
Chapter 14 Stormwind

I don't know whether it is luck or misfortune, but at this moment, Ye Kaiquan is not at home.

Although it was a ten-day holiday today, after lunch, he said he had something to do, and hurried back to the Dushui prison.

According to my mother, my father always left early and returned late during this time.A few times, they simply stayed overnight in the capital prison and returned the next morning.

From this point of view, before returning to Guozijian today, I am afraid that there will be no chance to meet him again.

But thinking of her sister's fate, Ye Zuolan's heart suddenly darkened again.

"Mom, I want to stay today." He insisted: "No matter what, I want to wait for Daddy to come back."

But who knows, this wait is a whole night.

In the early morning of the next day, the banning street drum came from far and near.Ye Zuolan opened her eyes in horror, put on her robe and walked towards the side door.

There was still one horse missing in the stable, which meant that his father hadn't returned all night.

He covered his face to wake up for a while, then walked crookedly towards the main hall, sat down on the threshold, and continued to wait silently.

It's time for Taixue to start speaking in another hour.The unexcused absence has a big impact, but right now, Ye Zuolan doesn't care about it.

He only knew that he had to protect Ye Yueshan.

I don't know how long it took, the square street outside the door gradually became lively, and finally a series of tired horseshoes sounded.

The moment the door opened, Ye Zuolan rushed over like an arrow, almost colliding with her father who had just dismounted.

Seeing clearly that the person who came was actually his son, Ye Kaiquan frowned and said, "Why are you still here?"

"I..." At the critical moment, Ye Zuolan was at a loss for words: "I want to..."

"Forget it!" Ye Kaiquan covered his forehead with one hand: "Hurry up and help me into the house to rest for a while."

Only then did Ye Zuolan realize that her father's face was pale, and there were big bags under the eyelids, which were black and swollen. It seemed that he hadn't closed his eyes all night.

Well, anyway, the person has already returned, so you might as well wait a little longer.

Ye Kaiquan seemed extremely sleepy, and he leaned against his son and closed his eyes after walking two steps.Ye Zuolan struggled to support him, so she simply helped him into the side room, lay down on the bed, and then reached out to take off his boots, socks and robe.

Father's robe was damp and heavy in his hands, stained with the morning mist.Ye Zuolan shook the front of her clothes, and unexpectedly found a stack of papers falling out of the inside pocket.

The paper is stained with moisture, so if it is so tightly folded, it may stick and smudge.Ye Zuolan didn't think much about it, so she unfolded the paper and wanted to find a place to dry it.

However, he just glanced casually, and happened to see a familiar name.

"Tang Quan"

Isn't this Rui Lang's father, Minister of the Ministry of Officials?

Ye Zuolan glanced at his sleeping father, then secretly folded the note again, hid it in his arms, and walked out of the wing lightly.

What is written on the paper?

He went all the way back to his room, locked the door again, and then unfolded the paper again.

If you don't look at it, Ye Zuolan suddenly feels his scalp go numb.

This piece of paper is neither a letter nor a poem, but a draft memorial full of corrections and comments.

To be more precise, this is a joint memorial about the impeachment of Tang Quan, Minister of the Ministry of Officials.


To impeach an official, and he is still an important member of the DPRK and China, there must naturally be sufficient reasons.The reason for Tang Quan's impeachment was directly related to the death of Princess Duan Tang Manxiang a few days ago.

Duan Wang Zhao Qing was only 19 years old, young and healthy, so there was no plan to build a cemetery; after the death of the princess, the coffin could only be temporarily housed elsewhere, waiting for the construction of the tomb to be completed before the burial.

Although the prince's cemetery is not as good as the emperor's mausoleum, it must meet certain regulations.According to the regulations of the Daning Dynasty, the prince's cemetery will be supervised and built by the funeral envoy temporarily appointed by the court.The funeral envoy of King Duan's tomb was Pei Cheng, the servant of the Ministry of Rites. He was once a student of Tang Quan, and he naturally received Tang Quan's instructions in everything he did.

Now it is April, the turn of spring and summer, and the climate is rainy and humid.Although the concubine's coffin was placed in a temple deep in the mountains, it probably wouldn't last long.Therefore, the speed of building the cemetery must be accelerated.

Pei Cheng knew very well that if he wanted to shorten the construction period and ensure the magnificence of the cemetery to satisfy the prince and mentor, he had to recruit more manpower.

However, one step earlier than him, the labor force in Lingzhou City was conscripted to participate in another major construction project - digging a canal.This is an extremely long-lasting water conservancy project led by the Metropolitan Water Regulatory Commission.

It is obviously too late to wait until the canal is completed before transferring personnel.Pei Cheng actually took his own initiative and took hundreds of people from the canal's husbands and put them into the construction of King Duan's tomb.

Such a move naturally spread to the capital, and fell into the ears of the new envoy of Dushui—that is, Ye Kaiquan.As the highest official of the Dushui Supervisor, Ye Kaiquan impeached Tang Quan and Pei Cheng for this reason, which seemed to be a matter of course.

However, on the draft in front of Ye Zuolan, there were three signatures, and they appeared in the position of the impeacher just like Ye Kaiquan.

"Minister of Industry Yang Rongru

Ding Yucheng

"Censor Zhongcheng Fu Zhenghuai"

Among them, Ye Zuolan only knew Fu Zhenghuai.However, he is familiar with the titles before all these names, and any one of them is much higher than his father's Dushui Envoy.

Ye Zuolan suddenly had a feeling - the reason why his father dared to challenge Pei Cheng and even Tang Quan was probably because these higher-ranking people encouraged him behind his back.

But... the person my father wants to impeach is Tang Quan.He is not only the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, but more importantly, he is also Tang Ruilang's father!

Taixue's courses also include detailed descriptions of court regulations.Therefore, Ye Zuolan is very clear: Since the rejuvenation of the country, the Daning Dynasty has attached great importance to the impeachment system with Yushitai as the core.Even if the emperor is gentle in nature, as long as the content of the impeachment is true, even the relatives of the emperor will be punished.

Ye Zuolan didn't know what kind of punishment Tang Quan would get under the current situation.However, he understood that once the impeachment started, Tang Ruilang would know the truth immediately.

At that time, what choice will Tang Ruilang make?

Is it righteousness to stand on the side of etiquette and maintain this "friendship" with him; or is he blinded by family affection and sadness, and angrily cut off contact with himself?

Ye Zuolan was troubled in her heart, and then remembered the "Duanyang appointment" with Tang Ruilang, and became more and more confused.

Should he persuade his father to stop this impeachment?But as far as giri is concerned, what the father and the others are going to do may not be wrong.

There is no "wrong", so does it have to be "right"?

Amidst all kinds of entanglement, Ye Zuolan picked up the paper again and read it carefully.At this moment, a series of despondent footsteps suddenly sounded outside the door.

Could it be that father woke up? !

Ye Zuolan was so frightened that his soul almost jumped out of his body.He turned around in a circle, but couldn't find any suitable place to hide things, so he put the note into his arms in a hurry.


A heavy voice of command appeared outside the room: "Quickly open the door!"

Ye Zuolan hastily smoothed the folds of her clothes, pretending to agree calmly, walked over and lifted the latch.

Ye Kaiquan rushed into the house in two or three steps, and grabbed his son's skirt: "Did you take my letter?!"

Ye Zuolan naturally did not dare to admit it, shaking her head like a rattle.

Ye Kaiquan gave Ye Zuolan a vicious look, turned around and began to search around the house.It wasn't until I messed everything up that I was sure that the damn note hadn't been hidden in the house.

For Ye Kaiquan, this means another even worse possibility.

"Could it be that... it fell on the street..."

Due to lack of sleep, Ye Kaiquan's eyes were bloodshot and swollen.Just now Ye Zuolan helped him take off his hat, so his hair was also slanted and loose, half covering his bloodless face like loess.

He turned his head to look at Ye Zuolan again, his eyes had turned cold.But this kind of coldness is not calmness, but ash-like despair.

Ye Zuolan was obviously frightened by his father's series of strange words and deeds. He shivered one after another, but the letter hidden in his chest was terribly hot.He involuntarily took two steps back and accidentally knocked over the vase on the long table.

The crisp sound of the porcelain shattering seemed to remind Ye Kaiquan of the society.

"Say... is it hiding here with you?!"


This time, Ye Zuolan had no chance to defend or deny.He only had time to move a step before his father grabbed his arm and pushed him down on the long case.

The skirt of the clothes was roughly ripped open, and a stack of exquisite letterheads glowing with light turquoise fell out of Ye Zuolan's arms first.

But that's not impeachment letterhead...

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