
Chapter 16

Guozijian is not a safe haven.

Due to absenteeism for no reason, Ye Zuolan received a notice as soon as he returned to the dormitory, ordering him to explain the situation to the supervisor immediately.

The rules of the Guozijian cannot be violated.There was no other way, he could only drag his tired and hurt body to the rope hall.After entering the door, I saw Mr. Hong sitting at the head.After Ye Zuolan saluted, she knelt on the ground and waited for the lesson.

Mr. Hong asked: "I heard that you are very well received by doctors in Limingtang, and you have answered well in several ten-day exams. I thought you were a malleable talent...but what happened today?"

Ye Zuolan replied: "Something happened at home, and the student was in a hurry, so he didn't even bother to ask for leave. The student is willing to accept any punishment."

Master Hong didn't respond immediately, but got up and walked towards Ye Zuolan.

Ye Zuolan was still wearing the robe she had at home, with dried blood remaining on the front and sleeves.Although Mr. Hong was old, he was not dazzled. He frowned after only two glances.

"Roll up your sleeves."

Ye Zuolan didn't dare to disobey, so she rolled up her sleeves, revealing her two blue and purple arms.

Mr. Hong was taken aback for a moment, but he still didn't ask any questions. He just asked Ye Zuolan to follow him to the ward.

Thanks to Mr. Hong, after a lapse of one day, the wounds on Ye Zuolan's body were finally cleaned up and healed.And the medical workers in the ward also said that Ye Zuolan had become the most familiar student in the Imperial College.

The punishment for absenteeism was quickly conveyed—Ye Zuolan was sentenced to a three-day confinement to contemplate her mistakes behind closed doors.He knew that Mr. Hong had changed his ways to let him recuperate, and he was grateful and sad in his heart.

From this day on, life seems to be calm again.No one asked him why he was injured, and no one from the Ye family came to him, even the servant who followed Ye Zuolan on weekdays disappeared without a trace.

This was also Ye Zuolan's first real life alone, but fortunately, there was not much inconvenience.On the contrary, being alone can allow him to quietly think about the various encounters that have occurred during this period of time.

In addition, Ye Zuolan did another thing - dug a pit beside the bed, and buried the wooden box containing all Tang Ruilang's letters in it.

In this way, even if one day, my father comes over aggressively to search, he will definitely find nothing.

On the fourth day, the foot ban was lifted, and Ye Zuolan went back to study in Liming Hall as before.However, in the afternoon of this day, someone who he never expected ran into the Imperial College.

Lichuan hall is a small courtyard next to the west gate of the Imperial College, which is specially provided for students to meet outside visitors.It was the first time for Ye Zuolan to come to Lichuan Hall, and the person who asked him to look for him was sitting opposite him right now.

Judging from his body shape, this should be a boy who is slightly older than him, wearing the most common coarse cloth robes, and wearing a peaked gauze hat on his head, which he did not take off even when he was indoors.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, Ye Zuolan immediately felt that he looked familiar.

Seeing Zuolan, the boy didn't take off his gauze cap, but stood up and took a step forward, grabbing Ye Zuolan's wrist.

"Daddy seems to have had an accident!"

"... Yueshan?!"

Ye Zuolan was taken aback, and only then did she hear her sister's voice: "You, what are you doing here alone?!"

"Shh!" Ye Yueshan immediately signaled him to keep quiet, and then whispered: "Mother asked me to come here, this news, she is worried about letting the servants pass it on..."

The matter started four days ago when Ye Zuolan left.

That afternoon, when Ye Kaiquan returned home and found that Ye Zuolan had escaped, he was naturally furious.However, on the one hand, the mother and daughter swore to guarantee it, and on the other hand, he was afraid to bring the incident into the Imperial College, so he finally did not trouble Ye Zuolan again.

Regarding the impeachment of Tang Quan, his mother also tried to persuade Ye Kaiquan to give up.However, he was like a ghost, unable to listen to any voices at all, just revising the draft article over and over again, for fear that something might go wrong.

The official impeachment memorial should have been submitted to the Third Secretary's Court the day before yesterday.But yesterday, my father went out for the early morning, and he never came back after that.

"Although it is common for him to spend the night in the Dushui Prison during this period of time, he will definitely come back the next morning. Mother is worried that something may happen, so she came to call you home. Let's discuss whether you have any ideas. .”

Ye Yueshan's remark immediately made Ye Zuolan nervous. He managed to gather his composure and asked his sister to wait in the Lichuan hall for the time being, while he immediately went to ask Mr. Hong for leave.

Faced with Ye Zuolan's sudden situation, Mr. Hong still nodded in agreement without asking carefully.

Ye Zuolan left the Shengjian hall with flying steps, only thinking about rushing home with her sister.Without paying attention, he almost bumped into a student walking in the opposite direction at the corner of the corridor.

Ye Zuolan hurriedly wanted to apologize, but when she looked up, she realized that it was Chen Zhixian who came.

The son of the former Dushui Envoy, however, seemed to completely ignore the existence of Ye Zuolan, and only took a slight step back, before continuing to walk forward without looking sideways.

What's going on here?

Ye Zuolan was feeling strange, but saw Chen Zhixian slow down slightly, turned around and spit out a warning——

"Leave the Imperial College... Hurry up!"

This whisper stretched another bowstring on Ye Zuolan's already tense heart.

However, time was running out, so he had no choice but to return to Lichuan Hall and meet Ye Yueshan, and the siblings went straight to Chongrenfang.

Now is the first moment of Shenshi, and the Chunmingmen East Street between Wubenfang and Chongrenfang should have been full of bustle and bustle.However, at this time, Ye Zuolan could hardly see any pedestrians.

Where has everyone gone?

Although he was puzzled, it had nothing to do with him after all.The siblings trotted all the way, and soon saw the Ximen of Chongrenfang.

Their new house is the second one from the front on the south side of the west gate.There is a big cypress tree in the courtyard, so it can be seen from a long distance.

However, it wasn't until after running into the workshop gate that Ye Zuolan discovered in astonishment: what is more eye-catching than the big cypress at this moment is the "human being".

So many people blocked the west gate of Chongrenfang.They have strange faces and different expressions, but the only thing they have in common is that they all face east, with their necks stretched out, as if they are looking at something.

What happened? !

Ye Zuolan was panting heavily while holding down her beating heart.

Although there is no evidence, he is almost convinced that these spectators are all coming for their Ye family.

"I'll go ahead and take a look, and you find a place to hide, don't let anyone see your appearance."

Ye Zuolan told Ye Yueshan so, and then pushed forward alone.

On the opposite side of the new house is a flag pavilion, and in front of the door there is a stone pier with a drum.Knowing that she was short, Ye Zuolan gritted her teeth and squeezed through, climbed up the stone pier, and looked north.

When he saw this, he almost lost his soul in fright!

I saw a large group of officials of the Ministry of Punishment in black clothes and black hats, with a cold light on their waists, and surrounded the gate of the new house tightly.There are also handymen coming and going, moving boxes of utensils out of the main entrance one by one and putting them on the black shed carriage.

What is this going to do? !

Ye Zuolan's eyelids twitched suddenly, and suddenly he heard someone beside him sigh: "This Ye family master does not know what evil he has done. He just moved here, and the house was ransacked by the government."

Copy home? !

Ye Zuolan's legs went limp, and she almost fell off the drum-holding stone.

The handymen who carry the goods are like ants, and there is a steady stream.Suddenly, there was another ferocious roar from the gate.


The person who came out of the door immediately made Ye Zuolan suffocate, and then his hands and feet were cold.

It's my mother!

Although she is wearing a gauze hat to cover her face, is there any son in the world who can't recognize the outline of his mother?Ye Zuolan's eyes widened - he saw that although her mother was held hostage by two officials, she still calmly stepped out of the threshold and boarded a black-shed carriage.

At this moment, the onlookers blocking the door were all quiet, while Ye Zuolan covered her mouth tightly.

Mother, what's the matter?Where is she being taken?What will happen?

The great doubts and attachment to his mother were like a pair of big hands pulling Ye Zuolan, asking him to walk towards the black shed carriage.

However, the crowd of onlookers pushed him back to the original place over and over again like a tide.

Soon, horses neighing, ruts rolling, officials shouting... and the noise of the crowd becoming noisy again came to his ears.

And all these were violently mixed together, swallowing Ye Zuolan's mournful and terrified sobs.

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