Li Baihan and the others who were repairing in Tucheng did not leave in a hurry, they were waiting for Liu Qinglei's reply.Regardless of the reply from the other side, Li Baihan is ready to make a fool of himself.There must be a lot of undelivered weapons in King An Jin's black workshop. As long as he intercepts them secretly, he will have an extra bargaining chip to save his life when he returns to Yong'an City.

Tucheng and Yong'an City are thousands of miles apart, so it takes a few days for this letter to go back and forth even if it is sent by carrier pigeon.Anyway, there was nothing to do in Tucheng, so after a few days of rest, Li Baihan took Shen Hexi and Yan Nu to Jingfu to visit Prince Rui.

The external owner of the Jing Mansion must be Jing Fan. Li Bohan knew very little about Jing Fan. He only knew that Jing Fan was the late emperor's secret guard, and he knew nothing about other things.

The invitation was sent to Jingfu two days earlier, when the three of them came on horseback, there were already old servants waiting outside the gate.

Jing Mansion is not conspicuous in Tucheng, the courtyard is similar to that of Li Baihan and the others, but the items inside are many times more luxurious than theirs.

As soon as you enter the Jingfu, there is a big garden, with red flowers and green trees in abundance, Li Baihan recognized several pots of famous camellias with just a glance.This camellia is extremely difficult to grow. It has strict requirements on soil quality and sunlight. If you want to raise the flower house in the camellia capital in Yong'an City, otherwise it will not survive at all.This earth city has four distinct seasons throughout the year, spring and summer are long and there is enough sunshine time, but autumn and winter are also extremely cold, and I don't know what method Prince Rui used to grow camellias.

Li Baihan secretly thought that these pots of camellia were all piled up with silver.

Shen Hexi followed Li Baihan, his big eyes rolling around.Ever since Shen Hexi, a fan of small fortune, knew that Prince Rui was rich, he wondered how many gifts Prince Rui would give when they met.As for the rare camellia, he, a vulgar man, doesn't know it.

The courtyard was not long and the two of them came down to the front hall led by the old servant, where Prince Rui was already waiting for them.

Today, Prince Rui didn't wear local clothes, but a moon-white brocade gown, with a belt with beautiful cloud patterns tied around his waist. Seeing that Li Baihan brought Shen Hexi here, he waved to Shen Hexi and smiled He said, "Hee'er, come here."

"Grandpa." Shen Hexi smiled brilliantly, but he was actually shouting in his heart, dear!What about the meeting ceremony?

Prince Rui responded happily, and said, "Uncle Chen, go and bring over the meeting gift for Xi'er."

Bring it over?How many things are there, Shen Hexi is so happy.

After a while, Uncle Chen who led Li Bohan and the others in asked two young servants to bring in a box and opened the box in twos and twos. After seeing it, Li Bohan and Shen Hexi showed surprise on their faces.

A box of gadgets, including a cloth tiger, a small rattle, and even two small clothes.Although these things are exquisitely crafted and look expensive, Shen Hexi, as a man with an adult soul, can only hehe when asked him to play cloth tigers and snare drums.

The ignorant Shen Hexi curled his lips, although he was a little disappointed, but still smiled and said, "Thank you, Grandpa." He jumped off Li Shanchen's lap, ran to the side of the cage, and took a small rattle.

I don't know what kind of wood this snare drum is made of. It has a faint fragrance. It is very light in the hand, and it makes a crisp sound when it is shaken.There is also a tassel on the handle, and Shen Hexi recognized at a glance that it is decorated with a pea-sized sapphire bead.

The sapphire, it turned out to be the top grade sapphire, Shen Hexi kept beating it with the rattle in his hand, hehe, it seems that Prince Rui is still very good.

"Grandpa, this thing is too expensive. Xi'er is just a child who dare not accept such an expensive gift." Li Bohan knows more than Shen Hexi. Every gadget in this box is made by skilled craftsmen. As for the materials Not to mention, the rattle in Shen Hexi's hand was made of fragrant wood.This fragrant wood is originally a kind of medicinal material, which has the effect of strengthening the body, and it is a priceless treasure for children. It is said that if you put one or two pieces of fragrant wood in a child's pillow, even a weak child can grow up healthily.

Such a precious medicinal material, Prince Rui actually used it to make a rattle for Shen Hexi, this is not an ordinary waste.

"Han'er, this is just my wish as a grandfather, so you can keep it at ease. I fall in love with Xi'er, this little thing is nothing." While speaking, Prince Rui looked at Shen Hexi and said, "Is it Xi'er, you If you fall in love with grandpa, grandpa will give you a gift, do you want it or not?"

"Yes, Xi'er really likes Grandpa." Shen Hexi hopped up to Prince Rui's side, climbed onto his knees and hugged his neck, and gave him a big kiss with a bang.

Prince Rui was stunned for a moment and laughed loudly, "My dear Xier."

Li Bohan who was standing beside him sighed slightly, how could he have forgotten that his little Xi'er is a money-grubbing master, it's no wonder that he didn't accept this box of gadgets.

How many times has he told him not to kiss anyone casually, why can't he remember?Well, you must give him a good lecture after you go back.

Li Baihan did not come to Jingfu this trip to get a gift for Shen Hexi, he still has important things to say to Prince Rui.

"Grandpa, I have read the letter that day, and Han'er thanked Grandpa here." Li Baihan's thank you, one is to thank him for helping Yongting to deliver the letter and banknote, and the other is to thank him for his help Investigate the collusion between Maitreya branch of Xianjiantang and An Jinwang.If he checked it himself, he might not have found the result so quickly.

"I'm afraid you came to see me not to thank me, but to ask how I know your whereabouts." Prince Rui said while hugging Shen Hexi.

"Han'er doesn't dare." He said he didn't dare, but there was no trace of panic on Li Bohan's face.

"You don't have to make insinuations. Knowing your whereabouts is completely coincidental. Do you remember Feiyun Temple? You asked for a peace talisman in the temple that day. The abbot of that temple once went to the Prince's Mansion to cure your stubborn illness." When he said the word "stubborn illness", Prince Rui deliberately emphasized his tone. Li Baihan's stubborn illness was faking, and the abbot of Feiyun Temple must not have liked it, but at that time he also knew that Li Baihan was faking it, but he didn't point it out.

Later Li Bohan went to Feiyun Temple to ask for a peace talisman, and the abbot immediately recognized him as the son of the crown prince who pretended to be a fool back then, who is now the fourth prince.

It was a coincidence that Prince Rui and the abbot of Feiyun Temple had a good relationship, and he would ask the abbot every now and then how many scriptures he wanted to copy. When Li Baihan was asking for the peace talisman that day, the person that Prince Rui sent to get the scriptures happened to be there. The abbot casually mentioned what Li Bohan passed by him.

Said that the unintentional listener was interested, Prince Rui got the letter and sent a few spies to follow Li Baihan secretly. This was all because Marquis Yong Ting had asked him to help find out about Li Baihan, otherwise he would not have sent people to follow Li Baihan secretly.The person who attacked Li Baihan that day was also around, but it was still a step late, and he didn't make a move to ask for it immediately, but later they were able to escape the pursuers safely, and Prince Rui also put in a lot of effort.

Knowing the cause and effect, Li Baihan can only lament that he was too careless, and there are still many people who know him after leaving Yong'an City.

"The fate between me and grandpa is still very deep." Li Bohan said cheekily.

"Yeah, how could I know such a cute little grandson as Xi'er if I don't have a deep fate." After speaking, Prince Rui discussed the gadgets in the cage with Shen Hexi again.What are these little things made of, how difficult the making process is, and their benefits, Prince Rui told Shen Hexi one by one, regardless of whether he could understand or not.

Seeing the two of them chatting so happily, Li Baihan slowly let go of the vigilance in his heart.Prince Rui really didn't have any ill intentions towards him, and he even wanted to help him, but it's not clear enough for him to draw conclusions prematurely.

At noon, both of them had lunch in Jingfu before going back.During this time, only Prince Rui was seen, but Jing Fan who was always by his side was missing.

Back at the footing, Shen Hexi dumped all the things in a box on the kang, and looked at them carefully with grins.

As soon as Li Baihan came back, he received a letter from Feige from Liu Qinglei.What he meant was that he would send people from Maitreya Mansion to investigate this matter and tell him that his father wanted him to return to Yong'an City.Although his father is still angry now, he didn't want to blame him after knowing that he was pretending to be stupid. When he came back, he would make him king and give him a pretty good fief.

After reading the letter, Li Bo coldly snorted and gave him the fief instead of making his son the crown prince. Why would he go back and be laughed at?

"Xi'er, come and take a look at this." Li Bohan knew that Shen Hexi was Zaohui, and he would never hide his affairs from him, and sometimes he would discuss it with him.

"Your father treats you well." Shen Hexi saw that the emperor wanted to make Li Baihan king, and thought that the relationship between the two fathers and sons is not very rigid.

"Focus on the point."

"Um." Shen Hexi didn't dare to touch the tiger's butt when he saw Li Bohan's unhappy face, and said, "Didn't Brother Han want those weapons? If the officials of Maitreya Mansion go to investigate, they will definitely not be as quick as you, why don't you cut them halfway?" .”

"If I cut off the weapon, it's safer to put it somewhere." There are eyeliners and spies everywhere, so a large number of weapons are too blinking, if there is no good place to put them, it will be a hot yam to get them.

"It's better to transport it to Dunliang City. It's my fief, and I have the final say." Shen Hexi's proposal is very suitable for Li Baihan's heart. Normally, a prince who is enfeoffed as a king is also restricted in the fief, and the right to appoint and dismiss officials in the fief In the hands of the emperor, half of the annual income of the fiefdom must also be handed over to the treasury.But Shen and Xi, the dunliang kings, were different. In his fiefdom, he had the final say on the appointment and removal of all officials, and the income from the fiefdom did not need to be handed over to the treasury. If he transported the weapons to dunliang city, it would be very safe.

Thanks to Empress Dowager Shen for this, she suggested this matter that day, otherwise Li Jiayou would not have suddenly changed the rules of his ancestors.It's a pity that Queen Mother Shen has been busy for a long time, but Shen Hexi has been taken advantage of.

After the two discussed it, Li Bohan immediately wrote a letter to contact Han Zi, the head of his seven hidden guards, and it would be safe for him to lead people to grab the weapons.

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