
Chapter 122 Noodles

The prince cannot be neglected.

Lu You reluctantly returned to his senses and replied: "Dare to ask Your Highness, what do you need my humble servant to do?"

"This king wants your help, recognize a few people."

Speaking of Zhao Yun making a show, the eunuch next to him immediately sent an order to go down.

After a while, there was a sound of clinking shackles, and a dozen Nei Feilong guards escorted eleven or twelve prisoners in heavy shackles into the yard slowly.

Zhao Yun pointed to these people and said: "During the day and night after you returned to the palace, General Wu led the Neifei Dragon Guards to search and arrest strictly inside and outside Liuquan City, and indeed caught many bandits and fake monks. But nearly [-]% of them All the people who died unexpectedly died suddenly within two days, and even Liu Quancheng's masters couldn't find out the reason... These people are the only ones who are still alive. Let's see if there are people who have harmed you among them. "

Hearing what the prince said, Lu You instantly understood seven or eight points.

Those who died suddenly had obviously been poisoned by the ghost doctor.These days should be the days to take the antidote, but only the bald donkeys in the temple hall got a few dead leaves.The rest of the people, when the time came, would naturally die of poison.

Thinking of this, he carefully looked at the bareheaded men kneeling in front of him, and he recognized several members of the evil monks.

The criminal was quickly taken down for interrogation, but the small courtyard did not return to calm.The prince sat down on the stone bench in the courtyard, and signaled that as long as Lu You stayed, the others would stay away.

After the idlers cleared up, Zhao Yun finally broke out the anger that had been suppressed for a long time.

"Those daring gangsters! How dare they dig a secret passage into Liuquan Palace! What kind of plans are those witch doctors planning?! And those assassins from yesterday! You and Tang Ruilang fell into their hands. Have you heard anything from them and found anything special?"

Lu You murmured: "I think that the assassins in the paddock and these witch doctors should be two independent but interrelated things."

"Oh?" Zhao Yun raised his eyebrows, "How do you say that, hurry up and say it!"

Lu Youdao: "According to my opinion, there have always been bandits on the outskirts of Liuquan City. These bandits used their identities as monks in the temple as a cover. Some of them pretended to be monks and waited for rabbits; while others took the initiative to attack. Do things like robbing houses, killing people and stealing goods. Once arrested by the government, they will immediately hide in the temple to avoid the limelight.

"As for the paddock yesterday, Swiss Lang and I found many traps in the forest. You must know that before the field hunting, the paddock will be carefully inspected by special personnel, and it is impossible to leave traps that used to be hunted. This is also true That is to say, nine out of ten of those traps were re-dug after the inspection, and they must have been tacitly approved by some people."

"In other words, there is an internal response?!"

The prince immediately understood: "Those reckless bandits must not be able to bribe the local officials... On the contrary, they are very likely to be hired by some people to commit this crime!"

"Weichen thinks so too."

Lu You nodded in agreement, and continued: "Recalling the scene of the assassination, the target of those assassins is obviously the prince himself. As for who in the court may take the risk - I believe your Highness must be very clear."

Zhao Yun groaned when he heard the words, and after a while he said again: "Let's talk about those ghosts and witch doctors again."

"Then let's start with the Liuquan City Rebellion last year."

Lu You collected his thoughts: "After the commotion, a small group of ghost army witch doctors escaped from the search, but they did not leave Liuquan City. Relying on the treacherous and insidious Gu technique, they controlled a group of bandits on the outskirts of Liuquan City. At the price of the poison and antidote, they are forced to use it for themselves. Of course, what witch doctors can provide to the bandits is only the antidote. If they want to make a living, these bandits still need to rob their homes, or even hire people to get their goods.”

"Then what's going on with those crypts extending in all directions?"

"The crypt should have several functions at the same time."

Saying that, Lu You raised three fingers.

"First, the crypt is hidden deep underground, absolutely secret, which is good for hiding whereabouts. Those ghost warrior witch doctors could not show their faces, so they hid in the crypt for a long time. They even sent poisonous Gu and a poisoned horse The living dead controlled by Gu are hidden in the crypt.

"Secondly, after a year or even longer period of excavation, now the crypt extends in all directions, almost hollowing out the entire underground of Liuquan City. Not only ghosts and witch doctors, but even those bandits can use the crypt , Transfer calmly, escape from danger.

Having said that, he suddenly accentuated his tone.

"Third, and in my opinion, the most puzzling point is why the tunnel leads into Liuquan Palace. After all, the Li Palace is no better than other places, and it is strictly guarded, let alone a shortcut for the bandits to escape. Even if you want to steal into the palace, what good is it to spend time and effort digging such a long secret passage? However, recalling the conversation between Rui Lang and I and the temple host, I seem to understand something..."

"What's the matter?!" Zhao Yun was obviously impatient, "Don't be tricky, tell me quickly!"

Lu You took a deep breath and said the speculation that has been lingering in his heart.

"Ghost Rong witch doctor wants to attack the clan's children. Those gangsters thought Tang Ruilang was a clan's child, so they wanted to sell him to the witch doctor in exchange for the antidote. The purpose of these tunnels is also to get close to those who cultivated in Liuquan Palace. Clan disciples, it is convenient to take action against them."

"Could it be that the witch doctor wants to cast a Gu?!" Zhao Yun first thought of this possibility, "By controlling the clan of the Daning Dynasty, and then infiltrating the power of Guirong into the center of the Daning Dynasty?"

"...It cannot be said that there is no such possibility."

Lu You was almost hindered by the crown prince's title, so he responded in vain: "Let's not mention Rui Lang for the time being, but the clan children who are resting in the Li Palace are all weak in health, not to mention participating in state affairs, even their own family affairs. All……"

"Bold!" Zhao Yun interrupted his next words with bluff: "After all, they are relatives of this king, how can you let you talk about it! This king has already known about this matter, and he has his own discretion."

After being yelled at by him, Lu You naturally wouldn't argue, and just bowed his head in a respectful gesture.

"I dare you, there is one more thing I would like to ask Your Highness to be aware of - this bandit was able to dig the tunnel all the way into the Li Palace, and he just happened to hide in a remote courtyard. I am afraid that there will be someone from the palace as an internal response. It is better to let the servant People from the province, conduct a strict investigation."

"it is good."

The prince nodded in response, and seemed to feel that the tone just now was a bit stiff, and added: "You have been traveling around these few days, you have worked hard. Rui Lang was injured again, and this king will give you a special rest in Li Palace. The rest thing, don't worry."

Does this mean that he is not allowed to intervene in this matter?

Lu You understood, on the surface he still thanked the prince for his kindness.

Zhao Yun finally drove away, and the small courtyard regained peace.Lu You hurried over to lock the courtyard door, picked up the food box again, and walked quickly into the house.

Zhao Yun was right.After entering the room and turning a corner, Lu You immediately saw Tang Ruilang lying on the bed, motionless like a corpse.

Is it true that the condition has recurred?

Lu You was shocked, and hurried to the bed in three steps, calling out anxiously.

"Swiss? Swee—"

Before the second call was made, the person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, and when he saw Lu You, he laughed out loud.

"You're back?"

Lu You was startled, confused by him, and was really stunned for a while before recovering.

"You... are you okay?"


"The prince came over just now, why did you faint again?!"

"...I don't know what to say to him? It's most convenient to pretend to be dead."

Tang Ruilang smiled wryly, and quickly changed the topic: "Have you brought back any food?"

Lu You nodded, and hurriedly brought the food box to the side of the bed, and opened it layer by layer.

The porridge was boiling hot when it was first made, but after a while it was at a pleasant temperature.Lu You scooped it up spoon by spoon and fed it into Tang Ruilang's mouth.

"Is it tasty?"

"good to eat."

Tang Ruilang was served comfortably by him, nodded repeatedly, and after a while, he stared at another bowl in the food box and asked, "What is that lump?"

"Noodles." Lu You fed him another spoonful, "Don't worry about it, I ate it."

"You still eat? It's all bloated like that!" Tang Ruilang was speechless, "Don't worry about me, just fill your stomach first."

Lu You's hand didn't stop for a moment: "I don't care about you, how do you eat? Seeing you like this, it won't get much better for a while, so bear with it."

At this time, Rui Lang couldn't disobey him, so he could only continue to eat mouthful after mouthful, and occasionally muttered: "You... are so kind to me."

Lu You's hand stopped slightly, but he didn't respond.

A large bowl of porridge was fed one after another like this.Lu You wiped Tang Ruilang's mouth again, turned over, and then turned around to deal with the almost unrecognizable bowl of noodles.

The craftsmanship of the dining room is really good, but it's a pity that the noodles are completely soft and loose, and they are soft and not chewy at all.

However, this was the first meal that Lu You had eaten well in the past twelve hours, and he enjoyed it so much.

At this time, Tang Ruilang, who was lying on his side, did not speak, but his eyes were fixed on Lu You from head to toe, from foot to head, repeatedly, as if he would never get bored.

Lu You finally couldn't bear his ambiguous gaze: "What's the matter with you today? Why do you keep looking at me like this?"

Tang Ruilang turned to look at him: "I was thinking... It seems that I never thought that the one I like would be a man. But when I opened my eyes and saw you, I felt that it should be like this, it should be like this, There's nothing unreasonable about it."

It was really weird to say this, but Lu You only thought that his injury was not healed and his mind was a little confused.

"You make it sound like you just met me today. If you have the time to talk nonsense, why don't you shut up and take a good rest."

"……makes sense."

Tang Ruilang followed good advice, but he added one more sentence: "By the way, can I trouble you to invite Lao Shanggong over again later? I have something to ask her."

"I'll go right away." Lu You immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks.

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