This time to confirm the road signs, Shen Hexi not only led the lion tiger army, but also brought a 100-member herbal collection team.These people were hired by him from all over Aoki with a lot of money.

In the primeval forest where no one has ever set foot, the most indispensable thing is all kinds of medicinal materials and rare and exotic animals.The lion and tiger army can help him hunt all kinds of valuable beasts, and the herb pickers can help him find precious medicinal materials.

He managed to enter the mountain once, and he would definitely not return empty-handed. Before leaving, he added dozens of people to transport all kinds of treasures.

All together, Shen Hexi's team has at least 500 people. When so many people gather outside the camp, it feels like a lot of people, but once they enter the forest, it's not enough.

Two days before entering the forest, the road was quite easy to walk. On the third day, there was basically no road on the mountain.

"Brother Han, it's really comfortable in this forest. It's not hot at all." Shen Hexi, who was dressed in blue and strong, took a big sip of black jujube tea and said very comfortably.Outside, Dunliang City was about to be melted by the sun, but in the primeval forest where he was, there was a tinge of coolness.The canopy covering the sky and the sun above the head isolates the sun and heat. Occasionally, a ray of sunlight falls on the ground through the leaves, but it is not hot.It's just that the light in the forest is a little dark, so be very careful when you move forward.

Even if a team that opened the way just passed by, there is no guarantee that the place where you are now staying is free from poisonous insects, snakes and the like.If you are bitten by a poisonous snake here, it is not a joke. Although they carry a lot of antidote medicines, no one can tell whether the poisonous snake that bit you is highly poisonous. In this deep mountain, we can only wait for death.

"It's cooler here." Li Bohan was sitting next to Shen Hexi, and the two were resting with their backs against the big tree.

They have been walking for a whole morning, and they are all very tired. Even if he has all the internal strength, he still feels sore all over.On the other hand, Shen Hexi beside him looked radiant, without any signs of fatigue.

Is he really old?Li Baihan frowned, thinking that when he returned to Dunliang City, he would step up his training, and when his inner strength improved a bit, he wouldn't be exhausted after only three days of driving on the mountain road.

"Yannu, go and inform everyone, rest where you are, have lunch, and continue on your way in an hour." Shen Hexi ordered.

The team of 500 people was divided into more than a dozen teams to get together to rest. The Yannu people have tall legs and long legs, and they will be notified after a while to let everyone rest in place.

"My lord, there is not even a flat place in this forest. If you want to build roads, how much manpower and material resources will be needed to build a post station." Although Yan Nu is usually silent, he understands very well in his heart. To build a road in these mountains and rivers, it is impossible to do it in a few decades.

"No matter how much money is spent, we will repair it. When this road is repaired, it will become a cornucopia. He can make it for me as much money as I want." Shen Hexi laughed.He has already thought about the things that Yan Nu has considered countless times. Where to repair it, how to repair it, what kind of post station to build, and how to make money from the road in the future, he has thought about it countless times in his mind.

"Although this is the case, if you practice for decades, the money will be earned too slowly." Yan Nu continued to ask.

"After the road marking is done this time, I'll let you see how I built the road in the mountains." Shen Hexi didn't say anything, and deliberately hung Yan Nu.

"Don't tell me, my lord, I can guess one or two. Recently, I saw that you asked the master of Xianjian Hall to develop a small explosive bag. I think you must be planning to use it for road construction."

"Is it smart?"

The two exchanged a few words, but Shen Hexi insisted on not explaining Yan Nu's doubts. This was his secret, and he didn't want to reveal it too early.

Today's campsite is in a mountain depression. It is not easy to find a flat bottom in the forest. The people who explored the road in front of us wandered around for a long time before choosing this mountain depression.There are only a few small trees growing in the col, and there are tall grasses everywhere.The pathfinding team came one step earlier and found a place where they could camp temporarily.

When Shen Hexi and Li Baihan came over, the camp had already been set up, and some soldiers had set up a bonfire and started boiling water for cooking.

The two entered their camp, and Yan Nu brought in a bucket of water.After walking for a day, no matter whether it was Shen Hexi or Li Baihan, both feet were painful.Their martial arts are good, but their feet just hurt a little.The soldiers whose martial arts are not as good as theirs are not so easy.In mild cases, the skin on the feet was worn out, and in severe cases, they were bleeding and swollen enough to be unable to walk.

Yan Nu poured out brown water from the bucket and said, "My lord, let's soak your feet. You climbed several cliffs today, and your feet are probably swollen."

"Okay, you can put it here, I'll do it myself." Shen Hexi took off his shoes and socks, and sure enough, blood blisters had already been worn out, and his relaxed feet were numb. Pretty good.

This is not the first time Shen Hexi has entered the mountain. He put his feet into the brown water with great experience, and sighed, "Song Taiyi's prescription is really good. No matter how tired you are after a day of walking, use this medicine to soak your feet immediately. It works."

"I guess you are the only one who will take out the prescriptions from the palace and use them casually." Li Bohan said angrily.

The prescriptions in the hands of Imperial Physician Song will not be good, but the dispensing of medicines is not generally expensive. If Shen Hexi uses them himself, that’s all. Fortunately, he directly asked Imperial Physician Song to prepare hundreds of medicines, and brought them all here this time. .Since last night, all of them have started to soak their feet with this medicine to relieve the fatigue of the day.This time he came down, the medicine for soaking feet would cost thousands of taels of silver.He is not an ordinary hero when he is a prince.

"Brother Han, you don't know. When we came out of the mountain last time, many people's feet were out of shape, and it took a few months to raise them." Of course Shen Hexi knew that medicine was expensive, but he followed him several times. Hundreds of people are also raised by their parents, so he can't just ignore them as human beings just to save some money.This mountain road is difficult to walk, and the hard feet will be worn out. If they are not treated in time, when they enter the forest and walk back, the speed will be much slower than when they went back.

"Actually, at the beginning, you can build a hundred-mile road first. There is no need to build four hundred miles for the first time." Li Baihan persuaded.Four hundred miles is not close, and it is not easy to repair it here in one go.

"I know, but if it is repaired at a speed of one hundred miles at a time, it is really slow. Now the gold mine and the iron mine are on the right track. When the road is repaired, I will dispatch some from these two mines. With the manpower coming out, my plan is [-] miles a month, and [-] miles in five months must be repaired." There is a reason why Shen Hexi is in a hurry to build the road, Xueguo has been honest for several years, but has always been eyeing Qingmu.

Snow Country and Aoki could go to war at any time, and once the two countries fought, Li Baihan would definitely go to the battlefield.He doesn't have any contacts in Yong'an City, and if he doesn't have enough food and grass during the war, he will fall into a passive position.He can't go to the battlefield with him, he can only clear away his worries.

If Li Bohan went to the battlefield, someone dared to slander him behind his back, he had money, and someone could defend him one or two.

"Isn't this speed a little fast?" Five months and four hundred miles of mountain roads, this is simply impossible to complete in other places.

The group walked to the fifth day, and the speed slowed down significantly. The members of the herbal collection team had dispersed. In order to prevent them from getting separated, Shen Hexi did not let them go too far. You can move freely within a ten-mile radius, but you must report back to the camp every day.If you encounter danger, you will send a signal flare to warn, and the Lion Tiger Army will come to rescue at that time.

They had to rest for three days in this camp, and Shen and Xi had nothing to do to watch their staff draw a map.Shen Hexi is fine with maps, so let him draw them.

During these five days, they could walk fifty miles a day on average. The staff gathered together, three of them drew with pens, three of them recorded, and the rest were measured with a ruler.In one morning, a clear map appeared on the blank paper.After confirming that there was no problem, it was drawn on the parchment with a special pen and ink.The maps made in this way are not afraid of water and will not fade. As long as they are not thrown into the fire, they will generally not be damaged.

Ever since he became a prince, Shen Hexi knew one thing, you can know nothing, but you must know how to employ people.Shen Hexi doesn't know anything about officialdom, but he has Linghu, and he can help him solve all official affairs.He doesn't know how to make artillery, and the masters of Xianjiantang help him research and make it.He doesn't know how to build roads, but as long as he gives a general idea, those craftsmen will build him a road that he wants.

The power of one person is limited, but the power of a group of people is infinite.

After resting in the camp for three days, some people started to walk back with the gift of the virgin forest, and Shen Hexi led the rest to move on.Going all the way to the last post where they marked last time, there were less than 50 people around him.Except for the drawing staff, there are not many herbal pickers and lion tigers left.

They stayed in the last camp for ten days before they started to walk back.The few things they carried were limited. In the end, apart from hunting animals for food, the ligers and tigers no longer hunted rare birds and animals that needed to be taken away. It is a precious medicinal material.

The depths of this forest are full of valuable medicinal materials. These things are light in weight and easy to store, which is much more cost-effective than hunting rare birds and animals.

"Brother Han, listen, is it Dahei calling?" Every time Shen Hexi came to the forest to explore the road, he would bring Dahei and Xiaohei with him. These two guys are the most powerful scouts. There is a more ferocious beast there. They can be found from a long distance.

"It's Dahei." Li Baihan jumped onto a big tree with one person in his arms, and looked into the distance.

"What happened." Shen Hexi also jumped onto the canopy, looking for Dahei's figure.

"I'm afraid there are wild beasts fighting, I'll go over and have a look." Dahei's cry was extremely rapid, there should be something wrong.

"I'll go and have a look too." Shen Hexi finally saw Dahei's shadow, he had been circling in the sky, as for Xiaohei, he wasn't here at all.Shen Hexi was a little worried that something might have happened to Xiao Hei.

"Okay, you come with me."

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