After eating delicious grilled fish, Li Bohan let Shen Hexi take a nap by the fire for a while before riding to Qingyuan County. These days, they traveled a lot. Shen Hexi is still a child after all. I'm afraid that he will fall ill if he doesn't rest well.There are no good doctors in this country, if something happens to him, he won't have to spend the rest of his life.

Qingyuan County is a relatively large county in Yongping Prefecture. The quaint county town is very lively, and you can hear the shouts of vendors without entering the city.

However, it is only a county seat in the prosperous city, and it is nothing compared to the imperial city. The entire county seat is not big, and a east-west street runs through the entire county seat. All the better shops in the county seat are on this street, which is very convenient for foreigners. , no need to wander around the city looking for food and accommodation.

Because Shen and Xi stopped and stopped all the way, the sun was about to set when the three of them entered Qingyuan County.While it was still dark, Li Baihan found a nice inn to settle down.

The three of them were a little tired after riding the horse all day, and Shen Hexi was so sore that he didn't want to move. "Brother Han, let's have dinner at the inn and not go out." Shen Hexi said softly while lying on his back on the wooden bed.

"Listen to you." Li Bohan put his luggage away and went downstairs to ask for some side dishes.He asked for two upper rooms, one for him and Shen Hexi, and one for Yan Nu alone.When I asked for food, I also asked for one for Yan Nu by the way.

The food in the inn was brought out quickly, Shen Hexi got up and looked at the dining table and said doubtfully, "What kind of steamed buns are these?" On the dining table was a large bowl of soup with one meat and two vegetables, and three large beige steamed buns.Shen Hexi picked it up and smelled it, and felt that the taste was okay. He took a bite and tasted it. It was slightly thicker than white wheat, but much better than rye in terms of taste. The key is that this steamed bun tastes very fragrant, even better than white wheat. Some.

"I've never seen a steamed bun like this before, why don't I ask Xiao Er to come up and ask." This is also the first time Li Baihan has seen a steamed bun of this color.

Li Baihan quickly called Xiaoer in and asked, "The store I want is white wheat steamed buns, why did they serve me like this?"

The shop waiter glanced at the steamed buns in Li Baihan's hand and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, guest officer, maybe the servants took the wrong ones, so I'll ask someone to bring up the white wheat steamed buns."

"Well, why is the rye steamed bun here so much lighter in color than other places?" Li Bohan continued to ask.

"The guest officer is from another place, right? In our Qingyuan County, the land is fertile and only white wheat has always been planted, and only rye is planted on hillsides with poor harvests. I don't know where the seeds were spread a few years ago. We call it "gifting" here. Wheat, this gift of wheat can also be planted on barren land, and its wheat ears are large, and the taste of the ground flour is much better than that of rye, but the price is the same as that of rye. Soon this gift of wheat spread, it is not a small Second, I boast that the taste of this Cimai is not much worse than that of the white wheat."

Talking about not listening, Shen Hexi immediately had an idea in his mind when he heard that the gifted wheat was so good, why didn't he take the gifted wheat to Dunliang City to plant it.Don't listen to Li Bohan saying that he went to Dunliang City to eat white wheat. There is very little white wheat planted there, and most of the grain is pulled from other places. The local area still mainly grows rye, which is hard to eat.Everyone will be happy if this gift of wheat is passed on.

Ci Mai, this name is good, this is a good thing sent by God.

Shen Hexi's small act completely rescued the people of Dunliang City from the problem of food and clothing, and because of his act laid the most solid foundation for his legendary life of King Dunliang. Only when people are full can they have motivation, or Shen Hexi It's useless to have an ambition without someone.

"The taste is not bad, Xi'er eat it while it's hot." Li Bohan stayed to try it after hearing that the waiter in the shop said that the Cimai Mantou was so good. He took a few mouthfuls and felt pretty good before letting Shen Hexi eat it.

"Brother Han, you can eat too." Shen Hexi broke more than half of the steamed buns in his hand and gave it to Li Baihan, continuing to say, "Brother Han, this gift of wheat is so good, why is there no other place, only Qingyuan County has it."

"Qingyuan County is mainly planted with white wheat. There was little rye planted in the first place. Now even if it is replaced with gifted wheat, there are not many planted. People on the farm can't use the land planted with white wheat to grow gifted wheat. .” Li Bohan guessed.

Shen Hexi thought the same, the transmission of information here is very slow, even if there are such good wheat seeds in Qingyuan County, it will not be possible to spread them to distant places in a few years, let alone thousands of miles away. Dunliang city.

His head was spinning very fast, and he was immediately thinking about how to transport the wheat seeds to Dunliang City. If he transported the wheat seeds to Dunliang City now, even if the grain trucks drove slowly, he could almost arrive in winter, so it would not delay next year. Sow in spring.Shen Hexi silently ordered 32 praises for himself in his heart. He is simply too witty.

Shen Hexi didn't tell Li Bohan about this idea right away, and after he slept in the inn for a day to refresh his energy, he sent Yan Nu out to see how many wheat seeds he could buy in Qingyuan County and what the price was.He didn't have much cash in hand, so he was a little nervous to buy a large amount of wheat seeds.The gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings he got out of the Anshun Palace that day are still in his hands.These things are too precious and eye-catching, he originally wanted to make a move in Yong'an City and finally think about it or forget it. He still doesn't know who honored King Anshun with these things. If he is found out, he will be unlucky.The Shen family was finally cleared up, so he couldn't half-heartedly implicate the Shen family.

Before coming to Qingyuan County, Shen Hexi had already discussed with Li Baihan that they would stay in Qingyuan County for two days to recuperate a little bit. Shen Hexi's small body really couldn't afford to travel around for days.

After breakfast, Shen Hexi asked the waiter about the interesting places in the county. He heard that there was a Feiyun Temple not far from Qingyuan County. There was a temple fair in the past few days. He can come out to play, but there are not many places he can go. Now that he has finally come out, he definitely wants to play enough.

Feiyun Temple is located on the hillside of Mount Mang. Shen Hexi and Li Baihan rode horses for many days and finally took a rest for a day. They refused to ride horses to Feiyun Temple. Li Baihan had no choice but to go out and hire bearers to carry them to Feiyun Temple. .At first, Shen Hexi was quite happy, sitting in a sedan chair was much more comfortable than riding a horse.

But when they got to the gate of the mountain, Shen Hexi couldn't start chattering anymore. The people who came to Feiyun Temple in sedan chairs were all women, and the men who came either riding horses or making carriages were the only ones like the two of them.Shen Hexi, who was standing in front of the mountain gate waiting for Li Baihan to pay, blushed immediately. He knew that he would not take the sedan chair anymore.Well now, he and Li Bohan were treated like monkeys, as long as they passed by them, no matter men, women or children, they would look at them.

"Let's go, why are you in a daze." Li Bohan took Shen Hexi's chubby little hands and urged him to walk towards the temple together.

"The folk customs here are so tough, and unmarried women don't wear gauze hats when they come out." Shen Hexi muttered in a low voice. Just now, when the two came out of the sedan chair, several women in their twenties secretly looked at them, which made Shen Hexi Very uncomfortable.

"Qingyuan County is just a small place after all, and there are few rules here. When you go to the northwest, the folk customs are more rough, and women can even do business." Li Baihan said with a smile.

It seems that except in a few big cities, there will not be so many rigid rules, and the status of women will not be as low as he imagined.

"Then there are many slaves in the northwest?" The slaves Shen Hexi mentioned are real slaves. They have no personal freedom and everything depends on the master's decision. For example, there are hundreds of slaves in the general's mansion, and the roughest work in the mansion is the dirtiest. All the work is done by them.Their lives are very lowly and the most worthless. In the mansion, the aunts who are in a bad mood do not need to report if they kill a servant, but if they kill a servant girl, they need to report to the mistress.

"Yes, there are a lot of exiles in the northwest. I heard that ten eggs can be exchanged for a slave in the market." Li Bohan said.

The city of Dunliang in Shen Hexi's heart has changed from a city of lies where no grass grows to a city full of human trafficking, where the women are all women. The female butcher behind the pork stall in front is cutting pork with a knife for the customers passing by. God, this scene is a bit scary no matter how you think about it.

After entering the mountain gate and climbing a stone step, the gate of Feiyun Temple comes into view. There are hawkers selling incense everywhere along the way. Although Shen Hexi doesn't believe in gods and Buddhas, he still bought a handful of incense. If it can be realized, I will help the gods and Buddhas in the temple to build a golden body in the future.

Li Bohan let Shen Hexi toss, and when he went in to worship the Buddha, he also knelt with him in front of the Buddha and made a wish.

I don't know what wish Shen Hexi made, but he closed his eyes slightly and muttered something, with a wicked smile on his face from time to time.Seeing that he was so happy, Li Baihan also became happy, and he thought to himself, "May the Buddha bless my Xi'er to grow up safely. I don't want to be rich in this life, just to be healthy."

Worshiping the gods and Buddhas was not enough. Shen Hexi went to the side hall to donate sesame oil and buy amulets, which he and Li Baihan hung around their necks.I also kicked one in my pocket and waited to go back to Yan Nu.

Yan Nu is Shen Hexi's right-hand man. In the past, when he only had Xiaohuan by his side, he could only get any information by asking for gossip, and the time to get the news was often much later than others.Later, when Yan Nu came, he became his ears and eyes. Yan Nu used the Liujiabao channel as his source of information, and he knew many and detailed things, which immediately increased Shen Hexi's understanding of the world.

In the ancient times when the information was not well developed, the arrival of Yan Nu was Shen Hexi's savior. He would definitely treat such a good savior well. Don't look at him usually as silent and boring as a stone, but his little thoughts are still Very fine.

In the past few days, he could smell the strong smell of vinegar in the air. If he asked for the amulet this time only for the two of them, Yan Nu would not know how to think wildly and how sad he would be if he knew about it.

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