Diary of the poisonous brother

Chapter 6 Qi Die's Golden Finger

Pushing forward the time a little bit, when Qi Qiandie, who has successfully become an introductory disciple of Tianyi Sect, was bouncing around to get his own set of martial arts equipment, he found a row of large characters suddenly appeared in front of him—appeared nearby Three hostile players.

As an excellent PVP Wudu, the team event monitoring can be omitted, but the box moray must be installed, and Qi Qiandie’s biggest cheat in this trip is actually not the Jiansan system, but the vast number of Jiansan players All kinds of self-made plug-ins also traveled over together.

Let us introduce to you below, these pendant systems that are tantamount to cheating, because in the next time, as a tenth-level trumpet, if you want to survive well, you must often use these plugins.

The target list plug-in can display information such as the level, blood volume, occupation, breed, name, and distance of everyone, monsters, and pets within a certain distance, and the plug-in will also considerately rank them according to their friendliness to you. And kindly give the specific numbers of our side and the enemy, so that you can run away at the first time when you are outnumbered.

The red name on the mini-map is displayed, showing the position of the red-named player within the range of the mini-map. For example, Qi Qiandie now sees three little red-named players, and they are squatting at a point in front of the right.

Even if you are so cute that you have so many sharp weapons and haven't found out where the enemy is, the auto-lock red name plug-in doesn't mind clicking the current red name. After automatically locking the target, it will contribute the enemy's information to your eyes.

The best thing is that when the red name is locked, draw a long line with the current direction between yourself and the red name, and there will be an extra direction between the red name and the person or thing in the red name point indicator line.

If you know how many enemies or friends are nearby, know the location, direction and distance of these people, and even you have checked their information, but you can’t find where they are, then please happily open the ID on the top of your head to strengthen Plug-in, in this way, let alone a fake mountain, even a real mountain, I can still see your dazzling red name.

What can't be better is that the latter two plug-ins are not only effective for red names, but also for green names, animals, etc., and the last plug-in can even have effects on dead things such as flowers and trees.Think about it, if this thing is used for treasure hunting, what a sharp weapon it is.

"It's too far away, it's too far away, let's think about how to deal with the three guys in front of me now." Qi Qiandie patted her face, trying to wake up from the treasures all over the mountains and valleys.

According to the plots of general time-travel novels, these three guys are probably the enemies of the original owner, or the tyrants of the Tianyi Sect. Anyway, they are not good people. Looting or something.

If this is a starting-point stallion essay, because I am the protagonist, the next plot must be that the protagonist, the protagonist, beats up the shit of these three boys, and then falls under his bloomers.

But the question now is, brother knows that brother is the protagonist, do they know that brother is the protagonist?

Qi Qiandie is very confident and sure about leading someone to PPPPVP others, but being PPPPVPed to herself, Qi Qiandie said that Erbaiwu is such an idiot, knowing that there is an ambush and rushing forward.

He glanced at the surrounding terrain, took two steps back, turned his head and ran in the direction he was looking for, and silently said "Butterfly Transformation" in his heart while running.

In the eyes of outsiders, Qi Qiandie's running body suddenly flew high into the air with the words "Hey! Everyone, come and see the concubine Xiangfei, she turned into a butterfly and flew away~", and then turned into a body. A cloud of purple smoke disappeared into the air, leaving only a few purple butterflies dancing in the air.

Before Zhan Ling waited for the three of them to understand how Qi Qiandie disappeared, Qi Qiandie suddenly reappeared in front of the three of them, surrounded by a circle of purple butterflies, floating steadily in mid-air, and heading forward at high speed Moving at high speed, it looked like being carried by a group of butterflies, and disappeared in the eyes of the three in a blink of an eye.

"Boss, what should we do? Should we continue to ambush?" Shu Bai retracted his gaze, then silently put his chin back in place due to excessive fright, and turned to look at his boss and asked.

"Yes! Of course! We were just caught off guard just now. I'll get two slingshots later to see if I don't shoot him down." Jun Shandao put his hands on his waist and looked at the direction where Qi Qiandie disappeared, annoyed He said: "The baptism of the newcomer is such a sacred thing. How can you let him go alone? Does he think he is beautiful?" Although he is very beautiful, this must not be a way to let him go reason.

"But Boss, aren't we going to snatch his elixir? If we want to rob him of the elixir, why didn't we ambush him on the way back when he received the elixir, but... cough cough... Boss, I didn't say anything, the boss said It is always right, and I absolutely dare not object to your wise guidance." Zhan Ling shrank his neck, blinked his big eyes with an expression of awe, and looked at his boss affectionately, without saying a word. But the bright black eyes seem to say: "So boss, can you take the knife away from my neck first?"

Leaving aside the robbery trio comparable to the three stupid thieves in "Crazy Stone", let's teach the registration office for freshmen in the next 818 days.

Probably because the founding leader was incompetent in naming the Tianyi Sect, the Tianyi Sect Freshman Registration Office is called "Tianyi Sect Freshman Registration Office".

There are several tables in front, and on each table are several wooden signs, with the words "outer disciples" and "inner disciples" written on them, and a teacher sits behind him, surrounded by a circle of eyes. Green light, Brothers of Hushi Dandan.

Why do the senior brothers have green eyes, and the tiger's eyes are delayed?Your university has to study for tens, hundreds, and thousands of years, and you are not allowed to go out to meet people at will. However, the magic door recruits new students every 50 years. As a result, you have always seen those few trees for the entire 50 years. If you are an old friend, you will also be very eager to meet new faces... It is best to be a cute little sister who is soft and cute and can provide "me-me-da" service.

Even if you can't catch up, watching the little junior sister say to you with admiration, "Brother Shi, you are so good~", once you accept this setting, it is actually quite touching.

All the senior brothers were thinking about the cute little junior sister, when they suddenly found a figure falling at high speed, accompanied by the sound of "Damn! Do you dare to give a skill CD countdown display plug-in? If you don't pay attention, all the small lightness kung fu are gone. What should I do if it is swollen in the CD", and fell heavily on the ground face first.

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