Ninety dollars is a lot of money in this day and age, Ye Xi was excited as he held it.Then he secretly spat at himself, bah!It's not that you have never seen money, so why are you so excited?Thinking of this, he calmed down immediately, with an aloof look that treats money like dung.

After a few minutes……

He couldn't help rolling happily on the bed again, a lot of money!Money, money!Rolling and rolling, as soon as I couldn't hold it... With a chirping sound, I fell to the ground, with my legs on the ground.

Steve opened the door of his brother's room and couldn't help laughing at what he saw.How can my brother be so cute, Steve thought to himself.He came in with a glass of milk in his hand, "You forgot to bring this."

He walked over and put the milk on the table beside the bed. Ye Xi got up from the bed with a calm face, pretending to be nonchalant, and walked over, "Thank you brother."

"I'm just practicing hip-hop, Thomas' roundabout, 180-degree turn around the ground, it's a very cool move." Ye Xi said in a relaxed tone, not admitting that he fell off the bed!That's a shame!

Steve turned his head and looked at him, his expression changed instantly, "Hill, your nose..."

"Nose? What happened to my nose?"

"You have a nosebleed! Hill!" came Steve's panicked voice.

Ye Xi only felt dizzy for a while, his ears were ringing, and the surrounding voices were buzzing, and then his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.

Tick ​​tock, sticky bright red blood flowed out of his mouth and nose continuously.

"What's wrong with me?" Ye Xi looked at the young man in front of him with a straight face, and said, "Tell me honestly, am I dying?"

"A terminal illness? Cancer or leukemia?" Ye Xi followed the young man walking in front of him with an unusually calm expression, "Tell me, don't hide me, I have the right to know the truth about my body."

The veins popped out on his forehead, and the expression on the face of the young man in a white coat couldn't be tolerated. He finally gritted his teeth and said, "You're fine! You're too good! Damn it! Shut up!"

"If you say one more word, I'll poison you to death!" The young man was furious, and after enduring the brat's nonsense over and over again, he finally broke out unbearably!

"Doctor, tell me that it's not for my own good to hide my illness. Ignorance is terrible." Ye Xi said in a calm and understanding tone.

"..." Arnold, a well-known esoteric doctor in the New York black market, has made remarkable achievements in medicine at a young age.Stanford, the string called reason in his mind broke with a bang.

Arnold put down the experiment in his hand, rushed up, grabbed Ye Xi by the collar, gritted his teeth, and said in a patient tone: "Little devil, I warn you! Shut up! Say one more word, and I will cut your neck open." Body!"

As he spoke, he rubbed his hand, and showed a scalpel, and the sharp scalpel gleamed coldly in his hand.

Ye Xi wisely shut up.

"Yes, that's it!" Arnold said, "Until your brother comes to pick you up, you are like this, keep quiet!"


After warning this annoying kid, Arnold turned around and continued the cell experiment in his hands.

Ye Xi huddled in the corner with a pitiful look of trembling, what the hell!Terrible!

Mom, help!

Sure enough, doctors and priests are the most terrifying creatures in the world, and what is hidden under the holy white coat is the essence of the devil!

Ye Xi saw with his own eyes that the doctor fed a bottle of green liquid into the mouth of the little white mouse, and then the little white mouse fell to the ground in convulsions. A few minutes later... this is so weak that it can be pressed with one finger. The dead mouse suddenly swelled up, its eyes were red, and it looked hideous.The body continued to expand, and its claws even broke the steel cage...

Fuck!Is this going to evolve into Godzilla?The counterattack of the mice?

resident Evil?

Facts have proved that Ye Xi thought too much, the little white mouse was still expanding, and then the whole thing... exploded!

It exploded!

Bloody intestines and liver pieces fell all over the ground, bloody and bloody.

"..." Ye Xi.

After witnessing this scene with his own eyes, he was almost scared to death, okay?

This must be the wrong way for him to travel!

This world is so scary, he wants to return to Earth!

This cliff is not the earth he knew!


Arnold turned back and sneered at Ye Xi, "Don't you want to know what disease you have?"

He was still holding tweezers in his hand, and picked up the fragments of the little white mouse's body that had been shattered all over the floor. The blood was still splashed on the white coat, and the dots looked very scary.You don’t even need makeup, you can directly compete for the male lead of a horror movie. The title of the title is "Evil Doctor: I poured an unknown evil liquid into my body, and my body has undergone a scorching change". What's wrong?

What kind of film style is it a bit island country?Then change it to "Corpse Maniac: The Evil Doctor Plays With My Broken Body Wantonly"!

It perfectly interprets the scene in front of me!

Ye Xi applauded loudly, but...something seemed wrong?

"Look at your stupid appearance!" The smile on Arnold's face became more and more mean, and his tone was also sarcasm, "There is an unknown virus in your body. Modern medical technology can't find out what structure it is and where it came from."

"Will I die?" Ye Xi asked.

"No." Arnold said, "This virus will make your body healthier and stronger than ordinary people, and even make you have incredible strength."

"What's the price?" Ye Xi asked with a calm expression and a calm tone.

There was no ecstasy or fear at Arnold's words.

This made Arnold take a high look at him, and said: "The price, maybe you will be like that little white mouse, unable to withstand the drastic changes in the body brought about by this virus, so... bang, explode!"

After a while, Ye Xi said, "I want to know where this virus came from."

"I don't know," Arnold said.

"How long has it been on me?" Ye Xi continued to ask.

"do not know."

"Will it be contagious?"

"do not know."

Ye Xi had a contemptuous expression on his face, "Then what do you know?"

"I know, you are dying," Arnold said.

"..." Ye Xi.

"Are you sure I'm going to die?" Ye Xi said, "Instead of turning into a zombie?"

"What's that?" Arnold asked.

"A walking corpse, painless and painless, feeds on human flesh and blood, and only knows to eat when alive." Ye Xi briefly popularized this creature of zombies.

"Isn't that a blood race?" Arnold said.

"Blood race? Does such a thing really exist?" Ye Xi asked rhetorically.

Arnold took a deep look at him and said, "Nothing is non-existent. This world is far from being as simple as we imagined."

"Whether it's gods or magic, we can know from ancient myths that all of this can actually be explained by science." Arnold said, "The blood race, perhaps as you said, is caused by an unknown virus The undead, zombies? Interesting way of saying it."

When Ye Xi heard this, he was noncommittal.

This is like not talking about science with fanatical religious people, and not talking about myths and supernatural beings with staunch materialist scientists. These are two diametrically opposed worldviews with no common language to speak of.

Arnold turned around to continue his experiment, then casually threw a bottle of potion to him, and Ye Xi reached out to take it.

"Drink it." Arnold said, "The virus in your body is within the controllable range. This medicine can temporarily save your life."

"Temporarily?" Ye Xi said.

"For the time being, once the virus in your body breaks out, or is accelerated by external stimuli, you will die." Arnold said, "God will not be able to save you at that time."

Ye Xi's expression was noncommittal, life or death, in this world, he had never been afraid.

He raised his head and drank the potion in his hand, uh... suddenly wrinkled his face, it's so bad to drink!

"How about discussing it?" Ye Xi said, "I think you can make a small change to this potion, change the flavor or something, such as grape flavor, apple flavor, strawberry flavor and so on."

Arnold sneered, "Waste of time!"

"Medicine is life-saving, and time is life," Arnold said. "Adding flavors is the business of beverage manufacturers."

"If you like it, just add some juice to it yourself. Don't worry, you won't die if you eat it. At most, I will trouble you and give you a bottle of medicine." Arnold said mockingly, obviously thinking that Ye Xi was too much trouble.

"..." Ye Xi.

Ye Xi praised sincerely, "You are really the most sober and honest person I have ever met."

"Great doctor."

you come out!You are right!Are you ashamed of the scientist who invented Coke?Hurry up and fall under Arnold's trousers!

This is a not-secret secret that the entire New York underground world knows. Secret doctor Arnold has superb medical skills. Many people have taken medicine from him. That's the smell... it's simply unflattering.

It is said that everyone who has taken Arnold's medicine will love life very much from then on. Before, it was desperate to fight, but later it was... to protect life!A gang boss said directly before firing, "You better pray that you don't get too seriously injured alive, or you'll die, half dead... Then I have to send you to Arnold."

All the people present immediately shivered. It was said that day that the members of this gangster were particularly brave in robbery, and they directly put the other party down.

"Hungry?" Arnold finished the experiment at hand, came to Ye Xi who was bored, and gave him a piece of money, "Go out and buy something to eat."

Ye Xi looked up at him, then jumped off the stool and ran out with the money.

"Thank you, Uncle George." Ye Xi took the bread, then turned and left.

He bought a bag of bread at the bakery at the corner of the street and went back. When he passed an alley, a person suddenly rushed out of the alley.The man was wearing a black windbreaker and a hat covering most of his face.He stopped in front of Ye Xi, staring at him with a pair of deep brown eyes.

Ye Xi stared at him intently for a few seconds, then hurriedly turned around and ran away.

But it was useless, the man rushed up a few steps, strangled his neck with one hand, and dragged him into the dark alley.

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