give me some blood

Chapter 34 On the Meat Grinder

Before the war, I actually had no concept of the specific form of the war, what is lost and what is won, and then I asked Zola, what is war.

Zola said she read it all from books.I said it doesn't matter what I read in the book, I really don't understand why.Zola said that war is the game of kings.

I said this is too cheating, can you change it?

She said again, war is the continuation of politics.

I think this sentence sounds more reasonable, but I still can't understand it.

Hans was leisurely watching me being silly.

"Master, cowards can start wars, but only the strong can end wars." The guy who interrupted brought a cup of black tea and said to me.

I said okay, anyway, I can't figure it out, as long as I end it in my way, I'm the winner.

In fact, I think that if you encounter this kind of problem, among the people I know, only An can explain it clearly, although I may not understand what he said.

However, An and Naize disappeared together, and completely lost all contact with Blood Court.Even the bamboo steward in Blood Castle didn't know where they went.

Ann will definitely not be in danger. I believe in Naizawa. After all, Naizawa is an old man in charge, and Ann's magic is so powerful that it disturbs the truth.My dear child William said that if it is so powerful, it may be able to break some truth-level magic laws and blood laws, and maybe even the dead can be resurrected.

If the dead can be resurrected, probably the first person Naizawa wants to resurrect is Cynthia.

But if Cynthia is resurrected, where will Ann go?Well, so Ann will definitely not study the resurrection of the dead, even if he can research it, he will not. As a guy who has no moral bottom line, I think so.

Of course, it didn't take long for me to know that in some relationships, the moral bottom line is scum.

The Holy See's garrison is in a wilderness south of Leaf Castle, as they intend to continue westward.A team of less than 1 people is one of the main forces of the Holy See Army.

In the night before dawn, there was a deep darkness, and the waning moon sometimes disappeared into the clouds.

There seemed to be a sighing sound coming from afar with the wind, or it was just a strange illusion.The sentinels of the Holy See Army raised their heads vigilantly and looked around, but found nothing at all.

"Do I really have to follow?" I was riding my horse on a hill a mile away and asked Hans next to me.The horse seemed to be in a bad mood, and always lowered its head to eat grass, but it was wearing a bridle, so it could feel that it was in a helpless mood.

In fact, I think the matter of vampires riding horses is very ridiculous, because the guy sitting on the top of the horse runs faster than the guy below, but Hans said that this is a tradition.

"No, you don't have to, you just have to watch here." Hans shook his head.

I think so, even though I can't die, it probably won't be possible to charge ahead.I don't have strong feelings easily, so I don't have the kind of passion that can drive others.

The guys I sent to help the blood clan conference to fight the Holy See, as well as most of the Zhuofan clan who supported me and the princes, elders, and other troops of some other small clans, are now in my hands. A huge number.I haven't read many books on the art of war, but I probably understand the principle of concentrating superior forces to solve problems.

In the Holy See Army, several white horses ran to the north, the direction the wind was blowing.With the blood race's nose, he could already smell a faint rancid stench.


With a natural sigh like the wind, he came.

Unselected from several complete small towns, [-] last generations, mighty and mighty, seem to be disordered, but also seem to be in order.

They already know, I, their master's order, go there, that white tent, they can save you, they can save you, they are willing to save you.That is the messenger sent by the god you believe in.

Get there, and you can go back to the old days, the days when you were alive.No longer thirsty for blood, no longer muddled.Children can still find their mothers, husbands can still love their wives, and everything will return to how you are human beings.

When I finished conveying these thoughts, I saw a group of dry and bluish-white eyes, with pus-like yellow liquid flowing out. If it can be called, it is probably tears, the tears of corpses, haha.

According to Zola's research, because the blood belonging to the blood family in the last generation is very weak, correspondingly, the effect of the master's order will also be very weak.And if you want to control them, you can't order them, but guide them, and guide them who are unwilling to actively attack others.

So, despicable me, I did, using raw temptation.

Because human beings are stupid creatures who always look forward to loving and being loved, and never want to become real monsters.

But how could someone save them?How could anyone save them?How could there be a god to save them?

I, Hans Zola, my captain of the personal guard, and Adam, who claimed to have experienced many wars, decided to act together. Let the last generation pass from the front of the Holy See camp. When the Holy See army comes out to fight, let the vampires The army outflanked it from behind, thus completely solving the Holy See army.The best reward is the opponent's blood.

The news came from my eyeliner in the Holy See that the commander of this army is not Lan, nor is he a priest who uses magic, so I was not affected by any other things.It is said that Lan is on another front, the one that Mirage is about to attack.

It would be great if Lan killed Mirage.What if Mirage kills Lan?Shaking my head, I got rid of this thought, because it seems that just this thought is torturing me, and my heart is throbbing just because of such a thought.

Lan, that's too fucking vicious.Love your sister, your sister, your sister.

The response speed of the Holy See Army is very fast, even much faster than I imagined.

Adam, a newly tamed muscular man, followed me as a veteran knight, and said to himself, "This speed is too fast, it's not normal."

Hans did say he suspected spies among our new recruits.No, it doesn't matter to me even if I know about this operation in advance, because judging from the comparison of troops, it is impossible for them to win.

When more than 2 fuzzy eyes of the last generation who had lost their functions saw the white tents, the huge cross sign and the rows of neatly dressed knights and clergymen, the speed was obviously accelerated, and even some mouth There was a loud shout with unknown meaning, yes, because they saw hope.

I stand here, on the hill, quietly watching the moment when hope is shattered.I laughed, but Zola said it was like I was crying.

The orderly array of the Holy See army, when the last generation entered its attack range, the last magic user attacked first.The gorgeous colorful fireworks contain the attack magic of the four elements of wind, fire, water and earth.A piece of the last generation fell, and there seemed to be no screams.

And moving forward, they entered the attack range of the crossbowmen, and the last generation in the front row turned into hedgehogs very quickly.This time, there were screams.Although they don't know the pain, they know that their movement is blocked.

Turning into a hedgehog will not die like a real death, because they are already dead and their bodies are still moving, but they obviously can't move, so they wailed in despair.

The last generation behind them, seeing the fall of the same kind in front, seemed to think for a moment in doubt, but when they tried to think with their rotting and dead brains, they also turned into hedgehogs.

Some guys seem to be confused, and I hear the sound of some beliefs that are rooted in their hearts breaking.

They gradually understood.They understood that the resurrection they had hoped for, the salvation they had hoped for, did not exist.The messengers of the gods they believe in will not save them.And there is only one road waiting in front of them, and that is death.

Death, already dead.

The manic atmosphere began to spread around the last generation.Zola said that the title of her next thesis is going to be about the collective unconsciousness of the last generation of the blood race, because she discovered that because the last generation of the group cannot communicate with each other, there is a strange phenomenon of collective spiritual communication. It is consistent, I said this is good, I covered the scientific research funding.

But at this moment, the bookworm Zola next to me was really stunned, staring blankly at the front with big eyes, "Is it something like this that I researched?"

"Yeah, it's great Zola." I said with a smile.As a non-combatant, she wore a black dress with a blood-red lace bow today, which was very beautiful.Thinking about it later, this has been the fate of intellectuals since a long time ago, and Zola is not a special case.

All the last generations became manic, and their speed was even faster than when they first saw the Holy See army.If I were to do a research paper, I would really like to study the same thing about despair and hope, which can produce greater power.

As a result, more than 3 running corpses finally came into contact with the front of the Holy See army. The soldiers of the Holy See beheaded them, but it was not enough to just cut off their heads. This time the last generation is no longer limited to the thirst for blood. When they fell to the ground, their limbs were still dancing, trying to destroy everything around them.

They, the guys who are not alive but not dead, the guys who love this world but are abandoned by this world, only one thought remains in their minds, destroy, destroy everything, destroy everything that can be touched.

Destruction, huh, huh.Things are looking good.As long as the last generation moves forward and completely disrupts the formation of the Holy See army, they can outflank it.

Compared with this time, the last generation launched by Mirage last time is not enough to watch at all.

When the flesh and blood splattered below, on the other side of the distant hill, I seemed to feel a familiar breath, an incredible guy, a guy I haven't seen for a long time.

In the night and the far distance, even the eyes of the vampires couldn't see the guy, his long hair was flying in the wind, standing there alone, it seemed, it was the guy I missed for a long time?Ann, is it really Ann?

But I can't get away now, I will confirm it myself after the war is over.If Ann wanted to see me, he would naturally wait there. If he didn't want to see me, I couldn't see him.

Gradually, the formation of the Holy See Army was completely broken, and their coach lost the ability to reorganize the formation, and the Holy See Army retreated to the rear.

"Adam, lead your blood brothers and completely cut off their retreat from the rear." I said.

"Yes, Master."

I'm totally laughing out loud.Soon, this war will be won, and the victory, the summit, everything, will be mine.

Although the blood army rushing up from the rear was very small in number, they directly attacked the magician part of the most vulnerable army.The color of blood pervaded the air, and there was a seductive fragrance floating in it.

Suddenly, the atmosphere below changed.

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

The huge pale golden reaction light reflected an extremely intense light.Bright, the night is illuminated extremely brightly.

The last generation stopped moving, as well as the army of the blood race and the army of the Holy See.God said let there be light, so there was light.

The voice that only belonged to the clergy sang softly in the night.

In the light golden light, the figure in red with long light golden hair appeared, as if the savior had come in time.

Lan, appeared.

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