Ye Xi didn't want to provoke a dangerous doctor who seemed to have a tendency to pervert, so he sat there obediently.With one palm resting on his chin, his dark blue eyes watched Arnold's eating movements.His eating movements are not fast, but a little slow, slow and orderly, which looks pleasing to the eye.With perfect table manners, Ye Xi thought to himself, it seems that doctors must also come from good families.

After Arnold finished eating, he put down the knife and fork, picked up the cutlery, and turned to enter the kitchen.When passing the wall behind Ye Xi, he reached out and pulled out the scalpel inserted in it, and said in a flat tone, "Come in with me."

"..." Ye Xi.

Well, Ye Xi didn't ask why he followed him in.Because of the reason, the damn reason he can think of without asking.Arnold will definitely answer him with a cold voice, you can't leave my sight.

It's a fucking dog, Ye Xi has a gloomy expression on his face, Steve, you really caused me a lot of trouble!

Ye Xi got up and followed Arnold into the kitchen. He leaned lazily against the kitchen door, staring at Arnold who was writing bowls by the sink. There was the sound of rushing water, and Arnold stood there. By the pool, with a serious and stern expression, he wiped the tableware over and over again very seriously.This unusually serious and rigorous attitude deserves to be engaged in scientific research.

The light golden bangs drooped slightly, covering Ye Xi's exquisite eyebrows and eyes. He looked at Arnold who was washing the dishes rigorously and seriously with bored eyes. The golden sunlight that came in from the window fell into Ye Xi's eyes. His eyes were dyed with a little bit of golden light, and the whole pair of eyes were shining brightly, as if they were shining.

Arnold returned after washing the dishes, turned around with the clean tableware in hand, looked up and saw exactly such a scene, and suddenly, his eyes froze for a moment.The laziness and boredom of the young man leaning against the kitchen door, the radiance shone on him, making him not like a mortal, as delicate as a portrait in a sanctuary.

Arnold was slightly taken aback, and then put the tableware in his hand into the cupboard.

He is a doctor and does not believe in God.

God is not as reliable as the scalpel in his hand.


Arnold really walks the talk and does what he says.He strictly followed the principle of not letting Ye Xi leave him for half a step, and forced Ye Xi to stay under his nose.Ye Xi's mouth twitched at his almost pathological paranoia, doctor, you should really take medicine.Don't give up on treatment, it's wrong to avoid treatment, doctor.

Ye Xi thinks it's like drunk people don't think they're drunk, doctors probably don't think they're sick, they think they're normal, people all over the world are sick, just They are not sick.That might be the case with Arnold, Ye Xi wondered, should he be introduced to another doctor one day?At that time, will there be a fight?After all, there is a saying since ancient times that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless there is one male and one female.Then find a mother, ah bah, it's a girl.

"Let's go." Arnold came to Ye Xi and said.

"You and I go back." Arnold looked at him with gray-blue eyes, "Today you are in my charge."

Ye Xi nodded, expressing his understanding.

After closing the door, Ye Xi walked in front, and Arnold followed behind him without saying a word.He really managed to keep Ye Xi from his sight.

When passing through a small alley, a group of people surrounded the alley, and the police also came.

Ye Xi stopped in his tracks, he knew this alley, yesterday he was attacked by that man who appeared out of nowhere and dragged into that alley.It was also in that alley that he kicked the man's crotch.

Ye Xi stopped in his tracks and listened to the conversations of the people around him.

"My God! It's terrible, what a terrible death!"

"The devil! The devil did it!"

"He died so pitifully, may he be safe in heaven."


For a moment, Ye Xi's mind flashed, can't it, that person is dead?

He just kicked his crotch, didn't do anything to him!Although the force of that kick was a bit strong, it wouldn't be dead, right?

Ye Xi suddenly became a little nervous, he didn't want to become a murderer out of nowhere, did you work hard to make him?Try to pretend to be an ordinary person, an ordinary teenager, and try to live like a normal person.He likes his current life very much, and he doesn't want anyone to break this peaceful and warm life.If anyone wants to destroy his happiness, then he will not be lenient.It's just killing people. Compared with killing people, he has done more cruel and terrible things.

Ye Xi immediately walked forward, he squeezed into the crowd, and the police were asking for the transcript.After sealing off the scene and standing outside the cordon, Ye Xi could see the scene in the alley clearly at a glance.A young man fell to the ground, dead.The death was horrific, shriveled, like a mummy, the blood all over the body was sucked dry, leaving only a skeleton of flesh and blood.

The dead man's eyes widened, his expression terrified, as if he saw something terrible.This is the so-called death without peace.

Seeing that it wasn't the man from yesterday who died, Ye Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Afterwards, the appearance of the deceased made him frown.

"It's a vampire!" Suddenly a terrified voice sounded loudly.

Ye Xi looked back and saw a young woman screaming in horror, "I saw it! It's a vampire!"

"It's the vampires who killed people! They have sharp fangs and mouthfuls of blood. They sucked up the blood of those people, and then discarded the corpses. They gathered together, like wild beasts, without humanity!"

The woman had a horrified expression on her face, and the policeman stepped forward to reassure her.

But she screamed, "They are not human! They are devils, they have no humanity!"

"Sooner or later, they'll kill us!"

"Kill everyone!"


The police dragged the woman away and told the crowd, "She is mentally ill, mentally disturbed."

However, no matter what the police say.The words of that crazy woman left a deep mark in the hearts of the people on this street.After all, that shriveled body with a horrific death was just lying in the alley, and the murderer was unknown.


Walking on the way to the doctor's clinic, Ye Xi couldn't help asking, "Are there really vampires in this world?"

Jesus God, vampire demons, these creatures that only exist in mythology, do they really exist in the real world?Has anyone seen it?If there are such creatures with inhuman powers beyond ordinary people, will humans be their opponents?When the time comes, will he be caught without a fight, or will he fight to the death?

In human society, no matter how cruel and bloody the battle between people is, war is worthless.But at least, both sides are standing on an equal footing, the same species, there is no overwhelming disparity in terrifying power.At least, you can still fight and resist.If it is a human being against those non-human beings, resistance is meaningless, just like a weak chicken against a tiger.

Arnold's expression was stern and disapproving, and he said: "Vampires are just another kind of human beings who have more power than ordinary people. Stupid human beings always do this, and they always like to deify people who are stronger than them. Whether it is God Either way, gods or demons are actually human beings in essence. They may also be aliens, gods, if no one believes in them, are they still gods?"

Ye Xi was silent for a while when he heard this.

What the doctor said was so profound that it seemed to make sense.

"Doctor, you are really deviant." Ye Xi said, with a smile on his face, "If your words were written hundreds of years ago, you would have been burned to death."

Arnold said with disdain, "A group of ignorant humans."

"..." Ye Xi.

This is full of middle school breath!Doctor, are you sure you are a doctor, not a second-time doctor?

This dumb, stupid human being can almost seal a Dharma protector of the second sect!

"Then who do you think was the murderer who killed that person?" Ye Xi asked again.

Arnold said, "Vampire!"

"..." Ye Xi.

"Didn't you say that there are no vampires?" Ye Xi said.

Arnold looked contemptuous, "When did I say there are no vampires?"

"..." Ye Xi.

Just now!

Arnold said, "The species of vampire does not exist. The vampires that exist in this world are just another kind of human beings. They are bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty, and ferocious. Cruel, but inhumane. They have more powerful than ordinary people. Power, this kind of power comes from the mutation of the body. As for why their bodies mutate..."

Speaking of this, Arnold's eyes glowed, and his whole body lit up, "I need a vampire's corpse for autopsy and research, it would be even better if it was alive!"

"..." Ye Xi.

Sure enough, mad scientists are the scariest!Arnold, an illegal doctor without a business license, has no medical ethics at all. He opened his mouth to study human bodies, and he still wants to live!Well, even if it was just a vampire, in Arnold's eyes, there was no difference between a vampire and a human being.They are just research specimens of his subordinates, experimental subjects.

Ye Xi suddenly understood why those who are different from ordinary people have to carefully hide in the crowd, live cautiously, and not reveal the slightest difference in themselves.

The danger they face is the entire human society.

Ordinary people's fear of unknown power will make them reject and hate all people who are different from ordinary people.

Because of their own selfish desires, careerists try to obtain the power, strength or longevity they desire from those mutated people...

But the mad scientists coveted their bodies.

No one will treat them as human beings, and from the moment they get those powerful powers that are different from ordinary people, they are destined not to be able to integrate into this society that belongs to ordinary people...

Ye Xi fell silent for a moment, he was just one of these abnormal people who were excluded and not accepted...

But he longed for a peaceful and warm life.

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