I have been called a pig since I was a child, and I have been called it until now.I am afraid of everyone who sees me. Xiao Hu looked at the two of them, his eyes were a little red, and he said flatly: "I'm afraid I won't find out until I die that I've lived my life like a waste." "Wang Yuqi yelled at her loudly: "You will not die, and you are not a waste. He wiped away the tears on his face, and the tears fell again, "If every school is like this, and it is still like this after leaving the school, if there is no way out, I choose my life and will.If one day I have to choose between my will to live and this society, I choose to use my life to fight against society. "

Pain took off the glasses, wiped them, put them on again, and said: "Let's vote. Raise your hand if you agree with this event."

A few of them raised their hands at the same time, and looked at Xueba.The sunset has already dyed the day thoroughly, red as the blood that God once shed on the cross.He must first die, and then be reborn in pain and tears, this process is an undeniable truth.When the immature spirit finally realizes that its life is born towards death, it will no longer be afraid of the suffering caused by failure.Failure and death are inevitable, and you have to face it eventually, once again knowing that you can't do it.

Xueba lowered his head, trembling, and slowly raised his hand.Her tears finally wet a small piece of green grass.

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"From revolution to topless protest: abrief history of feminism in France":

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