lan from the stake when he traveled to the northernmost part of the mainland.He was self-taught under many barriers, cut his hair short and went to grammar school, and was finally found out, so he was sentenced to fire at the stake, because people believed that women who read scriptures were devils.

Lan protected her from learning what she wanted to learn in Benedictine. At first, she thought she was just a pawn to be used, but this woman really had unexpected talents. When Pope Nicholas died, Lan felt that she was a good puppet. She is a woman's business, if anyone in the Holy See other than Lan knows, she will die.The pope cannot be exonerated, but a wild joke can.

"Lan, what are you thinking?" Mo asked in the carriage driving to Benedict Center.

"How about we go back to the mansion to change and then go to the market?" Lan responded.

"it is good."

Benedictine's bazaar is a center of exchange, a variety of goods, and a variety of people.

Casual clothes, walking in a crowded street.

"Do I have my own money?" Mo asked.

"It was there before, and our money is together later, so don't worry about it." Lan said.

"That is to say... everything I buy is charged to your account?" Mo's voice was happy.

"Yes..." Lan seemed a little depressed, "It's on our account."

"Is it different?" Mo Yi stared as if surprised.

"Same." Then Lan smiled.

"I want to eat that~" Mo Yao pointed to the dessert shop across the street.

Benedictine's desserts are the best in the world. The rough desserts smell like they have extremely high sugar content.

"How do you eat this?" Dessert was bought.

"Eat directly." Lan replied.

"Can you really eat it?" Mo asked.

"Ah, yes."

"Why don't you come for a piece?"

"I hate sweets," Lan replied.

"You have lost two-thirds of the fun in your life." Mo shook his head, "But it's better than me who forgot all the fun in life." Then he laughed.

Lan didn't speak, but took Mo's hand.

Mo shook off in surprise, but couldn't.

"Let me hold it," Lan said. "That's how we usually are."

"This is Benedict, the doctrine..."

"No one saw it." Lan's eyebrows and eyes curved slightly, "You forgot that I know magic." Then she took Mo's hand and held her fingers interlocked in the crowd.

Mo exclaimed and wanted to pull out his hand to run for his life, but found that no one around him paid attention to this strange pair of men holding hands.

"I have this ability, I have it." Lan whispered in Mo's ear, and kissed him.

Mo looked at Lan's face, frowning slightly, as if thinking about something. "I think I remembered something insignificant, but it's none of your business."

Lan didn't say anything, he felt that what he said now would reveal something.

Because Lan was already drunk at the moment.


"What is this?" Mo asked.

"Wind chimes," Lan replied.

"What is it for?" Mo asked again.

"Feel the wind," Lan replied. "Want it?"

"No." Mo said.

"How much is this boss?" Lan called out loudly.

"Six coppers," replied the curly-haired Benedictine boss.

"Two copper coins." Lan talked about the price.

"I said I don't want it." Mo said.

"No, at least five copper coins." The boss said.

"Two pennies taken," said Rand.

"I don't want it." Mo said again.

"Okay, two copper coins, here you are."


There are tall windows in the narrow passages of the rooms in the orange building on the third and fourth floors.

"Why is this place full of keys and locks?" Mo asked.

"This is the Street of the Keymaker."

"Boss, how do you sell this?" Mo turned into a shop and asked the price of a silver key with a twisted handle hollowed out like a butterfly pattern.

The boss put down his work. "Ten silver pieces, sir."

"Such a small key is a silver coin?"

"Sir, it's impossible for you not to lock it." He said and took out a lock with the same style from his hand, which was also small.

"Why...the lock? Is it all right if I have the key?" Mo looked back at Lan who had entered the store, but he was talking to himself.

"Without a lock, the key will probably forget who you are." Lan said casually.

"Is it...?" Mo replied with hesitation.

After all, the two walked out of the store with the key and lock.

"It's so expensive." Mo pouted.

"Whatever you want, even the whole Benedictine." Lan smiled.

"What a big tone, the whole Benedict is yours?" Mo asked.

"Yes." Lan said confidently and calmly, "Not only this city, but also half of the Papal States are my territories. They all exist for you."

"You think I'll be happy because of this?" Mo narrowed his eyes, trying to look directly at the sun that was too bright.

"It will hurt your eyes," Rand said, moving Mo's head quickly with both hands to adjust his gaze so that he was looking directly at her. "Yes, I hope you will be pleased."

"Because such a large territory belongs to you, if I want to leave you, it will probably be very difficult, and you will probably be very happy about it." Mo thought for a while and said.

"Yes, I'm really happy." Lan replied seriously.

"Pfft..." Mo laughed, then turned his head away from looking at Lan.

In a somewhat dry afternoon wind, Mo jumped up the first step of the 137 steps.

"I probably know why I fell in love with you before I lost my memory." Someone seemed to whisper in the wind.

Lan didn't miss the sentence.

"But I don't think I'm him."

The author has something to say: Some things are obviously disgusting, but it is very tangled whether to write the facts or not, but I still write them, sorry.

There are so many days every month that I feel like a scum...

Viadei Chiavari

Campodei Fiori


Interested students can look up the above words to complete the scene of two out of stock shopping.But some of the things that were not built at the time were green.

Also, what's wrong with me... why did I write such a long chapter...

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