Mu Chenfeng came with Lin Jiashu and Lu Junsen.

As soon as the three of them appeared on the stage, they immediately attracted the attention of the audience.Even the cameraman's shutter seems to have forgotten to press because of too much shock.

Lu Junsen is stern, Mu Chenfeng is extravagant, and Lin Jiashu is mad.

The footsteps of the three men who were seductive enough seemed to bring blowers, spotlights, and reflectors with them.It's impossible to move your eyes away.

And the appearance of Lu Junsen was an unexpected climax.As the general leader of Fengling, he usually doesn't attend the subsidiary's annual meeting very often.The boss is so unattainable that the little people who have been wanting to meet him are almost desperate.

Previously, there were rumors circulating in a small area that the big boss would attend the annual meeting this year, but everyone did not approve of the credibility of the news. Unexpectedly, the big boss actually came.Moreover, the big boss, who doesn't like to show up, still appeared in such a high-profile way in such an annual meeting that was broadcast live by satellite throughout the entire process and was open to countless audiences, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Mu Chenfeng's charm was still unstoppable, sweeping away thousands of troops.

As for Lin Jiashu, not a star is better than a star, and he didn't pay attention when walking the red carpet, with one hand in his pocket and the other hand holding his mobile phone.

Pei Xiangnan squeezed the foot of the champagne glass in his hand, subconsciously turned his head to look at Qin Shen, and saw the still monstrous Xin Yuan standing beside Qin Shen, the two of them turned their heads slightly to discuss something, and a light leaked from the gap between them , hitting Qin Shen's side with a holy light.

His four conquerors are indeed big killers with a factor of more than [-].

This put a lot of psychological pressure on him as a raider.

From a distance, Pei Xiangnan noticed Lu Junsen's gaze to this side, and raised his glass as a gesture.Lu Junsen's eyes were very dark. I don't know if it was an illusion. Pei Xiangnan always felt that he saw himself reflected in Lu Junsen's iris, alone in the bright lights and in the vastness of the stars.

It's an illusion, even if he has white eyes, he can't see such tiny details clearly in this environment.

Pei Xiangnan hooked his lips and smiled, and took a low-alcohol cocktail in return, but he didn't intend to talk to him.He didn't want to be killed by the eyes of other strangers.

Instead, Mu Chenfeng and Lin Jiashu could go over and hug their thighs.I heard from Brother Shen that Lin Jiashu is preparing his new film. It seems that "Stockholm Lover" has exceeded expectations in both box office and word-of-mouth, which has inspired Lin Jiashu's inspiration and investors' enthusiasm.So Lin Jiashu had a plan to film the "Lover Trilogy".

The second part of the trilogy has not been released to the public, even Qin Shen has not got the news, and Pei Xiangnan naturally does not know the secret.It's just that now I don't know if I can learn something from Lin Jiashu's mouth.He has such a little bit of ambition, he wants to grab an important role from this movie.

The filming of "My Girlfriend Who Has Been Running for Ten Years Is About to Get Married" has given him a lot of experience and mastered more skills.More importantly, it gave him enough confidence.

After making up his mind, Pei Xiangnan looked in the direction of Lin Jiashu.Perhaps it was because Lin Jiashu's expression was really unfriendly, and many people who wanted to chat with him were instantly stared away by him.

Pei Xiangnan assumed that this guy didn't even know that there was a camera above his head aimed at his face, taking a clear picture of his bad temper.

However, Lin Jiashu's bad temper has not been a day or two, and it's no secret.It is estimated that he himself thinks that his bad temper is his characteristic.

Pei Xiangnan didn't know what to do, after all, he didn't feel any difference in Lin Jiashu's heart between himself and those artists who tried to get in touch with each other.At most, the most is that he doesn't sway his head and show off... So he is more cautious, and he didn't talk to Lin Jiashu immediately.Instead, he went to find Mu Chenfeng first.

Although Brother Feng looked at Gao Leng, he was actually a very nice person, at least he didn't give him a sideways glance to tell him to go away.

"Brother Feng, Director Lin seems to be in a bad mood today, he scared away a lot of people."

"He has always looked like a bereaved wife all this time, so don't pay attention to him."

"Wife loss..." If you want to be so exaggerated, Lin Jiashu doesn't look like a love saint.

"Why are you staring at him?"

"'s nothing."

"If you want to find Lin Jiashu, go to him. What's the point of poking me here? Get out of here."

"..." Pei Xiangnan turned pale with shock, why did Brother Feng start playing petty temper again, "Okay, Brother Feng, I'll get out now."

Mu Chenfeng's face darkened, and he stared coldly at Pei Xiangnan's leaving back.

Pei Xiangnan shuddered, always feeling a little uncomfortable.He walked towards Lin Jiashu, and before he was ten feet away from Lin Jiashu, the guy suddenly turned his head like a radar reflection, stared at him fiercely, and then quickly pushed aside the crowd and walked to the other side.

Huacha...that's gross...

Pei Xiangnan was speechless, Lin Jiashu is... avoiding him?

Hey, boss, how did I offend you.Obviously we haven't seen each other for a long time, is it necessary to use this kind of avoidance attitude, is it super shocking?

Pei Xiangnan felt a little stuck, feeling that he had been hurt.He headed back to Qin Shen's side with a dull head.

There were many people in the annual meeting, and it was very lively, but Pei Xiangnan soon felt that it was meaningless.

Many people approached him and wanted to talk to him, but Qin Shen blocked them with a smile. In this way, few people would approach him so ignorantly to make cold faces.

The domineering president can't be found, brother Shen is busy with socializing, brother Feng is still losing his temper, Lin Jiashu doesn't know why he is crazy.

Pei Xiangnan's head was about to explode.

Looking for Chen An?Forget it, that kid is jumping around, and together, it is definitely the stereotyped past that he has not known about the domineering president in those years.

It is even more impossible to find Zhao Xian.God knows, they still feel that each other is a bunch of Xiang.

Although now this tuoxiang is wrapped in a beautiful packaging box.

After a while, the master of ceremonies came out to host, and gradually the artists gathered together.

Then there's the awards.

Best Contribution of the Year, Model Worker of the Year, Rising Star of the Year, and finally Lu Junsen's Big Boss Speech on stage.

Pei Xiangnan, who was standing in the middle, looked at the well-dressed Lu Junsen standing on the stage, speaking in smooth Mandarin, and at a glance, he knew that the speech was written by his secretary, as if he was back at the opening ceremony of the university. speech.As soon as the people on the stage finished speaking, everyone applauded cracklingly, wishing their palms were swollen.However, the people on stage are different.Lu Junsen had that face on his face, and he had a sexy attacking voice, even after three hours, Pei Xiangnan would be willing to listen to it.

Fortunately, Lu Junsen wanted to maintain his image of a ruthless president. Even if the speech was written by the secretary, it was very short, and it didn't take long for him to come down.

Finally, it was time to take pictures. The staff brought chairs and lined up three rows.

The actor is on the left, the singer is on the right, the agent stands in the middle, and the boss sits on the tip.

Pei Xiangnant consciously shrank to the third row of the actor department.

Newcomers, low-key, low-key.

On the other hand, Chen An clamored to join him, and simply gave up the chance to stand in the first row with Xin Yuan.

Too loyal, this little brother.

Just like that, the annual meeting ended with a click of the shutter.

The show ended very quickly. Compared with the slow walk on the red carpet before, I had to put on a few poses at the end. After the end, it was like the speed of light.It is estimated that the big names have to catch up with the announcement and are already ready to leave.

The clearing personnel quickly came to clean up the venue, and made sure that no one with bad intentions was hiding in the corner to get away.

Pei Xiangnan specifically ordered the staff to leave a set of tables, chairs and wine.

Zhao Xian came earlier than him, sitting on a low chair, the red wine in the glass dangling in his hand, sticking to the glass wall, like a dancer pulling up a red dress and dancing.

Pei Xiangnan sat beside him.

Zhao Xian said: "I didn't expect that we would sit down and chat quietly."

Pei Xiangnan said, "It's also beyond my expectation."

Zhao Xian: "The days when you and I were still arguing in the trainee building seemed like it happened yesterday."

Pei Xiangnan: "If it happened yesterday, do you think you can still speak so clearly now?"

Zhao Xian smiled: "Don't you dare, I knew you wanted to beat me up for a long time, but you didn't dare, if you had the courage and ability, you would have done it long ago."

Pei Xiangnan frowned: "Zhao Xian, do you want to fight?"

Zhao Xian said: "No, I don't dare to fight now."

Pei Xiangnan was surprised by Zhao Xian's helpless tone, "What are you talking to me about, what's wrong with Ah Tian?"

Zhao Xian glanced at Pei Xiangnan and said, "I was surprised when I saw you become an actor at first. After all, you are really good at singing and you are not bad looking."

Pei Xiangnan almost cried with a smile: "You don't need to disgust me, okay, who wants you to praise me."

Zhao Xian: "Whether you like to listen or not, this is a necessary prelude. Otherwise, it will not be easy to lead to the next topic!"

Pei Xiangnan waved his hand: "okok, keep talking."

Zhao Xian: "Because you have the conditions to threaten me, so I don't like you very much. In the trainee class, who is not an enemy? You and Xu Tianyi are the weird ones. They can get along so well. Like."

Pei Xiangnan: "Just tell me if you're envious."

Zhao Xian: "I'm quite envious of you, there's something I dare not say."

Hey, I haven't seen him for more than a year, and Zhao Xian can actually speak human language.

Zhao Xian: "When the group made their debut, it was true that I did something bad, which caused you to fail to make your debut."

Pei Xiangnan: "Yes, actually, I still have to thank you. If I hadn't joined the group, I probably wouldn't be where I am today."

Zhao Xian: "Yes, so I don't feel sorry for you."

Depend on……

Zhao Xian: "Xu Tianyi, you know very well that if you are hostile to me, he naturally doesn't want to see me. It doesn't really matter. Our group is very successful. Until now, there are almost no new generation idol boy groups that are our opponents. Xu Tianyi and I are more popular in the group. Xu Tianyi's current appearance, the packaging is the most popular among young girls at the moment. The company does the same. Therefore, his external image is very clean Clear, a little cute younger brother. In addition, he sings really well, so he is very popular. Although his singing ability is subconsciously underestimated by the outside world because of his status as an idol group member, everyone with a level knows that he is not an embroidered pillow. So , Xu Tianyi's development path will be very good."

Pei Xiangnan: "So? You said a lot just to tell me that Ah Tian is very popular and has a bright future. I thought there was nothing wrong with you, Zhao Xian."

Zhao Xian: "Listen to me, Pei Xiangnan. The key lies in you. Because without you in this group, Xu Tianyi is not as cheerful as in front of the camera. You have changed careers and become an actor, so you have hardly contacted him."

Pei Xiangnan: "...Yes, yes, but so what..."

Zhao Xian: "Do you think this circle is so beautiful? Praise, abuse, and splashing dirty water. While receiving gifts from fans, you may also receive blades and blood books. Some fans are so crazy that it is frightening. There was a stampede during the concert. Incident, he almost died. During the promotional event, fans hooked his feet under the stage with an umbrella, causing him to fall off the stage. Writing songs for a group, he was criticized by his manager for not being romantic enough, not popular enough, and he was beaten back.”

Pei Xiangnan's face turned pale: "...I really don't know about these things."

Zhao Xian: "He's actually not as heartless as you think, because he hates me and doesn't have a good relationship with us in private."

Pei Xiangnan: "..."

Zhao Xian: "Then I met a like-minded person like Pei Weibei. Maybe sincerely, those musical geniuses will really attract each other. Aren't you also very talented in singing? He was also very fascinated at that time."

Pei Xiangnan: "Pei Weibei...what's going on."

Zhao Xian drank for a while, and said, "Xu Tianyi wants to fly solo."

Pei Xiangnan half opened his mouth: "Huh?!"

Then, Zhao Xianfu threw a bomb: "Also, Xu Tianyi wants to switch to Pei Weibei's agency."

For a moment, Pei Xiangnan felt that something was wrong with his ears.

"Wait a minute, it's not a big problem if he wants to go solo, but why did he want to change jobs?"

"Well, you have to ask him yourself."

"..." Pei Xiangnan said solemnly, "Why are you telling me this, Zhao Xian?"

Zhao Xian suddenly looked directly at Pei Xiangnan and asked, "Do you think Pei Weibei will like Xu Tianyi like Xu Tianyi likes him?"

Pei Xiangnan sneered: "Impossible."

Zhao Xian's expression was not good either: "I just don't want my team to be fragmented, four people are four people, and it wouldn't be complete without one."

Pei Xiangnan said, "You mean, let me persuade Ah Tian?"

Zhao Xian: "No, aren't you going to deal with Pei Weibei? That's just right."

Pei Xiangnan: "Your tone makes me very uncomfortable, what should I do?"

Zhao Xian: "Sorry, I can't change it."


When leaving, Zhao Xian left first.

Pei Xiangnan looked at Zhao Xianrong's back in the darkness, and said coldly: "Zhao Xian, if I find out that you have other plans secretly, it won't be as simple as before."

Zhao Xian: "You should care about something else, that Pei Weibei, it's not easy."

Damn, what do you need to say?

It was a mess.

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