The jokes between straight men are always so gay, so of course Shu Yin doesn't take it to heart.At night when get out of class was about to end, Wei Qi'ao's strange behavior of glancing at the door from time to time caught Shu Yin's attention.

"What are you looking at?"

"Will the vampire who first embraced you come to pick you up?"

This sentence pattern made Shu Yin feel extremely uncomfortable psychologically, like a little girl waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up.

"Why do you want him to pick me up?" Shu Yin's tone was somewhat displeased.

"Isn't it dangerous? Then do you want me to send you?"

Shu Yin glanced at Wei Qi'ao, "Even if it's dangerous, what's the difference between sending me and sending an extra head?"

Wei Qi'ao: "Sorry for pretending I didn't say it."

Shu Yin patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "I think, no matter how bad the chance of bad luck is, there is still [-] to [-] percent good luck, so it won't happen to me every day."

When Shu Yin was stopped by someone in the alley, he really wanted to travel back and tear his broken mouth.

Murphy's Law is strong.

"Wow, there's actually a new blood race in our area?" It was a girl about 12 years old who spoke.

"It looks like he was only a few months old, so we should be able to fight." The other boy was fifteen or sixteen years old.

"But the adults don't let us prey casually..."

People are not old!Even minors can do it!

"Excuse me." Shu Yin waved her hand, "Who is your lord?"

"Lord Qiu De is the most powerful vampire in Q city!" the girl said proudly.

"How many descendants like you are there?"

The girl was about to speak, but was stopped by the boy, who stared at Shu Yin vigilantly, "I don't think the prey is qualified to ask so many questions."

So today's kids are really not likable.

Just as Shu Yin was thinking, the two children rushed towards him like arrows leaving the string.He dodged sideways, but before he could stand still, they came rushing to step on the wall again, turning over in the air and screaming to tear him apart.

Seeing that their attack method is purely physical attack, they should be low-level vampires who have not yet awakened their talents. You can use them to practice.

The two attacked fiercely and quickly. The young man's claws were like sharp knives, and he slashed at Shu Yin's direction. paw prints.

Shu Yin has been dodging and defending, and is not in a hurry to attack. The two children don't know how to conserve their energy. The best way is to wait until they are exhausted before attacking.

As Shu Yin expected, the violent attack will inevitably lead to insufficient stamina, the speed of the two has slowed down, especially the girl, who is almost unwilling to move.


After Shu Yin determined his goal, he was no longer vague. He was controlled by the burning instinct of killing and desperately living.He moved very fast, and within a second, he grabbed the girl's fragile neck, pressed her against the wall and lifted her above his head.

The boy gritted his teeth and shouted, "Let go of my sister!"

The girl gasped for breath, her immature face turned red, Shu Yin stretched out her fingernails and pierced into the girl's chest without saying a word, plucking out the still warm heart, ending her pain.

The heart was separated from the body, and the girl's whole figure was like a clockwork puppet. The light in her eyes went out, and after a while, her body turned into shiny dust and drifted away with the wind.

Shu Yin didn't expect that gouging out the heart would annihilate the body. He felt deeply regretful that he didn't have time to take a mouthful of blood. He weighed the bloody heart in his hand, thought for a few seconds and decided that it would be more cost-effective to eat it now.

"No—" the young man let out a piercing growl, his anger dazzled his mind, and his attacks became disorganized.

Shu Yin sighed, dodged behind the boy, cut his hands behind his back, pressed his head against the wall, and controlled all his actions.

"A child should behave like a child, and learn how adults fight and kill." Shu Yin whispered into his ear, and then pierced his fangs into his veins.

After sucking up the boy's blood, the mummy turned into dust within a minute, which made Shu Yin very satisfied, and it would be great not to have to deal with follow-up problems.

It's just that Shu Yin didn't feel any changes in her body, and even the exhaustion didn't disappear.He laughed at himself, yes, he just swallowed two vampires of the same level as himself, so he naively thought that it would improve.To reach the rank of baron, at least one baron must be eaten...

He originally wanted to go through this alley and take a taxi, but now that he saw the blood all over his body, he might be sent directly to the police station.

Just as Shu Yin was about to walk back slowly, the car lights behind him suddenly turned on.He yelled that it was not good, and ran away, but the driver was Wei Qi'ao.

"Shu Yin, why are you running away!"

"Fuck, who knows who you are, can I not run away when I meet someone with such a ghostly appearance!" Shu Yin rolled her eyes, walked over and sat in the passenger seat, "Where did you get this car from?"

"Your." Wei Qi'ao replied confidently.

Shu Yin smiled and said: "Mr. Wei is getting more and more comfortable using my things. He really thinks that he is being taken care of by me? When are you going to fulfill your obligations?"

"Mr. Shu is really humorous, he made it sound like you are gay, besides, I came to pick you up." Wei Qi'ao pretended to be innocent.

"Okay, don't talk about it, just send me back to the villa." Shu Yin became serious, and the feeling of fatigue gradually hit. Once a person suddenly relaxes from the tense state, the fatigue will take advantage of it.

"You look like this... really don't want to go to my place?" Wei Qi'ao asked with concern.

Shu Yin's eyelids began to twitch, and she muttered half asleep, "No, Enoch is at home, I don't want to trouble you..."

Wei Qi'ao stared at the sleeping Shu Yin with a complicated expression, unable to tell what was going on in his heart.On the one hand, he needed a reason to approach Shu Yin, so he came up with the word "nurturing".On the other hand, he doesn't want Shu Yin to misunderstand that he has strange ideas and alienate him, so the purpose of getting closer will be lost.

Wei Qi'ao clenched the steering wheel, struggled for a long time, and drove in the direction of the villa.

Enoch stared at the clock on the wall. It was eleven o'clock.At this time, there was finally a sound at the door. He heard the sound of the door lock turning and immediately stood up and walked over. After taking it, he turned around and said "thank you" in a low voice.

Wei Qi'ao didn't like him very much, and didn't even want to step into the house.

"I've already checked. Shu Yin is not injured. The blood on his body is not his. It may be that he lost his strength after the battle. Take good care of him." A few seconds before the security door closed, Wei Qi'ao sneered. Said: "Vampires are indeed a disgusting species. It's disgusting that the offspring who have only embraced for a few days can let them fight alone."

Enoch looked up sharply, the door was already closed.From the very beginning, he thought that Wei Qi'ao was not an ordinary person, and what he said just now confirmed this point even more. He must have been in contact with blood clans, and he has prejudices and even hatred for blood clans.

Enoch sighed indifferently, took off all of Shu Yin's blood-stained clothes, and wiped the blood on his body.

Shu Yin was already very good-looking, but after unlocking the first seal, he became even more attractive. If all the seals were unlocked, it would be difficult to find anyone who could match him.

Enoch didn't want to protect Shu Yin, but his order was: until the moment of death, Enoch was forbidden to take action.He will never be able to disobey Shu Yin's order, this is his calamity.

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