"Let it go, let it go."

Boss Du came in with a crystal bowl filled with clear water.

"Change it, change it quickly. You put such a good baby in a paper cup, it's a waste of things."

When everyone heard the same reasoning, they quickly let Boss Du in.

"Little brother, change it. If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tool. What can you see with this paper cup?"

Seeing Boss Du's crystal bowl, and then looking at his own paper cup, Xu Wei suddenly felt embarrassed, and quickly took out the beads and put them in the crystal bowl.

The beads first sank to the bottom of the water, and then slowly began to spit bubbles. After a while, they rose to the center of the water bowl and began to circle continuously.

I saw three or five cranes flying in the water, pavilions, towers and pavilions gradually formed, and a person raised his hand, as if to pick the moon from the sky.

The onlookers all held their breath, for fear that the water surface would wrinkle if they took too much breath, ruining the beautiful picture.

The Japanese who sold the beads before left after getting the emeralds. They didn't see what happened next, otherwise, they would not have given up.

But what does it matter, now everyone is immersed in the idea of ​​'not daring to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heaven and earth. ' vibe inside.

"This is actually high technology, oh, I'm asking you." The irritable son carefully touched his friend with his arm.

"If it's really made by modern people, the TV will be on in the morning, and it's still waiting for you?" Brother Grumpy's friend gave him a disdainful look.

"What dynasty should it be from?"

"Anyway, it wasn't before the Tang Dynasty."


"Have you graduated from junior high school?"

Hearing the conversation between the irritable son and his friend, many people couldn't hold back their laughter.The angry and irritable son became even more irritable, "Why?"

"The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and you can pick the stars with your hands. Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heavenly beings." Xu Wei saw the irritable young man scratching his hair angrily, but no one around him paid attention to him, it was very pitiful.

"This is a poem written by Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty. This bead should be based on this poem. After carving and embellishing the naturally formed lines and adding water refraction, it formed such a pattern. Before the Tang Dynasty, it should have been different. It is very possible that there is such a thing, but I am not sure, maybe Li Bai saw this bead, and the inspiration came, and the poems he wrote, this is not certain."

"Oh, I understand when you say that." After listening to the explanation, the irascible son nodded advisably, "My name is Zhou Kuo, and this is my buddy Yuan Huaxi. We came here from Kyoto to play."

"My name is Xu Er, and that one is Chen Zhibei. We are now people from Shanghai." Xu Wei was a little uncertain, because a real person from Shanghai considered himself an outsider.

"My buddies did something wrong just now, how about going for a drink together later?"

"Not today, we still have something to do today." Xu Wei scratched her head in embarrassment, looking naive, which made people angry.

"That's right, such a treasure should be taken home and hidden first." Zhou Kuo nodded, "Then how about tomorrow?"

Xu Er looked at Chen Zhibei, she was fine, but Xu Er didn't know what Chen Zhibei had planned for tomorrow.

Chen Zhibei nodded and walked over, "Welcome to Shanghai."

"Hey, buddy, have you ever been a soldier? There are a lot of soldiers in my family, and I can tell at a glance."

Seeing the other party reaching out, Zhou Kuo quickly reached out his hand and shook it.

A group of people were very excited, and they were amazed around the bead. Some even took out their cameras and took a few pictures.

Angel frowned, and came to Chen Zhibei's side, "Bei, I think we need to have a good talk now, since this magical bead was exchanged for the emerald you bought with the company's money, then, It is now the property of the company. How much are you going to pay to buy it back?"

As soon as Xu You heard Angel's words, he suddenly remembered what they were here for, and then looked at Chen Zhibei apologetically.

The beads cannot be sold, but the money has not been raised yet.

"Or, are you going to apply for a loan from the bank?" Angel really didn't understand his boss and didn't like the habit of borrowing from the bank, but that's okay.As long as there is no problem with the company's funds, it will be fine, but now there is a problem with the company's funds, then Chen Zhibei must give him a solution.

"I bought it, 6000 million, how about it?" Xu Wei quickly inserted it, fearing that Angel would take the beads away and sell them.

"I think the most suitable method for the company is to hold an auction." Angel did not agree, but said this.

"Wow, buddy, is this an employee of your company? I'll go, and I won't give you any face." Zhou Kuo listened to the general idea and figured out the general relationship between the several people, and clicked his tongue.

"But I said, 6000 million is indeed a bit cheap, why don't you sell it to me, I'll offer 7000 million, how about it?"

Zhou Kuo is a guy who is afraid of chaos in the world. As soon as he said this, his friend Yuan Huaxi slapped his head.

"Don't pay attention to him, this kid deserves a beating."

What do you think you are involved with in other people's own affairs? Yuan Huaxi glared at Zhou Kuo and told him to be more honest.

This is the national condition of China. If it were abroad, a bunch of people would be vying to bid for it now.But in Huaxia, it seems to everyone that although the bead was bought under the name of the company, it is actually their own.

"Angel, I still have a lot of rough emerald stones, we can cut them all, and then you choose one yourself, how about I trade it with you?"

Angel actually knew that this thing would definitely be kept by his boss, but as a company executive and a shareholder with certain shares in the company, he had to strive for the best interests of the company.

"I need money now, Xu, what I want is money, what you want are beads, I don't think we have any conflicts." Angel shrugged, anyway, the company's own problems were solved, so Angel also It's a lot easier.

"Then I'll go and untie the wool now." Xu You breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Angel's words.

"You still want to dissect stones. Is there a place? Is there a machine? Just ship it to me. Someone has land and a machine. Where can I find such a good place?"

When Mr. Du heard that Xu Er wanted to unravel the stone, he extended an invitation. Before that, Chen Zhibei also brought the stone here to untie the stone, which brought him a lot of popularity.

Xu Er looked at Boss Du and Chen Zhibei, wondering if he should agree.

"There is no stone cutter over there." This is the most realistic thing. There is one at home, but it is a small stone cutter, and it cannot cut large wool at all.

As for large-scale stone cutters, there are not many in the entire magic city, and Boss Du happens to have one.

Hearing Chen Zhibei's words, Xu Wei stopped being anxious, let Chen Zhibei arrange, and made himself a hands-off shopkeeper, then turned around and chatted with Zhou Kuo and Yuan Huaxi.

They are about the same age. Although Xu You doesn't go out to play very much, because he reads a lot of books, he should know some of them. Especially recently, Chen Zhibei consciously took a lot of foreign magazines home, which is very complementary to Xu Wei. Your knowledge.

Although Zhou Kuo is a member of the third generation of the army, he has no airs in person, or in other words, when facing Xu Wei, he has no airs.

Although Yuan Huaxi was chatting with them, he always kept a certain distance from Xu You, with an instinctive scrutiny.

However, Xu You didn't notice this kind of scrutiny at all, and just chatted happily with the two of them.

Xu You couldn't hide his words, so he told Yuan Huaxi all about himself and Chen Zhibei in a short while.

As for Yuan Huaxi, since he knew Xu You's background, he was no longer as alienated as before, and became more or less enthusiastic.

An hour later, Sanduo drove all the wool materials with his people.

The people in the factory knew that someone was going to bring a batch of wool to disintegrate the stone, so they didn't leave. After seeing the performance of this batch of wool, they had some expectations.

"These wools are in good condition, little brother, where did you buy them?" A jadeite businessman approached them, embracing them.

"Oh, these were shipped from Yangon a few days ago." Xu Wei replied when he heard someone ask.

"Is it the jadeite market from a few days ago? No wonder." The man looked at the batch of raw materials again, and began to think about the funds in his hand, and even thought, if it really didn't work, he ate a piece with a few people.

Since the purpose this time is to make money, Xu You picked out the best one among the wool materials for the jade plantation.

In this batch of wool, there are only two pieces of ice jadeite and one piece of glass jadeite.

Among them, the piece of glass jadeite was big and well cultivated, but Xu You 'saw' that there were impurities in it, so he didn't choose it this time.

Xu You first kept the most colorful piece of the two pieces of ice. After all, that piece of emerald is really good, so Xu You wanted to keep it behind.

So Xu You chose the ice-type jadeite that was a bit inferior.This piece of ice jadeite is only as big as a child's head, but it is a very beautiful colorless jadeite with floating flowers.

When the emerald was exposed in the wool, many people started a commotion over it, bidding more and more, until the entire emerald was taken out, and the price had soared to 500 million.

Xu You discussed with Angel, and if the price of this piece of jadeite is not enough, then another piece will be opened. The combined price of the two pieces of jadeite will exceed 6000 million, and the beads will be sold to Xu You.

Xu You thought about it, and finally had to pick out another piece of ice jade. Originally, Xu You was supposed to be in the middle with a piece of scrap to cover it up.

But that bead was so attractive to Xu You, Xu You picked out another piece of ice jade without even thinking about it, and handed it over to the man who was diagnosing the stone master.

At the beginning, people were just surprised that Xu You had opened another top-quality jadeite, but later, they were amazed.

Because this is a two-color jadeite, the entire jadeite is planted with ice species, but the color transitions from rich dark green to light green, and then a large piece of it is colorless or white.

A piece of jade is very suitable for carving jadeite cabbage. This is the most intuitive impression for many people when they see the whole piece of wool.

After that, there was another round of frenzied bidding, and the price soared from a few million to 700 million, which was obtained by an influential jewelry company in Shanghai.

In this way, the sum of the two pieces of jade is 200 million, which fully meets Angel's requirements.

So he handed over the money with one hand and the beads with the other, and both parties were happy.

In the end, Xu Wei hugged the beads and smiled so happily that his teeth could not be seen.

"How about it, are the other pieces of emerald still open?"

Qu Feng was also very excited looking at it, and even wanted to buy two pieces by himself, so when he saw the remaining pieces of wool, he was eager to try.

"Well, let's open it, otherwise we have to rent a place." Xu Wei thought for a while, and there is no good jadeite in the remaining wool, so it won't be too surprising if it is opened.

"Okay." So Qu Feng went up and picked the biggest one, planning to try it himself with a stone cutter.

Xu Wei looked at it and felt that the style of music was quite good. He even picked out that piece of glass, but it was a pity that it was full of impurities, otherwise it would be a fortune. Now, he can take it home and carve it by himself. Order something.

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