Jianbao Lingyan

Chapter 58 money money money

Xu You has been living a very comfortable life recently, with excellent test results, and successfully became a graduate student of his teacher.

Next spring, Xu Er will become a student of Shanghai University, which was something that was unimaginable two years ago.

Xu Third Uncle Xu Yanzhen helped Xu Er choose the two frontages that have been rented out, and there will be a sum of money every year in the future. This money can at least ensure that Xu Er will have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

Xu Wei is 21 years old now, it is the best time in a person's life, no worries about food, no worries about clothes, a family with permanent property, a big house, with the love of the elders, the respect of the younger siblings, life goes smoothly, it is simply a Winner in life.

However, Xu Wei is not satisfied with the status quo, but constantly enriches himself, hoping to be even better.

Now, Xu Wei is holding a "History of the World" bought from a bookstore, frowning and looking at the contents inside.

The relationship between the royal families in Europe is really too chaotic. Xu Wei read it three times and still didn't understand their in-law relationship.

Ever since Xu Er saw a picture of a lady at Xiao Zhenzhen in Kyoto, she has been doing research on foreign history and antiques since she came back.

Xu You suddenly realized that her vision was too narrow.

The picture of a lady in Xiao Zhenzhen's room, judging from the clothing, should be a picture of a Japanese lady, not the usual picture of a Chinese lady.

This was very shocking to Xu Wei. Xu Wei suddenly remembered that his country has a long history of culture and has countless splendid art treasures.But other countries also have their unique art and history, so other countries should also have antiques, but I didn't pay attention to it before.

Too slack, Xu You scorned herself fiercely, then picked up the book in her hand, and continued to read.

But this complicated relationship between the characters really made Xu Wei unclear, so Xu Wei had no choice but to wait until night to make a phone call and ask his teacher for advice.

When Mr. Guo received the call, he was sitting comfortably with his wife in the courtyard of his son's house, watching his son send his grandson to school. When he heard the phone ring, he thought it was his son, but unexpectedly it was His little apprentice looked for him.

Hearing that his apprentice asked him about the learning methods sadly, Mr. Guo was very happy in his heart. He felt that he had a good eye for people and chose a good boy who knew how to make progress.

So Mr. Guo taught Xu Er to make a character relationship tree, and even asked Xu Er to make a simple genealogy for certain families based on the information he found.

Xu You got Lao Guo's suggestion like a treasure, so he hurried to the study to look for bigger paper.I couldn't find it, so I had to dismantle several rolls of wall calendars at home, glue them together, make a large sheet of paper, draw a table on it, and start making a character relationship spectrum.

Since it took Xu You half a month to make the first task relationship spectrum, Xu You's enthusiasm for European history has skyrocketed, and Xu You has been completely addicted to the sea of ​​books.

Chen Zhibei has been very mysterious recently, Xu Er felt that he was secretly preparing something, and he had been at work for a whole week.

It wasn't until recently that Chen Zhibei appeared in the sun again when the company asked him for something.

"Beizi, let me tell you, something really happened to you this time." Qu Feng hurriedly ran to the house of the two of them, and when he saw Chen Zhibei, his eyes lit up.

"What's wrong?" Chen Zhibei came out of the studio with the finished things, just in time to hear Qu Feng knocking on the door.

Qu Feng sat in the living room, picked up the kettle and poured himself a glass of water, "There is no money, and the real estate company is just in need of money, you are good, you insist on building a factory, opening a pharmaceutical company, and building graduate School.

If you run out of money, I can tell you that if you don’t get 5000 million in half a month, you have to go back to your old business and go stock trading. "

5000 million, this is a difficult problem, Chen Zhibei really can't help it for a while, and reasonably prevent the company from spending so much money.

Xu Wei went downstairs when she heard the knock on the door, and when she saw Qu Feng coming in, she ran to the kitchen and brought out a plate of fruit. When she heard the two talking about money, she suddenly remembered that she still had a few rough emerald stones in her pocket. Uncle Shi's friend has never unlocked it.

"I have money, how much do I need?"

Based on the fact that Chen Zhibei's companies all have Xu Er's shares, in Xu Er's view, this means that something happened to his business and needs to be turned around, so there is no hesitation in asking this question.

"Xiao Er, long time no see, what kind of baby do you have?"

Qu Feng admired Xu Wei's ability to pick up leaks, as if money was falling from the sky and Xu Wei had to pick it up.

"I have a few pieces of jade wool, which I haven't untied yet. If untied, there should be one or two hundred million." Xu Wei has never been very good at valuation.

Speaking of rough jadeite, Chen Zhibei suddenly had an idea.

"How much money is left in our account?" Chen Zhibei asked Qu Feng.

"65, it will be gone every day after the big day." Qu Feng was almost dying of worry, but he has his shares in the company, which are all his wife's capital.

"Take out half of it for me." Chen Zhibei looked at Xu Wei, "Come with me to the Treasure Building at night, where a new batch of emerald wool arrived yesterday."

"Okay, but Brother Beizi, the ones we bought have a higher chance of producing jadeite?" Xu You didn't understand why he had to buy the rough jadeite that he had bought without using it.

"The things you buy with the company's money belong to the company. What you and Beizi buy belong to you. If you confuse them, there will be problems with the accounts, and then you will have something to do." I understand, so I explained it to Xu Wei.

Xu Wei nodded. Although she didn't understand it very well, she roughly understood the reason.

"I'll go to withdraw the money right away, but there's one thing, I can't just give it to you after taking out so much money, someone from the company has to come over with you."

Speaking of this, a very tangled look appeared on Qu Feng's face, "I said, where did you find the chief financial officer, the whole thing looks like a Baogong, and no one will buy it."

"Angel is very capable." Chen Zhibei was very confident in his vision.

"That German guy is good at everything, but he's too serious, and he made a lot of rules, so it's not easy to deal with at all."

Even though he said so, Qu Feng actually liked Angel very much. People who have served in the army are not afraid of the rules, but hate those who break the rules.

Chen Zhibei asked Qu Feng to call Angel, explained the situation to him, and made an appointment with him, then went into the kitchen and made dinner for everyone.

At five o'clock, the doorbell rang again, and Xu Wei ran to open the door as he got close.

When the door was opened, Xu You was startled.

A blond-haired, blue-eyed man in his thirties, about two meters tall, was standing at the door, wearing a standard suit, a pair of polished leather shoes, and holding a briefcase in his hand.

"Hello." Xu You greeted in English, and then remembered that the other party should be a German.

"Are you Angel? Please come in."

"Thank you," as soon as Angel entered the door, Xu Wei noticed the song style that had been spread out on the sofa, and sat up from the sofa at once, as if he was attending a meeting.

In order to take care of Angel, a foreigner, Chen Zhibei cooks dishes that are easy to pick up, and the ingredients are not too strange.

During the meal, the atmosphere was a bit silent, and the main Qu Feng hadn't spoken at all. When eating together before, Qu Feng would comment on the food, probably because of the presence of Angel, Xu Wei guessed.

After eating and resting for a while, several people got into the car and drove towards the jade shop that Chen Zhibei had mentioned.

This jade shop is located on a street that specializes in jewelry business. The shops on both sides of the street are all kinds of gold shops or jewelry shops.

Xu You has been here a few times, most of them are accompanied by his third aunt, and once he brought his younger sister Xu Ni here. It is not familiar, but it is not unfamiliar either.

The Treasure Building, it is said to be a building, actually only has two floors. The first floor sells mass goods, and the second floor sells all high-end goods. One item can be the living expenses of ordinary people for several years.

There is a backyard in the Zhenbao Building, where the rough jadeite bought by the boss from Myanmar is placed. Every time it arrives, many people come here to gamble on the stone.

Most people come here to join in the fun, and there are also many merchants waiting here to buy the unlocked jadeite. Occasionally, some young masters who have nothing to do to seek excitement come here to have a heartbeat.

Although Xu Er didn't know why Chen Zhibei knew about this place, after all stone gambling was a very niche industry.

When a few people came, there were already a few people inside who were dissecting the stone. From the people watching the excitement, everyone already knew that someone had just opened a fistful of jadeite and sold it for 70 yuan.

Xu Wei inquired about the price of the raw materials here. The high price was 10 yuan per kilogram, and the low price was only [-] yuan per kilogram. Relatively speaking, it was more expensive than Yangon's jadeite.

Xu Er didn't talk nonsense, taking advantage of the fact that everyone's energy was attracted by the person who solved the stone, Xu Er went to the warehouse and started to look at the wool with the lowest price and the largest size.

Perhaps it was because of the increase in mental strength, this time looking at the wool, Xu You didn't feel as uncomfortable as before, but went very smoothly.

However, Xu Wei just picked three pieces of wool that had nothing in it, and then went to the mid-range area and picked two pieces that had emeralds in them, but the water type was not very good wool.

Then I went to the high-end area, but the result was unsatisfactory, and there was no one with the right price.

Although there are two pieces that can produce jadeite, the price of the rough stone is too high, and they can't make much money if they are opened.

Finally, as a last resort, Xu Wei ran back to the low-end area and searched again carefully. He didn't have much hope at first, but the result was very unexpected.

A piece of emerald wool that is not very big, about the size of two cantaloupe, but there is actually a piece of glass jadeite inside, and Xu Wei feels that it is like a piece of golden gold, dazzling and gorgeous grand.

5000 million, it seems that it can be solved today.

Xu You raised her head to call for someone, but she happened to see Chen Zhibei standing beside her, waiting for him.

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