
Chapter 107

Prince Anle doesn't like Zhao Jingcheng - anyone who has worked in Prince Anle's mansion knows this "secret".

Since moving out of Zichen Palace and gaining freedom, Zhao Nanxing has never stayed quietly in the palace for more than two months.

He likes traveling in mountains and rivers, making friends with people in the rivers and lakes, and singing the wind and playing the moon. In the past, he took Qi Yunchu to do these things together; later, there was an extra Tang Ruilang, so he threw the Swiss franc to Qi Yunchu, and ran out by himself. .

As for the reason, Tang Ruilang guessed that it was more or less related to that part of Dongjun's past.

Taking another [-] steps back, for a member of the clan who cannot inherit the great line, what could be safer than flying far away?

Soon, King Anle discovered Tianwu Palace.

Qi Yunchu opposed King Anle's going to Tianwu Palace.Although on the surface he was just the prince's personal eunuch, Tang Ruilang could see it clearly—King An Le never treated him as a eunuch's servant.Qi Yunchu accompanied him through the most difficult period after Dong Jun's death. He was his spiritual pillar and a bright and cold lamp.

King Anle loves Qi Yunchu, and the originally hazy emotion fell into an obsession after growing up.

Every time he came back from the outside, he would always bring a lot of gifts to Qi Yunchu, and then drag him into the house, and he would not show up until noon the next day.

However, at the same time, he was a little afraid of Qi Yunchu.Because he is as smart as him, he has long understood that he and Qi Yunchu are not the same kind of people after all.

Whenever there was a dispute between them, the dignified Prince Anle didn't even dare to talk to Qi Yunchu directly.Therefore, Tang Ruilang's small oil bottle became an excellent sounding board.

Unsurprisingly, for the matter of going to Tianwu, the two of them quarreled fiercely, and even fought violently, smashing many things in the palace.

It's rare that King An Le didn't give in at all, and Qi Yunchu didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter.

Coincidentally, the Ministry of Internal Affairs had something to do the next day, and Qi Yunchu entered the palace early in the morning.However, when he returned to the palace at noon, he saw only Xiao Ruilang sitting alone on the porch with his chin resting on his hands.

"Uncle Anle wants me to tell you that he has already left and went to Tianwu Palace with the beautiful princess. If you miss him, take me to Tianwu Palace to find him."

Until now, Tang Ruilang still remembers Qi Yunchu's appearance at that time.

The midday sun passed through the acacia tree in front of the door, casting shadows of different shades on Qi Yunchu's face.He held an exquisite food box in his hand, without opening it, he could guess that it contained the Shengjin 24 Qi Wonton specially prepared for Zhao Nanxing by the dining room in the palace.

Tang Ruilang has never seen such delicate desserts since then.

After talking for a while, Tang Ruilang simply sat down leaning against the railing.There was still light rain dripping from the eaves, and occasionally a few failed tung flowers would fall down and hit his shoulders rustlingly.

"Actually, before leaving that day, Uncle Anle said a lot to me. He said that he would never return to Zhaojing again, and asked me to tell my father and the rest of the Tang family not to trouble him anymore; Advised me to go to the Imperial College for my studies in the future, and ignore the dudes in Hongwen Hall and Chongwen Hall; he warned me not to make Yun Chu angry... Most importantly, he also made a deal with me."

Having said that, Tang Ruilang let out a wry smile.

"He asked me to replace him and take good care of Zhao Yang. Because Dongjun is the crown prince chosen by Shui Yunjing, and if Zhao Yang is really the reincarnation of Dongjun, then he will definitely be the ruler of the Daning Dynasty in the future. If I help This busy, then Qi Yunchu and the strength of the servants will stand behind me, and help me balance the strength of the Xiao family in the future... Only in this way can I forcefully leave the crooked scale beam on the Daning court to me In the future, some hopes of showing their fists."

However, things are not really as Nan Jun expected.

"But Uncle An Le was wrong—the Zhao Yang he worked so hard to find was actually a snake-hearted man. Qi Yunchu and I have been lying with him for several years, and we have already seen through that he will never become the ruler of the Great Ning Dynasty. And at this time, Guozijian Jijiu discovered the only son of Ye Kai's family, the envoy of Dushui—that is, you."

Now that the matter has come to this, Lu You no longer feels surprised, but is full of coldness.

"Even if you really regard me as Dong Jun, why bother to provoke me everywhere... If we are just ordinary friends now, I don't feel so... sad."

"Actually, how did it happen when I kissed you at your house...Even I don't know."

Tang Ruilang didn't know how many times he sighed: "Actually, when you were injured and unconscious, I already knew that I would be sent to Hongwen Hall to study. After that, the two places are separated and cannot meet each other, and there are many students in the Imperial College, you will soon have A new confidant, and even forget about me - I did that at the time, maybe I hope that I can become the person you can't easily and care about the most in your mind."

"You just care about me, but you want me to have love for you?" Lu You sneered, "It's really a good deal!"

"So what if it's a good account? Anyway, it can't be done at all."

Tang Ruilang smiled wryly as if mocking himself: "Perhaps since that kiss, in my heart, I have never regarded you as Dong Jun's reincarnation."

Lu You was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and fell silent for a long time.When he spoke again, he recited a poem suddenly.

"Gold and jade have essence, how can they not be strong. But in the ashes of the distant furnace, the secluded dwelling hides forever - when Chang Qiugong was at the door of Lu Yinger's house, he named me after this poem. I thought he just had a momentary feeling ...But now that I think about it, every sentence is about Dongjun's hidden, but...it has nothing to do with me."

"Actually, Qi Yunchu sees things far more clearly than you and I. It is precisely because of this that he understands that only by insisting on making others believe that you are the reincarnation of Dong Jun, can Zhao Yang be the Prince of Destiny that Nan Jun has been thinking about."

"Enough...I see."

Lu You weakly raised his hand halfway to stop him from continuing, "Even if there is no reincarnation, even if all this is just a coincidence. I will still be regarded by you as the reincarnation of Dongjun—this is the value of my existence. "

"This is indeed your innate value, but it is not necessarily a bad thing."

Tang Ruilang took a deep breath, and said what he had been brewing since morning.

"Yesterday you asked me, if you didn't look like Dongjun, would I know of your existence? I thought about it all night. If it wasn't for this face, you might not be able to be promoted to Taixue. I will not deliberately meet you in the crowd. And the grievance between your father and my father will not change... As a result, you and I will become a real feud. Maybe we will never see each other, or even fight to the death.

"In that case, I might find a well-matched woman to be my wife, give birth to two or three children, and then live a life that is envied by countless people. But I will never know that someone in this world There was another person in the corner, he was congenial to me and cherished each other; his tenacity and tenacity made me admire him; his sensitivity and precocious wisdom made me love and pity him..."

Having said that, he suddenly raised his head and looked directly into Lu You's eyes.

"It's easy to miss a wrong person; but it's hard to meet a right person. Now I really don't have the face to stop you from leaving me. But I still hope that it is the result of your deliberation. Still Yes, even if you and I are separated from each other today, I still hope to call you brothers. At least, above the court, you and I are still bosom friends, and we will help each other, and we will definitely be able to display our ambitions."

He finished the big call on his own, and then finally calmed down, waiting for the final result.

However, at the critical moment, Lu You didn't say a word, and even turned his head away, so that Tang Ruilang could not see his expression clearly.

After an unknown amount of time, I finally heard a faint sound.

"Don't force me, I don't know..."

Lu You muttered: "A lie that has been told for so many years, can it only take a few quarters of an hour to dispel it? If so, how much resentment and entanglement should be subtracted from this world?"

"As long as you don't make a decision for a day, I can continue to wait."

Tang Ruilang said sincerely: "There is one more thing, because it is too important, and it is not only related to you and me, so I can't talk about it for now, when you calm down—"

Before he could finish his sentence, he only heard the sound of chaotic and hurried running outside the door.After a while, someone knocked on the gate of Zitong Courtyard.

Lu You immediately signaled Tang Ruilang to keep silent, and then asked loudly, "Who?"

"Master Young Supervisor, it's me, Ruixiang!"

The person who came was the maid next to Empress Xiao.

"Please hurry to Anren Hall, the Empress and the Crown Prince are arguing!"

Lu You was stunned for a moment, and then exchanged a look with Tang Ruilang very naturally.

"go quickly."

Tang Ruilang gave him a slight push: "I will go quietly without disturbing anyone."

Lu You took the Yuehua Gate, passed the Zichen Palace, and turned northward.

As soon as he walked into the Anren Gate, he saw a few servants from the Yellow Gate rubbing their hands together in the garden, their faces full of bewildered expressions.

Seeing Lu You enter the garden, they surrounded him with a "hula", lowered their voices, and rushed to tell him everything that happened just now——

During this period of time, the crown prince rectified the administration of officials and dealt with several court officials one after another. Although he had great ambitions to revive the court, he also encountered a lot of criticism and resistance.

Among them, there was another person who objected, which annoyed the prince the most.

Li Changkun, the attendant of the Huangmen, is the brother-in-law of Empress Xiao's elder brother, and is considered a distant relative of the prince.Although the official rank of this person is not high, but because of the convenience of his position, he can frequently go in and out of the court, and often accompany the emperor.

After the prince supervised the country, he punished several officials who had fawned on Li Changkun.This guy muttered in front of Emperor Huiming, saying bad things about the prince.At the beginning of the year, the censor Yu Cheng was arrested and imprisoned, and Li Changkun was even more circling around, trying to get insurance for Yu Cheng.After repeated visits several times, the prince remembered him in his heart, secretly looking for an opportunity to get rid of him.

Besides, Yu Cheng, the censor, has been in prison for two months, but he has always shouted for injustice and has not pleaded guilty.Then I heard the cronies of the Eastern Palace came back and reported that the officials locked up in the prison were all dressed in brocade clothes and embroidered on couch, and provided food and drink for them.The prince was startled and angry, and immediately ordered Jiang Qiguang to interrogate himself.

Only a few days later, it was heard that Yu Cheng and a group of criminal officials had all confessed.

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