Cthulhu Grocery Store

Illusion showdown

Time flies, Shendai Wugu realizes that the holiday is coming to an end.

The student holidays in Japan are very short, but in addition to the winter and summer vacations, there is an extra spring vacation, plus the messy festivals, basically it can be said that it is three days of fishing and two days of drying the net, so even if the school starts, Kamito Kiriko has time to run his own business small shop.

Anyway, there are not many customers.

Up to now, Shendai Wugu has also seen clearly how small the types of shops he opened on impulse are, and it is a waste of this excellent location.

But he didn't open the store just to make money, so be it,

This morning, Shendai Wugu happened to see a familiar figure on his way to school, and waved happily: "April [-]st, what a coincidence, you also go to school this way?"

Looking back on April [-]st, he also showed surprise: "Kindai-san, good morning."

As soon as the two walked in, they saw each other's school uniforms, and they were shocked.

"Huh? Could it be that we are from the same school?"

"It seems to be." Shendai Wugu was a little happy. Of course it would be good to have one more friend to talk to, "Let's go together?"

"Well, of course."

The two continued to walk on this road talking and laughing. Most of them were talking about the experience of opening a store with April [-]st, and April [-]st was complaining about how difficult Miss Yuko was to serve. I have to drink anytime and anywhere, even if I drink, I still like to play drunk, and I often play him when I am drunk, and he is basically the only one who cleans up the mess afterwards.

"It's really too much!" April [-]st said helplessly, "I called people up in the middle of the night to make appetizers, and I ended up cleaning up the mess! I have to prepare lunch for the next day!"

"That was really hard work for you," Shendai Wugu comforted, lowering his eyes, a little envy flashed across his face, "It's very quiet over there, and there are very few customers. How should I put it, I'm really envious of you..."

The energy fluctuations that human beings can't catch are slightly emitted from the body of Shendai Wugu.

April [-] shrunk his eyes and rubbed his eyes, but the feeling just now was fleeting and soon disappeared, everything is normal.

"What's the matter? Did you get dust in your eyes?" Seeing April [-]st stop, Shendai Wugu also stopped.

"No..." April [-]st shook his head, looking at Shendai Wugu with a trace of worry in his eyes.

The feeling just now should not be an illusion.

I'm not sure on April [-]st. Since he helped Miss Yuko's shop, he has been able to add a lot of knowledge about that world. He has also seen some bad things like 'sound waves' or entanglements from some customers. , so subconsciously cared about the strangeness just now.

But think about it carefully, Shendai Wugu is a 'God', that kind of existence is impossible to be contaminated with those things, maybe I think too much.

No, no, as expected, it would be better to inform Ms. Yuko...?

"April [-]st sir?"

A girl's voice came from around the corner. When they looked up, a girl wearing the same school uniform came over, with two curly ponytails hanging down from the back of her head, with a sweet breath: "April [-]st, morning good."

"Good morning~Xiaokui~" When April [-]st saw this girl, she smirked like a twisted noodle.

Well, Shendai Wugu is not exaggerating, it is the first time he has seen the human body can twist like this.

"This is?" Shendai Wugu had already guessed in his heart when he asked, after all, April [-] was too obvious.

"Ah, this is my classmate, Xiao Kui, this is my friend I met recently, Kamashiro Wuko, who is also in the same class as us." Jun Xun introduced to the two on April [-]st.

The two of them greeted each other, and they were acquainted. On April [-]st, they were courteous all the way, and the obvious attitude couldn't be more obvious.Shendai Wugu looked at the back interestingly, how can I put it, how could a person who was quite normal just now suddenly become like a fool.

Is this the magic of love?


A base somewhere in Japan.

Damon Spedo was possessed by a certain guardian of the Supreme Gate family, so he took time to watch everything he transformed with his own hands.

Everything is exactly as planned, the immature Pengelie family is not the opponent of the Zhimen family controlled by him at all, and now, Guli Yanzhen has been dominated by the ring, as long as he defeats Sawada Tsunayoshi, everything And you're done.

The only holes left are...

Daemon walked to a certain room on the island, where Vongola's guardian of the mist, Kurom, was tied to a chair, his eyes dull and lifeless.

Damon snapped his fingers, and the next moment, Kurom, who was controlled by his mind, woke up and looked at everything around him in a daze.

"here it is……"

"Nufufufufu, hello, dear Coulom, welcome to my place as a guest." Damon said with a smile.

"You are, the enemy?!" Coulom quickly remembered that he was fighting before losing consciousness, and immediately tried to stand up, but found himself firmly tied to the chair by a rope.

"Shh—don't be so excited." Damon raised a finger across his lips, "I've known about the Pengo Li family before, but it really surprised me, I didn't expect Liu Dao Mu to be a coward, and I would rather let a little Girls won't show up even for a second when fighting on the top."

"You are not allowed to say that, Mr. Liudaokuo!" The belief in his heart was framed, and Kurom was like a little hedgehog with thorns erected, his big round eyes were full of anger.

"But the fact is that the Pengo Li family was beaten so badly, but the Liu Daomuo master in your heart never appeared from the beginning to the end." Daemon said maliciously, "It's not because he was afraid of losing to me, so he ran away. , Poor Collom, he's been treated as an outcast."

"That's not the case, Lord Liudaokuku..." Collom gritted her teeth and almost told the truth, but fortunately she resisted the urge to refute at the last moment.

Mr. Liudaokuo, since the contract was terminated that day, he has never been in touch again.

Not only her, but also Inu and Qianzhong, no one can contact Mr. Liudao Mukuro.

Of course Collom would also be worried, but she believed that Master Liudao Mukuro would not abandon them, he was just doing more important things.

They just had to wait and trust Lord Rokudokuku until he came back.

Dimon is not angry when he sees the failure of the aggressive method, he still has the last resort.

"Since you believe so much in your Master Liu Dao Mukuro, let's wait and see if he will come to save you." Damon grinned a nasty arc at the corner of his mouth, and the next moment he snapped his fingers. The illusion that replaced the internal organs disappeared in an instant, the girl spat out a mouthful of blood, and the body under the clothes became shriveled.

"I have disarmed the illusion device on the island, and now Liudao Mukuro can communicate with you, come on, make the scream more beautiful, my cute little bird."

"Hmm..." Collom bit his lip, enduring the weakness and pain in his body, "You can't come, you must not come, Mr. Rokudokuku..."

Damon just smiled and looked at the girl's painful face, like a calm hunter, quietly waiting for the prey to step into his trap.

Finally, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a curved arc of excitement: "You really showed up, that's right, how could a proud man like you ignore the mournful cry of a cute little believer."

"You and my little chess piece are having fun." Fog gradually rose in front of Coulom, and the nameless mist wrapped her silently, revealing the figure of a tall young man.

It was still the same jacket and camouflage t-shirt, with the number six written in one eye, and the six skeletal lights looked the same as before.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Damon's mouth hooked.

"I'm not interested in you. You should have been a decayed existence in the era." He lifted his lips and sneered mercilessly.

Liu Dao Mu had already understood the current situation before it appeared, including that their current enemy was Damon Spedo who survived from the first generation of Vongola Guardians.

"Corruption? No, no, no." Daemon's smile deepened, "I'm different from other people, yes, I'm an existence favored by the gods."

"People like you still believe in God?" Liudaokui raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not interested in the gods in the teachings." Damon said indifferently, "The gods I've seen are far more terrifying and powerful than them."

"Want to see and see?"

The sentence he spit out contained strong malice, and the moment he finished speaking, the surrounding environment changed.

The battle of illusionists has already begun, and the first step is to rob the senses.

The scenery in front of Liudaokuo changed, the marble floor turned into a pitch-black abyss, and the darkness beneath his feet was bottomless.

A nameless fog emerges, and monsters that make people feel uncomfortable are about to move behind the fog. One after another, the extremely terrifying pictures beyond human imagination crazily stimulate people's nerves. To the abyss of madness.

When Liu Daoku came out of this hell, he just raised his eyebrows: "Huh? Is this your confidence?"

He easily recognized where the familiarity of the illusion created by Damon came from, and he naturally thought of who the god he was talking about, and the smile on his face suddenly became a little weird.

Damon hid behind the hallucination, frowning at Liudao Mukuo's indifferent appearance.

no response?

Liu Dao Mu is a warlock with strong will.

So how about this?

"Master Liudaokuo." Collom suddenly appeared in front of Liudaokuku, with a timid look and eyes full of dependence, walking towards Liudaokuku step by step.

Liudaoku raised his trident expressionlessly, and pointed the sharp end at Kurom's fair neck, "Do you think I will be fooled by this level of illusion?"

"Really?" Damon's voice was close and distant, like misty mist, "So what?"

The girl with the same hairstyle as Liudao Mukuro showed a shy smile, the whole body was split from it, and fangs grew out of the crack, and she turned from a beautiful girl into an extremely terrifying monster in an instant.

Liu Dao Mu looked at the illusion in front of him indifferently, and even wanted to laugh a little.

"The so-called favor you are referring to is this kind of weak illusion?"

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