
Chapter 133 Prince Wang

There is no doubt that Zhao Qing's madness has flared up again.Tang Ruilang immediately stepped forward, snatched the blade from his hand, and shut him back to Wanchun Palace.

At the same time, Lu You also hugged Zhao Rongze horizontally and took him to a pavilion a little further away.Then he ordered the little eunuch to find a medical officer to control Zhao Qing's condition.

Zhao Qing's illness started quickly and passed away quickly.The medical officer pricked the acupuncture points on the top of his head a few times with silver needles, and his whole body immediately went limp, and he became a dying sick beauty again.

"Seeing Prince Duan like this, I really don't feel at ease about keeping Rong Ze in Wanchun Palace."

Lu You reprimanded several young eunuchs who neglected their duties, and ordered them to stay by Zhao Qing's side and never leave.Then Tang Ruilang picked up Zhao Rongze, and the two hurried back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After entering Zitong Courtyard, Lu You asked Tang Ruilang to carry Zhao Rongze into the inner hall.Taking out the standing medicine box, he carefully treated Xiao Shizi's wounds all over his body.

This Zhao Rongze was also really strong, he kept silent all the way, he was docile and obedient like a kitten; at this moment, tears were clearly rolling in his eyes, but he still held back his tears, unwilling to cry out.

Tang Ruilang looked distressed, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, if you want to cry, just cry. No one here will blame you."

Zhao Rongze looked up at him, and two tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Little uncle..." He choked up and said, "I beg you, please don't tell others."

"Tell others what?" Lu You asked back.

"Don't tell others... Father Wang just said that I am not his child."

Zhao Rongze, who said these words, finally couldn't help it, hugged Tang Ruilang's neck and cried loudly: "I will die, I will be dragged out of the palace gate to be executed! But I don't want to die, Rong Ze doesn't want to die yet... "

He cried more and more fiercely, almost dying.

Tang Ruilang hurriedly picked him up and patted him on the back: "Don't talk, don't talk, little uncle will never tell anyone about this. No one will hurt Rong Ze. My uncle will protect you all his life and will never let anyone hurt you."

He coaxed him for a while, and Rong Ze managed to calm down a bit.Lu You hurriedly bandaged all the remaining wounds, took off Rong Ze's shoes and socks and let him lie down on his bed to rest.

"Aren't you hiding something from me?"

While tidying up the medicine box, Lu You asked in a low voice, "It seems that you already knew the right and wrong of this family."

"I'm wronged!" Tang Ruilang waved his hands innocently: "If you don't ask about this kind of thing, how can I think of telling you."

"So, what Rong Ze just said is true?"

"It's not certain whether it's true or not. All I know is that this isn't the first time Zhao Qing has said something similar."

Tang Ruilang sighed, and reached out to help Zhao Rongze tuck the quilt

"Zhao Qing is usually very good to Rong Ze, and can even be said to be meticulous. But as soon as he starts to go crazy, he will beat and abuse Rong Ze, and even repeat repeatedly, saying that Rong Ze is not his child, but my sister and his son. someone else's life."

"other people?"

"It's that Prince Friend surnamed Du! It's Zhao Qing who made trouble with that surnamed Du, but turned around to slander my sister. This is really..."

Tang Ruilang could be heard getting angry, Lu You pulled his arm, trying to drag him out to talk.

However, Zhao Rongze, who was lying on the bed, pursed his mouth, opened his eyes and said aggrievedly: "Rong Ze is not Uncle Du's son, really not!"

Tang Ruilang hurried to appease his nephew, Lu You looked at the two of them, and a thought jumped out of his head——

Zhao Qing, Zhao Rongze and his son were unharmed in Liuquan Palace because Du Yushou was by his side.So is it possible... that mysterious Du Yushou is also related to the ghost doctor?

The more he thought about it, the more suspicious he felt, so he stopped and asked Rong Ze: "Uncle Du has always lived with you in Liuquan Palace?"

Zhao Rongze shook his head: "No, although the Li Palace is not as good as the Zichen Palace, the access control is still very strict. Sometimes Uncle Du will be called into the palace, but he never spends the night in the palace."

This makes it even more suspicious.Du Yuchou was not always by Zhao Qing's side. The Ghost Rong witch doctor obviously had an opportunity to take advantage of it, but he chose not to move Zhao Qing and his son.Is this just a coincidence, or is there another mystery?

Lu You asked again: "Then do you know where Uncle Du's home is?"

Zhao Rongze thought about it hard, then shook his head and said, "Uncle Du doesn't seem to have a home in Liuquan City. But a few times, Dad took me to meet him at Uncle Kang's mansion."

Kang Wang Zhao Jing?How could he have a part in this matter?

When Lu You was thinking about it, he heard Rui Lang whisper: "Zhao Qing and Zhao Jing had a very good relationship when they were young, and Zhao Jing must have known about his relationship with Du Yuchou. Thinking about it carefully, Zhao Qing can hardly move. How could he know someone who came from the East China Sea for no reason? I think this person named Du was probably introduced by Zhao Jing to Zhao Qing."

Lu You also admitted that his analysis was somewhat reasonable, but pointed out another bigger problem.

"Zhao Jing's fiefdom is not Liuquan City, so how could he have a mansion in Liuquan City? If he wants to recuperate, wouldn't it be more convenient to live directly in the Li Palace?"

"Maybe he doesn't want others to know that he is in Liuquan City." Tang Ruilang said the most obvious answer, "What the hell is he doing?"

Lu You asked Zhao Rongze again: "Do you still remember where Uncle Kang's mansion is?"

Zhao Rongze finally nodded this time, but he couldn't name the specific streets and alleys, so he could only give a general direction intermittently based on the direction of the carriage in his memory.

"Exit the gate of Li Palace, the second Lifang on the left. The carriage enters through the west gate, then turn right at the entrance of a shop selling steamed stuffed buns, and walk forward for a while to arrive."

Hearing this, Tang Ruilang quietly leaned into Lu You's ear: "Why do I feel that we have been to the place he mentioned..."

"Prince Wang's house." Lu You nodded, "It's also in the same direction."

In order to confirm this possible answer, Lu You asked some detailed questions about Zhao Jing's private residence one after another.Zhao Rongze answered a few times, and it was indeed like saying that Tang Ruilang went to Ye Yueshan's Prince's Mansion.

Could it be that the mysterious "Prince Prince" is from Zhao Jing's residence?

Further speculation, could it be Zhao Jing, or that Zhao Qing's lover, Du Yuchou?

No matter what the answer is, it makes people shudder.In addition, there is another, more obvious answer.

The next topic should not be discussed in front of the young Zhao Rongze. After lulling Zhao Rongze to sleep, Lu You and Tang Ruilang quietly pushed the door out and walked to the distant yard.

Lu You directly asked the most important question: "If the owner of that mansion is really Zhao Jing, it means that Zhao Jing has something to do with Guirong witch doctor."

"As an aristocrat in Daning, but secretly communicated with a witch doctor from the enemy country?" Tang Ruilang touched his chin with an intriguing expression on his face, "Speaking of which, last year the emperor asked him to quell the chaos in Liuquan. Is the thief calling for a thief?"

"So, the Ghost Rong witch doctor was able to act secretly in Liuquan City, in fact, he got some instructions from Zhao Jing."

"That's right, that's right... Although Zhao Jing and Zhao Qing are only half-brothers, they have had a good relationship since they were young. It should be because of this relationship that Zhao Jing didn't let those witch doctors attack Zhao Qing. But then again... why did Zhao Jing ask the witch doctor to take away the clan's blood? What does this matter have to do with the living corpses in those underground secret passages?"

Lu You couldn't answer Tang Ruilang's series of questions for a while.He pondered for a moment, and thought of the most possible solution.

"Next ten-day vacation, let's go to Liuquan City again. Maybe Qiu Gong knows the secret of this."


Three days later, taking advantage of the ten-day holiday in the middle of the court, Lu You and Tang Ruilang hurried to Liuquan City.

They entered the Li Palace, found Qi Yunchu who was still supervising the case of the witch doctor, and told him everything they knew.

After Qi Yunchu heard it, there was no surprise on his face.

"If you want to know why Zhao Jing cooperated with Ghost Rong witch doctor, the answer may be here."

As he said that, he asked Lu You and Rui Lang to follow him, and the three of them left the Li Palace all the way to the government office in Liuquan City.Not only were there two servants standing in front of the government office, but there were also four fully armed Neifei Dragon Guards. When they saw Qi Yunchu, they hurriedly bowed their hands in salute.

Qi Yunchu led Lu You and Rui Lang into the government office, and walked around to the warehouse of the arresting hall on the west side.I saw that there are more inner flying dragon guards guarding this side, and no one else is allowed to enter or leave day and night.

Lu You followed Qi Yunchu into the courtyard of Dezhu Hall, and immediately smelled a familiar stench.The horror of being in the underground tunnel welled up in his heart again, he slowed down and tried to slow down, Tang Ruilang beside him immediately supported his back intimately.

I saw three temporary black sheds set up in the yard, and various items collected from the tunnel were placed inside.There were a few thin-skinned coffins in the corner, with a note on it that seemed to be someone's name.

Qi Yunchu led them around, and walked into the room on the west.I saw large earthenware pots on the ground, with sealing paper stuck on the earthen pots, filled with ghostly characters.

These are all Gu moved from the secret underground passage!

Lu You was a little nervous, but saw Qi Yunchu walk to a table beside him, and took out two slender porcelain cylinders, one large and one small.

"come and see."

The two hurried over, only to see Qi Yunchu first open the large cylinder in his right hand and pour some transparent colorless liquid into a small bowl.

Then, he unscrewed the small cylinder in his left hand and poured out a ball of dark brown cotton wool into the bowl.

The change was only in a flash. The red cotton wool entered the bowl, and the liquid suddenly turned into a deep blue.

"Is there a Gu?" Lu You immediately realized, "Whose blood is on the cotton wool?"

"The emperor's."

Qi Yunchu gave the most surprising answer: "I asked Tianliang Xing to fetch it."

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