As the sun set, the city of Dunliang was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and firecrackers rang, and the whole city was shrouded in joy.Shen Hexi, whose cheeks were reddened by the red lanterns, nestled in Li Baihan's arms, feeling a little complicated.

At this time a year ago, he was still living in a deserted small courtyard, and Li Bohan was wearing shackles and pretending to be an idiot.In a blink of an eye, one of them is King Dunliang and the other is King Xiaoyao.I have to sigh that everything is unpredictable, no one knows what will happen to them in the next second.

On the streets of New Year's Eve, there are only a few people rushing on their way. Today is a day of reunion. Aoki people like to get together with their families, worship ancestors, and have New Year's Eve dinner.

After returning to the palace, Shen Hexi clamored to set off firecrackers. The New Year's Eve dinner in the back kitchen was already prepared, and they only waited for the firecrackers to go off before the food could be served.

Shen Hexi has a vegetable shed, and there is no shortage of these vegetables. Before the meal, he asked the kitchen to cook more. The guards, maids, and servants in the mansion all had a good meal.In addition to rewarding food, each person also rewarded a small silver nude.It was not easy for them this year, they traveled thousands of miles to follow him to this remote city of Dunliang to suffer.As the master, he shouldn't treat them harshly. When he has money in the future, he will share six small silver coins for each of them during the Chinese New Year.

"Xi'er, don't be so busy, come over to eat." Seeing that Shen Hexi was still telling Bai Qing to reward Bai Qing, Li Bohan said a little funny.He still looks good as a prince, so he knows how to win people's hearts.

The whole family knew that the winter in Dunliang City was tough, and they were already contented to be able to eat cabbage and radishes. Now that Shen Hexi rewarded them with good food, it's no wonder they were not grateful.

Shen Hexi is very good at sending charcoal in the snow. He has always shown both kindness and majesty to the servants in the mansion. He is too strict. They are afraid that they will not have the same heart with you.Too weak and they don't take you seriously.Only by giving a sweet date to a stick can they be more peaceful.

"Here we come." Shen Hexi stretched his calf and threw himself to Li Baihan's side, "Brother Han, I also want a small glass of wine tonight."

"You are too young to drink." Li Bohan was holding a small white porcelain jug in his hand and was testing the temperature.Drinking a pot of wine this winter will definitely make you feel extremely refreshed.Shen Hexi didn't hold a lot of alcohol before, and occasionally drinking with friends in winter, he would drink less white.

"Just a little bit." Shen Hexi showed her round little fingers.

"Fourth Prince, pour Xi'er a glass, these rice wines are not intoxicating." Liu Qinglei, who was already seated, said with a smile.

The uncle said everything, and Li Baihan agreed, picked up a small wine cup and poured Shen Hexi half a glass, letting him taste it.

Today, there are no maids serving in the hall of Jinlan Palace, and even Yu Rong, who usually follows Shen Hexi, was sent away by him.Five people sat around the dining table, eating and drinking very casually.From time to time, their hearty laughter can be heard.

It's just that behind this peace, there is a sense of desolation.Shen Hexi, a young son, left his parents and lived alone with his uncle. On this day of reunion, he had a smile on his face, but his heart was bitter. He missed his mother and his sister, and he didn't know that he hadn't seen each other. What does my sister look like now.

As for Li Baihan, he has a family and can't go back, his parents are thousands of miles away, his father might have forgotten his son long ago, the only mother in the world who misses him, is now far away in Snow Country, so she can't spend New Year's Eve with him.

Liu Qinglei does have a family, but his parents died young, and his only sister is married. He has no children and no daughters, and the Liujiabao is so big that he can no longer be called a family.

Prince Rui and Jing Fan are in love but have been separated for many years. This is the first time for the two of them to spend New Year's Eve together, so it goes without saying that there are all kinds of bitterness in their hearts.

People are not drunk, people are drunk, after drinking for three rounds, everyone was a little drunk, Li Baihan hugged Shen Hexi and went to his dormitory, Prince Rui and Jing Fan also returned to their residence, Liu Qinglei was the only one left at the dinner table. Holding the glass and refusing to let go.

Prince Rui waited for Jing Fan for more than 30 years before he waited for him.What about him?How long will he have to wait for the person in his heart to come.

The sound of firecrackers outside the window rang in the middle of the night, Liu Qinglei sat in the hall for the middle of the night, and in the end it was Yan Nu who resisted the drunk man.

The first New Year's Eve when Shen Hexi came to Dunliang City, it didn't seem too good.

The winter in Dunliang City is longer than that in other places. When the ice and snow here melt and spring arrives, the wheat in other places will be one foot high.

As soon as the weather warmed up, Shen Hexi asked people to distribute the gifted wheat seeds he bought.On their side, there is only one season of wheat a year. He can move quickly, so as not to delay the planting time.

The wasteland reclaimed years ago was planted with Cimai.There were still some seeds left, and Shen Hexi wasted them reluctantly, and sent people to further places to reclaim wasteland until all the gifted wheat was planted.

In the first year of planting Cimai, the harvest was mediocre.Shen Hexi is not omnipotent, he is not familiar with the growth of crops.In the second year, he became more mindful and recruited several people who were good at planting crops in advance. From the beginning of planting, growing, earing, and harvesting, he studied one by one.Finally, in the third year, he had a bumper harvest of wheat.

The transformation of a thousand acres of wasteland outside Dunliang City into fertile land is beyond the imagination of Dunliang people.

In addition to planting Cimai, Shen Hexi also recruited people capable of water control to teach the residents in Dunliang Mansion how to store water and how to survive the driest season of the year.

In some relatively dry places, Shen Hexi sent people to dig hundreds of ponds for water storage, and spent a lot of money to build canals to draw snow water from the snow-capped mountains to irrigate the farmland.

It took Shen Hexi three years to do these two things, and he grew from a little bean to a six-year-old boy.As he grew older and taller, his little fat body also gained a lot. Every time he saw his small belly like a small ball, Shen Hexi would silently tell himself that when he got older, he would definitely lose weight.

Three years is not long or short, but it is enough for him to do many things.

After he successfully planted Cimai in the barren Dunliang Prefecture, he began to plant it on a large scale.The most important thing here is land, and giving wheat is easy to feed, even if it is a crack in the rock, he can find a way to take root.Such a tough crop was prepared for the Tun Liang Mansion.

With the gift of wheat, the refugees in Dunliang City disappeared every winter. As long as they could eat, no one would leave their homes and go out to beg.

Dunliang Prefecture has a long sunshine time, and the fruits grown here are very good. The grapes, jujubes, figs and other fruits are not only bigger than other provinces, but also taste much better.

In the past, Shen Hexi always heard people say that so-and-so was tall, handsome and rich, bought a winery in Nana, France, and would go to the winery for vacation every year when the grape harvest was abundant.Although he complained about being tall, handsome and rich, he pretended to be 13, but he was still envious in his heart, that's what life is called.

Now that he has become a prince, he is much more handsome and wealthy than that. With a wave of his hand, he also bought a vineyard in the suburbs of Dunliang City. The grapes are big and sweet. He can eat whatever he wants, and the wine produced is He can drink what he wants.It's just a pity that he is a vulgar person, he can't taste wine at all, and he can't taste good or bad.

It was another harvest season, Shen Hexi found a wine tasting oil head, and invited all the county magistrates from the 23 counties in his fief.

In the past, there were 63 counties in Dunliang Prefecture. During the first year of the scientific examination, Linghu was promoting a group of talents, who were distributed to these counties as small officials, which was also their second scientific examination.

Some people gave up after staying in the county for a few months, they couldn't stand the pain.Some people have been doing nothing for half a year without accomplishing anything.And some people can get familiar with the operation of a county in just a few months and can help those poor people. Such officials are what Shen Hexi wants.

Later, following Linghuzheng's suggestion, he cut down the 63 counties of Dunliang Prefecture into 23 counties. Some counties that were too small and too poor were banned, and the people there began to move to the vicinity of Dunliang City.

At first, some people didn't want to move. After all, it was a place where they had lived for several lifetimes. Even if they were poor, they were happy to live there.But when they heard that Lord Shen divided the farmland according to the relocated population, they couldn't help it.

The food production in the place where they live is not good, and there is drought every spring. They are too far away from the water source, and planting crops depends on the sky for food. If there is no rain in that spring, they will go hungry this year.

If there is good farmland instead of the sandy land they are planting now, even if there is little rain in spring, the crops planted will still be harvested by [-] to [-]%.Sixty to seventy percent of this is enough for a family to eat.

Once the first household was relocated, there would be a second household. It took Shen Hexi three years to merge some small counties in his fiefdom with each other, and the number of relocated households was as many as a thousand.

The number of counties in the mansion has decreased, and the number of county magistrates has also been reduced by more than half. Those who have no political achievements, are lazy, and dawdle are all dismissed from official positions by Shen Hexi. If you want to continue to be an official, you can, please take the scientific examination first.Did he know that many magistrates in Dunliang Mansion used to be officials who were bought by the magistrates. There was only one reason why they bought officials, and they wanted to make a fortune.

His Dunliang Mansion is so poor, and he, Shen Hexi, can still make them rich, and these people are the first to be kicked out.

There are many mountains around Dunliang City, and now there are many terraced fields on the sunny side. Some grow cotton, some grow wheat, and like his vineyard, grow grapes.

The history of grape planting here is extremely long, but it has not formed a scale. Shen Hexi has been here for three years, and the wine here has been sold to Yong'an City.

In the vineyard, big purple grapes can be seen everywhere. It was the first time for the magistrates who came today to visit Shen Hexi's vineyard, so they were all curious.Normally they had the most contact with Linghu Zheng, and many of them had never even seen Shen Hexi.I just heard that their Prince Shen is not very old, but he is a man of great wisdom.

The wise Prince Shen is sleeping soundly in the backyard of the vineyard at the moment. He was talking with Li Baihan last night. He accidentally drank too much.

Li Baihan opened the bead curtain in the inner room with his left hand, glanced at the person sleeping on the bed in a big character shape, walked up helplessly, patted his little buttocks and said, "Wake up, don't get up, your uncle is about to It's time to move the house."

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