Among all the prefectures and prefectures in the world, if you want to say which prefect is the most difficult to be a prefect, you have to count the precious land under the feet of the emperor.The official position of the governor of Chang'an is not high, but he has countless meritorious relatives to manage. If he is not careful, he will offend the high officials in the court.Because it is difficult to satisfy everyone, the tenure of each governor of Chang'an is not long. If you are lucky, you can be transferred to other places early, and if you are unlucky, you will be impeached. It is not without precedent that the governor of Chang'an beheaded in anger.

Wang Zhen is the governor of Chang'an appointed by the emperor.He is the concubine son of the former prime minister Wang Ting, and also a witness who led to the ruin of Wang Ting.Just these scary titles are enough to make people look at him with strange eyes.Because what he did made many scholar-bureaucrats look down upon him, when he first took office, Wang Zhen was almost isolated.In the entire Yamen of Chang'an Mansion, from top to bottom, no one was willing to listen to his orders, but because of the emperor's order, he had to call him my lord.

But Wang Zhen did have some tricks, and his tricks had begun to take shape when he forbeared for a long time and brought down Wang Ting.After resolutely disposing of a group of people, he finally had obedient subordinates.He made good use of the rights given to him by the emperor and rectified the Yamen of Chang'an Mansion.

The law and order in Chang'an has never been considered good, and even local ruffians may be related to certain high-ranking officials in the court, so that the yamen servants don't dare to take care of it and don't want to take care of it.But Wang Zhen has a great advantage, he is not afraid of the powerful at all.

No matter how expensive you are, can you surpass the royal court?And Wang Ting's fate is well known to everyone.

Wang Zhen knew that he could only be a lonely minister, all he had was the trust of the emperor, or even trust was not counted, the emperor was just a little curious about him.His life experience determines that he can only go to the dark one way, and it is impossible to form cliques with any ministers.Therefore, Wang Zhen took care of the bullies and ruffians in Chang'an City without any scruples, without worrying about offending the powerful.Anyway, he has already offended all who should be offended. The so-called dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Even so, no one dared to impeach Wang Zhen.This is a master who is so cruel that his own father can betray him. Before impeaching him, he has to weigh whether he is more innocent than Wang Ting.

No one in the imperial court dared to touch Wang Zhen, only those rogue bullies who had lost their source of money hated him so much that they often wanted to beat him up, even if it was just to splash some dog blood in front of his house. good.Therefore, disasters happened frequently in Wang Zhen's small mansion. Even Wang Zhen himself was injured several times. In the end, he had to transfer four yamen servants to protect the house, so that the matter did not continue to escalate.

Putting aside the previous matter, Wang Zhen is actually a good official.He was thoughtful, and he had already thought about how to prevent locust plagues during the severe drought, and kept a small half of the harvest in the surrounding areas of Chang'an.He also issued a ruthless order to stabilize prices so that unscrupulous profiteers cannot make disaster fortunes.Seeing that a snowstorm was about to occur, he ordered people to prepare charcoal for heating, winter clothes and some temporary shacks.He also talked with the patriarchs of many famous families, hoping that they could temporarily open the family ancestral halls for the children of the clan whose houses were crushed by heavy snow.It is precisely because of his efforts that the people of Chang'an are stable, and there is no turmoil caused by natural disasters.

With the passage of time, the people who originally disdained Wang Zhen began to understand that Mr. Wang is a good official who really cares about them.Although it is still a bit difficult for their son to expose Lao Tzu, their attitude towards Wang Zhen is not as bad as before, and they feel a little sorry for him.

But thinking about the two domineering sons of Prime Minister Wang in the past, it can't be said that what Mr. Wang did was completely wrong, right?The honest people have been thinking about this matter in their hearts.

At this time, the heavy snow in Chang'an had already fallen for the tenth day, and there was still no sign of stopping.Wang Zhen was very worried.He doesn't like to sit in a sedan chair, and usually walks all the way to the Yamen to work, and observes the livelihood of the people along the way.Today he walked all the way, his feet were frozen and he lost consciousness.It was so cold that there were few pedestrians on the street, many shops were forced to close down, and houses that were crushed by snow were everywhere.

Wang Zhen was walking when she suddenly felt her feet slipped, but she just stepped on a large piece of ice.He involuntarily stretched out his hand to grab something to keep his balance. When he came back to his senses, he found that his hand was being firmly held by another person, and the owner of that hand was still an acquaintance.

Wang Zhen hurriedly withdrew his palm and straightened his clothes: "Wang Zhen has seen you."

The court captain of Weiyang is higher than the Yin of Chang'an, and Wang Zhen has become used to saluting when meeting high-ranking officials for more than a year. Although his heart beats fast after seeing Lord Longyang, the etiquette is not inconsiderate at all.

Lord Longyang frowned and looked at Wang Zhen. Wang Zhen's leg had an old injury, but he wouldn't fall down if he slipped like this: "Why does Xiao Zhen call me so well, just call me Long Yang. Are you injured? "

"It's just a small injury." A few days ago, Wang Zhen was covered with a sack and beaten with a sap. If the yamen servants hadn't discovered it in time, he might have lost his life.The affairs in Chang'an were chaotic, and he didn't have time to find out who beat him. As soon as he woke up, he was anxious to see how the charcoal was being prepared.

"Your Excellency is a close minister of the Son of Heaven, and a subordinate must not be disrespectful." Wang Zhen said it neither salty nor light.

The courtiers all thought that Lord Longyang was a great gift from Wang Juchen to the emperor.Such a beauty, even if it is a man, is pleasing enough to stay by his side.Wang Juchen was able to rise to the top in just two years, and it could not be said that Lord Longyang deserved some credit.

Wang Zhen has a different view on this.When he met Lord Longyang, Lord Longyang claimed to be avoiding disaster, but he was able to take out the emperor's jade seal to help him bring down the royal court.Considering that Lord Longyang is now going smoothly in front of the emperor, Wang Zhen guessed that Lord Longyang must have been the emperor's man in the first place, but he was recommended by Wang Juchen to the palace just to deceive others.In other words, Lord Longyang did this to plot against Wang Juchen. No matter how scheming Wang Juchen was, it was impossible for him to know the relationship between Longyang Lord and the emperor.

Since everything is a well-planned chess game, and I am just a small chess piece, what position do I have to make friends with others?

Thinking of this, Wang Zhen couldn't help but take another half step back.

But Long Yangjun smiled lightly.Seeing that the yamen servants were still far away, he couldn't help but stepped forward and took Wang Zhen's hand and said, "You just think too much. It was true that I hid in the Wangting mansion at that time because I had some conflicts with the emperor, but I never I lied to you. I just thought I was caring for an old friend, so why should I keep people away? I will leave two people to protect you in a while, so you have to take care of yourself."

Wang Zhen shook his head hastily and said, "How can we have a Governor of Chang'an in the Donei guard protection zone?"

"They are my servants, not some big internal guards." Longyang Jun used to have the habit of keeping his followers, but now he still likes to personally train a few people and do chores for him.Seeing that Wang Zhen was in a bad situation at this time, he decided to send him two.

Wang Zhen still wanted to refuse, but Longyang Jun said with a smirk: "Do you want me to kiss you here, let the world know our relationship, and then accept my attendant?"

Wang Zhen was taken aback. If people knew that he and Lord Longyang... what if Lord Longyang was really the emperor's lover?He didn't dare to think about what would happen, so he reluctantly agreed.Lord Longyang was not on duty today, so he had to send Wang Zhen to the Chang'an government office again, and drank a cup of hot tea before leaving.Poor Master Xiao Wang was in ups and downs. He made mistakes in official documents several times in one morning, but the reasons for each of them were not understandable to outsiders.

In the evening, Weiyang Palace——

"Mr. Longyang, how is the situation on the road?" Liu Xi finally waited for Lord Longyang to come back, and his tone was a little anxious.

Ever since the heavy snow blocked many roads to the north of Chang'an, Liu Xi has always had an uncontrollable worry in his mind. It wasn't until recently that he suddenly figured out what he was worried about.

The road was blocked and news could not come in.If something happens at this juncture, the court will not be able to respond in time.I heard that the Huns in the north were also hit by snowstorms. Although the Huns seldom invade in winter, what if they suddenly took risks?Liu Xi didn't want the enemy to find out until they hit the door of the house.

"According to the emperor's order, we have sent people to clear the important roads, and sprinkled stones and salt on the roads. It is estimated that it will take a few days for the news to flow between the border and Chang'an."

The emperor breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to Gao Lishi, "Is there any news from Jiahewei?"

Ever since the emperor began to worry about the situation at the border, Li Bai took people to the border in person, and now it will be time for news to come back.

Gao Lishi shook his head and said: "There is no news, it must be blocked by heavy snow!"

"It shouldn't be... Even if Li Bai wants to stay and observe the enemy's situation, he can always send Yan Qi back to report a letter first, right? Why is this going like nothing?"

As time went by, Liu Xi's ominous premonition accumulated more and more, almost to the point where he could hardly sleep or eat.In the past two years, there has been constant friction between the Xiongnu and Dayan, especially in the spring and autumn of each year, and a small-scale war broke out almost every month.The Huns have always regarded Dayan as a money bag that can be drawn at any time, but thanks to the many small countries that have become the eyes and ears of Dayan and the initially established defense system, the Huns have not been able to get much advantage in the conflict.Even so, official documents that were looted in some small places often appeared on the emperor's imperial case.

But since the autumn of the second year of Jiahe, the friction between the two countries seems to have suddenly died down, which is very abnormal.However, Liu Xi was suffering from the drought at that time, but he just felt lucky but didn't think deeply about the reasons behind it.Now he was getting more and more uneasy.The Huns failed to grab much food in autumn, and this winter is so cold, will they take risks?It was too careless not to send people to dig out the intelligence inside the Xiongnu.

At this time, a young eunuch hurried into the inner hall and whispered something in Gao Lishi's ear.Gao Lishi's complexion changed slightly, and he said anxiously: "Your Majesty, Li Bai is back."

"Oh? That's great! Let him come to see me!"

What surprised Liu Xi was that Li Bai was wounded. One of his hands was wrapped in gauze, and there was an obvious bruise on his left cheek. He was in good spirits.

"Who hurt you?" the emperor asked eagerly.

Gao Lishi's eyes have not left Li Bai's hand since he entered the palace, and he is also anxiously waiting for the answer at this moment.With Li Bai's martial arts, he would also be injured. Could it be that he was besieged by the Huns?

Li Bai shook his head and said, "I did it by accident. When I was leaving from the Huns, I happened to be caught in an avalanche. In order to save a Huns, I accidentally scratched a little bit."

Liu Xi couldn't help being shocked.The power of the avalanche is so powerful, it is not easy for Li Bai to protect himself, but he still wants to save others, which is no different from courting death.Lay Qinglian couldn't even protect her face, which shows how dangerous the situation was at that time.How important is this Hun to make Li Bai sacrifice his life to save him?Gao Lishi also looked annoyed. If the emperor hadn't been present, he would have lifted Li Bai's collar to question him.

"Your Majesty, the Huns have changed." Li Bai suddenly said seriously: "Next spring at the latest, Da Yan must be ready for a big battle!"

"What?" Liu Xi was shocked.

"The Shan Yu of the Huns is dead."

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