
Chapter 54

At night, the rain drops gold, and the wind blows jade couplets.Pipa farewell to Yongxiang, and the rotten grass shines on the empty courtyard.

When the lanterns were lit, a cold wind blew in Ye Ting Palace, and a lot of dark clouds covered the crescent moon; after a while, it really started to rain.

Just after the second watch, Lu You met Li Hongqu under the tree next to the Moon Shadow Terrace as agreed.

At this moment, both of them have changed into night clothes and human skin masks.Li Honghe also prepared a thin and sharp dagger for Lu You.

It is strictly forbidden to hide weapons in Yeting Palace, and Lu You usually practiced with clumsy wooden swords.Even so, he could tell that it was indeed a good sword.

The general boasted of his sword, and his merit was in killing more people.

"Don't be nervous, you are not who you used to be. This time there will be no problem."

As if seeing his nervousness, Li Honghe comforted in a low voice.

Lu You nodded, carefully fiddled with the short sword, removed the scabbard, and then tried to put the short blade into the sleeve against the inside of the wrist.

It was also this movement that made him feel some dark pattern engraved on the blade.

He took it out again and looked at it carefully, but it was unexpectedly familiar.

"Is this... made by Tianwu Palace?"

"Yes, the weapons of Tianwu Palace are famous."

Li Hongju did not deny it: "I know, actually, you have been curious about your past as a teacher... I will tell you after today's matter is over."

While talking, the two of them were already dressed neatly, and sneaked into the night without a sound.

Moon Shadow Terrace is located on the west side of Yeting Palace, on the edge of Yehuluo.Across an old stone wall, is the site of a deserted temple.There are some spiritual tablets of people who have gone to the palace here, and no one has been looking after them for a long time.

Passing through this ghostly and bleak land, the opposite is the outer wall of Ye Ting Prison.

They chose the northwest corner of the Imperial Prison to break through - not only because the forest here is lush and easy to hide, but also because the plane of Yeting Imperial Prison is long and narrow, and the northwest corner is already a cold and remote area.Except for the patrolling sergeants, there are only two fixed low sentry posts.

The two masters and apprentices were used to moving in the dark, and they lurked under the sentry post like wild cats.

Li Honghe jumped up, covered the mouth and nose of the soldier in the sentry with his left hand, and slashed at the back of the man's neck with his right hand.

The man was caught off guard and passed out without even yelling.Lu You immediately took off his robe and put it on, and took away the token for changing defense.

After finishing his attire, Lu You swaggered towards another sentry post, and according to the law, took off a set of clothes and put them on for Li Honghe.

After the two were fully dressed, they were not in a hurry to move on. Instead, they tied up and gagged the unconscious soldiers, and stood at the sentry post one by one to replace them.

But after a while, I saw seven or eight sergeants lined up at the corner not far away, they were the patrols outside the prison.

Lu You and Li Honghe remained motionless, waiting peacefully for the patrolmen to pass by.

The scope of the imperial prison is wide, and it takes at least half an hour for the patrols to go back and forth.In other words, they have half an hour to rescue Orchid.

No more, no less, we must hurry up.

The gate of the imperial prison is connected to the exposure room of Yehuluo.The exposure room is a place in the palace where clothes are dried and sick women and minor criminals are housed.After the exposure room is the Earth Prison, where the deep corridors are dark and dark, and the cells are narrow and damp, with only room for one place.

After the earth prison, there is a water prison where snakes and insects swim, and a heaven prison above tall buildings. One makes people suffer endlessly, and the other makes people unable to fly.

Right now, the master and apprentice swaggered into the earth prison through the back door of the exposure room.

There was nothing wrong with Lu You's plan - the guards who had just completed their annual defense rotation didn't know each other, they just confirmed the token and password and let them go.

The two walked safely into the long and dark tunnel of the earth prison. On the walls were beeping torches and rusty instruments of torture.The air is full of moisture and an indescribably salty smell.

Earlier, Lu You had already inquired and found out that Hu Ji was imprisoned in the soil prison, but it didn't take much effort to find her now.

I saw that the cell was neat and clean, but there was only a straw mat on the floor.

The blond-haired orchid was sitting on the mat, wearing only a middle dress and a skirt, with her eyes closed and silent.

The prison guard who guarded the gate was sitting beside him, Lu You made an excuse to talk, walked over and knocked him out two or three times, took out the key and handed it to Li Honghe.

The sound of the chain slipping sounded in the narrow cell, and Hu Ji raised her head in horror.

She has a pair of breathtaking green eyes, but unfortunately there is only helplessness and fear in such beautiful eyes.

"Don't be afraid, it's me, Honggu!" Li Hongqu immediately comforted her, "I'm here to rescue you."

Lu You originally thought that he could see a gleam of joy from the face of this imprisoned woman, but Hu Ji just shook her head.

"No, I can't go...otherwise they will definitely suspect that the prince helped. I can't cause trouble for His Royal Highness!"

"What trouble? Isn't that what he should do!"

Li Hongzhi's contempt almost overflowed: "What's so good about that kind of childish and reckless man? If you expect him to help you, your body will be cold. If you follow me, at least you can have a chance!"

As she spoke, she was about to grab Orchid's arm.

Hu Ji was still hesitating, but at this moment, a series of hurried footsteps suddenly came from the passageway when she came.

someone is coming!

Li Hongqu hurried out of the cell, while Lu You took the place of the prison guard and sat down at the desk.

The two pretended to be nonchalant, and when the footsteps approached, they took a closer look—it turned out to be a middle-aged eunuch with a strange appearance, holding a set of food and wine boxes in one hand.

In a blink of an eye, the eunuch had already arrived in front of Hu Ji's prison door.

"What are you doing?" Lu You immediately stopped him.

The eunuch replied respectfully: "I want to bring some food and wine to Orchid."

What time is it, how come food is delivered at this hour?

Lu You had an intuition of fraud, so he asked, "Which palace sent it?"

The eunuch was stunned: "He's from the East Palace."

As he spoke, he reached into his clothes and took out a gold ingot, saying that the crown prince missed him so much, so he prepared some concubine Hu's favorite food and drink late at night, and asked the jailer to be accommodating.

Li Honghe winked at Lu You, and Lu You accepted the gold ingot and waved it away.

The eunuch walked to the door of the cell with the food and wine, and Li Honghe opened the door.But Hu Ji just glanced at the food box and immediately shook her head.

"No, this can't be the food His Royal Highness gave me!"

Before it was too late, Li Honghe had already rushed into the prison and strangled the man by the throat.

"Don't talk!" She pressed her fingertips hard to prove that she is fully capable of crushing the man's cartilage, "You have to take a bite of wine and vegetables first!"

The eunuch had a panicked expression on his face, but he managed to catch his breath.

"Let go of me first, I'll eat... just eat."

"Wait, let's put our ugly words first. It's not that simple for me to let you go back and take the antidote."

Li Hongqu sneered: "Besides, if you complete the task, you can go back to work; if you fail to complete the task, even if you go back, it will be a waste. So I guess, your master is not so kind, let you eat something to save your life in advance Bar?"

As if he had been poked into a sore foot, the eunuch immediately hesitated.Li Honghe took the opportunity to forcefully ask: "Say! Who sent you here!"

The eunuch faltered, while still twisting his body slightly.Of course this couldn't escape Lu You's eyes, and he immediately walked over and found a short dagger from his boots.

How could an ordinary eunuch possess such a murder weapon.

The facts couldn't be more obvious—this man came here just to kill Orchid.There are people in the palace who can't wait to take her life.

There must be a deeper conspiracy in this, but it is really not suitable to delve into it now.Lu You was always thinking about the time in his heart, so he couldn't help but urge him at this moment.

"Hurry up!"

This cry made the eunuch prick up his ears.

Li Hongzhi's method of interrogation just now actually made him doubtful.At this moment, Lu You's urging made him feel like waking up from a dream.

"So you're not..." He widened his eyes, "Wait a minute, how about we make a deal?"

"What deal?" Li Hongyu let go of her hand, "We must rescue this woman."

"Help, save, no one will let you save." The man was also straightforward, "Bring another woman over and ask them to exchange clothes. Then set fire to this prison, and I will go back and report to my master Said that the person has been killed, you go to hand over to your master. My master will naturally find a way to calm the matter and not make you two worry. How about it?"

It does sound like a way to have the best of both worlds, but there seem to be some other dark things mixed in between the two.

"No." Lu You rejected the suggestion without even thinking about it, "Those women imprisoned here, if you set fire to them, they will also be burned to death, and you can't implicate innocent people."

The eunuch made a cut, as if he had decided that Lu You was a soft persimmon, and immediately changed his mind.

"Hmph, the benevolence of a woman!"

After finishing speaking, he actually shouted loudly towards the outside: "Come here! Someone robbed—"

Is this another attempt to take advantage of the chaos and escape? !

Going to cover his mouth again is obviously useless. Although the eunuch was convinced of Lu You's gentle nature, he ignored the existence of Li Hongzhi.I saw Li Hongzhi stepping forward, pressing his left and right jaws with both hands, and then twisting him quickly.

There was a crisp sound of bones breaking, and the eunuch fell down.

Orchid screamed softly—of course it wasn't just because of the corpse that had tried to poison her to death.

Outside the prison, there were loud footsteps and the sound of armor colliding.

"Go! Let's go!"

Li Honghe stopped drinking sharply, and dragged Hu Ji out of the cell without any explanation.

Going back the same way is obviously hitting a stone with an egg.At this moment, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and move on.

After passing the dungeon, there are water prison and sky prison, which seem to be desperate.

Lu You didn't dare to think carefully about where the next fate would lead.He only cared about supporting Hu Ji, and followed closely behind Li Honghe.

At this time, the camouflage on them no longer has any effect.Jailors kept coming out halfway to stop them.

Fortunately, the corridor is narrow, and even the party with a large number of people cannot rush forward.The master and apprentice took Orchid with them, and they fought and walked, and they didn't bother to fight when they encountered crowded places, so Li Honghe threw down a chimney, and then took advantage of the chaos to find the weakest place to break through.

In this way, the three stopped and walked, and quickly retreated to the highest point of the prison.

Pushing open an unlocked wooden door, the damp breath of the night rushed in.Outside the door is a rooftop, which is more than ten feet high from the ground, and it can almost overlook the small half of Ye Ting Palace.

Lu You quickly bolted the wooden door on the roof back, and then found a heavy object to press behind the door; Li Honghe neatly killed the guards who were bending their bows and arrows in the dark, and then turned around to care about Hu Ji.

"Are you OK?"

Hu Ji shook her head to show that she was not injured.

Lu You had several wounds on his hands and body, but it didn't matter. He was more worried about another point: "What should we do now? You can't jump from here?!"

"I have my own way."

Li Honghe took down the torch under the eaves, stood on the edge of the roof, and swayed towards the west.

But after a while, there was a faint light in the darkness over there.

Someone answered!

Lu You's heart suddenly settled down a bit, and he just waited to see how the next step would develop.

"Both of you, back off."

Li Hongqu ordered so.

Lu You hurriedly pulled Hu Ji back two steps.The next moment, only a sharp sound was heard coming from mid-air.

On the opposite side where there is light, a loud arrow was shot!

Li Hongqu was clearly prepared, she moved two steps briskly, jumped up, and held the arrow firmly in her hand.

At this time, Lu You discovered that there was a very thin string attached to the end of the arrow branch.

"Quick! Help me pull!"

After Li Hongqu gave an order, Lu You hurried over and pulled up the string.The thicker, stronger hemp rope is attached to the back of the string.When Li Hongqu firmly tied the hemp rope to the roof, Lu You suddenly took a deep breath.

This is to slide all the way from the roof.

There was no time to worry about it anymore, the pursuers had already started to crash into the wooden door of the rooftop.If you don't reach the opposite side safely before the wooden door is breached, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Take her, hurry up!"

Lu You put the short sword back into its sheath according to Li Honghe's instructions, and hung the scabbard on the hemp rope.Then he carried Orchid on his back, gritted his teeth and jumped out of the rooftop!

Although there was a short period of psychological preparation, the weight of the two people still put great pressure on the arms.The tearing pain came from the injured shoulders, torturing Lu You's will like a knife.

Orchid clung to Lu You's back, screaming in terror, accompanied by the whistling wind pouring into his earholes, and the cold rain pouring down continuously from the top of his head.Lu You felt as if his fingers were broken. He was in so much pain that he could hardly grasp the hilt of his sword. In the end, he could barely hold on with willpower.

Fortunately, such pain was not endless. Through the misty wind and rain, he soon saw the person opposite with a lantern in his hand.

It turned out to be the old Shang Gong guarding the Moon Shadow Stage!

Lu You froze for a moment, and then found out that what Old Shanggong used to shoot the arrows just now was actually a god arm crossbow.This kind of crossbow requires the coordination of hands and feet to be successfully fired... It's really not human.

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