Wei Qi'ao walks in an endless space. The reason why we say this is a space is because there is no living thing here, and there is no heaven and earth.Every time he took a step, there was a circle of ripples under his feet, like the surface of water but not the surface of water.

There are some strange things floating in the air, there are keys as thick as arms, all kinds of plush toys, broken windows, and closed doors.

He wondered if opening the door would be the first test, so he turned the lock without hesitation, but it was a pity that the other side of the door was still this ghostly place.

Wei Qi'ao walked aimlessly for a long time, and suddenly felt keenly that the surrounding air began to flow.Those plush toys seemed to come to life, making eerie laughter.

A rabbit slowly floated in front of Wei Qi'ao, staring at him with its pair of black eyes, then its mouth was cracked to the back of the ears, revealing its sharp and uneven fangs.

The rabbit opened its mouth and bit Wei Qi'ao. He dodged the attack calmly, then took out the saber strapped to his waist and swung several times at the rabbit. The rabbit's whole body exploded, and the stuffed white feathers floated all over the ground. .

One of them landed on Wei Qi'ao's shoulder, turning into a pool of blood, corroding his clothes and then burning his skin, making a hissing sound.

Wei Qi'ao groaned in pain, and a faint ray of light condensed from the palm of his hand caressed the wound. Although it was not as good as the healing ability of the elves, it was at least a little faster than the healing ability of a pure human body.

Wei Qi'ao thought to himself, just now he thought that the fighting power of the things here was no more than that, but he still underestimated it.

The white feathers on the ground turned into blood at some point and were still bubbling.

Wei Qi'ao thought about taking a detour, but he wasn't sure if the pool of blood was alive or not.He suddenly realized that there seemed to be no living things here, but strictly speaking, everything here could become a living thing.

Thinking of this, Wei Qi'ao didn't run away anymore, he wanted to see what kind of demon such a mess could be.

The blood on the ground flowed in the direction of Wei Qi'ao, following wherever he went.

"It's interesting." Wei Qi'ao sighed, and then felt his ankle was entangled by something, looked down, and took a deep breath.

It was the blood, it condensed into the shape of rattan, it wanted to trip Wei Qi'ao into the blood, and then corrode him until not even the bones remained.

The tingling sensation became more and more intense, and the force on his feet became stronger and stronger. Wei Qi'ao's forehead and nose were covered with cold sweat, and it was unknown whether it was due to pain or nervousness.

He cut off the entanglement of blood first, and then took out the rose pendant necklace around his neck, and chanted the spell silently, the radiance instantly turned into a scepter, forcing the blood to recede a few centimeters.

Still can't fight this thing without a holy weapon.

Wei Qi'ao waved the scepter in his hand, and his clothes fluttered. At this time, his whole temperament changed, and he was not in the ordinary world.He was about to clean up the blood and suddenly realized something, and walked in the direction he was just now.

Since blood can corrode clothes, why not just throw all these plush toys in, maybe those toys will come alive and attack him, so it's better to strike first.

If Wei Qi'ao's guess is correct, the monsters here are infinite.

At the beginning, only the rabbit came alive, and the other plush toys remained motionless and looked harmless to humans and animals, so the rabbit should be the breakthrough point of this level, that is, blood.

He threw all the floating stuffed animals into the blood, and it happily devoured them all.

Wei Qi'ao observed the changes in the blood tremblingly, and the range became wider.His movements became more and more cautious, for fear that the result would be completely contrary to what he had guessed, and the blood would become stronger and eventually swallow him.

Fortunately, although there is more blood, it is not as violent as it was at the beginning.

I don't know if it was an auditory hallucination, but he seemed to hear something on the ground burp.

While he was still thinking hard about what to do next, a layer of blood mist slowly appeared in front of him.His first reaction was whether the monster still wanted to swallow him, and then he found that the mist was not corrosive, so he let go of his worries.

The fog became thicker and thicker until the eyes were filled with blood, and Wei Qi'ao's figure disappeared in the blood fog.

More than half an hour has passed, and Shu Yin and the others hid behind the statue for half an hour. The way out had to go through the altar. Who knew there was a triple formation today.

But now Shu Yin is not worried about herself.

"Have you ever seen the current pope go through the trio before?"

"I've seen it. His expression is very painful. I don't know how heavy it is."

"I see that Wei Qi'ao's expression seems to be the same. How long will it take?"

Ji Xu glanced at Shu Yin hesitantly, "No expression is more terrifying than having expression..."

Shu Yin's expression changed, "No, I believe he won't be so weak."

The three of them were silent for a few minutes, then Shu Yin turned to Mo Mo and asked, "Do you know the resurrection technique?"

Mo Mo faltered and said: "Yes...but the consumption is huge."

"Don't think about it." Ji Xu said helplessly, "People who died in the triple formation cannot be resurrected, their souls have been broken in the inner world."

Shu Yin clenched her fists.

The Pope standing next to Wei Qi'ao didn't look very pretty, he could see it more clearly than Shu Yin and the others, Wei Qi'ao's face was expressionless, as if he was asleep.

The pope felt a bit of regret, but it was only a regret that there was no successor.He will never take another step into this formation. What he experienced at the third stage is enough to become a nightmare in his life. If the previous pope hadn't rushed in to pull him at the moment of life and death, he would have been out of his wits up.

Even if Wei Qi'ao might die because of this, he would not go in to save him.

Shu Yin said in a deep voice: "The triple formation can be entered by more than one person."

"What do you want?" Ji Xu asked warily.

"You go back first, it looks like you won't be able to leave today." Shu Yin didn't answer her.

"How do you know this?" Ji Xu asked persistently.

"I overheard it in the sanctuary before."

"Can we leave safely after you ask this?" Ji Xu was a little excited, and Mo Mo tugged at her sleeve to signal her to keep her voice down.

"Or let him die inside?" Shu Yin asked with a smile.

"Can you be the same as him? This is a matter of the church, why do you meddle? Not to mention anything else, with so many high-ranking vampires around you, the Tribunal will also protect you. If something happens to you, I will take the lead and account for it?"

"Yes, there are many people around me, but Wei Qi'ao is the only one around me." Shu Yin almost moved herself to tears, saying this kind of words to girls can arouse the softest part of their hearts.

Ji Xu suddenly became quiet.

Naturally, Shu Yin did not do this for Wei Qi'ao, it was a happy result for him to pass the triple formation, so why didn't he help him?Wei Qi'ao's becoming the pope will inevitably change the church's blood, and the grievances between the blood clan and the church will end here, and it is impossible to start a second jihad.

As for the wolf clan... If the blood sect forms an alliance, even if the wolf clan does not submit, it will still run away with its tail between its legs, and the wolf clan still has the chess game of Fucheng.

It's not that he didn't think about his own safety, it's just that Wei Qi'ao put himself in danger of narrow escape for the sake of his goal, and Shu Yin would never be a shrinking tortoise.

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