Ye Xi was sore all over, and returned home tired and hungry.Bucky's grandma had already prepared dinner, and Ye Xi ate an extra bowl today than usual.After eating, I went to take a shower.At this time, the weather is still very hot.The men and children in the country are not so particular. They basically bring a towel to the river at night, take off their clothes and jump into the river to solve the problem.

But, Ye Xi is a reserved and shy person. He still can't adapt to the enthusiasm and openness of Americans until now.So he would rather take a bath alone in the bathroom at home, even if it is not as comfortable as soaking in the river.Bucky's grandma boiled hot water for him, Ye Xi was taking a bath, rubbing the soap, thinking, the family still needs a woman.Women are better at living and more meticulous than men. Many things men do are not as good as women, or they can't think of them at all.

Steve and Ye Xi's mother has passed away, and there is no female elder in the family. The only thing they can count on is that Steve will bring a girlfriend back.However, Steve took it home, but unfortunately it was not a woman.Bucky who can handle the gas and fix the plumbing.Barnes, gender male... This is a bit different from the kind, virtuous and generous girlfriend he imagined who can cook.

Ye Xi thought about it endlessly, just looking at Steve's white and thin appearance, most women probably don't like him, the first sight is basically the tall, blond and handsome who is standing beside Steve and is inseparable from him. Sunshine Bucky.Barnes was attracted.In this way, Ye Xi bitterly thought that if Steve wanted to find a girl, he had to dump Bucky first!In every sense of the word.

After washing, his hair was still wet, so he rolled back to his room, hiccupped and climbed into bed. Today he was extremely tired.The stabbing pain from his palm made him frown uncomfortably.He turned over, closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

The sky is gradually getting dark, and the evening breeze blowing slowly has a hint of coolness, blowing away the dry heat of autumn.

Far away in the eastern forest, on the desolate and dead wasteland like a cemetery, inside the ancient church.

In the garden, the white-robed and blond-haired priest was still sitting at the round table, motionless. Under the dim night, his handsome face was gloomy, and his blue eyes were filled with scarlet light.

He stretched out his hand and picked up the black teacup, holding the precious porcelain from a distant eastern country in his white and slender hand that Ye Xi admired, with a bang!

The teacup shattered and the tea splashed all over the floor.

The priest stood up suddenly, waved his long sleeves, and the table was lit with a faint blue fire, and the exquisite snacks on the table were instantly reduced to ashes.

His face was gloomy, and the black aura around him rolled, and he turned and left sinisterly.

The night belongs to them.


Ye Xi slept in a daze, and felt a cold and unpleasant sight in his sleep, he opened his eyes suddenly.Then, be scared!Startled.Before his bed stood a dark figure!

He wanted to scream right away, but the man covered his mouth with his hand, a cold hand without a trace of warmth.

"Don't bark, it's me." A deep and silky voice sounded familiar.


"It looks like you've recognized me," said the priest, letting go of him.

Ye Xi took a few breaths and said, "Father, why are you here?"

He didn't feel relaxed at all because the person in front of him was an acquaintance, on the contrary, he became more vigilant!What do you want to do if you don't sleep in the middle of the night and come to other people's houses?Either a murderer or a thief!It may also be perverted!

In the darkness, Ye Xi couldn't see his expression clearly, but could only feel the priest's eyes staring at him. The priest had a pair of beautiful eyes, bluer and clearer than the sky, but they were often dark and deep.

The priest's gaze carried a meaning that Ye Xi couldn't tell, it seemed to be focused, and it was not as simple as just focusing.He couldn't understand this person from the beginning, is he really just a priest?

He is handsome enough to make people commit crimes. He is as elegant and dignified as a noble in the last century who walked out of an ancient mural. He is also baking a good biscuit with a very inconsistent painting style, and he still has a strong dark aura on his body.Perhaps, like the fallen angel Lucifer in heaven, he was born with original sin.

"Your window is open." After a long time, the priest said.

"..." Ye Xi.

So you jumped in through the window!

Did you know it's against the law?You're so daft, does God know?

Ye Xi glanced at the open window, and the cool evening breeze came in through the window, but it couldn't take away the restlessness in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Ye Xi raised his head, looked at the priest and said.

The priest suddenly approached him, lowered his head, and moved closer to his head.The priest and Ye Xi were very close, and the hair hanging from the close priest's head was stuck to his face.Ye Xi was surprised to find that the priest's whole body was icy cold, even his breathing was cold...

what does this mean?

In an instant, Ye Xi felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body shivered a few times due to the cold.

"You are hurt," said the priest.

"I smell the blood on your body." The priest stretched out his hand and picked up Ye Xi's hand, only to see that it was full of cuts, and the wound that had healed up was pierced into the flesh by Ye Xi's agitation. , a little blood flowed out.

There was only a negligible trace of blood, and the smell of blood was faint, but the priest could smell it.His deep eyes seemed to be shining scarlet, and his handsome face was full of gloom, "Don't let yourself get hurt."

"I will...can't help it." His voice was deep and hoarse, but even more sexy and charming. At this time, the priest had a dark and seductive aura, coupled with his own sense of abstinence, such two diametrically opposed The presence of contradictory breaths on the same person constitutes an irresistible fatal temptation.

He lowered his head and kissed Ye Xi's palm.

Ye Xi's whole body trembled suddenly, and his whole body went numb, as if he had been electrocuted.

The priest stuck out his tongue and licked his palm lightly, licking it thinly without letting go. The darkness could not hide the brilliance of his bright golden hair, and the moonlight came in from the window and fell on the snow-white robe, The priest is kissing his God like the most devout believer.

Ye Xi looked at him, unable to tell whether it was good or bad.

Perhaps, he really messed with a dangerous, hard to get rid of character.


"Okay." The priest said in a hoarse voice, he raised his head, the red light in his eyes had not faded, the scarlet ruby-like pupils were staring at Ye Xi.

Ye Xi looked at the blond man with slightly raised lips and smiling handsome face, his heart sank even more. Those scarlet eyes were already saying something.

After a long time, Ye Xi said, "Thank you."

He withdrew his hand and put it under the quilt.

"I disturbed you late at night, but I'm a little worried." The priest said softly, "You didn't come to see me during the day, so I'm worried about you."

"So, at night, I couldn't help but follow your smell in the air, and I found you." The priest's handsome face was full of intoxicating tenderness, and his scarlet eyes were filled with tenderness at the moment. He bowed his head and kissed you. Kissed the corner of the boy's mouth, "Fortunately, you're fine."

Ye Xi lowered his eyes and said nothing, all his emotions were hidden.

The whole body is screaming danger, danger!Stay away from this man.But he restrained the urge to run away, he looked calm and calm, because he was aware of the unstable emotions in the man in front of him at the moment, and he might explode at any time.He couldn't annoy this man, so he tried his best to keep his tone as calm as usual and said, "Thank you, I went to the field to help with work during the day. You know it's the autumn harvest season and it's very busy."

This kind of explained why he didn't go during the day, even though he didn't plan to go.

A pensive look appeared on the priest's face, and he said, "That's why I knew you weren't avoiding me. Are you? My boy."

The priest lowered his head, approached him, and asked.

"Yes... I'm just busy." Ye Xi lowered his eyes and said.

A smile appeared on the handsome face of the priest, and he seemed extremely happy to say: "Then you will come to see me tomorrow!"

"...Okay." Ye Xi responded.

The priest said happily: "I will wait for you, and I will prepare your favorite black tea and cookies for you."

"I must go," said the priest. "It's almost dawn."

"You have to come to me quickly." The priest said, bowed his head and kissed his cheek, then turned and jumped out of the window.

Ye Xi immediately got off the bed and ran to the window barefoot, but he was nowhere to be seen.

This is the second floor...

Although it's not a big deal for ordinary people to climb the second floor, is this still a human being who jumps and jumps so easily?

Will human beings have such agility?


Ye Xi stood by the window for a long time, and after the cold wind blew for some time, he closed the window and turned around to go in.

He stretched out his hand and put it in front of him. After looking at it for a long time, he saw that the original scars on his palm had disappeared, and it was as if those scars had never existed.After climbing into the bed, Ye Xi lay on the bed, holding the quilt to cover his head, so what the hell is a priest?

people?Or a demon?

Or an angel?It seems that this is more suitable for him, more like a priest, isn't it?

Give me a break!The dark aura and malice on that guy are almost overflowing!

So...a dark creature masquerading as a priest?

What the hell kind of hobby is this!

Now you tell me that God has an affair with Satan, I may not even believe it!When this chaotic world woke up the next day, Steve couldn't help being surprised when he saw the thick dark circles under his younger brother's eyes, and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Didn't sleep well last night?"

Ye Xi yawned and said casually: "There are too many mosquitoes, I can't sleep."

"Are there mosquitoes at this time?" Steve asked suspiciously.

"Yes! Why not, it's been whistling in my ears all night, so noisy that I can't sleep." Ye Xi said.

"..." Steve.

Are you talking about mosquitoes?

While Steve's family was still having breakfast, a few men came in suddenly. Ye Xi knew them, and he was cutting wheat in the field with this group of people yesterday!

"Hi! Kevin, what are you doing at my house when you're not harvesting wheat in the field?" Bucky said.

"Hahaha!" The man named Kevin laughed a few times and said, "I don't know which master showed kindness and asked a group of people to drive harvesters to harvest wheat for us."

Bucky was also surprised when he heard the words, "This is really..."

There used to be a harvester in this village, but unfortunately it broke down, and I am looking for someone to repair it.But farm work cannot be delayed, so if the machine breaks down, then manpower is needed.This group of strong men picked up the sickle and went to the field to harvest wheat by themselves.

Ye Xi, who was drinking milk, snorted suddenly when he heard the words.

The corner of his mouth twitched, that kind master must be the priest's snake spirit!

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, it was really something he could do!

Now, he really had to go.He didn't want to know at all what that snake spirit would have done if he hadn't gone.Never underestimate the fighting power of snake spirit disease. The reason why snake spirit disease is snake spirit disease is because before the brains of normal people break through the sky, they have already used actions to break your three views.


After Ye Xi finished his breakfast, he reluctantly went out.If it was possible, he really didn't want to face that dangerous snake spirit. Although he looked like a priest, such things as priests had no actual binding force. Whoever stipulated that priests could not commit crimes?The more holy and elegant a person looks on weekdays, the more terrifying they will be when they go crazy.It's like going from one extreme to the other.

Ye Xi walked to the east, the forest that the villagers regarded as a place of devils.When Ye Xi came outside the forest, he was surprised to find that the dilapidated muddy path was still covered with brambles and weeds when he came back up, but now it was clean without any weeds.

He walked into the forest along the path, and found that the originally eerie and dark forest was like a paradise on earth at this moment.Green branches, tall and lush old trees, colorful flowers, jingling spring water, singing birds and fragrant flowers.The thick vines covered with moss, the bushy thorns, the colorful poisonous snakes and the reptiles everywhere are completely gone.

This forest seems to have come alive from the dead.

What a surprise!

When Ye Xi came to the end of the forest, he was not surprised at all. The wasteland that was originally barren like a cemetery was now full of flowers, the lawn was green, and even the old church, which looked a bit dilapidated from the outside, was now shining brightly and looked brand new. .

It's like overnight in a fairy tale, the whole world has changed like a new life.

Of course, Ye Xi would not foolishly think that this is a fairy tale.Rather than saying that he is a fairy tale, it is better to say that he is a conspiracy.This is the plot of the devil, who tries to seduce the ignorant traveler with his glamorous appearance.

Of course, Ye Xi would not admit that he was the seduced ignorant traveler.Anyway, he also saw through the devil's tricks at a glance, okay?

He will never be fooled!

Ye Xi pushed open the door of the church and walked in.

It was still the same as last time, except that there was an extra silver dagger on the silver plate in front of the cross above.Ye Xi walked over curiously, reached out and picked up the dagger on the plate, and gestured a few times in his hand. The dagger was very sharp, with intricate and ancient patterns engraved on it, and its origin was unknown.

"This is the holy vessel of the church." The priest did not know when he appeared. He stared at the dagger in Ye Xi's hand for a long time before looking away.He looked at Ye Xi and said, "This is a sacred artifact that has been empowered by the gods. It once drank the blood of the devil king of hell. All dark creatures cannot touch it."

Hearing this, Ye Xi said casually, "Oh? That's really amazing."

The perfunctory tone is simply not too insincere.

"Don't you believe it?" the priest asked, staring at him.

Ye Xi put down the dagger in his hand, put it back into the silver tray, and said, "Of course I don't believe it. What era is this? God and the devil? It's just a lie to deceive the world."

"Oh, sorry, I forgot that you are a priest." Ye Xi said, even after traveling so many times, Ye Xi is still a firm materialist.

The priest's deep blue eyes stared at him for a long time before he said slowly, "That's right, you never believed in God."

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